//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Implementation of vgui generic open file dialog
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( _X360 ) && defined( WIN32 )
#include "winlite.h"
#include <shellapi.h>
#elif defined( POSIX )
#include <stdlib.h>
#define _stat stat
#define _wcsnicmp wcsncmp
#elif defined( _X360 )
#undef GetCurrentDirectory
#include "filesystem.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "tier1/utldict.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ComboBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/InputDialog.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ListPanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextEntry.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImageList.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MenuItem.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Tooltip.h>
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#undef GetCurrentDirectory
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
static int s_nLastSortColumn = 0;
static int ListFileNameSortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { NOTE_UNUSED( pPanel );
bool dir1 = item1.kv->GetInt("directory") == 1; bool dir2 = item2.kv->GetInt("directory") == 1;
// if they're both not directories of files, return if dir1 is a directory (before files)
if (dir1 != dir2) { return dir1 ? -1 : 1; }
const char *string1 = item1.kv->GetString("text"); const char *string2 = item2.kv->GetString("text");
// YWB: Mimic windows behavior where filenames starting with numbers are sorted based on numeric part
int num1 = Q_atoi( string1 ); int num2 = Q_atoi( string2 );
if ( num1 != 0 && num2 != 0 ) { if ( num1 < num2 ) return -1; else if ( num1 > num2 ) return 1; }
// Push numbers before everything else
if ( num1 != 0 ) { return -1; } // Push numbers before everything else
if ( num2 != 0 ) { return 1; }
return Q_stricmp( string1, string2 ); }
static int ListBaseStringSortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2, char const *fieldName ) { bool dir1 = item1.kv->GetInt("directory") == 1; bool dir2 = item2.kv->GetInt("directory") == 1;
// if they're both not directories of files, return if dir1 is a directory (before files)
if (dir1 != dir2) { return -1; }
const char *string1 = item1.kv->GetString(fieldName); const char *string2 = item2.kv->GetString(fieldName); int cval = Q_stricmp(string1, string2); if ( cval == 0 ) { // Use filename to break ties
return ListFileNameSortFunc( pPanel, item1, item2 ); }
return cval; }
static int ListBaseIntegerSortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2, char const *fieldName ) { bool dir1 = item1.kv->GetInt("directory") == 1; bool dir2 = item2.kv->GetInt("directory") == 1;
// if they're both not directories of files, return if dir1 is a directory (before files)
if (dir1 != dir2) { return -1; }
int i1 = item1.kv->GetInt(fieldName); int i2 = item2.kv->GetInt(fieldName); if ( i1 == i2 ) { // Use filename to break ties
return ListFileNameSortFunc( pPanel, item1, item2 ); }
return ( i1 < i2 ) ? -1 : 1; }
static int ListBaseInteger64SortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2, char const *lowfield, char const *highfield ) { bool dir1 = item1.kv->GetInt("directory") == 1; bool dir2 = item2.kv->GetInt("directory") == 1;
// if they're both not directories of files, return if dir1 is a directory (before files)
if (dir1 != dir2) { return dir1 ? -1 : 1; }
uint32 l1 = item1.kv->GetInt(lowfield); uint32 h1 = item1.kv->GetInt(highfield); uint32 l2 = item2.kv->GetInt(lowfield); uint32 h2 = item2.kv->GetInt(highfield); uint64 i1 = (uint64)( (uint64)l1 | ( (uint64)h1 << 32 ) ); uint64 i2 = (uint64)( (uint64)l2 | ( (uint64)h2 << 32 ) );
if ( i1 == i2 ) { // Use filename to break ties
return ListFileNameSortFunc( pPanel, item1, item2 ); }
return ( i1 < i2 ) ? -1 : 1; }
static int ListFileSizeSortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { return ListBaseIntegerSortFunc( pPanel, item1, item2, "filesizeint" ); }
static int ListFileModifiedSortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { // NOTE: Backward order to get most recent files first
return ListBaseInteger64SortFunc( pPanel, item2, item1, "modifiedint_low", "modifiedint_high" ); } static int ListFileCreatedSortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { // NOTE: Backward order to get most recent files first
return ListBaseInteger64SortFunc( pPanel, item2, item1, "createdint_low", "createdint_high" ); } static int ListFileAttributesSortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { return ListBaseStringSortFunc( pPanel, item1, item2, "attributes" ); } static int ListFileTypeSortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { return ListBaseStringSortFunc( pPanel, item1, item2, "type" ); }
namespace vgui {
class FileCompletionMenu : public Menu { public: FileCompletionMenu(Panel *parent, const char *panelName) : Menu(parent, panelName) { }
// override it so it doesn't request focus
virtual void SetVisible(bool state) { Panel::SetVisible(state); }
// File completion edit text entry
class FileCompletionEdit : public TextEntry { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( FileCompletionEdit, TextEntry );
public: FileCompletionEdit(Panel *parent); ~FileCompletionEdit();
int AddItem(const char *itemText, KeyValues *userData); int AddItem(const wchar_t *itemText, KeyValues *userData); void DeleteAllItems(); int GetItemCount(); int GetItemIDFromRow(int row); int GetRowFromItemID(int itemID); virtual void PerformLayout(); void OnSetText(const wchar_t *newtext); virtual void OnKillFocus(); void HideMenu(void); void ShowMenu(void); virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code); MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( OnMenuItemHighlight, "MenuItemHighlight", itemID );
private: FileCompletionMenu *m_pDropDown; };
FileCompletionEdit::FileCompletionEdit(Panel *parent) : TextEntry(parent, NULL) { m_pDropDown = new FileCompletionMenu(this, NULL); m_pDropDown->AddActionSignalTarget(this); }
