//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
vgui::Panel *MessageBox_Factory() { return new MessageBox("MessageBox", "MessageBoxText"); }
DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY_CUSTOM( MessageBox, MessageBox_Factory ); //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Constructor
MessageBox::MessageBox(const char *title, const char *text, Panel *parent) : Frame(parent, NULL, false) { SetTitle(title, true); m_pMessageLabel = new Label(this, NULL, text);
Init(); }
// Purpose: Constructor
MessageBox::MessageBox(const wchar_t *wszTitle, const wchar_t *wszText, Panel *parent) : Frame(parent, NULL, false) { SetTitle(wszTitle, true); m_pMessageLabel = new Label(this, NULL, wszText);
Init(); }
// Purpose: Constructor Helper
void MessageBox::Init() { SetDeleteSelfOnClose(true); m_pFrameOver = NULL; m_bShowMessageBoxOverCursor = false;
SetMenuButtonResponsive(false); SetMinimizeButtonVisible(false); SetCloseButtonVisible(false); SetSizeable(false); m_pOkButton = new Button(this, NULL, "#MessageBox_OK"); m_pOkButton->SetCommand( "OnOk" ); m_pOkButton->AddActionSignalTarget(this);
m_pCancelButton = new Button(this, NULL, "#MessageBox_Cancel"); m_pCancelButton->SetCommand( "OnCancel" ); m_pCancelButton->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_pCancelButton->SetVisible( false );
m_OkCommand = m_CancelCommand = NULL; m_bNoAutoClose = false; }
// Purpose: Destructor
MessageBox::~MessageBox() { if ( m_OkCommand ) { m_OkCommand->deleteThis(); } if ( m_CancelCommand ) { m_CancelCommand->deleteThis(); } }
// Shows the message box over the cursor
void MessageBox::ShowMessageBoxOverCursor( bool bEnable ) { m_bShowMessageBoxOverCursor = bEnable; }
// Purpose: size the message label properly
void MessageBox::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( vgui::input()->GetAppModalSurface() == GetVPanel() ) { vgui::input()->ReleaseAppModalSurface(); }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "OnOk" ) ) { if ( m_OkCommand ) { PostActionSignal(m_OkCommand->MakeCopy()); } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "OnCancel" ) ) { if ( m_CancelCommand ) { PostActionSignal(m_CancelCommand->MakeCopy()); } }
if ( !m_bNoAutoClose ) { OnShutdownRequest(); } }
// Purpose: size the message label properly
void MessageBox::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
int wide, tall; m_pMessageLabel->GetContentSize(wide, tall); m_pMessageLabel->SetSize(wide, tall);
wide += 100; tall += 100; SetSize(wide, tall);
if ( m_bShowMessageBoxOverCursor ) { PlaceUnderCursor(); return; }
// move to the middle of the screen
if ( m_pFrameOver ) { int frameX, frameY; int frameWide, frameTall; m_pFrameOver->GetPos(frameX, frameY); m_pFrameOver->GetSize(frameWide, frameTall);
SetPos((frameWide - wide) / 2 + frameX, (frameTall - tall) / 2 + frameY); } else { int swide, stall; surface()->GetScreenSize(swide, stall); // put the dialog in the middle of the screen
SetPos((swide - wide) / 2, (stall - tall) / 2); } }
// Purpose: Put the message box into a modal state
// Does not suspend execution - use addActionSignal to get return value
void MessageBox::DoModal(Frame* pFrameOver) { ShowWindow(pFrameOver); /*
// move to the middle of the screen
// get the screen size
int wide, tall; // get our dialog size
GetSize(wide, tall);
if (pFrameOver) { int frameX, frameY; int frameWide, frameTall; pFrameOver->GetPos(frameX, frameY); pFrameOver->GetSize(frameWide, frameTall);
SetPos((frameWide - wide) / 2 + frameX, (frameTall - tall) / 2 + frameY); } else { int swide, stall; surface()->GetScreenSize(swide, stall); // put the dialog in the middle of the screen
SetPos((swide - wide) / 2, (stall - tall) / 2); }
