Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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#========= Copyright 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ==========
# Master script for performing automated compiles of bsp's with cubemaps, reslists,
# and nodegraphs. Compiles can be triggered manually by adding the vmf's absolute
# path to mapbuild\forcelist.txt, or by adding the "autocompile" keyword
# to the checkin comments for a vmf.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SMTP;
my $maxCompiles = 3; # Maximum number of simultaneous compiles.
my $running = 0;
my @g_CompileList;
my @finalizeList;
my @g_Finalizing;
my @g_CompileThreads;
my %g_ToolArgs;
my %g_RunningCompiles;
my @g_OutputFiles;
my $g_FilenameIdx = 0;
my @g_MainDirs;
my $g_MainDirIdx = 0;
my @g_MapsToBuild;
my $buildbsp = 1; # Compile the bsp with vbsp, vvis, and vrad
my $buildreslists = 1; # Build reslists for the map
my $buildnodegraphs = 1; # Build the nodegraph (.ain) for the map
my $rootdir = "..\\..\\..\\.."; # Relative path from this script to one level above the "main" directory
system( "echo. > finalize.txt" );
# Generate filenames for the compile output files
for ( my $ct = 0; $ct < $maxCompiles * 2; ++$ct )
my $filename = join( '', "$rootdir\\main1\\src\\devtools\\mapbuild\\buildqueue", $g_FilenameIdx++, ".txt" );
push( @g_OutputFiles, $filename );
# Generate main directory names for each simultaneous compile
for ( my $ct = 1; $ct <= $maxCompiles; ++$ct )
my $filename = join( '', "main", $ct );
push( @g_MainDirs, $filename );
# Loop for infinity. If changes are made to this script, the process needs to
# be killed and restarted for those changes to take effect. Note, any maps that
# are compiling or waiting in the queue will NOT be picked up again when the script
# is restarted. Any maps that were compiling or waiting to compile when the process
# was stopped will need to be started manually by adding the vmf absolute path
# to forcelist.txt. A map can be manually added to the queue at any time while the script
# is running by adding the vmf absolute path to forcelist.txt.
while ( 1 )
# Generate a list of maps that need to be built. For vmf's that have been changed in
# Perforce, the checkin comments are parsed and if the word "autocompile"
# is found then that map will be added to the build list. All maps that are listed in
# forcelist.txt are also added to the build list.
# Append the maps to the build queue while filtering out duplicates. We only
# want to filter duplicates out of the queue - if a map is already compiling
# then it's reasonable to add it to the queue again because it must have changed
# since the current build began.
my $updated = 0;
for my $map ( @g_MapsToBuild )
if ( $map =~ /(\w*.vmf)/ )
# make sure it's not already in the queue
my $duplicate = 0;
my $testname = $1;
for ( @g_CompileList )
if ( /$testname/ )
$duplicate = 1;
system( "echo. >> log.txt" );
if ( $duplicate != 1 )
print( "Adding to compile list $map\n" );
system( "echo Adding to compile list $map >> log.txt" );
push( @g_CompileList, $map );
$updated = 1;
print( "Duplicate map found: $testname\n" );
system( "echo Duplicate map found: $testname >> log.txt" );
splice( @g_MapsToBuild );
# If there is a build slot open, start building the next map
sleep( 60 ); # Time is arbitrary - just don't spam Perforce
# Load in the finalize queue
open( INFILE, "<finalize.txt" );
my @finalizeList = <INFILE>;
close( INFILE );
system( "echo. > finalize.txt" );
# Finalize the maps (cubemaps, reslist, nodegraph, and checkin). The finalize list
# also contains the compile output (times,args,etc.) that need to go in the checkin comments.
my $maindir = "";
my $mod = "";
my $mapname = "";
my $strTime = "";
my $vbspargs = "";
my $vvisargs = "";
my $vradargs = "";
my $outfile = "";
for ( @finalizeList )
if ( /Finalize: (\w*) (\w*)/ )
$mod = $1;
$mapname = $2;
elsif ( /maindir: (.*)/ )
$maindir = $1;
elsif ( /vbspargs: (.*)/ )
$vbspargs = $1;
elsif ( /vvisargs: (.*)/ )
$vvisargs = $1;
elsif ( /vradargs: (.*)/ )
$vradargs = $1;
elsif ( /time: (.*)/ )
$strTime = $1;
elsif ( /outfile: (.*)/ )
# This is the final entry for a map
$outfile = $1;
print( "\nFinalizing $mod\\$mapname.bsp\n" );
system( "echo Finalizing $mapname.bsp >> log.txt" );
# A compile slot has opened up
push( @g_Finalizing, $mapname );
