Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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2675 lines
74 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "replayperformanceeditor.h"
#include "replay/replay.h"
#include "replay/ireplayperformanceeditor.h"
#include "replay/ireplayperformancecontroller.h"
#include "replay/performance.h"
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextImage.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Slider.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Menu.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "vgui/IImage.h"
#include "c_team.h"
#include "vgui_avatarimage.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "replay/replaycamera.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymanager.h"
#include "replay/iclientreplaycontext.h"
#include "confirm_dialog.h"
#include "replayperformancesavedlg.h"
#include "replay/irecordingsessionmanager.h"
#include "achievementmgr.h"
#include "c_playerresource.h"
#include "replay/gamedefs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
extern CAchievementMgr g_AchievementMgrTF;
using namespace vgui;
extern IReplayPerformanceController *g_pReplayPerformanceController;
// Hack-y global bool to communicate when we are rewinding for map load screens.
// Order of operations issues preclude the use of engine->IsPlayingDemo().
bool g_bIsReplayRewinding = false;
// TODO: Make these archive? Right now, the tips are reset every time the game starts
ConVar replay_perftip_count_enter( "replay_perftip_count_enter", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_HIDDEN, "", true, 0, false, 0 );
ConVar replay_perftip_count_exit( "replay_perftip_count_exit", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_HIDDEN, "", true, 0, false, 0 );
ConVar replay_perftip_count_freecam_enter( "replay_perftip_count_freecam_enter", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_HIDDEN, "", true, 0, false, 0 );
ConVar replay_perftip_count_freecam_exit( "replay_perftip_count_freecam_exit", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_HIDDEN, "", true, 0, false, 0 );
ConVar replay_perftip_count_freecam_exit2( "replay_perftip_count_freecam_exit2", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_HIDDEN, "", true, 0, false, 0 );
ConVar replay_editor_fov_mousewheel_multiplier( "replay_editor_fov_mousewheel_multiplier", "5", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_DONTRECORD, "The multiplier on mousewheel input for adjusting camera FOV in the replay editor." );
ConVar replay_editor_fov_mousewheel_invert( "replay_editor_fov_mousewheel_invert", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_DONTRECORD, "Invert FOV zoom/unzoom on mousewheel in the replay editor." );
ConVar replay_replayeditor_rewindmsgcounter( "replay_replayeditor_rewindmsgcounter", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_HIDDEN, "" );
#define TIMESCALE_MIN 0.01f
#define TIMESCALE_MAX 3.0f
#define SLIDER_RANGE_MAX 10000.0f
#define REPLAY_SOUND_DIALOG_POPUP "replay\\replaydialog_warn.wav"
static const char *gs_pCamNames[ NCAMS ] =
static const char *gs_pBaseComponentNames[ NCAMS ] =
void PlayDemo()
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "demo_resume" );
void PauseDemo()
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "demo_pause" );
inline float SCurve( float t )
t = clamp( t, 0.0f, 1.0f );
return t * t * (3 - 2*t);
inline float CubicEaseIn( float t )
t = clamp( t, 0.0f, 1.0f );
return t * t * t;
inline float LerpScale( float flIn, float flInMin, float flInMax, float flOutMin, float flOutMax )
float flDenom = flInMax - flInMin;
if ( flDenom == 0.0f )
return 0.0f;
float t = clamp( ( flIn - flInMin ) / flDenom, 0.0f, 1.0f );
return Lerp( t, flOutMin, flOutMax );
void HighlightTipWords( Label *pLabel )
// Setup coloring - get # of words that should be highlighted
wchar_t *pwNumWords = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_NumWords" );
if ( !pwNumWords )
// Get the current label text
wchar_t wszLabelText[512];
pLabel->GetText( wszLabelText, sizeof( wszLabelText ) );
pLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( pLabel->GetFgColor(), 0 );
int nNumWords = _wtoi( pwNumWords );
for ( int i = 0; i < nNumWords; ++i )
char szWordFindStr[64];
V_snprintf( szWordFindStr, sizeof( szWordFindStr ), "#Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word%i", i );
wchar_t *pwWord = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szWordFindStr );
if ( !pwWord )
const int nWordLen = wcslen( pwWord );
// Find any instance of the word in the label text and highlight it in red
const wchar_t *p = wszLabelText;
const wchar_t *pInst = wcsstr( p, pwWord );
if ( !pInst )
// Highlight the text
int nStartPos = pInst - wszLabelText;
int nEndPos = nStartPos + nWordLen;
// If start pos is non-zero, clear color changes
bool bChangeColor = true;
if ( nStartPos == 0 )
else if ( iswalpha( wszLabelText[ nStartPos - 1 ] ) )
// If this is not the beginning of the string, check the previous character. If it's
// not whitespace, etc, we found an instance of a keyword within another word. Skip.