FileCompletionEdit::~FileCompletionEdit() { delete m_pDropDown; }
int FileCompletionEdit::AddItem(const char *itemText, KeyValues *userData) { // when the menu item is selected it will send the custom message "SetText"
return m_pDropDown->AddMenuItem(itemText, new KeyValues("SetText", "text", itemText), this, userData); } int FileCompletionEdit::AddItem(const wchar_t *itemText, KeyValues *userData) { // add the element to the menu
// when the menu item is selected it will send the custom message "SetText"
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("SetText"); kv->SetWString("text", itemText);
// get an ansi version for the menuitem name
char ansi[128]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI(itemText, ansi, sizeof(ansi)); return m_pDropDown->AddMenuItem(ansi, kv, this, userData); }
void FileCompletionEdit::DeleteAllItems() { m_pDropDown->DeleteAllItems(); }
int FileCompletionEdit::GetItemCount() { return m_pDropDown->GetItemCount(); }
int FileCompletionEdit::GetItemIDFromRow(int row) { // valid from [0, GetItemCount)
return m_pDropDown->GetMenuID(row); }
int FileCompletionEdit::GetRowFromItemID(int itemID) { int i; for (i=0;i<GetItemCount();i++) { if (m_pDropDown->GetMenuID(i) == itemID) return i; } return -1; }
void FileCompletionEdit::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
m_pDropDown->PositionRelativeToPanel( this, Menu::DOWN, 0 );
// reset the width of the drop down menu to be the width of this edit box
m_pDropDown->SetFixedWidth(GetWide()); m_pDropDown->ForceCalculateWidth(); }
void FileCompletionEdit::OnSetText(const wchar_t *newtext) { // see if the combobox text has changed, and if so, post a message detailing the new text
wchar_t wbuf[255]; GetText( wbuf, 254 ); if ( wcscmp(wbuf, newtext) ) { // text has changed
// fire off that things have changed
PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("TextChanged", "text", newtext)); Repaint(); } }
void FileCompletionEdit::OnKillFocus() { HideMenu(); BaseClass::OnKillFocus(); }
void FileCompletionEdit::HideMenu(void) { // hide the menu
m_pDropDown->SetVisible(false); }
void FileCompletionEdit::ShowMenu(void) { // reset the dropdown's position
// make sure we're at the top of the draw order (and therefore our children as well)
// this important to make sure the menu will be drawn in the foreground
// reset the drop down
// limit it to only 6
if (m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() > 6) { m_pDropDown->SetNumberOfVisibleItems(6); } else { m_pDropDown->SetNumberOfVisibleItems(m_pDropDown->GetItemCount()); } // show the menu
Repaint(); }
void FileCompletionEdit::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code) { if ( code == KEY_DOWN ) { if (m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() > 0) { int menuID = m_pDropDown->GetCurrentlyHighlightedItem(); int row = -1; if ( menuID == -1 ) { row = m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() - 1; } else { row = GetRowFromItemID(menuID); } row++; if (row == m_pDropDown->GetItemCount()) { row = 0; } menuID = GetItemIDFromRow(row); m_pDropDown->SetCurrentlyHighlightedItem(menuID); return; } } else if ( code == KEY_UP ) { if (m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() > 0) { int menuID = m_pDropDown->GetCurrentlyHighlightedItem(); int row = -1; if ( menuID == -1 ) { row = 0; } else { row = GetRowFromItemID(menuID); } row--; if ( row < 0 ) { row = m_pDropDown->GetItemCount() - 1; } menuID = GetItemIDFromRow(row); m_pDropDown->SetCurrentlyHighlightedItem(menuID); return; } } else if ( code == KEY_ESCAPE ) { if ( m_pDropDown->IsVisible() ) { HideMenu(); return; } } BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped(code); return; }
void FileCompletionEdit::OnMenuItemHighlight( int itemID ) { char wbuf[80]; if ( m_pDropDown->IsValidMenuID(itemID) ) { m_pDropDown->GetMenuItem(itemID)->GetText(wbuf, 80); } else { wbuf[0] = 0; } SetText(wbuf); RequestFocus(); GotoTextEnd(); }
} // namespace vgui
// Dictionary of start dir contexts
static CUtlDict< CUtlString, unsigned short > s_StartDirContexts;
struct ColumnInfo_t { char const *columnName; char const *columnText; int startingWidth; int minWidth; int maxWidth; int flags; SortFunc *pfnSort; Label::Alignment alignment; };
static ColumnInfo_t g_ColInfo[] = { { "text", "#FileOpenDialog_Col_Name", 175, 20, 10000, ListPanel::COLUMN_UNHIDABLE, &ListFileNameSortFunc , Label::a_west }, { "filesize", "#FileOpenDialog_Col_Size", 100, 20, 10000, 0, &ListFileSizeSortFunc , Label::a_east }, { "type", "#FileOpenDialog_Col_Type", 150, 20, 10000, 0, &ListFileTypeSortFunc , Label::a_west }, { "modified", "#FileOpenDialog_Col_DateModified", 125, 20, 10000, 0, &ListFileModifiedSortFunc , Label::a_west }, // { "created", "#FileOpenDialog_Col_DateCreated", 125, 20, 10000, ListPanel::COLUMN_HIDDEN, &ListFileCreatedSortFunc , Label::a_west },
{ "attributes", "#FileOpenDialog_Col_Attributes", 50, 20, 10000, ListPanel::COLUMN_HIDDEN, &ListFileAttributesSortFunc , Label::a_west }, };
// Purpose: Constructor
FileOpenDialog::FileOpenDialog(Panel *parent, const char *title, bool bOpenOnly, KeyValues* pContextKeyValues ) : Frame( parent, "FileOpenDialog" ) { m_DialogType = bOpenOnly ? FOD_OPEN : FOD_SAVE; Init( title, pContextKeyValues ); }
FileOpenDialog::FileOpenDialog( Panel *parent, const char *title, FileOpenDialogType_t type, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) : Frame( parent, "FileOpenDialog" ) { m_DialogType = type; Init( title, pContextKeyValues ); }
void FileOpenDialog::Init( const char *title, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { m_bFileSelected = false; SetTitle(title, true); SetMinimizeButtonVisible(false); #ifdef POSIX
Q_strncpy(m_szLastPath, "/", sizeof( m_szLastPath ) ); #else
Q_strncpy(m_szLastPath, "c:\\", sizeof( m_szLastPath ) ); #endif
m_pContextKeyValues = pContextKeyValues;
// Get the list of available drives and put them in a menu here.
