//===== Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ========//
// Purpose:  
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef DBG_H
#define DBG_H

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/basetypes.h"
#include "dbgflag.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

// dll export stuff

class Color;

// Usage model for the Dbg library
// 1. Assertions.
//   Assertions are used to detect and warn about invalid states
//   To use an assertion, use
//   Assert( (f == 5) );
//   AssertMsg( (f == 5), ("F needs to be %d here!\n", 5) );
//   AssertFunc( (f == 5), BadFunc() );
//   AssertEquals( f, 5 );
//   AssertFloatEquals( f, 5.0f, 1e-3 );
//   The first will simply report that an assertion failed on a particular
//   code file and line. The second version will display a print-f formatted message 
//   along with the file and line, the third will display a generic message and
//   will also cause the function BadFunc to be executed, and the last two
//   will report an error if f is not equal to 5 (the last one asserts within
//   a particular tolerance).
// 2. Code activation
//   To cause code to be run only in debug builds, use DBG_CODE:
//   An example is below.
//   DBG_CODE(
//				{
//					int x = 5;
//					++x;
//				}
//           ); 
//   Code can be activated based on the dynamic spew groups also. Use
//   DBG_DCODE( "group", level,
//              { int x = 5; ++x; }
//            );
// 3. Breaking into the debugger.
//   To cause an unconditional break into the debugger in debug builds only, use DBG_BREAK
//   DBG_BREAK();
//	 You can force a break in any build (release or debug) using
//	 DebuggerBreak();

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void _ExitOnFatalAssert( const tchar* pFile, int line );

#define DbgFlagMacro_ExitOnFatalAssert( pFile, line ) _ExitOnFatalAssert( "", 0 )
#define DbgFlagMacro_ExitOnFatalAssert( pFile, line ) _ExitOnFatalAssert( pFile, line )

PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool ShouldUseNewAssertDialog();

PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool SetupWin32ConsoleIO();

// Returns true if they want to break in the debugger.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool DoNewAssertDialog( const tchar *pFile, int line, const tchar *pExpression );

#define DbgFlagMacro_DoNewAssertDialog( pFile, line, pExpression ) DoNewAssertDialog( "", 0, "" )
#define DbgFlagMacro_DoNewAssertDialog( pFile, line, pExpression ) DoNewAssertDialog( pFile, line, pExpression )

/* Used to define macros, never use these directly. */

#ifdef _PREFAST_
	// When doing /analyze builds define the assert macros to be __analysis_assume. This tells
	// the compiler to assume that the condition is true, which helps to suppress many
	// warnings. This define is done in debug and release builds, but debug builds should be
	// preferred for static analysis because some asserts are compiled out in release.
	// The unfortunate !! is necessary because otherwise /analyze is incapable of evaluating
	// all of the logical expressions that the regular compiler can handle.
	#define _AssertMsg( _exp, _msg, _executeExp, _bFatal ) __analysis_assume( !!(_exp) )
	#define  _AssertMsgOnce( _exp, _msg, _bFatal ) __analysis_assume( !!(_exp) )
	// Force asserts on for /analyze so that we get a __analysis_assume of all of the constraints.
	#define  _AssertMsg( _exp, _msg, _executeExp, _bFatal )	\
		do {																\
			if (!(_exp)) 													\
			{ 																\
				LoggingResponse_t ret = Log_Assert( "%s (%d) : %s\n", __TFILE__, __LINE__, _msg );	\
				_executeExp; 												\
				if ( ret == LR_DEBUGGER )									\
				{															\
					if ( !ShouldUseNewAssertDialog() || DbgFlagMacro_DoNewAssertDialog( __TFILE__, __LINE__, _msg ) ) \
						DebuggerBreak();									\
					if ( _bFatal )											\
						DbgFlagMacro_ExitOnFatalAssert( __TFILE__, __LINE__ );			\
				}															\
			}																\
		} while (0)

	#define  _AssertMsgOnce( _exp, _msg, _bFatal ) \
		do {																\
			static bool fAsserted;											\
			if (!fAsserted )												\
			{ 																\
				_AssertMsg( _exp, _msg, (fAsserted = true), _bFatal );		\
			}																\
		} while (0)

/* Spew macros... */

// AssertFatal macros
// AssertFatal is used to detect an unrecoverable error condition.
// If enabled, it may display an assert dialog (if DBGFLAG_ASSERTDLG is turned on or running under the debugger),
// and always terminates the application