# Let another compile start in the just-emptied slot.
my $ldrResult = 0;
my $hdrResult = 0;
# HACK: Make sure a zombie process can't hold up the system
system( "taskkill /im hl2.exe /f" );
chdir( "$rootdir\\$maindir\\src\\devtools\\mapbuild" );
# Get the Perforce client and owner names for the checkin file
my $g_client;
my $g_owner;
my @clientspec = readpipe "p4 client -o";
for ( @clientspec )
if ( /^Client:[\s*](.*)/ )
$g_client = $1;
print( "Using client $g_client\n" );
elsif ( /^Owner:[\s*](.*)/ )
$g_owner = $1;
print( "Using owner $g_owner\n" );
if ( $buildbsp == 1 )
# Build cubemaps
system( "echo. >> $outfile" );
system( "time /t >> $outfile" );
system( "echo Building cubemaps for $mapname. >> $outfile" );
if ( $vradargs =~ /-hdr|-both/ )
$hdrResult = system( "$rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\hl2.exe -allowdebug -game $mod -window -w 1152 -h 864 +mat_picmip 0 -dev +mat_hdr_level 2 +sv_cheats 1 +map $mapname -buildcubemaps" );
if ( $vradargs =~ /-ldr|-both/ )
$ldrResult = system( "$rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\hl2.exe -allowdebug -game $mod -window -w 1152 -h 864 +mat_picmip 0 -dev +mat_hdr_level 0 +sv_cheats 1 +map $mapname -buildcubemaps" );
if ( $buildreslists == 1 )
system( "echo. >> $outfile" );
system( "time /t >> $outfile" );
system( "echo Building reslists and nodegraph for $mapname. >> $outfile" );
system( "del /s $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\reslists_temp\\*.lst" );
system( "p4 edit $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\reslists_xbox\\$mapname.lst" );
system( "p4 add $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\reslists_xbox\\$mapname.lst" );
system( "del $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\reslists_xbox\\$mapname.lst" );
my $extraflags = "";
# if ( $mod =~ /portal/ )
# {
# $extraflags = "-tempcontent";
# }
system( "del \/s $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\modelsounds.cache" );
system( "$rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\hl2.exe -allowdebug -game $mod -window -dev -makereslists makereslists_xbox.txt $extraflags +map $mapname" );
elsif ( $buildnodegraphs == 1 )
# system( "p4 edit $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\maps\\graphs\\$mapname.ain >> log.txt" );
# TODO: Build nodegraphs method. Currently we get this for free when building reslists.
# Generate the checkin file
system( "echo. >> $outfile" );
system( "time /t >> $outfile" );
system( "echo Submitting to Perforce. >> $outfile" );
open( OUTFILE, ">checkin.txt" );
print( OUTFILE "Change: new\n\n" );
print( OUTFILE "Client: $g_client\n\n" );
print( OUTFILE "User: $g_owner\n\n" );
print( OUTFILE "Status: new\n\n" );
print( OUTFILE "Description: Autobuild for map $mapname.bsp\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\n" );
if ( $hdrResult == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "\tWARNING! There was an error while building HDR cubemaps.\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\tHDR Cubemaps may need to be rebuilt before using this map.\n\n" );
if ( $ldrResult == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "\tWARNING! There was an error while building LDR cubemaps.\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\tLDR Cubemaps may need to be rebuilt before using this map.\n\n" );
if ( $buildbsp == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "\tCOMPILE ARGS\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\tvbsp:\t",$vbspargs,"\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\tvvis:\t",$vvisargs,"\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\tvrad:\t",$vradargs,"\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\tBuild time: $strTime\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\n" );
# Add the comments from the last checkin of this map
system( "p4 changes -m 1 -s submitted -l $rootdir\\$maindir\\content\\$mod\\maps\\$mapname.vmf > comments.txt" );
open(INFILE, "comments.txt");
my @comments = <INFILE>;