// Start with the directory we are in.
m_pFullPathEdit = new ComboBox(this, "FullPathEdit", 6, false); m_pFullPathEdit->GetTooltip()->SetTooltipFormatToSingleLine();
// list panel
m_pFileList = new ListPanel(this, "FileList"); for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ColInfo ); ++i ) { const ColumnInfo_t& info = g_ColInfo[ i ];
m_pFileList->AddColumnHeader( i, info.columnName, info.columnText, info.startingWidth, info.minWidth, info.maxWidth, info.flags ); m_pFileList->SetSortFunc( i, info.pfnSort ); m_pFileList->SetColumnTextAlignment( i, info.alignment ); }
m_pFileList->SetSortColumn( s_nLastSortColumn ); m_pFileList->SetMultiselectEnabled( false );
// file name edit box
m_pFileNameEdit = new FileCompletionEdit(this); m_pFileNameEdit->AddActionSignalTarget(this);
m_pFileTypeCombo = new ComboBox( this, "FileTypeCombo", 6, false );
switch ( m_DialogType ) { case FOD_OPEN: m_pOpenButton = new Button( this, "OpenButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Open", this ); break; case FOD_SAVE: m_pOpenButton = new Button( this, "OpenButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Save", this ); break; case FOD_SELECT_DIRECTORY: m_pOpenButton = new Button( this, "OpenButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Select", this ); m_pFileTypeCombo->SetVisible( false ); break; }
m_pCancelButton = new Button( this, "CancelButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Cancel", this ); m_pFolderUpButton = new Button( this, "FolderUpButton", "", this ); m_pFolderUpButton->GetTooltip()->SetText( "#FileOpenDialog_ToolTip_Up" ); m_pNewFolderButton = new Button( this, "NewFolderButton", "", this ); m_pNewFolderButton->GetTooltip()->SetText( "#FileOpenDialog_ToolTip_NewFolder" ); m_pOpenInExplorerButton = new Button( this, "OpenInExplorerButton", "", this );
#if defined ( OSX )
m_pOpenInExplorerButton->GetTooltip()->SetText( "#FileOpenDialog_ToolTip_OpenInFinderButton" ); #elif defined ( POSIX )
m_pOpenInExplorerButton->GetTooltip()->SetText( "#FileOpenDialog_ToolTip_OpenInDesktopManagerButton" ); #else // Assume Windows / Explorer
m_pOpenInExplorerButton->GetTooltip()->SetText( "#FileOpenDialog_ToolTip_OpenInExplorerButton" ); #endif
Label *lookIn = new Label( this, "LookInLabel", "#FileOpenDialog_Look_in" ); Label *fileName = new Label( this, "FileNameLabel", ( m_DialogType != FOD_SELECT_DIRECTORY ) ? "#FileOpenDialog_File_name" : "#FileOpenDialog_Directory_Name" );
m_pFolderIcon = new ImagePanel(NULL, "FolderIcon");
// set up the control's initial positions
SetSize( 600, 260 );
int nFileEditLeftSide = ( m_DialogType != FOD_SELECT_DIRECTORY ) ? 84 : 100; int nFileNameWidth = ( m_DialogType != FOD_SELECT_DIRECTORY ) ? 72 : 82;
m_pFullPathEdit->SetBounds(67, 32, 310, 24); m_pFolderUpButton->SetBounds(362, 32, 24, 24); m_pNewFolderButton->SetBounds(392, 32, 24, 24); m_pOpenInExplorerButton->SetBounds(332, 32, 24, 24); m_pFileList->SetBounds(10, 60, 406, 130); m_pFileNameEdit->SetBounds( nFileEditLeftSide, 194, 238, 24); m_pFileTypeCombo->SetBounds( nFileEditLeftSide, 224, 238, 24); m_pOpenButton->SetBounds(336, 194, 74, 24); m_pCancelButton->SetBounds(336, 224, 74, 24); lookIn->SetBounds(10, 32, 55, 24); fileName->SetBounds(10, 194, nFileNameWidth, 24);
// set autolayout parameters
m_pFullPathEdit->SetAutoResize( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_RIGHT, 67, 32, -100, 0 ); m_pFileNameEdit->SetAutoResize( Panel::PIN_BOTTOMLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_RIGHT, nFileEditLeftSide, -42, -104, 0 ); m_pFileTypeCombo->SetAutoResize( Panel::PIN_BOTTOMLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_RIGHT, nFileEditLeftSide, -12, -104, 0 ); m_pFileList->SetAutoResize( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 10, 60, -10, -70 );
m_pFolderUpButton->SetPinCorner( Panel::PIN_TOPRIGHT, -40, 32 ); m_pNewFolderButton->SetPinCorner( Panel::PIN_TOPRIGHT, -10, 32 ); m_pOpenInExplorerButton->SetPinCorner( Panel::PIN_TOPRIGHT, -70, 32 ); m_pOpenButton->SetPinCorner( Panel::PIN_BOTTOMRIGHT, -16, -42 ); m_pCancelButton->SetPinCorner( Panel::PIN_BOTTOMRIGHT, -16, -12 ); lookIn->SetPinCorner( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, 10, 32 ); fileName->SetPinCorner( Panel::PIN_BOTTOMLEFT, 10, -42 );
// label settings
lookIn->SetContentAlignment(Label::a_west); fileName->SetContentAlignment(Label::a_west);
lookIn->SetAssociatedControl(m_pFullPathEdit); fileName->SetAssociatedControl(m_pFileNameEdit);
if ( m_DialogType != FOD_SELECT_DIRECTORY ) { Label *fileType = new Label(this, "FileTypeLabel", "#FileOpenDialog_File_type"); fileType->SetBounds(10, 224, 72, 24); fileType->SetPinCorner( Panel::PIN_BOTTOMLEFT, 10, -12 ); fileType->SetContentAlignment(Label::a_west); fileType->SetAssociatedControl( m_pFileTypeCombo ); }
// set tab positions
m_pFileNameEdit->SetTabPosition(1); m_pFileTypeCombo->SetTabPosition(2); m_pOpenButton->SetTabPosition(3); m_pCancelButton->SetTabPosition(4); m_pFullPathEdit->SetTabPosition(5); m_pFileList->SetTabPosition(6);
