//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Basic button control
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <utlsymbol.h>
#include <vgui/IBorder.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui/MouseCode.h>
#include <vgui/KeyCode.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/FocusNavGroup.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
// global list of all the names of all the sounds played by buttons
CUtlSymbolTable g_ButtonSoundNames;
// Purpose: Constructor
Button::Button(Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *text, Panel *pActionSignalTarget, const char *pCmd ) : Label(parent, panelName, text) { Init(); if ( pActionSignalTarget && pCmd ) { AddActionSignalTarget( pActionSignalTarget ); SetCommand( pCmd ); } }
// Purpose: Constructor
Button::Button(Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const wchar_t *wszText, Panel *pActionSignalTarget, const char *pCmd ) : Label(parent, panelName, wszText) { Init(); if ( pActionSignalTarget && pCmd ) { AddActionSignalTarget( pActionSignalTarget ); SetCommand( pCmd ); } }
// Purpose:
void Button::Init() { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( USE_CAPTURE_MOUSE | BUTTON_BORDER_ENABLED );
_mouseClickMask = 0; _actionMessage = NULL; _defaultBorder = NULL; _depressedBorder = NULL; _keyFocusBorder = NULL; m_bSelectionStateSaved = false; m_bStaySelectedOnClick = false; m_bStaySelectedOnClick = false; m_sArmedSoundName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; m_sDepressedSoundName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; m_sReleasedSoundName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; SetTextInset(6, 0); SetMouseClickEnabled( MOUSE_LEFT, true ); SetButtonActivationType(ACTIVATE_ONPRESSEDANDRELEASED);
// labels have this off by default, but we need it on
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );
_paint = true;
REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _defaultFgColor, "defaultFgColor_override" ); REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _defaultBgColor, "defaultBgColor_override" ); REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _armedFgColor, "armedFgColor_override" ); REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _armedBgColor, "armedBgColor_override" ); REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _depressedFgColor, "depressedFgColor_override" ); REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _depressedBgColor, "depressedBgColor_override" ); REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _selectedFgColor, "selectedFgColor_override" ); REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _selectedBgColor, "selectedBgColor_override" ); REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _keyboardFocusColor, "keyboardFocusColor_override" ); REGISTER_COLOR_AS_OVERRIDABLE( _blinkFgColor, "blinkFgColor_override" ); }
// Purpose: Destructor
Button::~Button() { if (_actionMessage) { _actionMessage->deleteThis(); } }
// Purpose:
void Button::SetButtonActivationType(ActivationType_t activationType) { _activationType = activationType; }
// Purpose: Set button border attribute enabled.
void Button::SetButtonBorderEnabled( bool state ) { if ( state != _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BUTTON_BORDER_ENABLED ) ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( BUTTON_BORDER_ENABLED, state ); InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose: Set button selected state.
void Button::SetSelected( bool state ) { if ( _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( SELECTED ) != state ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( SELECTED, state ); RecalculateDepressedState(); InvalidateLayout(false); }
if ( !m_bStayArmedOnClick && state && _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( ARMED ) ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( ARMED, false ); InvalidateLayout(false); } }
void Button::SetBlink( bool state ) { if ( _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BLINK ) != state ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( BLINK, state ); RecalculateDepressedState(); InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose: Set button force depressed state.
void Button::ForceDepressed(bool state) { if ( _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( FORCE_DEPRESSED ) != state ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( FORCE_DEPRESSED, state ); RecalculateDepressedState(); InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose: Set button depressed state with respect to the force depressed state.
