Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "render_pch.h"
#include "gl_lightmap.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "gl_cvars.h"
#include "zone.h"
#include "gl_water.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "gl_model_private.h"
#include "mathlib/bumpvects.h"
#include "gl_matsysiface.h"
#include <float.h>
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier1/callqueue.h"
#include "lightcache.h"
#include "cl_main.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// globals
// Only enable this if you are testing lightstyle performance.
ConVar r_avglightmap( "r_avglightmap", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_MATERIAL_SYSTEM_THREAD );
ConVar r_maxdlights( "r_maxdlights", "32" );
extern ConVar r_unloadlightmaps;
extern bool g_bHunkAllocLightmaps;
static int r_dlightvisible;
static int r_dlightvisiblethisframe;
static int s_nVisibleDLightCount;
static int s_nMaxVisibleDLightCount;
// Visible, not visible DLights
void R_MarkDLightVisible( int dlight )
if ( (r_dlightvisible & ( 1 << dlight )) == 0 )
r_dlightvisible |= 1 << dlight;
void R_MarkDLightNotVisible( int dlight )
if ( r_dlightvisible & ( 1 << dlight ))
r_dlightvisible &= ~( 1 << dlight );
// Must call these at the start + end of rendering each view
void R_DLightStartView()
r_dlightvisiblethisframe = 0;
s_nMaxVisibleDLightCount = r_maxdlights.GetInt();
void R_DLightEndView()
if ( !g_bActiveDlights )
for( int lnum=0 ; lnum<MAX_DLIGHTS; lnum++ )
if ( r_dlightvisiblethisframe & ( 1 << lnum ))
R_MarkDLightNotVisible( lnum );
// Can we use another dynamic light, or is it just too expensive?
bool R_CanUseVisibleDLight( int dlight )
r_dlightvisiblethisframe |= (1 << dlight);
if ( r_dlightvisible & ( 1 << dlight ) )
return true;
if ( s_nVisibleDLightCount >= s_nMaxVisibleDLightCount )
return false;
R_MarkDLightVisible( dlight );
return true;
// Adds a single dynamic light
static bool AddSingleDynamicLight( dlight_t& dl, SurfaceHandle_t surfID, const Vector &lightOrigin, float perpDistSq, float lightRadiusSq )
// transform the light into brush local space
Vector local;
// Spotlight early outs...
if (dl.m_OuterAngle)
if (dl.m_OuterAngle < 180.0f)
// Can't light anything from the rear...
if (DotProduct(dl.m_Direction, MSurf_Plane( surfID ).normal) >= 0.0f)
return false;
// Transform the light center point into (u,v) space of the lightmap
mtexinfo_t* tex = MSurf_TexInfo( surfID );
local[0] = DotProduct (lightOrigin, tex->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0].AsVector3D()) +
local[1] = DotProduct (lightOrigin, tex->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1].AsVector3D()) +
// Now put the center points into the space of the lightmap rectangle
// defined by the lightmapMins + lightmapExtents
local[0] -= MSurf_LightmapMins( surfID )[0];
local[1] -= MSurf_LightmapMins( surfID )[1];
// Figure out the quadratic attenuation factor...
Vector intensity;
float lightStyleValue = LightStyleValue( );
intensity[0] = TexLightToLinear( dl.color.r, dl.color.exponent ) * lightStyleValue;
intensity[1] = TexLightToLinear( dl.color.g, dl.color.exponent ) * lightStyleValue;
intensity[2] = TexLightToLinear( dl.color.b, dl.color.exponent ) * lightStyleValue;
float minlight = fpmax( g_flMinLightingValue, dl.minlight );
float ooQuadraticAttn = lightRadiusSq * minlight;
float ooRadiusSq = 1.0f / lightRadiusSq;
// Compute a color at each luxel
// We want to know the square distance from luxel center to light
// so we can compute an 1/r^2 falloff in light color
int smax = MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID )[0] + 1;
int tmax = MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID )[1] + 1;
for (int t=0; t<tmax; ++t)
float td = (local[1] - t) * tex->worldUnitsPerLuxel;
for (int s=0; s<smax; ++s)
float sd = (local[0] - s) * tex->worldUnitsPerLuxel;
float inPlaneDistSq = sd * sd + td * td;
float totalDistSq = inPlaneDistSq + perpDistSq;
if (totalDistSq < lightRadiusSq)
// at least all floating point only happens when a luxel is lit.
float scale = (totalDistSq != 0.0f) ? ooQuadraticAttn / totalDistSq : 1.0f;
// Apply a little extra attenuation
scale *= (1.0f - totalDistSq * ooRadiusSq);
if (scale > 2.0f)
scale = 2.0f;
int idx = t*smax + s;
// Compute the base lighting just as is done in the non-bump case...
blocklights[0][idx][0] += scale * intensity[0];
blocklights[0][idx][1] += scale * intensity[1];
blocklights[0][idx][2] += scale * intensity[2];
return true;
// Adds a dynamic light to the bumped lighting
static void AddSingleDynamicLightToBumpLighting( dlight_t& dl, SurfaceHandle_t surfID,
const Vector &lightOrigin, float perpDistSq, float lightRadiusSq, Vector* pBumpBasis, const Vector& luxelBasePosition )
Vector local;
// FIXME: For now, only elights can be spotlights
// the lightmap computation could get expensive for spotlights...
Assert( dl.m_OuterAngle == 0.0f );
// Transform the light center point into (u,v) space of the lightmap
mtexinfo_t *pTexInfo = MSurf_TexInfo( surfID );
local[0] = DotProduct (lightOrigin, pTexInfo->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0].AsVector3D()) +
local[1] = DotProduct (lightOrigin, pTexInfo->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1].AsVector3D()) +
// Now put the center points into the space of the lightmap rectangle
// defined by the lightmapMins + lightmapExtents
local[0] -= MSurf_LightmapMins( surfID )[0];
local[1] -= MSurf_LightmapMins( surfID )[1];
// Figure out the quadratic attenuation factor...
Vector intensity;
float lightStyleValue = LightStyleValue( );
intensity[0] = TexLightToLinear( dl.color.r, dl.color.exponent ) * lightStyleValue;
intensity[1] = TexLightToLinear( dl.color.g, dl.color.exponent ) * lightStyleValue;
intensity[2] = TexLightToLinear( dl.color.b, dl.color.exponent ) * lightStyleValue;
float minlight = fpmax( g_flMinLightingValue, dl.minlight );
float ooQuadraticAttn = lightRadiusSq * minlight;
float ooRadiusSq = 1.0f / lightRadiusSq;
// The algorithm here is necessary to make dynamic lights live in the
// same world as the non-bumped dynamic lights. Therefore, we compute
// the intensity of the flat lightmap the exact same way here as when
// we've got a non-bumped surface.
// Then, I compute an actual light direction vector per luxel (FIXME: !!expensive!!)
// and compute what light would have to come in along that direction
// in order to produce the same illumination on the flat lightmap. That's
// computed by dividing the flat lightmap color by n dot l.