m_pOpenButton->SetCommand( ( m_DialogType != FOD_SELECT_DIRECTORY ) ? new KeyValues( "OnOpen" ) : new KeyValues( "SelectFolder" ) ); m_pCancelButton->SetCommand( "CloseModal" ); m_pFolderUpButton->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "OnFolderUp" ) ); m_pNewFolderButton->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "OnNewFolder" ) ); m_pOpenInExplorerButton->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "OpenInExplorer" ) );
SetSize( 600, 384 );
m_nStartDirContext = s_StartDirContexts.InvalidIndex();
// Set our starting path to the current directory
char pLocalPath[255]; g_pFullFileSystem->GetCurrentDirectory( pLocalPath , 255 ); if ( !pLocalPath[0] || ( IsOSX() && V_strlen(pLocalPath) <= 2 ) ) { const char *pszHomeDir = getenv( "HOME" ); V_strcpy_safe( pLocalPath, pszHomeDir ); } SetStartDirectory( pLocalPath );
// Because these call through virtual functions, we can't issue them in the constructor, so we post a message to ourselves instead!!
PostMessage( GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "PopulateFileList" ) ); PostMessage( GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "PopulateDriveList" ) ); }
// Purpose: Destructor
FileOpenDialog::~FileOpenDialog() { s_nLastSortColumn = m_pFileList->GetSortColumn(); if ( m_pContextKeyValues ) { m_pContextKeyValues->deleteThis(); m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; } }
// Purpose: Apply scheme settings
void FileOpenDialog::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme); m_pFolderIcon->SetImage(scheme()->GetImage("resource/icon_folder", false)); m_pFolderUpButton->AddImage(scheme()->GetImage("resource/icon_folderup", false), -3); m_pNewFolderButton->AddImage( scheme()->GetImage("resource/icon_newfolder", false), -3 ); m_pOpenInExplorerButton->AddImage( scheme()->GetImage("resource/icon_play_once", false), -3 );
ImageList *imageList = new ImageList(false); imageList->AddImage(scheme()->GetImage("resource/icon_file", false)); imageList->AddImage(scheme()->GetImage("resource/icon_folder", false)); imageList->AddImage(scheme()->GetImage("resource/icon_folder_selected", false));
m_pFileList->SetImageList(imageList, true); }
// Prevent default button ('select') from getting triggered
// when selecting directories. Instead, open the directory
void FileOpenDialog::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code) { if ( m_DialogType == FOD_SELECT_DIRECTORY && code == KEY_ENTER ) { OnOpen(); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); } }
// Purpose:
void FileOpenDialog::PopulateDriveList() { char fullpath[MAX_PATH * 4]; char subDirPath[MAX_PATH * 4]; GetCurrentDirectory(fullpath, sizeof(fullpath) - MAX_PATH); Q_strncpy(subDirPath, fullpath, sizeof( subDirPath ) );
#ifdef WIN32
// populate the drive list
char buf[512]; int len = system()->GetAvailableDrives(buf, 512); char *pBuf = buf; for (int i=0; i < len / 4; i++) { m_pFullPathEdit->AddItem(pBuf, NULL);
// is this our drive - add all subdirectories
if (!_strnicmp(pBuf, fullpath, 2)) { int indent = 0; char *pData = fullpath; while (*pData) { if ( *pData == CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ) { if (indent > 0) { memset(subDirPath, ' ', indent); memcpy(subDirPath+indent, fullpath, pData-fullpath); subDirPath[indent+pData-fullpath] = 0;
m_pFullPathEdit->AddItem(subDirPath, NULL); } indent += 2; } pData++; } } pBuf += 4; } #else
m_pFullPathEdit->AddItem("/", NULL); char *pData = fullpath; int indent = 0; while (*pData) { if (*pData == '/' && ( pData[1] != '\0' ) ) { if (indent > 0) { memset(subDirPath, ' ', indent); memcpy(subDirPath+indent, fullpath, pData-fullpath); subDirPath[indent+pData-fullpath] = 0; m_pFullPathEdit->AddItem(subDirPath, NULL); } indent += 2; } pData++; } #endif
// Purpose: Delete self on close
void FileOpenDialog::OnClose() { s_nLastSortColumn = m_pFileList->GetSortColumn(); if ( !m_bFileSelected ) { KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "FileSelectionCancelled" ); PostActionSignal( pKeyValues ); m_bFileSelected = true; }
m_pFileNameEdit->SetText(""); m_pFileNameEdit->HideMenu();
if ( vgui::input()->GetAppModalSurface() == GetVPanel() ) { input()->SetAppModalSurface(NULL); }
BaseClass::OnClose(); }
void FileOpenDialog::OnFolderUp() { MoveUpFolder(); OnOpen(); }
void FileOpenDialog::OnInputCompleted( KeyValues *data ) { if ( m_hInputDialog.Get() ) { delete m_hInputDialog.Get(); }
input()->SetAppModalSurface( m_SaveModal ); m_SaveModal = 0;
NewFolder( data->GetString( "text" ) ); OnOpen(); }
void FileOpenDialog::OnInputCanceled() { input()->SetAppModalSurface( m_SaveModal ); m_SaveModal = 0; }
void FileOpenDialog::OnNewFolder() { if ( m_hInputDialog.Get() ) delete m_hInputDialog.Get();
m_hInputDialog = new InputDialog( this, "#FileOpenDialog_NewFolder_InputTitle", "#FileOpenDialog_NewFolderPrompt", "#FileOpenDialog_NewFolder_DefaultName" ); if ( m_hInputDialog.Get() ) { m_SaveModal = input()->GetAppModalSurface();
KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "NewFolder" ); m_hInputDialog->SetSmallCaption( true ); m_hInputDialog->SetMultiline( false ); m_hInputDialog->DoModal( pContextKeyValues ); } }
// Opens the current file/folder in explorer
void FileOpenDialog::OnOpenInExplorer() { char pCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory( pCurrentDirectory, sizeof(pCurrentDirectory) ); #if !defined( _X360 ) && defined( WIN32 )
ShellExecute( NULL, NULL, pCurrentDirectory, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); #elif defined( OSX )
char szCmd[ MAX_PATH * 2]; Q_snprintf( szCmd, sizeof(szCmd), "/usr/bin/open \"%s\"", pCurrentDirectory ); ::system( szCmd ); #elif defined( LINUX )
char szCmd[ MAX_PATH * 2 ]; Q_snprintf( szCmd, sizeof(szCmd), "xdg-open \"%s\" &", pCurrentDirectory ); ::system( szCmd ); #endif
// Purpose: Handle for button commands
void FileOpenDialog::OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "Cancel")) { Close(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } }
// Sets the start directory context (and resets the start directory in the process)
void FileOpenDialog::SetStartDirectoryContext( const char *pStartDirContext, const char *pDefaultDir ) { bool bUseCurrentDirectory = true; if ( pStartDirContext ) { m_nStartDirContext = s_StartDirContexts.Find( pStartDirContext ); if ( m_nStartDirContext == s_StartDirContexts.InvalidIndex() ) { m_nStartDirContext = s_StartDirContexts.Insert( pStartDirContext, pDefaultDir ); bUseCurrentDirectory = ( pDefaultDir == NULL ); } else { bUseCurrentDirectory = false; } } else { m_nStartDirContext = s_StartDirContexts.InvalidIndex(); }
if ( !bUseCurrentDirectory ) { SetStartDirectory( s_StartDirContexts[m_nStartDirContext].Get() ); } else { // Set our starting path to the current directory
char pLocalPath[255]; g_pFullFileSystem->GetCurrentDirectory( pLocalPath, 255 ); SetStartDirectory( pLocalPath ); } }
// Purpose: Set the starting directory of the file search.
void FileOpenDialog::SetStartDirectory( const char *dir ) { m_pFullPathEdit->SetText(dir);
// ensure it's validity
// Store this in the start directory list
if ( m_nStartDirContext != s_StartDirContexts.InvalidIndex() ) { char pDirBuf[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory( pDirBuf, sizeof(pDirBuf) ); s_StartDirContexts[ m_nStartDirContext ] = pDirBuf; }
PopulateDriveList(); }
// Purpose: Add filters for the drop down combo box
void FileOpenDialog::AddFilter( const char *filter, const char *filterName, bool bActive, const char *pFilterInfo ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("item"); kv->SetString( "filter", filter ); kv->SetString( "filterinfo", pFilterInfo ); int itemID = m_pFileTypeCombo->AddItem(filterName, kv); if ( bActive ) { m_pFileTypeCombo->ActivateItem(itemID); } }
// Purpose: Activate the dialog
void FileOpenDialog::DoModal( bool bUnused ) { m_bFileSelected = false; m_pFileNameEdit->RequestFocus(); BaseClass::DoModal(); }
// Purpose: Gets the directory this is currently in
void FileOpenDialog::GetCurrentDirectory(char *buf, int bufSize) { // get the text from the text entry
m_pFullPathEdit->GetText(buf, bufSize); }
// Purpose: Get the last selected file name
void FileOpenDialog::GetSelectedFileName(char *buf, int bufSize) { m_pFileNameEdit->GetText(buf, bufSize); }
// Creates a new folder
void FileOpenDialog::NewFolder( char const *folderName ) { char pCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory( pCurrentDirectory, sizeof(pCurrentDirectory) );
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; char pNewFolderName[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( pNewFolderName, folderName, sizeof(pNewFolderName) ); int i = 2; do { Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath), pNewFolderName, pCurrentDirectory ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pFullPath, NULL ) && !g_pFullFileSystem->IsDirectory( pFullPath, NULL ) ) { g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( pFullPath, NULL ); m_pFileNameEdit->SetText( pNewFolderName ); return; }
Q_snprintf( pNewFolderName, sizeof(pNewFolderName), "%s%d", folderName, i ); ++i; } while ( i <= 999 ); }
// Purpose: Move the directory structure up
void FileOpenDialog::MoveUpFolder() { char fullpath[MAX_PATH * 4]; GetCurrentDirectory(fullpath, sizeof(fullpath) - MAX_PATH);
Q_StripLastDir( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ) ); // append a trailing slash
Q_AppendSlash( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ) );
SetStartDirectory(fullpath); PopulateFileList(); InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Validate that the current path is valid
void FileOpenDialog::ValidatePath() { char fullpath[MAX_PATH * 4]; GetCurrentDirectory(fullpath, sizeof(fullpath) - MAX_PATH); Q_RemoveDotSlashes( fullpath );
// when statting a directory on Windows, you want to include
// the terminal slash exactly when you are statting a root
// directory. PKMN.