if ( $buildbsp == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "\tCheckin Comments: " );
print( OUTFILE @comments,"\n\n" );
print( OUTFILE "\tRebuilt bsp\n" );
if ( $buildnodegraphs == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "\n\tRebuilt nodegraph\n" );
if ( $buildreslists == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "\n\tRebuilt reslist\n" );
print( OUTFILE "Files:\n" );
if ( $buildbsp == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "\t//ValveGames/staging/game/$mod/maps/$mapname.bsp\n" );
if ( $buildnodegraphs == 1 )
# Copy up to fileserver
system( "copy $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\maps\\graphs\\$mapname.ain \"\\\\fileserver\\user\\xbox\\xbox_orange\\graphs\\$mod\\$mapname.ain\"" );
if ( $buildreslists == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "\t//ValveGames/staging/game/$mod/reslists_xbox/$mapname.lst\n" );
close( OUTFILE );
# Check in the map
system( "p4 submit -i < checkin.txt >> log.txt" );
# Send the build output in an email to the submitter
my $email = "kerry\";
for ( @comments )
if ( /Change \d* on \S* by (\w*)@/ )
$email = join( '@', $1, "" );
open(INFILE, "$outfile");
my @compileoutput = <INFILE>;
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new('');
$smtp->datasend( "To: $email\n" );
$smtp->datasend( "Subject: $mapname has finished compiling.\n" );
$smtp->datasend( @comments );
$smtp->datasend( @compileoutput );
delete( $g_RunningCompiles{$outfile} );
splice( @g_Finalizing );
chdir( "$rootdir\\main1\\src\\devtools\\mapbuild" );
} # end while(1)
# Start a compile if there is an open slot
sub StartCompiles
my $idx = 0;
print( "Current maplist:\n" );
for ( @g_CompileList )
print( "$_\n" );
my $skipCt = 0;
while ( @g_CompileList > $skipCt && $running < $maxCompiles )
my $nextMap = splice( @g_CompileList, 0, 1 );
# Make sure this map isn't already compiling in another slot
my $duplicate = 0;
for ( values %g_RunningCompiles )
$nextMap =~ /(\w*).vmf/;
if ( /^$1$/ )
system( "echo $nextMap already compiling - skipping for now. >> log.txt" );
push @g_CompileList, $nextMap;
$duplicate = 1;
if ( $duplicate == 0 )
Compile( $nextMap );
my $mapct = @g_CompileList;
system( "echo Maps waiting: $mapct >> log.txt" );
# Compile a single map - this subroutine forks the process
sub Compile
# sync the rest of the content and bins.
my $maindir = $g_MainDirs[$g_MainDirIdx];
$g_MainDirIdx = ( $g_MainDirIdx + 1 ) % $maxCompiles;
chdir( "$rootdir\\$maindir\\src\\devtools\\mapbuild" );
system( "p4 sync $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\..." );
system( "p4 sync $rootdir\\$maindir\\src\\..." );
# parse the map and mod name from the full path
my $fullpath = shift;
my $mod;
my $mapname;
if ( $fullpath =~ /(\w*)\\maps\\(\w*).vmf/ )
$mod = $1;
$mapname = $2;
print( "Error getting map name and mod\n" );
# Get the next output file. All output from the build tools
# (vbsp,vvis,vrad) will be redirected to this file.
my $outfile = undef;
for ( @g_OutputFiles )
unless ( defined $g_RunningCompiles{$_} )
$outfile = $_;
unless ( defined $outfile )
my $filename = join( '', "buildqueue", $g_FilenameIdx++, ".txt" );
push( @g_OutputFiles, $filename );
$outfile = $filename;
$g_RunningCompiles{$outfile} = $mapname;
# Force-sync the vmf and bsp
system( "echo Compiling $mod\\$mapname.bsp > $outfile" );
system( "echo. >> log.txt" );
system( "date /t >> log.txt" );
system( "time /t >> log.txt" );
system( "echo Compling $mod\\$mapname.bsp >> log.txt" );
system( "p4 sync -f ..\\..\\..\\content\\$mod\\maps\\$mapname.vmf >> log.txt" );
system( "p4 sync -f $rootdir\\$maindir\\content\\$mod\\maps\\$mapname.vmf >> log.txt" );
system( "p4 sync -f $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\maps\\$mapname.bsp >> log.txt" );
if ( $buildbsp == 1 )
print "\nCompiling $mod\\$mapname.bsp\n";
# load the map compile args for this mod
if( !open( INFILE, "$rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\scripts\\mapautocompile.txt") )
print( "Error opening autocompile.txt\n" );