Vector lightDirection(0, 0, 0), texelWorldPosition;
#if 1
bool useLightDirection = (dl.m_OuterAngle != 0.0f) &&
(fabs(dl.m_Direction.LengthSqr() - 1.0f) < 1e-3);
if (useLightDirection)
VectorMultiply( dl.m_Direction, -1.0f, lightDirection );
// Since there's a scale factor used when going from world to luxel,
// we gotta undo that scale factor when going from luxel to world
float fixupFactor = pTexInfo->worldUnitsPerLuxel * pTexInfo->worldUnitsPerLuxel;
// Compute a color at each luxel
// We want to know the square distance from luxel center to light
// so we can compute an 1/r^2 falloff in light color
int smax = MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID )[0] + 1;
int tmax = MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID )[1] + 1;
for (int t=0; t<tmax; ++t)
float td = (local[1] - t) * pTexInfo->worldUnitsPerLuxel;
// Move along the v direction
VectorMA( luxelBasePosition, t * fixupFactor, pTexInfo->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1].AsVector3D(),
texelWorldPosition );
for (int s=0; s<smax; ++s)
float sd = (local[0] - s) * pTexInfo->worldUnitsPerLuxel;
float inPlaneDistSq = sd * sd + td * td;
float totalDistSq = inPlaneDistSq + perpDistSq;
if (totalDistSq < lightRadiusSq)
// at least all floating point only happens when a luxel is lit.
float scale = (totalDistSq != 0.0f) ? ooQuadraticAttn / totalDistSq : 1.0f;
// Apply a little extra attenuation
scale *= (1.0f - totalDistSq * ooRadiusSq);
if (scale > 2.0f)
scale = 2.0f;
int idx = t*smax + s;
// Compute the base lighting just as is done in the non-bump case...
VectorMA( blocklights[0][idx].AsVector3D(), scale, intensity, blocklights[0][idx].AsVector3D() );
#if 1
if (!useLightDirection)
VectorSubtract( lightOrigin, texelWorldPosition, lightDirection );
VectorNormalize( lightDirection );
float lDotN = DotProduct( lightDirection, MSurf_Plane( surfID ).normal );
if (lDotN < 1e-3)
lDotN = 1e-3;
scale /= lDotN;
int i;
for( i = 1; i < NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1; i++ )
float dot = DotProduct( lightDirection, pBumpBasis[i-1] );
if( dot <= 0.0f )
VectorMA( blocklights[i][idx].AsVector3D(), dot * scale, intensity,
blocklights[i][idx].AsVector3D() );
VectorMA( blocklights[1][idx].AsVector3D(), scale, intensity, blocklights[1][idx].AsVector3D() );
VectorMA( blocklights[2][idx].AsVector3D(), scale, intensity, blocklights[2][idx].AsVector3D() );
VectorMA( blocklights[3][idx].AsVector3D(), scale, intensity, blocklights[3][idx].AsVector3D() );
// Move along u
VectorMA( texelWorldPosition, fixupFactor,
pTexInfo->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0].AsVector3D(), texelWorldPosition );
// Compute the bumpmap basis for this surface
static void R_ComputeSurfaceBasis( SurfaceHandle_t surfID, Vector *pBumpNormals, Vector &luxelBasePosition )
// Get the bump basis vects in the space of the surface.
Vector sVect, tVect;
VectorCopy( MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0].AsVector3D(), sVect );
VectorNormalize( sVect );
VectorCopy( MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1].AsVector3D(), tVect );
VectorNormalize( tVect );
GetBumpNormals( sVect, tVect, MSurf_Plane( surfID ).normal, MSurf_Plane( surfID ).normal, pBumpNormals );
// Compute the location of the first luxel in worldspace
// Since there's a scale factor used when going from world to luxel,
// we gotta undo that scale factor when going from luxel to world
float fixupFactor =
MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->worldUnitsPerLuxel *
MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->worldUnitsPerLuxel;
// The starting u of the surface is surf->lightmapMins[0];
// since N * P + D = u, N * P = u - D, therefore we gotta move (u-D) along uvec
VectorMultiply( MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0].AsVector3D(),
(MSurf_LightmapMins( surfID )[0] - MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[0][3]) * fixupFactor,
luxelBasePosition );
// Do the same thing for the v direction.
VectorMA( luxelBasePosition,
(MSurf_LightmapMins( surfID )[1] -
MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1][3]) * fixupFactor,
MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->lightmapVecsLuxelsPerWorldUnits[1].AsVector3D(),
luxelBasePosition );
// Move out in the direction of the plane normal...
VectorMA( luxelBasePosition, MSurf_Plane( surfID ).dist, MSurf_Plane( surfID ).normal, luxelBasePosition );
// Purpose: Compute the mask of which dlights affect a surface
// NOTE: Also has the side effect of updating the surface lighting dlight flags!
unsigned int R_ComputeDynamicLightMask( dlight_t *pLights, SurfaceHandle_t surfID, msurfacelighting_t *pLighting, const matrix3x4_t& entityToWorld )
Vector bumpNormals[3];
Vector luxelBasePosition;
// Displacements do dynamic lights different
if( SurfaceHasDispInfo( surfID ) )
return MSurf_DispInfo( surfID )->ComputeDynamicLightMask(pLights);
if ( !g_bActiveDlights )
return 0;
int lightMask = 0;
for ( int lnum = 0, testBit = 1, mask = r_dlightactive; lnum < MAX_DLIGHTS; lnum++, mask >>= 1, testBit <<= 1 )
if ( mask & 1 )
// not lit by this light
if ( !(pLighting->m_fDLightBits & testBit ) )
// This light doesn't affect the world
// This is used to ensure a maximum number of dlights in a frame
if ( !R_CanUseVisibleDLight( lnum ) )
// Cull surface to light radius
Vector lightOrigin;
VectorITransform( pLights[lnum].origin, entityToWorld, lightOrigin );
// NOTE: Dist can be negative because muzzle flashes can actually get behind walls
// since the gun isn't checked for collision tests.
float perpDistSq = DotProduct (lightOrigin, MSurf_Plane( surfID ).normal) - MSurf_Plane( surfID ).dist;
// update the surfacelighting and remove this light's bit
pLighting->m_fDLightBits &= ~testBit;
perpDistSq *= perpDistSq;
// If the perp distance > radius of light, blow it off
float lightRadiusSq = pLights[lnum].GetRadiusSquared();
if (lightRadiusSq <= perpDistSq)
// update the surfacelighting and remove this light's bit
pLighting->m_fDLightBits &= ~testBit;
lightMask |= testBit;
return lightMask;
// Purpose: Modifies blocklights[][][] to include the state of the dlights
// affecting this surface.