void Button::RecalculateDepressedState( void ) { bool newState; if (!IsEnabled()) { newState = false; } else { if ( m_bStaySelectedOnClick && _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( SELECTED ) ) { newState = false; } else { newState = _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( FORCE_DEPRESSED ) ? true : (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet(ARMED) && _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( SELECTED ) ); } }
_buttonFlags.SetFlag( DEPRESSED, newState ); }
// Purpose: Sets whether or not the button captures all mouse input when depressed
// Defaults to true
// Should be set to false for things like menu items where there is a higher-level mouse capture
void Button::SetUseCaptureMouse( bool state ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( USE_CAPTURE_MOUSE, state ); }
// Purpose: Check if mouse capture is enabled.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool Button::IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled( void ) { return _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( USE_CAPTURE_MOUSE ); }
// Purpose: Set armed state.
void Button::SetArmed(bool state) { if ( _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( ARMED ) != state ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( ARMED, state ); RecalculateDepressedState(); InvalidateLayout(false);
// play any sounds specified
if (state && m_sArmedSoundName != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL) { surface()->PlaySound(g_ButtonSoundNames.String(m_sArmedSoundName)); } } }
// Purpose: Check armed state
bool Button::IsArmed() { return _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( ARMED ); }
KeyValues *Button::GetActionMessage() { return _actionMessage->MakeCopy(); }
void Button::PlayButtonReleasedSound() { // check for playing a transition sound
if ( m_sReleasedSoundName != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL ) { surface()->PlaySound( g_ButtonSoundNames.String( m_sReleasedSoundName ) ); } }
// Purpose: Activate a button click.
void Button::DoClick() { SetSelected(true); FireActionSignal(); PlayButtonReleasedSound();
static ConVarRef vgui_nav_lock( "vgui_nav_lock" ); if ( ( !vgui_nav_lock.IsValid() || vgui_nav_lock.GetInt() == 0 ) && NavigateActivate() ) { vgui_nav_lock.SetValue( 1 ); }
if ( !m_bStaySelectedOnClick ) { SetSelected(false); } }
// Purpose: Check selected state
bool Button::IsSelected() { return _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( SELECTED ); }
// Purpose: Check depressed state
bool Button::IsDepressed() { return _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DEPRESSED ); }
bool Button::IsBlinking( void ) { return _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BLINK ); }
// Drawing focus box?
bool Button::IsDrawingFocusBox() { return _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DRAW_FOCUS_BOX ); }
void Button::DrawFocusBox( bool bEnable ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( DRAW_FOCUS_BOX, bEnable ); }
// Purpose:
void Button::NavigateTo() { BaseClass::NavigateTo();
SetArmed( true );
if ( IsPC() ) { RequestFocus( 0 ); } }
// Purpose:
void Button::NavigateFrom() { BaseClass::NavigateFrom();
SetArmed( false );
OnKeyCodeReleased( KEY_XBUTTON_A ); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Paint button on screen
void Button::Paint(void) { if ( !ShouldPaint() ) return;
if ( HasFocus() && IsEnabled() && IsDrawingFocusBox() ) { int x0, y0, x1, y1; int wide, tall; GetSize(wide, tall); x0 = 3, y0 = 3, x1 = wide - 4 , y1 = tall - 2; DrawFocusBorder(x0, y0, x1, y1); } }
// Purpose: Perform graphical layout of button.
