//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/BuildGroup.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/WizardPanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/WizardSubPanel.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: Constructor
WizardPanel::WizardPanel(Panel *parent, const char *panelName) : Frame(parent, panelName) { _currentSubPanel = NULL; _currentData = new KeyValues("WizardData"); _showButtons = true;
CreateButtons(); }
// Purpose: Destructor
WizardPanel::~WizardPanel() { if (_currentData) { _currentData->deleteThis(); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
// resize the sub panel to fit in the Client area
int x, y, wide, tall; GetClientArea(x, y, wide, tall);
if (_currentSubPanel && _currentSubPanel->isNonWizardPanel()) { // just have the subpanel cover the full size
_currentSubPanel->SetBounds(x, y, wide, tall); _cancelButton->SetVisible(false); _prevButton->SetVisible(false); _nextButton->SetVisible(false); _finishButton->SetVisible(false); } else { // make room for the buttons at bottom
if (_currentSubPanel) { if( _showButtons ) { _currentSubPanel->SetBounds(x, y, wide, tall - 35); } else { _currentSubPanel->SetBounds(x, y, wide, tall); } }
// align the buttons to the right hand side
GetSize(wide, tall);
int bwide, btall; _cancelButton->GetSize(bwide, btall); x = wide - (20 + bwide); y = tall - (12 + btall);
_cancelButton->SetPos(x, y); x -= (20 + bwide);
// only display one of the next or finish buttons (and only if both are visible)
if ( _showButtons ) { if (_finishButton->IsEnabled() ) { _nextButton->SetVisible(false); _finishButton->SetVisible(true); _finishButton->SetPos(x, y); } else { _nextButton->SetVisible(true); _finishButton->SetVisible(false); _nextButton->SetPos(x, y); } }
x -= (1 + bwide); _prevButton->SetPos(x, y);
ResetDefaultButton(); } }
// Purpose: if we don't show buttons then let the sub panel occupy the whole screen
void WizardPanel::GetClientArea(int &x, int &y, int &wide, int &tall) { if( _showButtons ) { BaseClass::GetClientArea( x, y, wide, tall ); } else { x = 0; y = 0; GetSize( wide, tall ); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::Run(WizardSubPanel *startPanel) { // skip over sub panels if they don't want to be displayed
startPanel = FindNextValidSubPanel(startPanel);
// show it
// make sure we're set up and Run the first panel
Activate(); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::ActivateBuildMode() { // no subpanel, no build mode
if (!_currentSubPanel) return;
_currentSubPanel->ActivateBuildMode(); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::ResetDefaultButton() { // work out which is the default button
if (_nextButton->IsEnabled()) { _nextButton->SetAsDefaultButton(true); } else if (_finishButton->IsEnabled()) { _finishButton->SetAsDefaultButton(true); } else if (_prevButton->IsEnabled()) { _prevButton->SetAsDefaultButton(true); } /* Don't ever set the cancel button as the default, as it is too easy for users to quit the wizard without realizing
else if (_cancelButton->IsEnabled()) { _cancelButton->SetAsDefaultButton(true); } */ // reset them all (this may not be necessary)
_nextButton->InvalidateLayout(); _prevButton->InvalidateLayout(); _cancelButton->InvalidateLayout(); _finishButton->InvalidateLayout();
Repaint(); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::ResetKeyFocus() { // set the focus on the default
FocusNavGroup &navGroup = GetFocusNavGroup(); Panel *def = navGroup.GetDefaultPanel(); if (def) { if (def->IsEnabled() && def->IsVisible()) { def->RequestFocus(); } else { def->RequestFocusNext(); } }
ResetDefaultButton(); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::CreateButtons() { _prevButton = new Button(this, "PrevButton", ""); _nextButton = new Button(this, "NextButton", ""); _cancelButton = new Button(this, "CancelButton", ""); _finishButton = new Button(this, "FinishButton", "");
_prevButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("PrevButton")); _nextButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("NextButton")); _cancelButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("CancelButton")); _finishButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("FinishButton"));