// NOTE: Can be threaded, should not reference or modify any global state
// other than blocklights.
void R_AddDynamicLights( dlight_t *pLights, SurfaceHandle_t surfID, const matrix3x4_t& entityToWorld, bool needsBumpmap, unsigned int lightMask )
VPROF( "R_AddDynamicLights" );
Vector bumpNormals[3];
bool computedBumpBasis = false;
Vector luxelBasePosition;
// Displacements do dynamic lights different
if( SurfaceHasDispInfo( surfID ) )
MSurf_DispInfo( surfID )->AddDynamicLights(pLights, lightMask);
// iterate all of the active dynamic lights. Uses several iterators to keep
// the light mask (bit), light index, and active mask current
for ( int lnum = 0, testBit = 1, mask = lightMask; lnum < MAX_DLIGHTS && mask != 0; lnum++, mask >>= 1, testBit <<= 1 )
// shift over the mask of active lights each iteration, if this one is active, apply it
if ( mask & 1 )
// Cull surface to light radius
Vector lightOrigin;
VectorITransform( pLights[lnum].origin, entityToWorld, lightOrigin );
// NOTE: Dist can be negative because muzzle flashes can actually get behind walls
// since the gun isn't checked for collision tests.
float perpDistSq = DotProduct (lightOrigin, MSurf_Plane( surfID ).normal) - MSurf_Plane( surfID ).dist;
perpDistSq *= perpDistSq;
// If the perp distance > radius of light, blow it off
float lightRadiusSq = pLights[lnum].GetRadiusSquared();
if (lightRadiusSq <= perpDistSq)
if (!needsBumpmap)
AddSingleDynamicLight( pLights[lnum], surfID, lightOrigin, perpDistSq, lightRadiusSq );
// Here, I'm precomputing things needed by bumped lighting that
// are the same for a surface...
if (!computedBumpBasis)
R_ComputeSurfaceBasis( surfID, bumpNormals, luxelBasePosition );
computedBumpBasis = true;
AddSingleDynamicLightToBumpLighting( pLights[lnum], surfID, lightOrigin, perpDistSq, lightRadiusSq, bumpNormals, luxelBasePosition );
// Fixed point (8.8) color/intensity ratios
#define I_RED ((int)(0.299*255))
#define I_GREEN ((int)(0.587*255))
#define I_BLUE ((int)(0.114*255))
// Sets all elements in a lightmap to a particular opaque greyscale value
static void InitLMSamples( Vector4D *pSamples, int nSamples, float value )
for( int i=0; i < nSamples; i++ )
pSamples[i][0] = pSamples[i][1] = pSamples[i][2] = value;
pSamples[i][3] = 1.0f;
// Computes the lightmap size
static int ComputeLightmapSize( SurfaceHandle_t surfID )
int smax = ( MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID )[0] ) + 1;
int tmax = ( MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID )[1] ) + 1;
int size = smax * tmax;
int nMaxSize = MSurf_MaxLightmapSizeWithBorder( surfID );
if (size > nMaxSize * nMaxSize)
ConMsg("Bad lightmap extents on material \"%s\"\n",
materialSortInfoArray[MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID )].material->GetName());
return 0;
return size;
#ifndef _X360
// Compute the portion of the lightmap generated from lightstyles
static void AccumulateLightstyles( ColorRGBExp32* pLightmap, int lightmapSize, float scalar )
Assert( pLightmap );
for (int i=0; i<lightmapSize ; ++i)
blocklights[0][i][0] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].r, pLightmap[i].exponent );
blocklights[0][i][1] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].g, pLightmap[i].exponent );
blocklights[0][i][2] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].b, pLightmap[i].exponent );
static void AccumulateLightstylesFlat( ColorRGBExp32* pLightmap, int lightmapSize, float scalar )
Assert( pLightmap );
for (int i=0; i<lightmapSize ; ++i)
blocklights[0][i][0] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pLightmap->r, pLightmap->exponent );
blocklights[0][i][1] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pLightmap->g, pLightmap->exponent );
blocklights[0][i][2] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pLightmap->b, pLightmap->exponent );
static void AccumulateBumpedLightstyles( ColorRGBExp32* pLightmap, int lightmapSize, float scalar )
ColorRGBExp32 *pBumpedLightmaps[3];
pBumpedLightmaps[0] = pLightmap + lightmapSize;
pBumpedLightmaps[1] = pLightmap + 2 * lightmapSize;
pBumpedLightmaps[2] = pLightmap + 3 * lightmapSize;
// I chose to split up the loops this way because it was the best tradeoff
// based on profiles between cache miss + loop overhead
for (int i=0 ; i<lightmapSize ; ++i)
blocklights[0][i][0] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].r, pLightmap[i].exponent );
blocklights[0][i][1] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].g, pLightmap[i].exponent );
blocklights[0][i][2] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].b, pLightmap[i].exponent );
Assert( blocklights[0][i][0] >= 0.0f );
Assert( blocklights[0][i][1] >= 0.0f );
Assert( blocklights[0][i][2] >= 0.0f );
blocklights[1][i][0] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pBumpedLightmaps[0][i].r, pBumpedLightmaps[0][i].exponent );
blocklights[1][i][1] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pBumpedLightmaps[0][i].g, pBumpedLightmaps[0][i].exponent );
blocklights[1][i][2] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pBumpedLightmaps[0][i].b, pBumpedLightmaps[0][i].exponent );
Assert( blocklights[1][i][0] >= 0.0f );
Assert( blocklights[1][i][1] >= 0.0f );
Assert( blocklights[1][i][2] >= 0.0f );
for ( int i=0 ; i<lightmapSize ; ++i)
blocklights[2][i][0] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pBumpedLightmaps[1][i].r, pBumpedLightmaps[1][i].exponent );
blocklights[2][i][1] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pBumpedLightmaps[1][i].g, pBumpedLightmaps[1][i].exponent );
blocklights[2][i][2] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pBumpedLightmaps[1][i].b, pBumpedLightmaps[1][i].exponent );
Assert( blocklights[2][i][0] >= 0.0f );
Assert( blocklights[2][i][1] >= 0.0f );
Assert( blocklights[2][i][2] >= 0.0f );
blocklights[3][i][0] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pBumpedLightmaps[2][i].r, pBumpedLightmaps[2][i].exponent );
blocklights[3][i][1] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pBumpedLightmaps[2][i].g, pBumpedLightmaps[2][i].exponent );
blocklights[3][i][2] += scalar * TexLightToLinear( pBumpedLightmaps[2][i].b, pBumpedLightmaps[2][i].exponent );
Assert( blocklights[3][i][0] >= 0.0f );
Assert( blocklights[3][i][1] >= 0.0f );
Assert( blocklights[3][i][2] >= 0.0f );
// unpack four ColorRGBExp32's loaded into a single vector register
// into four. Can't do this as a function coz you can't return four
// values and even the inliner falls down on pass-by-ref.
#define UNPACK_COLORRGBEXP(fromVec, toVec0, toVec1, toVec2, toVec3) {\
// because the e component of the colors is signed, we need to mask
// off the corresponding channel in the intermediate halfword expansion
// when we combine it with the unsigned unpack for the other channels
static const int32 ALIGN16 g_SIMD_HalfWordMask[4]= { 0x0000000, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000000, 0x0000FFFF };
static const fltx4 vOneOverTwoFiftyFive = { 1.0f / 255.0f , 1.0f / 255.0f , 1.0f / 255.0f , 1.0f / 255.0f };
// grind through accumlating onto the blocklights,
// one cache line at a time. Input pointers are assumed
// to be cache aligned.
// For a simpler reference implementation, see the PC version in the ifdef above.
// This function makes heavy use of the special XBOX360 opcodes for
// packing and unpacking integer d3d data. (Not available in SSE, sadly.)
static void AccumulateLightstyles_EightAtAtime( ColorRGBExp32* RESTRICT pLightmap, // the input lightmap (not necessarily aligned)
int lightmapSize,
fltx4 vScalar,
Vector4D * RESTRICT bLights // pointer to the blocklights row we'll be writing into -- should be cache aligned, but only hurts perf if it's not
// We process blockLights in groups of four at a time, because we load the pLightmap four
// at a time (four words fit into a vector register).