void Button::PerformLayout() { // reset our border
SetBorder( GetBorder(_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DEPRESSED ), _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( ARMED ), _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( SELECTED ), HasFocus() ) );
// set our color
SetFgColor(GetButtonFgColor()); SetBgColor(GetButtonBgColor());
BaseClass::PerformLayout(); }
// Purpose: Get button foreground color
// Output : Color
Color Button::GetButtonFgColor() { if ( !_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BLINK ) ) { if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DEPRESSED )) return _depressedFgColor; if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( ARMED )) return _armedFgColor; if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( SELECTED)) return _selectedFgColor; return _defaultFgColor; }
Color cBlendedColor;
if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DEPRESSED )) cBlendedColor = _depressedFgColor; else if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( ARMED )) cBlendedColor = _armedFgColor; else if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( SELECTED )) cBlendedColor = _selectedFgColor; else cBlendedColor = _defaultFgColor;
float fBlink = ( sinf( system()->GetTimeMillis() * 0.01f ) + 1.0f ) * 0.5f;
if ( _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BLINK ) ) { cBlendedColor[ 0 ] = (float)cBlendedColor[ 0 ] * fBlink + (float)_blinkFgColor[ 0 ] * ( 1.0f - fBlink ); cBlendedColor[ 1 ] = (float)cBlendedColor[ 1 ] * fBlink + (float)_blinkFgColor[ 1 ] * ( 1.0f - fBlink ); cBlendedColor[ 2 ] = (float)cBlendedColor[ 2 ] * fBlink + (float)_blinkFgColor[ 2 ] * ( 1.0f - fBlink ); cBlendedColor[ 3 ] = (float)cBlendedColor[ 3 ] * fBlink + (float)_blinkFgColor[ 3 ] * ( 1.0f - fBlink ); }
return cBlendedColor; }
// Purpose: Get button background color
Color Button::GetButtonBgColor() { if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DEPRESSED )) return _depressedBgColor; if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( ARMED )) return _armedBgColor; if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( SELECTED )) return _selectedBgColor; return _defaultBgColor; }
// Purpose: Called when key focus is received
void Button::OnSetFocus() { InvalidateLayout(false); BaseClass::OnSetFocus(); }
// Purpose: Respond when focus is killed
void Button::OnKillFocus() { InvalidateLayout(false); BaseClass::OnKillFocus(); }
// Purpose:
void Button::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
// get the borders we need
_defaultBorder = pScheme->GetBorder("ButtonBorder"); _depressedBorder = pScheme->GetBorder("ButtonDepressedBorder"); _keyFocusBorder = pScheme->GetBorder("ButtonKeyFocusBorder");
_defaultFgColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.TextColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 255), pScheme); _defaultBgColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.BgColor", Color(0, 0, 0, 255), pScheme);
_armedFgColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.ArmedTextColor", _defaultFgColor, pScheme); _armedBgColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.ArmedBgColor", _defaultBgColor, pScheme);
_selectedFgColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.SelectedTextColor", _selectedFgColor, pScheme); _selectedBgColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.SelectedBgColor", _selectedBgColor, pScheme);
_depressedFgColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.DepressedTextColor", _defaultFgColor, pScheme); _depressedBgColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.DepressedBgColor", _defaultBgColor, pScheme); _keyboardFocusColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.FocusBorderColor", Color(0,0,0,255), pScheme);
_blinkFgColor = GetSchemeColor("Button.BlinkColor", Color(255, 155, 0, 255), pScheme); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Set default button colors.
void Button::SetDefaultColor(Color fgColor, Color bgColor) { if (!(_defaultFgColor == fgColor && _defaultBgColor == bgColor)) { _defaultFgColor = fgColor; _defaultBgColor = bgColor;
InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose: Set armed button colors
void Button::SetArmedColor(Color fgColor, Color bgColor) { if (!(_armedFgColor == fgColor && _armedBgColor == bgColor)) { _armedFgColor = fgColor; _armedBgColor = bgColor;
InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose: Set armed button colors
void Button::SetSelectedColor(Color fgColor, Color bgColor) { if (!(_selectedFgColor == fgColor && _selectedBgColor == bgColor)) { _selectedFgColor = fgColor; _selectedBgColor = bgColor;
InvalidateLayout(false); } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Set depressed button colors
void Button::SetDepressedColor(Color fgColor, Color bgColor) { if (!(_depressedFgColor == fgColor && _depressedBgColor == bgColor)) { _depressedFgColor = fgColor; _depressedBgColor = bgColor;
InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose: Set blink button color
void Button::SetBlinkColor(Color fgColor) { if (!(_blinkFgColor == fgColor)) { _blinkFgColor = fgColor;
InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose: Set default button border attributes.
void Button::SetDefaultBorder(IBorder *border) { _defaultBorder = border; InvalidateLayout(false); }
// Purpose: Set depressed button border attributes.
void Button::SetDepressedBorder(IBorder *border) { _depressedBorder = border; InvalidateLayout(false); }
// Purpose: Set key focus button border attributes.
void Button::SetKeyFocusBorder(IBorder *border) { _keyFocusBorder = border; InvalidateLayout(false); }
// Purpose: Get button border attributes.