SetVisible( true ); SetEnabled( true ); MoveToFront();
if (m_pOkButton->IsVisible()) m_pOkButton->RequestFocus(); else // handle message boxes with no button
RequestFocus(); */ input()->SetAppModalSurface(GetVPanel()); }
void MessageBox::ShowWindow(Frame *pFrameOver) { m_pFrameOver = pFrameOver;
SetVisible( true ); SetEnabled( true ); MoveToFront();
if ( m_pOkButton->IsVisible() ) { m_pOkButton->RequestFocus(); } else // handle message boxes with no button
{ RequestFocus(); }
InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Put the text and OK buttons in correct place
void MessageBox::PerformLayout() { int x, y, wide, tall; GetClientArea(x, y, wide, tall); wide += x; tall += y;
int boxWidth, boxTall; GetSize(boxWidth, boxTall);
int oldWide, oldTall; m_pOkButton->GetSize(oldWide, oldTall); int btnWide, btnTall; m_pOkButton->GetContentSize(btnWide, btnTall); btnWide = max(oldWide, btnWide + 10); btnTall = max(oldTall, btnTall + 10); m_pOkButton->SetSize(btnWide, btnTall);
int btnWide2 = 0, btnTall2 = 0; if ( m_pCancelButton->IsVisible() ) { m_pCancelButton->GetSize(oldWide, oldTall); m_pCancelButton->GetContentSize(btnWide2, btnTall2); btnWide2 = max(oldWide, btnWide2 + 10); btnTall2 = max(oldTall, btnTall2 + 10); m_pCancelButton->SetSize(btnWide2, btnTall2); }
boxWidth = max(boxWidth, m_pMessageLabel->GetWide() + 100); boxWidth = max(boxWidth, (btnWide + btnWide2) * 2 + 30); SetSize(boxWidth, boxTall);
GetSize(boxWidth, boxTall);
m_pMessageLabel->SetPos((wide/2)-(m_pMessageLabel->GetWide()/2) + x, y + 5 ); if ( !m_pCancelButton->IsVisible() ) { m_pOkButton->SetPos((wide/2)-(m_pOkButton->GetWide()/2) + x, tall - m_pOkButton->GetTall() - 15); } else { m_pOkButton->SetPos((wide/4)-(m_pOkButton->GetWide()/2) + x, tall - m_pOkButton->GetTall() - 15); m_pCancelButton->SetPos((3*wide/4)-(m_pOkButton->GetWide()/2) + x, tall - m_pOkButton->GetTall() - 15); }
BaseClass::PerformLayout(); GetSize(boxWidth, boxTall); }
// Purpose: Set a string command to be sent when the OK button is pressed.
void MessageBox::SetCommand(const char *command) { if (m_OkCommand) { m_OkCommand->deleteThis(); } m_OkCommand = new KeyValues("Command", "command", command); }
// Purpose: Sets the command
void MessageBox::SetCommand(KeyValues *command) { if (m_OkCommand) { m_OkCommand->deleteThis(); } m_OkCommand = command; }
// Purpose:
void MessageBox::OnShutdownRequest() { // Shutdown the dialog
PostMessage(this, new KeyValues("Close")); }
// Purpose: Set the visibility of the OK button.
void MessageBox::SetOKButtonVisible(bool state) { m_pOkButton->SetVisible(state); }
// Purpose: Sets the Text on the OK button
void MessageBox::SetOKButtonText(const char *buttonText) { m_pOkButton->SetText(buttonText); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Sets the Text on the OK button
void MessageBox::SetOKButtonText(const wchar_t *wszButtonText) { m_pOkButton->SetText(wszButtonText); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Cancel button (off by default)
void MessageBox::SetCancelButtonVisible(bool state) { m_pCancelButton->SetVisible(state); InvalidateLayout(); }
void MessageBox::SetCancelButtonText(const char *buttonText) { m_pCancelButton->SetText(buttonText); InvalidateLayout(); }
void MessageBox::SetCancelButtonText(const wchar_t *wszButtonText) { m_pCancelButton->SetText(wszButtonText); InvalidateLayout(); }
void MessageBox::SetCancelCommand( KeyValues *command ) { if (m_CancelCommand) { m_CancelCommand->deleteThis(); } m_CancelCommand = command; }
// Purpose: Toggles visibility of the close box.
void MessageBox::DisableCloseButton(bool state) { BaseClass::SetCloseButtonVisible(state); m_bNoAutoClose = true; }