// On top of that, we do two groups at once, because that's the length
// of a cache line, and it helps us better hide latency.
AssertMsg((lightmapSize & 7) == 0, "Input to Accumulate...EightAtATime not divisible by eight. Data corruption is the likely result." );
const fltx4 vHalfWordMask = XMLoadVector4A(g_SIMD_HalfWordMask);
fltx4 zero = Four_Zeros;
for (int i = 0 ; i < lightmapSize ; i += 8 )
// cache prefetch two lines ahead on bLights, and one on pLightmap
__dcbt(256, bLights);
__dcbt(128, pLightmap);
// the naming convention on these psuedoarrays (they are actually
// registers) is that the number before the index is the group id,
// and the index itself is which word in the group. If this seems
// unclear to you, feel free to just use array indices 0..7
// The compiler doesn't seem to deal properly with multidim arrays
// (at least in the sense of aliasing them to registers)
// However, if you always access through the arrays by using
// compile-time immediate constants (eg, foo[2] rather than
// int x = 2; foo[x]
// it will at least treat them as register variables.
// load four blockLights entries, and four colors
fltx4 vLight0[4], vLight1[4];
fltx4 colorLightMap0[4], colorLightMap1[4];
fltx4 bytePackedLightMap0 = XMLoadVector4(pLightmap+i); // because each colorrgbexp is actually a 32-bit struct,
// this loads four of them into one vector -- they are ubytes for rgb and sbyte for e
fltx4 bytePackedLightMap1 = XMLoadVector4(pLightmap+i+4);
// load group 0
vLight0[0] = LoadAlignedSIMD( &(bLights + i + 0)->x );
vLight0[1] = LoadAlignedSIMD( &(bLights + i + 1)->x );
vLight0[2] = LoadAlignedSIMD( &(bLights + i + 2)->x );
vLight0[3] = LoadAlignedSIMD( &(bLights + i + 3)->x );
// load group 1
vLight1[0] = LoadAlignedSIMD( &(bLights + i + 4)->x );
vLight1[1] = LoadAlignedSIMD( &(bLights + i + 5)->x );
vLight1[2] = LoadAlignedSIMD( &(bLights + i + 6)->x );
vLight1[3] = LoadAlignedSIMD( &(bLights + i + 7)->x );
// unpack the color light maps now that they have loaded
// interleaving (four-vector) group 0 and 1
// unpack rgbe 0 and 1:
// like an unsigned unpack: { 0x00, colorLightMap[0].r, 0x00, colorLightMap[0].g, 0x00, colorLightMap[0].b, 0x00, colorLightMap[0].e,
// 0x00, colorLightMap[1].r, 0x00, colorLightMap[1].g, 0x00, colorLightMap[1].b, 0x00, colorLightMap[1].e}
fltx4 unsignedUnpackHi0 = __vmrghb(zero, bytePackedLightMap0); // GROUP 0
fltx4 unsignedUnpackLo0 = __vmrglb(zero, bytePackedLightMap0); // rgbe words 2 and 3
fltx4 unsignedUnpackHi1 = __vmrghb(zero, bytePackedLightMap1); // GROUP 1
fltx4 unsignedUnpackLo1 = __vmrglb(zero, bytePackedLightMap1); // rgbe words 2 and 3
fltx4 signedUnpackHi0 = __vupkhsb(bytePackedLightMap0); // signed unpack of words 0 and 1, like the unsigned unpack but replaces 0x00 w/ sign extension
fltx4 signedUnpackLo0 = __vupklsb(bytePackedLightMap0); // GROUP 0
fltx4 signedUnpackHi1 = __vupkhsb(bytePackedLightMap1); // signed unpack of words 0 and 1, like the unsigned unpack but replaces 0x00 w/ sign extension
fltx4 signedUnpackLo1 = __vupklsb(bytePackedLightMap1); // GROUP 1
// merge the signed and unsigned unpacks together to make the full halfwords
unsignedUnpackHi0 = MaskedAssign(vHalfWordMask, signedUnpackHi0, unsignedUnpackHi0 );
unsignedUnpackLo0 = MaskedAssign(vHalfWordMask, signedUnpackLo0, unsignedUnpackLo0 );
unsignedUnpackHi1 = MaskedAssign(vHalfWordMask, signedUnpackHi1, unsignedUnpackHi1 );
unsignedUnpackLo1 = MaskedAssign(vHalfWordMask, signedUnpackLo1, unsignedUnpackLo1 );
// now complete the unpack from halfwords to words (we can just use signed because there are 0x00's above the rgb channels)
colorLightMap0[0] = __vupkhsh(unsignedUnpackHi0); // vector unpack high signed halfword
colorLightMap0[1] = __vupklsh(unsignedUnpackHi0); // vector unpack low signed halfword
colorLightMap0[2] = __vupkhsh(unsignedUnpackLo0);
colorLightMap0[3] = __vupklsh(unsignedUnpackLo0);
colorLightMap0[0] = __vcfsx( colorLightMap0[0], 0); // convert to floats
colorLightMap1[0] = __vupkhsh(unsignedUnpackHi1); // interleave group 1 unpacks
colorLightMap0[1] = __vcfsx( colorLightMap0[1], 0); // convert to floats
colorLightMap1[1] = __vupklsh(unsignedUnpackHi1); // should dual issue
colorLightMap0[2] = __vcfsx( colorLightMap0[2], 0); // convert to floats
colorLightMap1[2] = __vupkhsh(unsignedUnpackLo1);
colorLightMap0[3] = __vcfsx( colorLightMap0[3], 0); // convert to floats
colorLightMap1[3] = __vupklsh(unsignedUnpackLo1);
// finish unpacking group 1 (giving group 0 time to finish converting)
colorLightMap1[0] = __vcfsx( colorLightMap1[0], 0);
colorLightMap1[1] = __vcfsx( colorLightMap1[1], 0);
colorLightMap1[2] = __vcfsx( colorLightMap1[2], 0);
colorLightMap1[3] = __vcfsx( colorLightMap1[3], 0);
// manufacture exponent splats and start normalizing the rgb channels (eg *= 1/255)
fltx4 expW0[4], expW1[4];
expW0[0] = XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap0[0]);
colorLightMap0[0] = MulSIMD(colorLightMap0[0], vOneOverTwoFiftyFive); // normalize the rgb channels
expW0[1] = XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap0[1]);
colorLightMap0[1] = MulSIMD(colorLightMap0[1], vOneOverTwoFiftyFive); // normalize the rgb channels
expW0[2] = XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap0[2]);
colorLightMap0[2] = MulSIMD(colorLightMap0[2], vOneOverTwoFiftyFive); // normalize the rgb channels
expW0[3] = XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap0[3]);
colorLightMap0[3] = MulSIMD(colorLightMap0[3], vOneOverTwoFiftyFive); // normalize the rgb channels
// scale each of the color channels by the exponent channel
// (the estimate operation is exact for integral inputs, as here)
expW0[0] = XMVectorExpEst( expW0[0] ); // x = 2^x
expW1[0] = XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap1[0]); // interleave splats on exp group 1 (dual issue)
colorLightMap1[0] = MulSIMD(colorLightMap1[0], vOneOverTwoFiftyFive); // normalize the rgb channels
expW0[1] = XMVectorExpEst( expW0[1] );