#ifdef _WIN32
if ( Q_strlen( fullpath ) != 3 ) { Q_StripTrailingSlash( fullpath ); } #endif
// cleanup the path, we format tabs into the list to make it pretty in the UI
Q_StripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace( fullpath ); struct _stat buf; if ( ( 0 == _stat( fullpath, &buf ) ) && ( 0 != ( buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) ) ) { Q_AppendSlash( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ) ); Q_strncpy(m_szLastPath, fullpath, sizeof(m_szLastPath)); } else { // failed to load file, use the previously successful path
m_pFullPathEdit->SetText(m_szLastPath); m_pFullPathEdit->GetTooltip()->SetText(m_szLastPath); }
#ifdef WIN32
const char *GetAttributesAsString( DWORD dwAttributes ) { static char out[ 256 ]; out[ 0 ] = 0; if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ) { Q_strncat( out, "A", sizeof( out ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED ) { Q_strncat( out, "C", sizeof( out ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { Q_strncat( out, "D", sizeof( out ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ) { Q_strncat( out, "H", sizeof( out ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) { Q_strncat( out, "R", sizeof( out ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ) { Q_strncat( out, "S", sizeof( out ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY ) { Q_strncat( out, "T", sizeof( out ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } return out; }
const char *GetFileTimetamp( FILETIME ft ) { SYSTEMTIME local; FILETIME localFileTime; FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ft, &localFileTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &localFileTime, &local );
static char out[ 256 ];
bool am = true; WORD hour = local.wHour; if ( hour >= 12 ) { am = false; // 12:42 pm displays as 12:42 pm
// 13:42 pm displays as 1:42 pm
if ( hour > 12 ) { hour -= 12; } } Q_snprintf( out, sizeof( out ), "%d/%02d/%04d %d:%02d %s", local.wMonth, local.wDay, local.wYear, hour, local.wMinute, am ? "AM" : "PM" // TODO: Localize this?
); return out; } #endif
// Purpose: Fill the filelist with the names of all the files in the current directory
void FileOpenDialog::PopulateFileList() { // clear the current list
m_pFileList->DeleteAllItems(); FileFindHandle_t findHandle; char pszFileModified[64];
// get the current directory
char currentDir[MAX_PATH * 4]; char dir[MAX_PATH * 4]; char filterList[MAX_FILTER_LENGTH+1]; GetCurrentDirectory(currentDir, sizeof(dir));
KeyValues *combokv = m_pFileTypeCombo->GetActiveItemUserData(); if (combokv) { Q_strncpy(filterList, combokv->GetString("filter", "*"), MAX_FILTER_LENGTH); } else { // add wildcard for search
Q_strncpy(filterList, "*\0", MAX_FILTER_LENGTH); } char *filterPtr = filterList; KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("item");
if ( m_DialogType != FOD_SELECT_DIRECTORY ) { while ((filterPtr != NULL) && (*filterPtr != 0)) { // parse the next filter in the list.
char curFilter[MAX_FILTER_LENGTH]; curFilter[0] = 0; int i = 0; while ((filterPtr != NULL) && ((*filterPtr == ',') || (*filterPtr == ';') || (*filterPtr <= ' '))) { ++filterPtr; } while ((filterPtr != NULL) && (*filterPtr != ',') && (*filterPtr != ';') && (*filterPtr > ' ')) { curFilter[i++] = *(filterPtr++); } curFilter[i] = 0;
if (curFilter[0] == 0) { break; }
Q_snprintf( dir, MAX_PATH*4, "%s%s", currentDir, curFilter );
// Open the directory and walk it, loading files
const char *pszFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( dir, &findHandle ); while ( pszFileName ) { if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( findHandle ) || !IsOSX() || ( IsOSX() && g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( findHandle ) && Q_stristr( pszFileName, ".app" ) ) ) { char pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pFullPath, MAX_PATH, "%s%s", currentDir, pszFileName );
// add the file to the list
kv->SetString( "text", pszFileName );
kv->SetInt( "image", 1 );
IImage *image = surface()->GetIconImageForFullPath( pFullPath ); if ( image ) { kv->SetPtr( "iconImage", (void *)image ); }
kv->SetInt("imageSelected", 1); kv->SetInt("directory", 0);
kv->SetString( "filesize", Q_pretifymem( g_pFullFileSystem->Size( pFullPath ), 0, true ) ); Q_FixSlashes( pFullPath ); wchar_t fileType[ 80 ]; g_pFullFileSystem->GetFileTypeForFullPath( pFullPath, fileType, sizeof( fileType ) ); kv->SetWString( "type", fileType );
kv->SetString( "attributes", g_pFullFileSystem->IsFileWritable( pFullPath )? "" : "R" );
long fileModified = g_pFullFileSystem->GetFileTime( pFullPath ); g_pFullFileSystem->FileTimeToString( pszFileModified, sizeof( pszFileModified ), fileModified ); kv->SetString( "modified", pszFileModified );
// kv->SetString( "created", GetFileTimetamp( findData.ftCreationTime ) );
m_pFileList->AddItem(kv, 0, false, false); }
pszFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( findHandle ); } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( findHandle ); } }
// find all the directories
GetCurrentDirectory( dir, sizeof(dir) ); Q_strncat(dir, "*", sizeof( dir ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS); const char *pszFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( dir, &findHandle ); while ( pszFileName ) { if ( pszFileName[0] != '.' && g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( findHandle ) && ( !IsOSX() || ( IsOSX() && !Q_stristr( pszFileName, ".app" ) ) ) ) { char pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pFullPath, MAX_PATH, "%s%s", currentDir, pszFileName );
kv->SetString("text", pszFileName ); kv->SetPtr( "iconImage", (void *)NULL ); kv->SetInt("image", 2); kv->SetInt("imageSelected", 3); kv->SetInt("directory", 1);
kv->SetString( "filesize", "" ); kv->SetString( "type", "#FileOpenDialog_FileType_Folder" ); kv->SetString( "attributes", g_pFullFileSystem->IsFileWritable( pFullPath )? "" : "R" );
long fileModified = g_pFullFileSystem->GetFileTime( pFullPath ); g_pFullFileSystem->FileTimeToString( pszFileModified, sizeof( pszFileModified ), fileModified ); kv->SetString( "modified", pszFileModified );
// kv->SetString( "created", GetFileTimetamp( findData.ftCreationTime ) );
m_pFileList->AddItem( kv, 0, false, false ); }
pszFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( findHandle ); } g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( findHandle );
kv->deleteThis(); m_pFileList->SortList(); }
// Does the specified extension match something in the filter list?