my @lines = <INFILE>;
close (INFILE);
my $tool;
my $rest;
my $toolmap;
for ( @lines )
if ( /map: (.*)/ )
$toolmap = $1;
elsif ( /\s+(.+)/ )
($tool, $rest) = split ( /:\s*/, $1, 2 );
$g_ToolArgs{$toolmap}{$tool} = $rest;
# Open the bsp for edit
system( "p4 edit $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\maps\\$mapname.bsp" );
system( "p4 add $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\maps\\$mapname.bsp" );
system( "del $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\maps\\$mapname.bsp" );
chdir( "$rootdir\\main1\\src\\devtools\\mapbuild" );
# fork this compile to a new process
my $pid = fork();
print "fork failed!" unless defined $pid;
if ( $pid != 0 )
# I am the parent
my $strTime = "";
my $vbspargs = "";
my $vvisargs = "";
my $vradargs = "";
chdir( "$rootdir\\$maindir\\src\\devtools\\mapbuild" );
if ( $buildbsp == 1 )
# Compile
# delete the bsp to ensure that vbsp succeeded
system( "del $rootdir\\$maindir\\content\\$mod\\maps\\$mapname.bsp" );
my $startTime = time;
$vbspargs = compileTool( $maindir, $mod, $mapname, "vbsp", $outfile );
$vvisargs = compileTool( $maindir, $mod, $mapname, "vvis", $outfile );
$vradargs = compileTool( $maindir, $mod, $mapname, "vrad", $outfile );
my $totalTime = time - $startTime;
my $hours = int($totalTime / 3600);
$totalTime -= ($hours * 3600);
my $minutes = int( $totalTime / 60 );
$totalTime -= ($minutes * 60);
my $seconds = $totalTime;
$strTime = sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds );
chdir( "$rootdir\\main1\\src\\devtools\\mapbuild" );
# Add the map's name to the finalize list
while( !open( OUTFILE, ">>finalize.txt" ) ) {}
print OUTFILE "Finalize: $mod $mapname\n";
print OUTFILE "maindir: $maindir\n";
if ( $buildbsp == 1 )
# Output the compile args and time
print OUTFILE "vbspargs: $vbspargs\n";
print OUTFILE "vvisargs: $vvisargs\n";
print OUTFILE "vradargs: $vradargs\n";
print OUTFILE "time: $strTime\n";
print OUTFILE "outfile: $outfile\n";
close( OUTFILE );
# This child is finished
# Run a map build tool (vbsp, vvis, vrad)
sub compileTool
my $maindir = shift;
my $mod = shift;
my $map = shift;
my $tool = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
# Load the compile arguments that were parsed from mapautocompile.txt.
# If the map has its own custom args, then use those - otherwise,
# just use the default set.
my $toolArgs = $g_ToolArgs{"default"}{$tool};
if ( exists $g_ToolArgs{$map}{$tool} )
$toolArgs = $g_ToolArgs{$map}{$tool};
system( "echo. >> $outfile" );
system( "time /t >> $outfile" );
system( "echo Starting $tool for $map >> $outfile" );
system( "echo. >> $outfile" );
# HACK: There is a crash bug when using -both in vrad. If the -both
# flags is present, remove it and do two vrad compiles with -ldr and -hdr.
if ( $tool =~ /vrad/ && $toolArgs =~ /-both/ )
system( "echo Found -both argument. Splitting into -ldr and -hdr >> $outfile" );
my $newArgs = $toolArgs;
$newArgs =~ s/-both //;
system( "$rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\bin\\$tool -vproject $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod $newArgs -ldr $rootdir\\$maindir\\content\\$mod\\maps\\$map >> $outfile" );
system( "$rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\bin\\$tool -vproject $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod $newArgs -hdr $rootdir\\$maindir\\content\\$mod\\maps\\$map >> $outfile" );
system( "$rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\bin\\$tool -vproject $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod $toolArgs $rootdir\\$maindir\\content\\$mod\\maps\\$map >> $outfile" );
# copy the new bsp into the maps directory
system( "copy /Y $rootdir\\$maindir\\content\\$mod\\maps\\$map.bsp $rootdir\\$maindir\\game\\$mod\\maps" );
system( "echo. >> $outfile" );
system( "echo Finished >> $outfile" );
return $toolArgs;
# Check if this map should build now
sub syncChangedMaps
# TODO: Get these mod names from a file?
my @mods = ( "ep2", "portal", "episodic", "hl2", "tf" );