expW1[1] = XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap1[1]);
colorLightMap1[1] = MulSIMD(colorLightMap1[1], vOneOverTwoFiftyFive); // normalize the rgb channels
expW0[2] = XMVectorExpEst( expW0[2] );
expW1[2] = XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap1[2]);
colorLightMap1[2] = MulSIMD(colorLightMap1[2], vOneOverTwoFiftyFive); // normalize the rgb channels
expW0[3] = XMVectorExpEst( expW0[3] );
expW1[3] = XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap1[3]);
colorLightMap1[3] = MulSIMD(colorLightMap1[3], vOneOverTwoFiftyFive); // normalize the rgb channels
// finish scale-by-exponent on group 1
expW1[0] = XMVectorExpEst( expW1[0] );
expW1[1] = XMVectorExpEst( expW1[1] );
expW1[2] = XMVectorExpEst( expW1[2] );
expW1[3] = XMVectorExpEst( expW1[3] );
colorLightMap0[0] = MulSIMD(expW0[0], colorLightMap0[0]);
colorLightMap0[1] = MulSIMD(expW0[1], colorLightMap0[1]);
colorLightMap0[2] = MulSIMD(expW0[2], colorLightMap0[2]);
colorLightMap0[3] = MulSIMD(expW0[3], colorLightMap0[3]);
colorLightMap1[0] = MulSIMD(expW1[0], colorLightMap1[0]);
colorLightMap1[1] = MulSIMD(expW1[1], colorLightMap1[1]);
colorLightMap1[2] = MulSIMD(expW1[2], colorLightMap1[2]);
colorLightMap1[3] = MulSIMD(expW1[3], colorLightMap1[3]);
for (int group = 0 ; group < 4 ; ++group)
Assert( colorLightMap0[group].v[0] == TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i + group].r, pLightmap[i + group].exponent ) &&
colorLightMap0[group].v[1] == TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i + group].g, pLightmap[i + group].exponent ) &&
colorLightMap0[group].v[2] == TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i + group].b, pLightmap[i + group].exponent ) );
// accumulate into blocklights
vLight0[0] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap0[0], vLight0[0]);
vLight0[1] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap0[1], vLight0[1]);
vLight0[2] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap0[2], vLight0[2]);
vLight0[3] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap0[3], vLight0[3]);
vLight1[0] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap1[0], vLight1[0]);
vLight1[1] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap1[1], vLight1[1]);
vLight1[2] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap1[2], vLight1[2]);
vLight1[3] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap1[3], vLight1[3]);
// save
XMStoreVector4A( bLights + i + 0, vLight0[0]);
XMStoreVector4A( bLights + i + 1, vLight0[1]);
XMStoreVector4A( bLights + i + 2, vLight0[2]);
XMStoreVector4A( bLights + i + 3, vLight0[3]);
XMStoreVector4A( bLights + i + 4, vLight1[0]);
XMStoreVector4A( bLights + i + 5, vLight1[1]);
XMStoreVector4A( bLights + i + 6, vLight1[2]);
XMStoreVector4A( bLights + i + 7, vLight1[3]);
// just like XMLoadByte4 only no asserts
V = __lvlx(pSource, 0);
V = __vupkhsb(V);
V = __vupkhsh(V);
V = __vcfsx(V, 0);
return V;
// Compute the portion of the lightmap generated from lightstyles
static void AccumulateLightstyles( ColorRGBExp32* pLightmap, int lightmapSize, fltx4 vScalar )
Assert( pLightmap );
// crush w of the scalar to zero (so we don't overwrite blocklight[x][y][3] in the madds)
vScalar = __vrlimi(vScalar, Four_Zeros, 1, 0);
int lightmapSizeEightAligned = lightmapSize & (~0x07);
// crunch as many groups of eight as possible, then deal with the remainder
AccumulateLightstyles_EightAtAtime(pLightmap, lightmapSizeEightAligned, vScalar, blocklights[0]);
// handle remainders
for (int i = lightmapSizeEightAligned; i < lightmapSize ; ++i )
// load four blockLights entries, and four colors
fltx4 vLight;
fltx4 colorLightMap;
vLight = LoadAlignedSIMD(blocklights[0][i].Base());
// unpack the color light maps
// load the unsigned bytes
colorLightMap = XMLoadUByte4(reinterpret_cast<XMUBYTE4 *>(pLightmap + i));
// fish out the exponent component from a signed load
fltx4 exponentiator = XMVectorExpEst(XMVectorSplatW(LoadSignedByte4NoAssert(reinterpret_cast<XMBYTE4 *>(pLightmap + i))));
// scale each of the color light channels by the exponent
colorLightMap = MulSIMD( MulSIMD(colorLightMap, vOneOverTwoFiftyFive ), exponentiator );
Assert( colorLightMap.v[0] == TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].r, pLightmap[i].exponent ) &&
colorLightMap.v[1] == TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].g, pLightmap[i].exponent ) &&
colorLightMap.v[2] == TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].b, pLightmap[i].exponent ) );
// accumulate onto blocklights
vLight = MaddSIMD(vScalar, colorLightMap, vLight);
StoreAlignedSIMD(blocklights[0][i].Base(), vLight);
static void AccumulateLightstylesFlat( ColorRGBExp32* pLightmap, int lightmapSize, fltx4 vScalar )
Assert( pLightmap );
// this isn't a terribly fast way of doing things, but
// this function doesn't seem to be called much (so
// it's not worth the trouble of custom loop scheduling)
fltx4 colorLightMap;
// unpack the color light maps
// load the unsigned bytes
colorLightMap = XMLoadUByte4(reinterpret_cast<XMUBYTE4 *>(pLightmap));
// fish out the exponent component from a signed load
fltx4 exponentiator = XMVectorExpEst(XMVectorSplatW(LoadSignedByte4NoAssert(reinterpret_cast<XMBYTE4 *>(pLightmap))));
// scale each of the color light channels by the exponent
colorLightMap = MulSIMD( MulSIMD(colorLightMap, vOneOverTwoFiftyFive ), exponentiator );
for (int i = 0; i < lightmapSize ; ++i )
// load four blockLights entries, and four colors
fltx4 vLight;
vLight = LoadAlignedSIMD(blocklights[0][i].Base());
// accumulate onto blocklights
vLight = MaddSIMD(vScalar, colorLightMap, vLight);
StoreAlignedSIMD(blocklights[0][i].Base(), vLight);
static void AccumulateBumpedLightstyles( ColorRGBExp32* RESTRICT pLightmap, int lightmapSize, fltx4 vScalar )
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(ColorRGBExp32) == 4); // This function is carefully scheduled around four-byte colors
// crush w of the scalar to zero (so we don't overwrite blocklight[x][y][3] in the madds)