bool FileOpenDialog::ExtensionMatchesFilter( const char *pExt ) { KeyValues *combokv = m_pFileTypeCombo->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( !combokv ) return true;
char filterList[MAX_FILTER_LENGTH+1]; Q_strncpy( filterList, combokv->GetString("filter", "*"), MAX_FILTER_LENGTH );
char *filterPtr = filterList; while ((filterPtr != NULL) && (*filterPtr != 0)) { // parse the next filter in the list.
char curFilter[MAX_FILTER_LENGTH]; curFilter[0] = 0; int i = 0; while ((filterPtr != NULL) && ((*filterPtr == ',') || (*filterPtr == ';') || (*filterPtr <= ' '))) { ++filterPtr; } while ((filterPtr != NULL) && (*filterPtr != ',') && (*filterPtr != ';') && (*filterPtr > ' ')) { curFilter[i++] = *(filterPtr++); } curFilter[i] = 0;
if (curFilter[0] == 0) break;
if ( !Q_stricmp( curFilter, "*" ) || !Q_stricmp( curFilter, "*.*" ) ) return true;
// FIXME: This isn't exactly right, but tough cookies;
// it assumes the first two characters of the filter are *.
Assert( curFilter[0] == '*' && curFilter[1] == '.' ); if ( !Q_stricmp( &curFilter[2], pExt ) ) return true; }
return false; }
// Choose the first non *.* filter in the filter list
void FileOpenDialog::ChooseExtension( char *pExt, int nBufLen ) { pExt[0] = 0;
KeyValues *combokv = m_pFileTypeCombo->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( !combokv ) return;
char filterList[MAX_FILTER_LENGTH+1]; Q_strncpy( filterList, combokv->GetString("filter", "*"), MAX_FILTER_LENGTH );
char *filterPtr = filterList; while ((filterPtr != NULL) && (*filterPtr != 0)) { // parse the next filter in the list.
char curFilter[MAX_FILTER_LENGTH]; curFilter[0] = 0; int i = 0; while ((filterPtr != NULL) && ((*filterPtr == ',') || (*filterPtr == ';') || (*filterPtr <= ' '))) { ++filterPtr; } while ((filterPtr != NULL) && (*filterPtr != ',') && (*filterPtr != ';') && (*filterPtr > ' ')) { curFilter[i++] = *(filterPtr++); } curFilter[i] = 0;
if (curFilter[0] == 0) break;
if ( !Q_stricmp( curFilter, "*" ) || !Q_stricmp( curFilter, "*.*" ) ) continue;
// FIXME: This isn't exactly right, but tough cookies;
// it assumes the first two characters of the filter are *.
Assert( curFilter[0] == '*' && curFilter[1] == '.' ); Q_strncpy( pExt, &curFilter[1], nBufLen ); break; } }
// Saves the file to the start dir context
void FileOpenDialog::SaveFileToStartDirContext( const char *pFullPath ) { if ( m_nStartDirContext == s_StartDirContexts.InvalidIndex() ) return;
char pPath[MAX_PATH]; pPath[0] = 0; Q_ExtractFilePath( pFullPath, pPath, sizeof(pPath) ); s_StartDirContexts[ m_nStartDirContext ] = pPath; }
// Posts a file selected message
void FileOpenDialog::PostFileSelectedMessage( const char *pFileName ) { m_bFileSelected = true;
// open the file!
KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "FileSelected", "fullpath", pFileName ); KeyValues *pFilterKeys = m_pFileTypeCombo->GetActiveItemUserData(); const char *pFilterInfo = pFilterKeys ? pFilterKeys->GetString( "filterinfo", NULL ) : NULL; if ( pFilterInfo ) { pKeyValues->SetString( "filterinfo", pFilterInfo ); } if ( m_pContextKeyValues ) { pKeyValues->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues ); m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; } PostActionSignal( pKeyValues ); CloseModal(); }
// Selects the current folder
void FileOpenDialog::OnSelectFolder() { ValidatePath();
// construct a file path
char pFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetSelectedFileName( pFileName, sizeof( pFileName ) );
Q_StripTrailingSlash( pFileName );
if ( !stricmp(pFileName, "..") ) { MoveUpFolder();
// clear the name text
m_pFileNameEdit->SetText(""); return; }
if ( !stricmp(pFileName, ".") ) { // clear the name text
m_pFileNameEdit->SetText(""); return; }
// Compute the full path
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH * 4]; if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( pFileName ) ) { GetCurrentDirectory(pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath) - MAX_PATH); strcat( pFullPath, pFileName ); if ( !pFileName[0] ) { Q_StripTrailingSlash( pFullPath ); } } else { Q_strncpy( pFullPath, pFileName, sizeof(pFullPath) ); }
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pFullPath ) ) { // open the file!