SetNextButtonText(NULL); SetPrevButtonText(NULL); SetFinishButtonText(NULL); SetCancelButtonText(NULL);
_prevButton->SetSize(82, 24); _nextButton->SetSize(82, 24); _cancelButton->SetSize(82, 24); _finishButton->SetSize(82, 24); }
// Purpose: clears all previous history
void WizardPanel::ResetHistory() { _subPanelStack.RemoveAll(); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::ActivateNextSubPanel(WizardSubPanel *subPanel) { // get rid of previous panel
WizardSubPanel *prevPanel = _currentSubPanel; if (prevPanel && prevPanel->ShouldDisplayPanel()) { // hide
// push onto history stack
_subPanelStack.AddElement(_currentSubPanel); }
// reenable all buttons, returning them to their default state
_prevButton->SetEnabled(true); _nextButton->SetEnabled(true); _cancelButton->SetEnabled(true); _finishButton->SetEnabled(true); if ( _showButtons ) { _prevButton->SetVisible(true); _cancelButton->SetVisible(true); }
// set up new subpanel
_currentSubPanel = subPanel; _currentSubPanel->SetParent(this); _currentSubPanel->SetVisible(true);
_currentSubPanel->SetWizardPanel(this); _currentSubPanel->OnDisplayAsNext(); _currentSubPanel->OnDisplay(); _currentSubPanel->InvalidateLayout(false);
SETUP_PANEL( _currentSubPanel ); int wide, tall; if ( _currentSubPanel->GetDesiredSize(wide, tall) ) { SetSize(wide, tall); }
if (!prevPanel) { // no previous panel, so disable the back button
_prevButton->SetEnabled(false); }
RecalculateTabOrdering(); InvalidateLayout(false); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Pops the last panel off the stack and runs it
void WizardPanel::ActivatePrevSubPanel() { _currentSubPanel->SetVisible(false);
WizardSubPanel *prevPanel = NULL; if (_subPanelStack.GetCount()) { // check to see if we need to jump back to a previous sub panel
WizardSubPanel *searchPanel = _currentSubPanel->GetPrevSubPanel(); if (searchPanel && _subPanelStack.HasElement(searchPanel)) { // keep poping the stack till we find it
while (_subPanelStack.GetCount() && prevPanel != searchPanel) { prevPanel = _subPanelStack[_subPanelStack.GetCount() - 1]; _subPanelStack.RemoveElementAt(_subPanelStack.GetCount() - 1); } } else { // just get the last one
prevPanel = _subPanelStack[_subPanelStack.GetCount() - 1]; _subPanelStack.RemoveElementAt(_subPanelStack.GetCount() - 1); } }
if (!prevPanel) { ivgui()->DPrintf2("Error: WizardPanel::ActivatePrevSubPanel(): no previous panel to go back to\n"); return; }
// hide old panel
_currentSubPanel->SetVisible(false); // reenable all buttons, returning them to their default state
_prevButton->SetEnabled(true); _nextButton->SetEnabled(true); _cancelButton->SetEnabled(true); _finishButton->SetEnabled(true);
// Activate new panel
_currentSubPanel = prevPanel; _currentSubPanel->RequestFocus(); _currentSubPanel->SetWizardPanel(this); _currentSubPanel->OnDisplayAsPrev(); _currentSubPanel->OnDisplay(); _currentSubPanel->InvalidateLayout(false);
SETUP_PANEL( _currentSubPanel ); int wide, tall; if ( _currentSubPanel->GetDesiredSize(wide, tall) ) { SetSize(wide, tall); }
// show the previous panel, but don't Activate it (since it should show just what it was previously)
if (!_subPanelStack.GetCount()) { // no previous panel, so disable the back button
_prevButton->SetEnabled(false); }
RecalculateTabOrdering(); InvalidateLayout(false); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Sets up the new tab ordering
void WizardPanel::RecalculateTabOrdering() { if (_currentSubPanel) { _currentSubPanel->SetTabPosition(1); } _prevButton->SetTabPosition(2); _nextButton->SetTabPosition(3); _finishButton->SetTabPosition(4); _cancelButton->SetTabPosition(5); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetNextButtonEnabled(bool state) { if (_nextButton->IsEnabled() != state) { _nextButton->SetEnabled(state); InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetPrevButtonEnabled(bool state) { if (_prevButton->IsEnabled() != state) { _prevButton->SetEnabled(state); InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetFinishButtonEnabled(bool state) { if (_finishButton->IsEnabled() != state) { _finishButton->SetEnabled(state); InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetCancelButtonEnabled(bool