#define  AssertFatal( _exp )									_AssertMsg( _exp, _T("Assertion Failed: ") _T(#_exp), ((void)0), true )
#define  AssertFatalOnce( _exp )								_AssertMsgOnce( _exp, _T("Assertion Failed: ") _T(#_exp), true )
#define  AssertFatalMsg( _exp, _msg )							_AssertMsg( _exp, _msg, ((void)0), true )
#define  AssertFatalMsgOnce( _exp, _msg )						_AssertMsgOnce( _exp, _msg, true )
#define  AssertFatalFunc( _exp, _f )							_AssertMsg( _exp, _T("Assertion Failed: " _T(#_exp), _f, true )
#define  AssertFatalEquals( _exp, _expectedValue )				AssertFatalMsg2( (_exp) == (_expectedValue), _T("Expected %d but got %d!"), (_expectedValue), (_exp) ) 
#define  AssertFatalFloatEquals( _exp, _expectedValue, _tol )   AssertFatalMsg2( fabs((_exp) - (_expectedValue)) <= (_tol), _T("Expected %f but got %f!"), (_expectedValue), (_exp) )
#define  VerifyFatal( _exp )									AssertFatal( _exp )
#define  VerifyEqualsFatal( _exp, _expectedValue )				AssertFatalEquals( _exp, _expectedValue )

#define  AssertFatalMsg1( _exp, _msg, a1 )									AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1 )))
#define  AssertFatalMsg2( _exp, _msg, a1, a2 )								AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1, a2 )))
#define  AssertFatalMsg3( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3 )							AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1, a2, a3 )))
#define  AssertFatalMsg4( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4 )						AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4 )))
#define  AssertFatalMsg5( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 )					AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 )))
#define  AssertFatalMsg6( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )				AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )))
#define  AssertFatalMsg6( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )				AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )))
#define  AssertFatalMsg7( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 )			AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 )))
#define  AssertFatalMsg8( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 )		AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 )))
#define  AssertFatalMsg9( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 )	AssertFatalMsg( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 )))


#define  AssertFatal( _exp )									((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalOnce( _exp )								((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg( _exp, _msg )							((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsgOnce( _exp, _msg )						((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalFunc( _exp, _f )							((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalEquals( _exp, _expectedValue )				((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalFloatEquals( _exp, _expectedValue, _tol )	((void)0)
#define  VerifyFatal( _exp )									(_exp)
#define  VerifyEqualsFatal( _exp, _expectedValue )				(_exp)

#define  AssertFatalMsg1( _exp, _msg, a1 )									((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg2( _exp, _msg, a1, a2 )								((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg3( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3 )							((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg4( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4 )						((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg5( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 )					((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg6( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )				((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg6( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )				((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg7( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 )			((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg8( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 )		((void)0)
#define  AssertFatalMsg9( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 )	((void)0)


// lightweight assert macros: in theory, can be run in release without slowing it down
#if defined(_CERT) || defined(_RETAIL) 
#define AssertAligned(PTR)
#  if defined( _X360 )
#    define AssertAligned(PTR) __twnei( intp(PTR) & 0xF, 0 ) // trap if not equal to immediate value; unsigned comparison
#  elif defined( DBGFLAG_ASSERT )
#    define  AssertAligned( adr )                               Assert( ( ( ( intp ) ( adr ) ) & 0xf ) == 0 )
#  else
#  define AssertAligned(PTR) 
#  endif

// Assert macros
// Assert is used to detect an important but survivable error.
// It's only turned on when DBGFLAG_ASSERT is true.


#define  Assert( _exp )           							_AssertMsg( _exp, _T("Assertion Failed: ") _T(#_exp), ((void)0), false )
#define  AssertMsg_( _exp, _msg )  							_AssertMsg( _exp, _msg, ((void)0), false )
#define  AssertOnce( _exp )       							_AssertMsgOnce( _exp, _T("Assertion Failed: ") _T(#_exp), false )
#define  AssertMsgOnce( _exp, _msg )  						_AssertMsgOnce( _exp, _msg, false )
#define  AssertFunc( _exp, _f )   							_AssertMsg( _exp, _T("Assertion Failed: ") _T(#_exp), _f, false )
#define  AssertEquals( _exp, _expectedValue )              	AssertMsg2( (_exp) == (_expectedValue), _T("Expected %d but got %d!"), (_expectedValue), (_exp) ) 
#define  AssertFloatEquals( _exp, _expectedValue, _tol )  	AssertMsg2( fabs((_exp) - (_expectedValue)) <= (_tol), _T("Expected %f but got %f!"), (_expectedValue), (_exp) )
#define  Verify( _exp )           							Assert( _exp )
#define  VerifyEquals( _exp, _expectedValue )           	AssertEquals( _exp, _expectedValue )

