Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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import os, sys
class PySSException:
g_bVerbose = 0
class PySourceSafe:
PySourceSafe represents a connection to a SS database.
Pass the directory to the database in the constructor, or \\hl2vss\hl2vss is assumed.
def __init__( self, dbPath=r"\\hl2vss\hl2vss" ):
# Store this off so we can put it in the environment when we run ss.
self.m_DBPath = dbPath
self.bUseExceptions = 0
self.m_VSSCommand = None
# Since we can't use spawnvpe to have it find ss.exe for us, we have to look in the path for it manually.
paths = os.environ['path'].split( ';' )
for path in paths:
if path[-1:] == '/' or path[-1:] == '\\':
testFilename = path + 'ss.exe'
testFilename = path + '\\' + 'ss.exe'
testFilename = testFilename.replace( '\"', '' )
if os.access( testFilename, os.F_OK ):
self.m_VSSCommand = testFilename
# If we can't find the vss command, they we're screwed so throw an exception.
if not self.m_VSSCommand:
raise PySSException
for_cmd = 'for %I in ("' + self.m_VSSCommand + '") do echo %~sI'
p = os.popen(for_cmd)
self.m_VSSCommand = p.readlines()[-1] # last line from for command
self.m_VSSCommand = self.m_VSSCommand.replace( '\n', '' )
self.lastExitStatus = 0
self.m_LastCommandOutput = ''
# Throw an exception on error? Default is no.
def EnableExceptions( self, bEnable ):
self.bUseExceptions = 1
# Get the output from the last command.
# This returns a list of the lines of text with the output.
def GetLastCommandOutput():
return self.m_LastCommandOutput
# Return a list of the filenames in a directory.
def ListFiles( self, rootDir ):
outlines = self.__RunCommand( ['dir',rootDir] )
if not outlines:
return None
returnList = []
for i in range( 1, len( outlines ) ):
if len( outlines[i] ) == 0:
elif outlines[i][0:1] != '$':
returnList.append( outlines[i] )
return returnList
def ListDirectories( self, rootDir ):
outlines = self.__RunCommand( ['dir',rootDir] )
if not outlines:
return None
returnList = []
for i in range( 1, len( outlines ) ):
if len( outlines[i] ) == 0:
elif outlines[i][0:1] == '$':
returnList.append( outlines[i] )
return returnList
# Example: p.AddFile( "$/hl2/release/dev/hl2/scripts", "c:\\test.txt", "some comment here" )
def AddFile( self, vssDir, localFilename, comment=None ):
if not self.__RunCommand( ['cp', vssDir] ):
return None
args = ['add', localFilename, '-I-']
if comment:
args.append( '-C%s' % comment )
return self.__RunCommand( args )
# Create a new directory (or 'subproject').
# Example: p.CreateDirectory( '$/tfc/models/test' )
# Note: this WILL create the subdirectories leading up to the final one if they don't exist.
def CreateDirectory( self, vssDir, comment=None ):
if not comment:
comment = ''
lastRet = []
# Create all directories leading up to this one/
dirs = vssDir.split( '/' )
curDir = ''
for dir in dirs:
if len( curDir ) == 0:
curDir = dir
curDir = curDir + '/' + dir
# Does it exist already?
self.__RunCommand( ['properties', curDir], 0 )
if self.lastExitStatus != 0 and self.lastExitStatus != None:
lastRet = self.__RunCommand( ['create', curDir, '-C%s' % comment, '-I-'] )
if lastRet == None:
return lastRet
# Remove a file. Returns:
# 0 if the file doesn't exist
# 1 if it existed and was removed
# None if the file existed but there was an error.
def DeleteFile( self, vssFilename ):
self.__RunCommand( ['properties', vssFilename], 0 )
if self.lastExitStatus:
return 0
# Now try to remove it.
self.__RunCommand( ['delete', vssFilename, '-I-'] )
if self.lastExitStatus:
return None
return 1
# Get the checkout status of a file (and find out if the file even exists).
def GetFileStatus( self, ssFilename ):
# Get the local working directory for the specified SS directory.
def GetWorkingDirectory( self, ssDir ):
# Get the local filename for the specified file.
def GetLocalFilename( self, ssFilename ):
# For all the CheckOut and Get commands, if localFilename is not None, then it'll
# treat that as the local file. Otherwise, it'll use the default working directory for that directory in SS.
# Returns 1 if successful, 0 if there was an error.
# Check out a file.
# Use GetLastOutput() to get the output string.
def CheckOutFile( self, ssFilename, localFilename=None ):
# Check out the whole directory.
def CheckOutDir( self, ssDirName, localDirName=None, bRecursive=0 ):
# Get a file.
def GetFile( self, ssFilename, localFilename=None ):
# Get a whole directory.
def GetFile( self, ssFilename, localFilename=None ):
# Check in a file. Optionally specify a comment.
# Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
def CheckInFile( self, ssFilename, localFilename=None, comment=None ):
# The big master function to run a vss command and get the results back in a list.
def __RunCommand( self, args, bHandleErrors=1 ):
# First, set the environment up.
tempEnviron = os.environ
os.environ['ssdir'] = self.m_DBPath
# Now build the command.
cmd = self.m_VSSCommand
for i in args:
cmd = cmd + ' \"%s\"' % i
if g_bVerbose:
print "VSS: " + cmd
# Run the command and capture its output.
f = os.popen( cmd, 'r' )
lines = f.readlines()
self.lastExitStatus = f.close()
self.m_LastCommandOutput = lines
lines = [i.strip() for i in lines]
# Restore the environment.
os.environ = tempEnviron
if self.lastExitStatus != 0 and self.lastExitStatus != None:
if bHandleErrors:
print 'VSS Error (status: %d): ' % self.lastExitStatus
print 'cmd: %s' % cmd
print 'output: '
for i in lines:
print '\t%s' % i
if self.bUseExceptions:
raise PySSException
return None
return lines
p = PySourceSafe()
print "Files"
files = p.ListFiles( '$/hl2/release/dev' )
for i in files:
print i
print "\n\nDirectories"
files = p.ListDirectories( '$/hl2/release/dev' )
for i in files:
print i
vssRoot = '$/tfc/models'
p.AddFile( "$/tfc", "c:\\test.txt", "test comment blah blah" )
p.CreateDirectory( '$/tfc/aa/bb/cc/dd', 'here is hte comment' )