vScalar = __vrlimi(vScalar, Four_Zeros, 1, 0);
ColorRGBExp32 * RESTRICT pBumpedLightmaps[3];
pBumpedLightmaps[1] = pLightmap + lightmapSize;
pBumpedLightmaps[2] = pLightmap + 2 * lightmapSize;
pBumpedLightmaps[3] = pLightmap + 3 * lightmapSize;
// assert word (not vector) alignment
AssertMsg( ((reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>(pLightmap) & 0x03 ) == 0), "Lightmap was not word-aligned: AccumulateBumpedLightstyles must fail." );
// assert vector alignment
AssertMsg( (reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>(blocklights) & 0x0F ) == 0, "Blocklights is not vector-aligned. You're doomed." );
AssertMsg( (reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>(blocklights) & 127 ) == 0, "Blocklights is not cache-aligned. Performance will suffer." );
#if 0 // reference: This is the simple version -- four-way accumulate (no interleaving)
for (int i = 0 ; i < lightmapSize ; i+= 4)
// load four blockLights entries, and four colors
fltx4 vLight[4];
fltx4 colorLightMap[4];
vLight[0] = LoadUnalignedSIMD(&blocklights[0][i]);
vLight[1] = LoadUnalignedSIMD(&blocklights[0][i+1]);
vLight[2] = LoadUnalignedSIMD(&blocklights[0][i+2]);
vLight[3] = LoadUnalignedSIMD(&blocklights[0][i+3]);
// unpack the color light maps
fltx4 zero = Four_Zeros;
fltx4 colorLightmap = LoadUnalignedSIMD(pLightmap+i); // because each colorrgbexp is actually a 32-bit struct,
// this loads four of them into one vector -- they are ubytes for rgb and sbyte for e
// unpack rgbe 0 and 1:
// like an unsigned unpack: { 0x00, colorLightMap[0].r, 0x00, colorLightMap[0].g, 0x00, colorLightMap[0].b, 0x00, colorLightMap[0].e,
// 0x00, colorLightMap[1].r, 0x00, colorLightMap[1].g, 0x00, colorLightMap[1].b, 0x00, colorLightMap[1].e}
fltx4 unsignedUnpackHi = __vmrghb(zero, colorLightMap);
fltx4 unsignedUnpackLo = __vmrghb(zero, colorLightMap); // rgbe words 2 and 3
fltx4 signedUnpackHi = __vupkhsb(colorLightMap); // signed unpack of words 0 and 1, like the unsigned unpack but repl 0x00 w/ sign extension
fltx4 signedUnpackLo = __vupklsb(colorLightMap);
// merge the signed and unsigned unpacks together to make the full halfwords
unsignedUnpackHi = MaskedAssign(vHalfWordMask, signedUnpackHi, unsignedUnpackHi );
unsignedUnpackLo = MaskedAssign(vHalfWordMask, signedUnpackLo, unsignedUnpackLo );
// now complete the unpack from halfwords to words (we can just use signed because there are 0x00's above the rgb channels)
// and convert to float
colorLightMap[0] = __vcfsx( __vupkhsh(unsignedUnpackHi), 0);
colorLightMap[1] = __vcfsx( __vupklsh(unsignedUnpackHi), 0);
colorLightMap[2] = __vcfsx( __vupkhsh(unsignedUnpackLo), 0);
colorLightMap[3] = __vcfsx( __vupklsh(unsignedUnpackLo), 0);
// scale each of the color channels by the exponent channel
colorLightMap[0] = XMVectorExpEst( XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap[0]) );
colorLightMap[1] = XMVectorExpEst( XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap[1]) );
colorLightMap[2] = XMVectorExpEst( XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap[2]) );
colorLightMap[3] = XMVectorExpEst( XMVectorSplatW(colorLightMap[3]) );
// accumulate into blocklights
vLight[0] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap[0], vLight[0]);
vLight[1] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap[1], vLight[1]);
vLight[2] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap[2], vLight[2]);
vLight[3] = XMVectorMultiplyAdd(vScalar, colorLightMap[3], vLight[3]);
// save
XMStoreVector4(&blocklights[0][i], vLight[0]);
XMStoreVector4(&blocklights[1][i], vLight[1]);
XMStoreVector4(&blocklights[2][i], vLight[2]);
XMStoreVector4(&blocklights[3][i], vLight[3]);
int lightmapSizeEightAligned = lightmapSize & (~0x07);
// crunch each of the lightmap groups.
for (int mapGroup = 0 ; mapGroup <= 3 ; ++mapGroup, pLightmap += lightmapSize )
// process the base lightmap
AccumulateLightstyles_EightAtAtime(pLightmap, lightmapSizeEightAligned, vScalar, blocklights[mapGroup]);
// handle remainders
for (int i = lightmapSizeEightAligned; i < lightmapSize ; ++i )
// load four blockLights entries, and four colors
fltx4 vLight;
fltx4 colorLightMap;
vLight = LoadAlignedSIMD(blocklights[mapGroup][i].Base());
// unpack the color light maps
// load the unsigned bytes
colorLightMap = XMLoadUByte4(reinterpret_cast<XMUBYTE4 *>(pLightmap + i));
// fish out the exponent component from a signed load
fltx4 exponentiator = XMVectorExpEst(XMVectorSplatW(LoadSignedByte4NoAssert(reinterpret_cast<XMBYTE4 *>(pLightmap + i))));
// scale each of the color light channels by the exponent
colorLightMap = MulSIMD( MulSIMD(colorLightMap, vOneOverTwoFiftyFive ), exponentiator );
Assert( colorLightMap.v[0] == TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].r, pLightmap[i].exponent ) &&
colorLightMap.v[1] == TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].g, pLightmap[i].exponent ) &&
colorLightMap.v[2] == TexLightToLinear( pLightmap[i].b, pLightmap[i].exponent ) );
// accumulate onto blocklights
vLight = MaddSIMD(vScalar, colorLightMap, vLight);
StoreAlignedSIMD(blocklights[mapGroup][i].Base(), vLight);
// note: pLightmap is incremented as well.
// Compute the portion of the lightmap generated from lightstyles
static void ComputeLightmapFromLightstyle( msurfacelighting_t *pLighting, bool computeLightmap,
bool computeBumpmap, int lightmapSize, bool hasBumpmapLightmapData )
VPROF( "ComputeLightmapFromLightstyle" );
ColorRGBExp32 *pLightmap = pLighting->m_pSamples;
// Compute iteration range
int minmap, maxmap;
if( r_lightmap.GetInt() != -1 )
minmap = r_lightmap.GetInt();
maxmap = minmap + 1;
minmap = 0; maxmap = MAXLIGHTMAPS;
for (int maps = minmap; maps < maxmap && pLighting->m_nStyles[maps] != 255; ++maps)
if( r_lightstyle.GetInt() != -1 && pLighting->m_nStyles[maps] != r_lightstyle.GetInt())
float fscalar = LightStyleValue( pLighting->m_nStyles[maps] );
// hack - don't know why we are getting negative values here.