IBorder *Button::GetBorder(bool depressed, bool armed, bool selected, bool keyfocus) { if ( _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BUTTON_BORDER_ENABLED ) ) { // raised buttons with no armed state
if (depressed) return _depressedBorder; if (keyfocus) return _keyFocusBorder; if (IsEnabled() && _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DEFAULT_BUTTON )) return _keyFocusBorder; return _defaultBorder; } else { // flat buttons that raise
if (depressed) return _depressedBorder; if (armed) return _defaultBorder; }
return _defaultBorder; }
// Purpose: sets this button to be the button that is accessed by default
// when the user hits ENTER or SPACE
void Button::SetAsCurrentDefaultButton(int state) { if ( _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DEFAULT_BUTTON ) != (bool)state ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( DEFAULT_BUTTON, state ); if (state) { // post a message up notifying our nav group that we're now the default button
KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "CurrentDefaultButtonSet" ); msg->SetInt( "button", ToHandle() ); CallParentFunction( msg ); }
InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); } }
// Purpose: sets this button to be the button that is accessed by default
// when the user hits ENTER or SPACE
void Button::SetAsDefaultButton(int state) { if ( _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DEFAULT_BUTTON ) != (bool)state ) { _buttonFlags.SetFlag( DEFAULT_BUTTON, state ); if (state) { // post a message up notifying our nav group that we're now the default button
KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "DefaultButtonSet" ); msg->SetInt( "button", ToHandle() ); CallParentFunction( msg ); }
InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); } }
// Purpose: sets rollover sound
void Button::SetArmedSound(const char *sound) { if (sound) { m_sArmedSoundName = g_ButtonSoundNames.AddString(sound); } else { m_sArmedSoundName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; } }
// Purpose:
void Button::SetDepressedSound(const char *sound) { if (sound) { m_sDepressedSoundName = g_ButtonSoundNames.AddString(sound); } else { m_sDepressedSoundName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; } }
// Purpose:
void Button::SetReleasedSound(const char *sound) { if (sound) { m_sReleasedSoundName = g_ButtonSoundNames.AddString(sound); } else { m_sReleasedSoundName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL; } }
// Purpose: Set button to be mouse clickable or not.
void Button::SetMouseClickEnabled(MouseCode code,bool state) { if(state) { //set bit to 1
_mouseClickMask|=1<<((int)(code+1)); } else { //set bit to 0
_mouseClickMask&=~(1<<((int)(code+1))); } }
// Purpose: Check if button is mouse clickable
bool Button::IsMouseClickEnabled(MouseCode code) { if(_mouseClickMask&(1<<((int)(code+1)))) { return true; } return false; }
// Purpose: sets the command to send when the button is pressed
void Button::SetCommand( const char *command ) { SetCommand(new KeyValues("Command", "command", command)); }
// Purpose: sets the message to send when the button is pressed
void Button::SetCommand( KeyValues *message ) { // delete the old message
if (_actionMessage) { _actionMessage->deleteThis(); }
_actionMessage = message; }
// Purpose: Peeks at the message to send when button is pressed
// Input : -
// Output : KeyValues
KeyValues *Button::GetCommand() { return _actionMessage; }
// Purpose: Message targets that the button has been pressed
void Button::FireActionSignal() { // message-based action signal
if (_actionMessage) { // see if it's a url