#define  AssertMsg(  _exp, _msg )  										AssertMsg_( _exp, _T( _msg ) )
#define  AssertMsg1( _exp, _msg, a1 )									AssertMsg_( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _T( _msg ), a1 )) )
#define  AssertMsg2( _exp, _msg, a1, a2 )								AssertMsg_( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _T( _msg ), a1, a2 )) )
#define  AssertMsg3( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3 )							AssertMsg_( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _T( _msg ), a1, a2, a3 )) )
#define  AssertMsg4( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4 )						AssertMsg_( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _T( _msg ), a1, a2, a3, a4 )) )
#define  AssertMsg5( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 )					AssertMsg_( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _T( _msg ), a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 )) )
#define  AssertMsg6( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )				AssertMsg_( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _T( _msg ), a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )) )
#define  AssertMsg7( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 )			AssertMsg_( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _T( _msg ), a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 )) )
#define  AssertMsg8( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 )		AssertMsg_( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _T( _msg ), a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 )) )
#define  AssertMsg9( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 )	AssertMsg_( _exp, (const tchar *)(CDbgFmtMsg( _T( _msg ), a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 )) )


#define  Assert( _exp )										((void)0)
#define  AssertOnce( _exp )									((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg( _exp, _msg )							((void)0)
#define  AssertMsgOnce( _exp, _msg )						((void)0)
#define  AssertFunc( _exp, _f )								((void)0)
#define  AssertEquals( _exp, _expectedValue )				((void)0)
#define  AssertFloatEquals( _exp, _expectedValue, _tol )	((void)0)
#define  Verify( _exp )										(_exp)
#define  VerifyEquals( _exp, _expectedValue )           	(_exp)

#define  AssertMsg1( _exp, _msg, a1 )									((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg2( _exp, _msg, a1, a2 )								((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg3( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3 )							((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg4( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4 )						((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg5( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 )					((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg6( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )				((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg6( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )				((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg7( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 )			((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg8( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 )		((void)0)
#define  AssertMsg9( _exp, _msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 )	((void)0)



#define FILE_LINE_STRING __FILE__ "(" STRINGIFY(__LINE__) "):"

// Legacy Logging System

// Channels which map the legacy logging system to the new system.

// Channel for all default Msg/Warning/Error commands.
// Channel for all asserts.
// Channel for all ConMsg and ConColorMsg commands.
// Channel for all DevMsg and DevWarning commands with level < 2.
// Channel for ConDMsg commands.
// Channel for all DevMsg and DevWarning commands with level >= 2.

// Legacy logging functions

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void Error( const tchar *pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void Error_SpewCallStack( int iMaxCallStackLength, const tchar *pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 );

#if defined( DBGFLAG_STRINGS_STRIP ) && !defined( TIER0_DLL_EXPORT )

#define Msg( ... ) ((void)0)
#define Warning( ... ) ((void)0)
#define Warning_SpewCallStack( ... ) ((void)0)
#define DevMsg( ... ) ((void)0)
#define DevWarning( ... ) ((void)0)
#define ConColorMsg( ... ) ((void)0)
#define ConMsg( ... ) ((void)0)
#define ConDMsg( ... ) ((void)0)
#define COM_TimestampedLog( ... ) ((void)0)

#else // #if defined( DBGFLAG_STRINGS_STRIP ) && !defined( TIER0_DLL_EXPORT )

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void Msg( const tchar* pMsg, ... );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void Warning( const tchar *pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void Warning_SpewCallStack( int iMaxCallStackLength, const tchar *pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 );

#ifdef _PS3

PLATFORM_OVERLOAD void DevMsg( int level, const tchar* pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 );
PLATFORM_OVERLOAD void DevWarning( int level, const tchar *pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 );

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void DevMsg( const tchar* pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void DevWarning( const tchar *pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void ConColorMsg( const Color& clr, const tchar* pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void ConMsg( const tchar* pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );

#else // !_PS3

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void DevMsg( int level, const tchar* pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void DevWarning( int level, const tchar *pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 );

PLATFORM_OVERLOAD void DevMsg( const tchar* pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );
PLATFORM_OVERLOAD void DevWarning( const tchar *pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );

PLATFORM_OVERLOAD void ConColorMsg( const Color& clr, const tchar* pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 );
PLATFORM_OVERLOAD void ConMsg( const tchar* pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );

#endif // _PS3

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void ConDMsg( const tchar* pMsg, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void COM_TimestampedLog( char const *fmt, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 1, 2 );

#endif // #if defined( DBGFLAG_STRINGS_STRIP ) && !defined( TIER0_DLL_EXPORT )

// You can use this macro like a runtime assert macro.
// If the condition fails, then Error is called with the message. This macro is called
// like AssertMsg, where msg must be enclosed in parenthesis:
// ErrorIfNot( bCondition, ("a b c %d %d %d", 1, 2, 3) );
#define ErrorIfNot( condition, msg ) \
	if ( (condition) )		\
		;					\
	else 					\
	{						\
		Error msg;			\

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DebugMsg(...)  DevMsg(__VA_ARGS__)
#define DebugMsg(...)

// @TODO: these callstack spew functions are currently disabled in the new logging system.  Need to add support for these if desired.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void _Warning_AlwaysSpewCallStack_Enable( bool bEnable );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void _Warning_AlwaysSpewCallStack_Length( int iMaxCallStackLength );

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void _Error_AlwaysSpewCallStack_Enable( bool bEnable );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void _Error_AlwaysSpewCallStack_Length( int iMaxCallStackLength );

/* Code macros, debugger interface */

#ifdef _DEBUG

#define DBG_CODE( _code )            if (0) ; else { _code }
#define DBG_CODE_NOSCOPE( _code )	 _code
#define DBG_DCODE( _g, _l, _code )   if (IsSpewActive( _g, _l )) { _code } else {}
#define DBG_BREAK()                  DebuggerBreak()	/* defined in platform.h */ 

#else /* not _DEBUG */

#define DBG_CODE( _code )            ((void)0)
#define DBG_CODE_NOSCOPE( _code )	 
#define DBG_DCODE( _g, _l, _code )   ((void)0)
#define DBG_BREAK()                  ((void)0)

#endif /* _DEBUG */

// Macro to assist in asserting constant invariants during compilation

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( pred )	switch(0){case 0:case pred:;}
#define ASSERT_INVARIANT( pred )	static void UNIQUE_ID() { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( pred ) }
#define COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( pred )
#define ASSERT_INVARIANT( pred )

#ifdef _DEBUG
template<typename DEST_POINTER_TYPE, typename SOURCE_POINTER_TYPE>
inline DEST_POINTER_TYPE assert_cast(SOURCE_POINTER_TYPE* pSource)
    Assert( static_cast<DEST_POINTER_TYPE>(pSource) == dynamic_cast<DEST_POINTER_TYPE>(pSource) );
    return static_cast<DEST_POINTER_TYPE>(pSource);
#define assert_cast static_cast

// Templates to assist in validating pointers:

// Have to use these stubs so we don't have to include windows.h here.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void _AssertValidReadPtr( void* ptr, int count = 1 );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void _AssertValidWritePtr( void* ptr, int count = 1 );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void _AssertValidReadWritePtr( void* ptr, int count = 1 );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void _AssertValidStringPtr( const tchar* ptr, int maxchar );

inline void AssertValidStringPtr( const tchar* ptr, int maxchar = 0xFFFFFF )		 { _AssertValidStringPtr( ptr, maxchar ); }
template<class T> inline void AssertValidReadPtr( T* ptr, int count = 1 )		     { _AssertValidReadPtr( (void*)ptr, count ); }
template<class T> inline void AssertValidWritePtr( T* ptr, int count = 1 )		     { _AssertValidWritePtr( (void*)ptr, count ); }
template<class T> inline void AssertValidReadWritePtr( T* ptr, int count = 1 )	     { _AssertValidReadWritePtr( (void*)ptr, count ); }
#define AssertValidThis() AssertValidReadWritePtr(this,sizeof(*this))


inline void AssertValidStringPtr( const tchar* ptr, int maxchar = 0xFFFFFF ) 		 {	}
template<class T> inline void AssertValidReadPtr( T* ptr, int count = 1 )		     {  }
template<class T> inline void AssertValidWritePtr( T* ptr, int count = 1 )		     {  }
template<class T> inline void AssertValidReadWritePtr( T* ptr, int count = 1 )	     {  }
#define AssertValidThis() 

// Macro to protect functions that are not reentrant

#ifdef _DEBUG
class CReentryGuard
	CReentryGuard(int *pSemaphore)
	 : m_pSemaphore(pSemaphore)
	int *m_pSemaphore;

	static int fSemaphore##__LINE__; \
	Assert( !fSemaphore##__LINE__ ); \
	CReentryGuard ReentryGuard##__LINE__( &fSemaphore##__LINE__ )