// if (scalar > 0.0f && maps > 0 )
if (fscalar > 0.0f)
#ifdef _X360
fltx4 scalar = ReplicateX4(fscalar); // we use SIMD versions of these functions on 360
const float &scalar = fscalar;
if( computeBumpmap )
AccumulateBumpedLightstyles( pLightmap, lightmapSize, scalar );
else if( computeLightmap )
if (r_avglightmap.GetInt())
pLightmap = pLighting->AvgLightColor(maps);
AccumulateLightstylesFlat( pLightmap, lightmapSize, scalar );
AccumulateLightstyles( pLightmap, lightmapSize, scalar );
// skip to next lightmap. If we store lightmap data, we need to jump forward 4
pLightmap += hasBumpmapLightmapData ? lightmapSize * ( NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ) : lightmapSize;
// instrumentation to measure locks
static CUtlVector<int> g_LightmapLocks;
static int g_Lastdlightframe = -1;
static int g_lastlock = -1;
static int g_unsorted = 0;
void MarkPage( int pageID )
if ( g_Lastdlightframe != r_framecount )
int total = 0;
int locks = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < g_LightmapLocks.Count(); i++ )
int count = g_LightmapLocks[i];
if ( count )
locks += count;
g_LightmapLocks[i] = 0;
g_Lastdlightframe = r_framecount;
g_lastlock = -1;
if ( locks )
Msg("Total pages %d, locks %d, unsorted locks %d\n", total, locks, g_unsorted );
g_unsorted = 0;
if ( pageID != g_lastlock )
g_lastlock = pageID;
// Update the lightmaps...
static void UpdateLightmapTextures( SurfaceHandle_t surfID, bool needsBumpmap )
if( materialSortInfoArray )
int lightmapSize[2];
int offsetIntoLightmapPage[2];
lightmapSize[0] = ( MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID )[0] ) + 1;
lightmapSize[1] = ( MSurf_LightmapExtents( surfID )[1] ) + 1;
offsetIntoLightmapPage[0] = MSurf_OffsetIntoLightmapPage( surfID )[0];
offsetIntoLightmapPage[1] = MSurf_OffsetIntoLightmapPage( surfID )[1];
Assert( MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID ) >= 0 &&
MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID ) < g_WorldStaticMeshes.Count() );
// FIXME: Should differentiate between bumped and unbumped since the perf characteristics
// are completely different?
// MarkPage( materialSortInfoArray[MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID )].lightmapPageID );
if( needsBumpmap )
materials->UpdateLightmap( materialSortInfoArray[MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID )].lightmapPageID,
lightmapSize, offsetIntoLightmapPage,
&blocklights[0][0][0], &blocklights[1][0][0], &blocklights[2][0][0], &blocklights[3][0][0] );
materials->UpdateLightmap( materialSortInfoArray[MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID )].lightmapPageID,
lightmapSize, offsetIntoLightmapPage,
&blocklights[0][0][0], NULL, NULL, NULL );
unsigned int R_UpdateDlightState( dlight_t *pLights, SurfaceHandle_t surfID, const matrix3x4_t& entityToWorld, bool bOnlyUseLightStyles, bool bLightmap )
unsigned int dlightMask = 0;
// Mark the surface with the particular cached light values...
msurfacelighting_t *pLighting = SurfaceLighting( surfID );
// Retire dlights that are no longer active
pLighting->m_fDLightBits &= r_dlightactive;
pLighting->m_nLastComputedFrame = r_framecount;
// Here, it's got the data it needs. So use it!
if ( !bOnlyUseLightStyles )
// add all the dynamic lights
if( bLightmap && ( pLighting->m_nDLightFrame == r_framecount ) )
dlightMask = R_ComputeDynamicLightMask( pLights, surfID, pLighting, entityToWorld );
if ( !dlightMask || !pLighting->m_fDLightBits )
pLighting->m_fDLightBits = 0;
return dlightMask;
// Purpose: Build the blocklights array for a given surface and copy to dest
// Combine and scale multiple lightmaps into the 8.8 format in blocklights
// Input : *psurf - surface to rebuild
// *dest - texture pointer to receive copy in lightmap texture format
// stride - stride of *dest memory
void R_BuildLightMapGuts( dlight_t *pLights, SurfaceHandle_t surfID, const matrix3x4_t& entityToWorld, unsigned int dlightMask, bool needsBumpmap, bool needsLightmap )
int bumpID;
// Lightmap data can be dumped to save memory - this precludes any dynamic lighting on the world
Assert( !host_state.worldbrush->unloadedlightmaps );
// Mark the surface with the particular cached light values...
msurfacelighting_t *pLighting = SurfaceLighting( surfID );
int size = ComputeLightmapSize( surfID );
if (size == 0)
bool hasBumpmap = SurfHasBumpedLightmaps( surfID );
bool hasLightmap = SurfHasLightmap( surfID );
// clear to no light
if( needsLightmap )
// set to full bright if no light data
InitLMSamples( blocklights[0], size, hasLightmap ? 0.0f : 1.0f );
if( needsBumpmap )
// set to full bright if no light data
for( bumpID = 1; bumpID < NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1; bumpID++ )
InitLMSamples( blocklights[bumpID], size, hasBumpmap ? 0.0f : 1.0f );
// add all the lightmaps
// Here, it's got the data it needs. So use it!
if( ( hasLightmap && needsLightmap ) || ( hasBumpmap && needsBumpmap ) )
ComputeLightmapFromLightstyle( pLighting, ( hasLightmap && needsLightmap ),
( hasBumpmap && needsBumpmap ), size, hasBumpmap );
else if( !hasBumpmap && needsBumpmap && hasLightmap )
// make something up for the bumped lights if you need them but don't have the data
// if you have a lightmap, use that, otherwise fullbright
ComputeLightmapFromLightstyle( pLighting, true, false, size, hasBumpmap );
for( bumpID = 0; bumpID < ( hasBumpmap ? ( NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1 ) : 1 ); bumpID++ )
for (int i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
blocklights[bumpID][i].AsVector3D() = blocklights[0][i].AsVector3D();
else if( needsBumpmap && !hasLightmap )
// set to full bright if no light data
InitLMSamples( blocklights[1], size, 0.0f );
InitLMSamples( blocklights[2], size, 0.0f );
InitLMSamples( blocklights[3], size, 0.0f );
else if( !needsBumpmap && !needsLightmap )
else if( needsLightmap && !hasLightmap )
Assert( 0 );
// add all the dynamic lights
if ( dlightMask && (needsLightmap || needsBumpmap) )
R_AddDynamicLights( pLights, surfID, entityToWorld, needsBumpmap, dlightMask );
// Update the texture state
UpdateLightmapTextures( surfID, needsBumpmap );
void R_BuildLightMap( dlight_t *pLights, ICallQueue *pCallQueue, SurfaceHandle_t surfID, const matrix3x4_t &entityToWorld, bool bOnlyUseLightStyles )
bool needsBumpmap = SurfNeedsBumpedLightmaps( surfID );
bool needsLightmap = SurfNeedsLightmap( surfID );
if( !needsBumpmap && !needsLightmap )
if( materialSortInfoArray )
Assert( MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID ) >= 0 &&
MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID ) < g_WorldStaticMeshes.Count() );
if (( materialSortInfoArray[MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID )].lightmapPageID == MATERIAL_SYSTEM_LIGHTMAP_PAGE_WHITE ) ||
( materialSortInfoArray[MSurf_MaterialSortID( surfID )].lightmapPageID == MATERIAL_SYSTEM_LIGHTMAP_PAGE_WHITE_BUMP ) )
bool bDlightsInLightmap = needsLightmap || needsBumpmap;
unsigned int dlightMask = R_UpdateDlightState( pLights, surfID, entityToWorld, bOnlyUseLightStyles, bDlightsInLightmap );
// update the state, but don't render any dlights if only lightstyles requested
if ( bOnlyUseLightStyles )
dlightMask = 0;
if ( !pCallQueue )
R_BuildLightMapGuts( pLights, surfID, entityToWorld, dlightMask, needsBumpmap, needsLightmap );
pCallQueue->QueueCall( R_BuildLightMapGuts, pLights, surfID, RefToVal( entityToWorld ), dlightMask, needsBumpmap, needsLightmap );
// Purpose: Save off the average light values, and dump the rest of the lightmap data.