if (!stricmp(_actionMessage->GetName(), "command") && !strnicmp(_actionMessage->GetString("command", ""), "url ", strlen("url ")) && strstr(_actionMessage->GetString("command", ""), "://")) { // it's a command to launch a url, run it
system()->ShellExecute("open", _actionMessage->GetString("command", " ") + 4); } PostActionSignal(_actionMessage->MakeCopy()); } }
// Purpose: gets info about the button
bool Button::RequestInfo(KeyValues *outputData) { if (!stricmp(outputData->GetName(), "CanBeDefaultButton")) { outputData->SetInt("result", CanBeDefaultButton() ? 1 : 0); return true; } else if (!stricmp(outputData->GetName(), "GetState")) { outputData->SetInt("state", IsSelected()); return true; } else if ( !stricmp( outputData->GetName(), "GetCommand" )) { if ( _actionMessage ) { outputData->SetString( "command", _actionMessage->GetString( "command", "" ) ); } else { outputData->SetString( "command", "" ); } return true; }
return BaseClass::RequestInfo(outputData); }
// Purpose:
bool Button::CanBeDefaultButton(void) { return true; }
// Purpose: Get control settings for editing
void Button::GetSettings( KeyValues *outResourceData ) { BaseClass::GetSettings(outResourceData);
if (_actionMessage) { outResourceData->SetString("command", _actionMessage->GetString("command", "")); } outResourceData->SetInt("default", _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( DEFAULT_BUTTON ) ); if ( m_bSelectionStateSaved ) { outResourceData->SetInt( "selected", IsSelected() ); } }
// Purpose:
void Button::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings(inResourceData);
const char *cmd = inResourceData->GetString("command", ""); if (*cmd) { // add in the command
SetCommand(cmd); }
// set default button state
int defaultButton = inResourceData->GetInt("default"); if (defaultButton && CanBeDefaultButton()) { SetAsDefaultButton(true); }
// saved selection state
int iSelected = inResourceData->GetInt( "selected", -1 ); if ( iSelected != -1 ) { SetSelected( iSelected != 0 ); m_bSelectionStateSaved = true; }
m_bStaySelectedOnClick = inResourceData->GetBool( "stayselectedonclick", false ); m_bStayArmedOnClick = inResourceData->GetBool( "stay_armed_on_click", false );
const char *sound = inResourceData->GetString("sound_armed", ""); if (*sound) { SetArmedSound(sound); } sound = inResourceData->GetString("sound_depressed", ""); if (*sound) { SetDepressedSound(sound); } sound = inResourceData->GetString("sound_released", ""); if (*sound) { SetReleasedSound(sound); }
_activationType = (ActivationType_t)inResourceData->GetInt( "button_activation_type", ACTIVATE_ONRELEASED ); }
// Purpose: Describes editing details
const char *Button::GetDescription( void ) { static char buf[1024]; Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s, string command, int default", BaseClass::GetDescription()); return buf; }
// Purpose:
void Button::OnSetState(int state) { SetSelected((bool)state); Repaint(); }
// Purpose:
void Button::OnCursorEntered() { if (IsEnabled() && !IsSelected() ) { SetArmed( true ); } }
// Purpose:
void Button::OnCursorExited() { if ( !_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BUTTON_KEY_DOWN ) && !IsSelected() ) { SetArmed( false ); } }
// Purpose:
void Button::OnMousePressed(MouseCode code) { if (!IsEnabled()) return; if (!IsMouseClickEnabled(code)) return;
if (_activationType == ACTIVATE_ONPRESSED) { if ( IsKeyBoardInputEnabled() ) { RequestFocus(); } DoClick(); return; }
// play activation sound
if (m_sDepressedSoundName != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL) { surface()->PlaySound(g_ButtonSoundNames.String(m_sDepressedSoundName)); }