state) { if (_cancelButton->IsEnabled() != state) { _cancelButton->SetEnabled(state); InvalidateLayout(false); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetNextButtonVisible(bool state) { _nextButton->SetVisible(state); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetPrevButtonVisible(bool state) { _prevButton->SetVisible(state); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetFinishButtonVisible(bool state) { _finishButton->SetVisible(state); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetCancelButtonVisible(bool state) { _cancelButton->SetVisible(state); }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetNextButtonText(const char *text) { if (text) { _nextButton->SetText(text); } else { _nextButton->SetText("#WizardPanel_Next"); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetPrevButtonText(const char *text) { if (text) { _prevButton->SetText(text); } else { _prevButton->SetText("#WizardPanel_Back"); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetFinishButtonText(const char *text) { if (text) { _finishButton->SetText(text); } else { _finishButton->SetText("#WizardPanel_Finish"); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::SetCancelButtonText(const char *text) { if (text) { _cancelButton->SetText(text); } else { _cancelButton->SetText("#WizardPanel_Cancel"); } }
// Purpose: Finds the next panel that wants to be shown
WizardSubPanel *WizardPanel::FindNextValidSubPanel(WizardSubPanel *currentPanel) { // skip over sub panels if they don't want to be displayed
while (currentPanel) { currentPanel->SetWizardPanel(this); if (currentPanel->ShouldDisplayPanel()) break; // ok the panel wants to be skipped, so skip ahead
currentPanel = currentPanel->GetNextSubPanel(); }
return currentPanel; }
// Purpose: Advances to the next panel
void WizardPanel::OnNextButton() { if (_currentSubPanel) { bool shouldAdvance = _currentSubPanel->OnNextButton(); if (shouldAdvance) { WizardSubPanel *nextPanel = FindNextValidSubPanel(_currentSubPanel->GetNextSubPanel());
if (nextPanel) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("ActivateNextSubPanel"); kv->SetPtr("panel", nextPanel); ivgui()->PostMessage(GetVPanel(), kv, GetVPanel()); } } } }
// Purpose: Retreats to the previous panel
void WizardPanel::OnPrevButton() { bool shouldRetreat = true; if (_currentSubPanel) { shouldRetreat = _currentSubPanel->OnPrevButton(); }
if (shouldRetreat) { ActivatePrevSubPanel(); } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::OnFinishButton() { if (_currentSubPanel && _currentSubPanel->OnFinishButton()) { // hide ourselves away
// automatically delete ourselves if marked to do so
if (IsAutoDeleteSet()) { MarkForDeletion(); } } }
// Purpose:
void WizardPanel::OnCancelButton() { if (_currentSubPanel && _currentSubPanel->OnCancelButton()) { // hide ourselves away
BaseClass::OnClose(); if (IsAutoDeleteSet()) { MarkForDeletion(); } } }
// Purpose: command handler for catching escape key presses
void WizardPanel::OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "Cancel")) { if (_cancelButton->IsEnabled()) { _cancelButton->DoClick(); } } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } }
// Purpose: Maps close button to cancel button
void WizardPanel::OnClose() { if (_cancelButton->IsEnabled()) { _cancelButton->DoClick(); } else if (_finishButton->IsEnabled()) { _finishButton->DoClick(); }
// don't chain back
// Purpose:
KeyValues *WizardPanel::GetWizardData() { return _currentData; }
// Purpose: whether to show the next,prev,finish and cancel buttons
void WizardPanel::ShowButtons(bool state) { _showButtons = state; // hide the wizard panel buttons
SetNextButtonVisible( state ); SetPrevButtonVisible( state ); SetFinishButtonVisible( state ); SetCancelButtonVisible( state ); }
// Purpose: filters close buttons
void WizardPanel::OnCloseFrameButtonPressed() { // only allow close if the cancel button is enabled
if (_cancelButton->IsEnabled()) { BaseClass::OnCloseFrameButtonPressed(); } }
// Purpose: returns a page by name
WizardSubPanel *WizardPanel::GetSubPanelByName(const char *pageName) { return dynamic_cast<WizardSubPanel *>(FindChildByName(pageName)); }