SaveFileToStartDirContext( pFullPath ); PostFileSelectedMessage( pFullPath ); return; }
PopulateDriveList(); PopulateFileList(); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Handle the open button being pressed
// checks on what has changed and acts accordingly
void FileOpenDialog::OnOpen() { ValidatePath();
// construct a file path
char pFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetSelectedFileName( pFileName, sizeof( pFileName ) );
int nLen = Q_strlen( pFileName ); bool bSpecifiedDirectory = ( pFileName[nLen-1] == '/' || pFileName[nLen-1] == '\\' ) && (!IsOSX() || ( IsOSX() && !Q_stristr( pFileName, ".app" ) ) ); Q_StripTrailingSlash( pFileName );
if ( !stricmp(pFileName, "..") ) { MoveUpFolder(); // clear the name text
m_pFileNameEdit->SetText(""); return; }
if ( !stricmp(pFileName, ".") ) { // clear the name text
m_pFileNameEdit->SetText(""); return; } // Compute the full path
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH * 4]; if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( pFileName ) ) { GetCurrentDirectory(pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath) - MAX_PATH); Q_AppendSlash( pFullPath, sizeof( pFullPath ) ); strcat(pFullPath, pFileName); if ( !pFileName[0] ) { Q_StripTrailingSlash( pFullPath ); } } else { Q_strncpy( pFullPath, pFileName, sizeof(pFullPath) ); }
Q_StripTrailingSlash( pFullPath ); // when statting a directory on Windows, you want to include
// the terminal slash exactly when you are statting a root
// directory. PKMN.
#ifdef _WIN32
if ( Q_strlen( pFullPath ) == 2 ) { Q_AppendSlash( pFullPath, Q_ARRAYSIZE( pFullPath ) ); } #endif
// If the name specified is a directory, then change directory
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->IsDirectory( pFullPath, NULL ) && ( !IsOSX() || ( IsOSX() && !Q_stristr( pFullPath, ".app" ) ) ) ) { // it's a directory; change to the specified directory
if ( !bSpecifiedDirectory ) { Q_AppendSlash( pFullPath, Q_ARRAYSIZE( pFullPath ) ); } SetStartDirectory( pFullPath );
// clear the name text
m_pFileNameEdit->SetText(""); m_pFileNameEdit->HideMenu();
PopulateDriveList(); PopulateFileList(); InvalidateLayout(); return; } else if ( bSpecifiedDirectory ) { PopulateDriveList(); PopulateFileList(); InvalidateLayout(); return; }
// Append suffix of the first filter that isn't *.*
char extension[512]; Q_ExtractFileExtension( pFullPath, extension, sizeof(extension) ); if ( !ExtensionMatchesFilter( extension ) ) { ChooseExtension( extension, sizeof(extension) ); Q_SetExtension( pFullPath, extension, sizeof(pFullPath) ); }
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( pFullPath ) ) { // open the file!
SaveFileToStartDirContext( pFullPath ); PostFileSelectedMessage( pFullPath ); return; }
// file not found
if ( ( m_DialogType == FOD_SAVE ) && pFileName[0] ) { // open the file!
SaveFileToStartDirContext( pFullPath ); PostFileSelectedMessage( pFullPath ); return; }
PopulateDriveList(); PopulateFileList(); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: using the file edit box as a prefix, create a menu of all possible files
void FileOpenDialog::PopulateFileNameCompletion() { char buf[80]; m_pFileNameEdit->GetText(buf, 80); wchar_t wbuf[80]; m_pFileNameEdit->GetText(wbuf, 80); int bufLen = wcslen(wbuf);
// delete all items before we check if there's even a string
// no string at all - don't show even bother showing it
if (bufLen == 0) { m_pFileNameEdit->HideMenu(); return; }
// what files use current string as a prefix?
int nCount = m_pFileList->GetItemCount(); int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < nCount ; i++ ) { KeyValues *kv = m_pFileList->GetItem(m_pFileList->GetItemIDFromRow(i)); const wchar_t *wszString = kv->GetWString("text"); if ( !_wcsnicmp(wbuf, wszString, bufLen) ) { m_pFileNameEdit->AddItem(wszString, NULL); } }
// if there are any items - show the menu
if ( m_pFileNameEdit->GetItemCount() > 0 ) { m_pFileNameEdit->ShowMenu(); } else { m_pFileNameEdit->HideMenu(); }
m_pFileNameEdit->InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Handle an item in the list being selected
void FileOpenDialog::OnItemSelected() { // make sure only one item is selected
if (m_pFileList->GetSelectedItemsCount() != 1) { m_pFileNameEdit->SetText(""); } else { // put the file name into the text edit box
KeyValues *data = m_pFileList->GetItem(m_pFileList->GetSelectedItem(0)); m_pFileNameEdit->SetText(data->GetString("text")); }
InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Handle an item in the Drive combo box being selected
void FileOpenDialog::OnTextChanged(KeyValues *kv) { Panel *pPanel = (Panel *) kv->GetPtr("panel", NULL);
// first check which control had its text changed!
if (pPanel == m_pFullPathEdit) { m_pFileNameEdit->HideMenu(); m_pFileNameEdit->SetText(""); OnOpen(); } else if (pPanel == m_pFileNameEdit) { PopulateFileNameCompletion(); } else if (pPanel == m_pFileTypeCombo) { m_pFileNameEdit->HideMenu(); PopulateFileList(); } }