if (IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled() && _activationType == ACTIVATE_ONPRESSEDANDRELEASED) { { if ( IsKeyBoardInputEnabled() ) { RequestFocus(); } SetSelected(true); Repaint(); }
// lock mouse input to going to this button
input()->SetMouseCapture(GetVPanel()); } }
// Purpose:
void Button::OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code) { OnMousePressed(code); }
// Purpose:
void Button::OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code) { // ensure mouse capture gets released
if (IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled()) { input()->SetMouseCapture(NULL); }
if (_activationType == ACTIVATE_ONPRESSED) return;
if (!IsMouseClickEnabled(code)) return;
if (!IsSelected() && _activationType == ACTIVATE_ONPRESSEDANDRELEASED) return;
// it has to be both enabled and (mouse over the button or using a key) to fire
if ( IsEnabled() && ( GetVPanel() == input()->GetMouseOver() || _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BUTTON_KEY_DOWN ) ) ) { DoClick(); } else if ( !m_bStaySelectedOnClick ) { SetSelected(false); }
// make sure the button gets unselected
Repaint(); }
// Purpose:
void Button::OnKeyCodePressed(KeyCode code) { KeyCode localCode = GetBaseButtonCode( code );
if( ( localCode == KEY_XBUTTON_A || localCode == STEAMCONTROLLER_A ) && IsEnabled() ) { SetArmed( true ); _buttonFlags.SetFlag( BUTTON_KEY_DOWN ); if( _activationType != ACTIVATE_ONRELEASED ) { DoClick(); } } else if (code == KEY_SPACE || code == KEY_ENTER) { SetArmed(true); _buttonFlags.SetFlag( BUTTON_KEY_DOWN ); OnMousePressed(MOUSE_LEFT); if (IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled()) // undo the mouse capture since its a fake mouse click!
{ input()->SetMouseCapture(NULL); } } else { _buttonFlags.ClearFlag( BUTTON_KEY_DOWN ); BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed( code ); } }
// Purpose:
void Button::OnKeyCodeReleased( KeyCode keycode ) { vgui::KeyCode code = GetBaseButtonCode( keycode );
if ( _buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BUTTON_KEY_DOWN ) && ( code == KEY_XBUTTON_A || code == KEY_XBUTTON_START || code == STEAMCONTROLLER_A ) ) { SetArmed( true ); if( _activationType != ACTIVATE_ONPRESSED ) { DoClick(); } } else if (_buttonFlags.IsFlagSet( BUTTON_KEY_DOWN ) && (code == KEY_SPACE || code == KEY_ENTER)) { SetArmed(true); OnMouseReleased(MOUSE_LEFT); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeReleased( keycode ); } _buttonFlags.ClearFlag( BUTTON_KEY_DOWN );
if ( !( code == KEY_XSTICK1_UP || code == KEY_XSTICK1_DOWN || code == KEY_XSTICK1_LEFT || code == KEY_XSTICK1_RIGHT || code == KEY_XSTICK2_UP || code == KEY_XSTICK2_DOWN || code == KEY_XSTICK2_LEFT || code == KEY_XSTICK2_RIGHT || code == KEY_XBUTTON_UP || code == KEY_XBUTTON_DOWN || code == KEY_XBUTTON_LEFT || code == KEY_XBUTTON_RIGHT || keycode == KEY_UP|| keycode == KEY_DOWN || keycode == KEY_LEFT || keycode == KEY_RIGHT ) ) { SetArmed( false ); } }
// Purpose: Override this to draw different focus border
void Button::DrawFocusBorder(int tx0, int ty0, int tx1, int ty1) { surface()->DrawSetColor(_keyboardFocusColor); DrawDashedLine(tx0, ty0, tx1, ty0+1, 1, 1); // top
DrawDashedLine(tx0, ty0, tx0+1, ty1, 1, 1); // left
DrawDashedLine(tx0, ty1-1, tx1, ty1, 1, 1); // bottom
DrawDashedLine(tx1-1, ty0, tx1, ty1, 1, 1); // right
// Purpose: Size the object to its button and text. - only works from in ApplySchemeSettings or PerformLayout()
void Button::SizeToContents() { int wide, tall; GetContentSize(wide, tall); SetSize(wide + Label::Content, tall + Label::Content); }