// Can be used to save memory, at the expense of dynamic lights and lightstyles.
void CacheAndUnloadLightmapData()
Assert( !g_bHunkAllocLightmaps );
if ( g_bHunkAllocLightmaps )
worldbrushdata_t *pBrushData = host_state.worldbrush;
msurfacelighting_t *pLighting = pBrushData->surfacelighting;
int numSurfaces = pBrushData->numsurfaces;
// This will allocate more data than necessary, but only 1-2K max
byte *pDestBase = (byte*)malloc( numSurfaces * MAXLIGHTMAPS * sizeof( ColorRGBExp32 ) );
byte *pDest = pDestBase;
for ( int i = 0; i < numSurfaces; ++i, ++pLighting )
int nStyleCt = 0;
for ( int map = 0 ; map < MAXLIGHTMAPS; ++map )
if ( pLighting->m_nStyles[map] != 255 )
const int nHdrBytes = nStyleCt * sizeof( ColorRGBExp32 );
byte *pHdr = (byte*)pLighting->m_pSamples - nHdrBytes;
// Copy just the 0-4 average color entries
Q_memcpy( pDest, pHdr, nHdrBytes );
// m_pSamples needs to point AFTER the average color data
pDest += nHdrBytes;
pLighting->m_pSamples = (ColorRGBExp32*)pDest;
// Update the lightdata pointer
free( host_state.worldbrush->lightdata );
host_state.worldbrush->lightdata = (ColorRGBExp32*)pDestBase;
host_state.worldbrush->unloadedlightmaps = true;
//sorts the surfaces in place
static void SortSurfacesByLightmapID( SurfaceHandle_t *pToSort, int iSurfaceCount )
SurfaceHandle_t *pSortTemp = (SurfaceHandle_t *)stackalloc( sizeof( SurfaceHandle_t ) * iSurfaceCount );
//radix sort
for( int radix = 0; radix != 4; ++radix )
//swap the inputs for the next pass
SurfaceHandle_t *pTemp = pToSort;
pToSort = pSortTemp;
pSortTemp = pTemp;
int iCounts[256] = { 0 };
int iBitOffset = radix * 8;
for( int i = 0; i != iSurfaceCount; ++i )
uint8 val = (materialSortInfoArray[MSurf_MaterialSortID( pSortTemp[i] )].lightmapPageID >> iBitOffset) & 0xFF;
int iOffsetTable[256];
iOffsetTable[0] = 0;
for( int i = 0; i != 255; ++i )
iOffsetTable[i + 1] = iOffsetTable[i] + iCounts[i];
for( int i = 0; i != iSurfaceCount; ++i )
uint8 val = (materialSortInfoArray[MSurf_MaterialSortID( pSortTemp[i] )].lightmapPageID >> iBitOffset) & 0xFF;
int iWriteIndex = iOffsetTable[val];
pToSort[iWriteIndex] = pSortTemp[i];
void R_RedownloadAllLightmaps()
#ifdef _DEBUG
static bool initializedBlockLights = false;
if (!initializedBlockLights)
memset( &blocklights[0][0][0], 0, MAX_LIGHTMAP_DIM_INCLUDING_BORDER * MAX_LIGHTMAP_DIM_INCLUDING_BORDER * (NUM_BUMP_VECTS + 1) * sizeof( Vector ) );
initializedBlockLights = true;
double st = Sys_FloatTime();
bool bOnlyUseLightStyles = false;
if( r_dynamic.GetInt() == 0 )
bOnlyUseLightStyles = true;
// Can't build lightmaps if the source data has been dumped
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
ICallQueue *pCallQueue = pRenderContext->GetCallQueue();
if ( !host_state.worldbrush->unloadedlightmaps )
int iSurfaceCount = host_state.worldbrush->numsurfaces;
SurfaceHandle_t *pSortedSurfaces = (SurfaceHandle_t *)stackalloc( sizeof( SurfaceHandle_t ) * iSurfaceCount );
for( int surfaceIndex = 0; surfaceIndex < iSurfaceCount; surfaceIndex++ )
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = SurfaceHandleFromIndex( surfaceIndex );
pSortedSurfaces[surfaceIndex] = surfID;
SortSurfacesByLightmapID( pSortedSurfaces, iSurfaceCount ); //sorts in place, so now the array really is sorted
if( pCallQueue )
pCallQueue->QueueCall( materials, &IMaterialSystem::BeginUpdateLightmaps );
matrix3x4_t xform;
for( int surfaceIndex = 0; surfaceIndex < iSurfaceCount; surfaceIndex++ )
SurfaceHandle_t surfID = pSortedSurfaces[surfaceIndex];
R_BuildLightMap( &cl_dlights[0], pCallQueue, surfID, xform, bOnlyUseLightStyles );
if( pCallQueue )
pCallQueue->QueueCall( materials, &IMaterialSystem::EndUpdateLightmaps );
if ( !g_bHunkAllocLightmaps && r_unloadlightmaps.GetInt() == 1 )
// Delete the lightmap data from memory
if ( !pCallQueue )
pCallQueue->QueueCall( CacheAndUnloadLightmapData );
float elapsed = ( float )( Sys_FloatTime() - st ) * 1000.0;
DevMsg( "R_RedownloadAllLightmaps took %.3f msec!\n", elapsed );
g_RebuildLightmaps = false;
// Purpose: flag the lightmaps as needing to be rebuilt (gamma change)
bool g_RebuildLightmaps = false;
void GL_RebuildLightmaps( void )
g_RebuildLightmaps = true;
// Purpose: Update the in-RAM texture for the given surface's lightmap
// Input : *fa - surface pointer
ConVar mat_updatelightstyleseveryframe( "mat_updatelightstyleseveryframe", "0" );
void FASTCALL R_RenderDynamicLightmaps ( dlight_t *pLights, ICallQueue *pCallQueue, SurfaceHandle_t surfID, const matrix3x4_t &xform )
int fSurfFlags = MSurf_Flags( surfID );
if( fSurfFlags & SURFDRAW_NOLIGHT )
// check for lightmap modification
bool bChanged = false;
msurfacelighting_t *pLighting = SurfaceLighting( surfID );
if( mat_updatelightstyleseveryframe.GetBool() && ( pLighting->m_nStyles[0] != 0 || pLighting->m_nStyles[1] != 255 ) )
bChanged = true;
for( int maps = 0; maps < MAXLIGHTMAPS && pLighting->m_nStyles[maps] != 255; maps++ )
if( d_lightstyleframe[pLighting->m_nStyles[maps]] > pLighting->m_nLastComputedFrame )
bChanged = true;
// was it dynamic this frame (pLighting->m_nDLightFrame == r_framecount)
// or dynamic previously (pLighting->m_fDLightBits)
bool bDLightChanged = ( pLighting->m_nDLightFrame == r_framecount ) || pLighting->m_fDLightBits;
bool bOnlyUseLightStyles = false;
if( r_dynamic.GetInt() == 0 )
bOnlyUseLightStyles = true;
bDLightChanged = false;
if ( bChanged || bDLightChanged )
R_BuildLightMap( pLights, pCallQueue, surfID, xform, bOnlyUseLightStyles );