// Tier0 uses these for string functions since this abstraction is normally done in tier1.
#ifdef POSIX
	#define Tier0Internal_sntprintf  snprintf
	#define Tier0Internal_vsntprintf vsnprintf
	#define Tier0Internal_vsnprintf  vsnprintf
	#define Tier0Internal_sntprintf  _sntprintf
	#define Tier0Internal_vsntprintf _vsntprintf
	#define Tier0Internal_vsnprintf  _vsnprintf

// Purpose: Inline string formatter

#include "tier0/valve_off.h"
class CDbgFmtMsg
	CDbgFmtMsg(const tchar *pszFormat, ...)
		va_list arg_ptr;

		va_start(arg_ptr, pszFormat);
		Tier0Internal_vsntprintf(m_szBuf, sizeof(m_szBuf)-1, pszFormat, arg_ptr);

		m_szBuf[sizeof(m_szBuf)-1] = 0;

	operator const tchar *() const				
		return m_szBuf; 

	tchar m_szBuf[256];
#include "tier0/valve_on.h"

// Purpose: Embed debug info in each file.
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )

	#ifdef _DEBUG
		#pragma comment(compiler)


// Purpose: Wrap around a variable to create a simple place to put a breakpoint

#ifdef _DEBUG

template< class Type >
class CDataWatcher
	const Type& operator=( const Type &val ) 
		return Set( val ); 
	const Type& operator=( const CDataWatcher<Type> &val ) 
		return Set( val.m_Value ); 
	const Type& Set( const Type &val )
		// Put your breakpoint here
		m_Value = val;
		return m_Value;
	Type& GetForModify()
		return m_Value;
	const Type& operator+=( const Type &val ) 
		return Set( m_Value + val ); 
	const Type& operator-=( const Type &val ) 
		return Set( m_Value - val ); 
	const Type& operator/=( const Type &val ) 
		return Set( m_Value / val ); 
	const Type& operator*=( const Type &val ) 
		return Set( m_Value * val ); 
	const Type& operator^=( const Type &val ) 
		return Set( m_Value ^ val ); 
	const Type& operator|=( const Type &val ) 
		return Set( m_Value | val ); 
	const Type& operator++()
		return (*this += 1);
	Type operator--()
		return (*this -= 1);
	Type operator++( int ) // postfix version..
		Type val = m_Value;
		(*this += 1);
		return val;
	Type operator--( int ) // postfix version..
		Type val = m_Value;
		(*this -= 1);
		return val;
	// For some reason the compiler only generates type conversion warnings for this operator when used like 
	// CNetworkVarBase<unsigned tchar> = 0x1
	// (it warns about converting from an int to an unsigned char).
	template< class C >
	const Type& operator&=( C val ) 
		return Set( m_Value & val ); 
	operator const Type&() const 
		return m_Value; 
	const Type& Get() const 
		return m_Value; 
	const Type* operator->() const 
		return &m_Value; 
	Type m_Value;


template< class Type >
class CDataWatcher
	CDataWatcher(); // refuse to compile in non-debug builds


// Code for programmatically setting/unsetting hardware breakpoints (there's probably a 360 and

typedef void * HardwareBreakpointHandle_t;

enum EHardwareBreakpointType

enum EHardwareBreakpointSize

PLATFORM_INTERFACE HardwareBreakpointHandle_t SetHardwareBreakpoint( EHardwareBreakpointType eType, EHardwareBreakpointSize eSize, const void *pvLocation );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool ClearHardwareBreakpoint( HardwareBreakpointHandle_t handle );

class CHardwareBreakPointScopeGuard
	CHardwareBreakPointScopeGuard( const void *pvLocation, size_t nLocationSize, EHardwareBreakpointType eType = BREAKPOINT_WRITE )
		EHardwareBreakpointSize eSize = BREAKPOINT_SIZE_4;
		switch ( nLocationSize )
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 4:
		case 8:
			Warning( _T( "SetHardwareBreakpoint can only work with 1, 2, 4 or 8 byte data fields." ) );

		m_hBreakPoint = SetHardwareBreakpoint( eType, eSize, pvLocation );
		m_bActive = m_hBreakPoint != (HardwareBreakpointHandle_t)0;


	void Release()
		if ( !m_bActive )
		ClearHardwareBreakpoint( m_hBreakPoint );

	bool						m_bActive;
	HardwareBreakpointHandle_t	m_hBreakPoint;

#endif // IS_WINDOWS_PC

#endif /* DBG_H */