# Query perforce for changed maps by doing a speculative sync. This generates a list
# of files that it WOULD sync, without actually doing the sync.
# BUG: This doesn't return new files that have been added - don't know why yet.
my @maps;
for my $mod ( @mods )
push ( @maps, readpipe "p4 sync -n ..\\..\\..\\content\\$mod\\maps\\*.vmf" );
# forcelist.txt allows maps to be manually added to the build.
open(INFILE, "forcelist.txt");
my @forcemaps = <INFILE>;
close( INFILE );
system( "echo. > forcelist.txt" );
# Run through the list of maps to see if any should be built
for( @maps)
if( /updating (.*)|adding (.*)/ )
# Check if this map should be built now
if ( shouldBuild( $1 ) == 0 )
# Add this map name to the build list
system( "p4 sync -f $1" );
push( @g_MapsToBuild, $1 );
system( "echo Adding to the build list: $1 >> log.txt" );
for( @forcemaps )
if ( /\.vmf/ )
# Add this map name to the build list
$_ =~ /(.*)/;
system( "p4 sync -f $1" );
push( @g_MapsToBuild, $1 );
system( "echo Forcing add to the build list: $1 >> log.txt" );
# Check if this map should build now
sub shouldBuild
my $map = shift;
# if the map line contains the force flag, build the map
if ( $map =~ /-forcebuild/ )
return 1;
# Get the comments from the last checkin of this map
# and look for the autocompile keyword
my @comments = readpipe "p4 changes -m 1 -s submitted -l $map";
for( @comments )
if ( /autocompile/i )
return 1;
return 0;
# Hacky little routine to build an html file that contains the current state
# of the autocompiler (running, maps building, maps waiting, etc.) and a frameset
# that shows the compile output for each map that's currently building. This way
# users of the autocompiler can keep an eye on their map's progress.
sub UpdateStats
my $noCompiles = 0;
my $noWaiting = 0;
if ( keys( %g_RunningCompiles ) == 0 && @g_Finalizing == 0 )
$noCompiles = 1;
if ( @g_CompileList == 0 )
$noWaiting = 1;
# Start building the main html page
open( OUTFILE, ">buildlist.htm" );
print( OUTFILE "<html>\n" );
print( OUTFILE "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"10; URL=buildlist.htm\">\n" );
print( OUTFILE "Mapbuilder state: <font color=#009900><b>" );
if ( $noCompiles == 1 && $noWaiting == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "Ready</b></font><br>\n" );
print( OUTFILE "RUNNING</b></font><br>\n" );
print( OUTFILE "Max simultaneous compiles: $maxCompiles\n" );
print( OUTFILE "<p>\n" );
print( OUTFILE "<b>Active:</b>\n<p>\n" );
# Show a list of maps that are currently compiling
my $filect = 0;
if ( $noCompiles == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "None" );
for ( @g_OutputFiles )
if ( defined( $g_RunningCompiles{$_} ) )
my $testname = $g_RunningCompiles{$_};
my $filename = $_;
if ( $filename =~ /(\w*\.txt)/ )
$filename = $1;
my $finishing = 0;
for ( @g_Finalizing )
if ( /$testname/ )
$finishing = 1;
print( OUTFILE "<a href=\"$filename\" TARGET=\"_parent\">$testname.bsp</a>" );
if ( $finishing == 1 )
print( OUTFILE " - Finishing (cubemaps, reslist, nodegraph.)\n<br>\n" );
print( OUTFILE " - Compiling\n<br>\n" );
# Show a list of maps that are waiting to compile
print( OUTFILE "<p>\n<b>Waiting:</b>\n<p>\n" );
if ( $noWaiting == 1 )
print( OUTFILE "None" );
for ( @g_CompileList )
print( OUTFILE "$1.bsp\n<br>\n" );
print( OUTFILE "</html>\n" );
close( OUTFILE );
# create the main page
open( OUTFILE, ">buildqueue.htm" );
print( OUTFILE "<html>\n" );
print( OUTFILE "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"30; URL=buildqueue.htm\">\n" );
my $size = 0;
if ( $filect != 0 )
print( OUTFILE "<frameset rows=\"30%" );
$size = 70 / $filect;
print( OUTFILE "<frameset rows=\"100%" );
for ( my $ct = 0; $ct < $filect; ++$ct )
print( OUTFILE ",$size%" );
print( OUTFILE "\">\n" );
print( OUTFILE "<frame src=\"buildlist.htm\">\n" );
for ( @g_OutputFiles )
if ( defined( $g_RunningCompiles{$_} ) )
my $filename = $_;
if ( $filename =~ /(\w*\.txt)/ )
$filename = $1;
print( OUTFILE "<frame src=\"$filename\">\n" );
print( OUTFILE "</frameset>\n" );
print( OUTFILE "</html>\n" );
close( OUTFILE );