bChangeColor = false;
if ( bChangeColor )
pLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( Color(200,80,60,255), nStartPos );
pLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( pLabel->GetFgColor(), nEndPos );
p = pInst + nWordLen;
} while ( 1 );
class CSavingDialog : public CGenericWaitingDialog
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CSavingDialog, CGenericWaitingDialog );
CSavingDialog( CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *pEditorPanel )
: CGenericWaitingDialog( pEditorPanel )
m_pEditorPanel = pEditorPanel;
virtual void OnTick()
if ( !g_pReplayPerformanceController )
// Update async save
if ( g_pReplayPerformanceController->IsSaving() )
if ( m_pEditorPanel.Get() )
CConfirmDialog *m_pLoginDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE< CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel > m_pEditorPanel;
class CReplayTipLabel : public Label
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CReplayTipLabel, Label );
CReplayTipLabel( Panel *pParent, const char *pName, const char *pText )
: BaseClass( pParent, pName, pText )
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
HighlightTipWords( this );
class CPerformanceTip : public EditablePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CPerformanceTip, EditablePanel );
static DHANDLE< CPerformanceTip > s_pTip;
static CPerformanceTip *CreateInstance( const char *pText )
if ( s_pTip )
s_pTip->SetVisible( false );
s_pTip = NULL;
s_pTip = SETUP_PANEL( new CPerformanceTip( pText ) );
return s_pTip;
CPerformanceTip( const char *pText )
: BaseClass( g_pClientMode->GetViewport(), "Tip" ),
m_flBornTime( gpGlobals->realtime ),
m_flAge( 0.0f ),
m_flShowDuration( 15.0f )
m_pTextLabel = new CReplayTipLabel( this, "TextLabel", pText );
virtual void OnThink()
// Delete the panel if life exceeded
const float flEndTime = m_flBornTime + m_flShowDuration;
if ( gpGlobals->realtime >= flEndTime )
SetVisible( false );
s_pTip = NULL;
SetVisible( true );
const float flFadeDuration = .4f;
float flAlpha;
// Fade out?
if ( gpGlobals->realtime >= flEndTime - flFadeDuration )
flAlpha = LerpScale( gpGlobals->realtime, flEndTime - flFadeDuration, flEndTime, 1.0f, 0.0f );
// Fade in?
else if ( gpGlobals->realtime <= m_flBornTime + flFadeDuration )
flAlpha = LerpScale( gpGlobals->realtime, m_flBornTime, m_flBornTime + flFadeDuration, 0.0f, 1.0f );
// Otherwise, we must be in between fade in/fade out
flAlpha = 1.0f;
SetAlpha( 255 * SCurve( flAlpha ) );
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/ui/replayperformanceeditor/tip.res", "GAME" );
// Center relative to parent
const int nScreenW = ScreenWidth();
const int nScreenH = ScreenHeight();
int aContentSize[2];
m_pTextLabel->GetContentSize( aContentSize[0], aContentSize[1] );
const int nLabelHeight = aContentSize[1];
3 * nScreenH / 4 - nLabelHeight / 2,
nLabelHeight + 2 * m_nTopBottomMargin
nScreenW - 2 * m_nLeftRightMarginWidth,
static void Cleanup()
if ( s_pTip )
s_pTip = NULL;
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_nLeftRightMarginWidth, "left_right_margin", "0", "proportional_xpos" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_nTopBottomMargin , "top_bottom_margin", "0", "proportional_ypos" );
CReplayTipLabel *m_pTextLabel;
float m_flBornTime;
float m_flAge;
float m_flShowDuration;
DHANDLE< CPerformanceTip > CPerformanceTip::s_pTip;
// Display the performance tip if we haven't already displayed it nMaxTimesToDisplay times or more
inline void DisplayPerformanceTip( const char *pText, ConVar* pCountCv = NULL, int nMaxTimesToDisplay = -1 )
// Already displayed too many times? Get out.
if ( pCountCv && nMaxTimesToDisplay >= 0 )
int nCount = pCountCv->GetInt();
if ( nCount >= nMaxTimesToDisplay )
// Incremement count cvar
pCountCv->SetValue( nCount + 1 );
// Display the tip
CPerformanceTip::CreateInstance( pText );
inline float GetPlaybackTime()
CReplay *pPlayingReplay = g_pReplayManager->GetPlayingReplay();
return gpGlobals->curtime - TICKS_TO_TIME( pPlayingReplay->m_nSpawnTick );
class CPlayerCell : public CExImageButton
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CPlayerCell, CExImageButton );
CPlayerCell( Panel *pParent, const char *pName, int *pCurTargetPlayerIndex )
: CExImageButton( pParent, pName, "" ),
m_iPlayerIndex( -1 ),
m_pCurTargetPlayerIndex( pCurTargetPlayerIndex )
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
GetImage()->SetImage( "" );
SetFont( pScheme->GetFont( "ReplaySmall" ) );
SetContentAlignment( Label::a_center );
MESSAGE_FUNC( DoClick, "PressButton" )
ReplayCamera()->SetPrimaryTarget( m_iPlayerIndex );
*m_pCurTargetPlayerIndex = m_iPlayerIndex;
float flCurTime = GetPlaybackTime();
extern IReplayPerformanceController *g_pReplayPerformanceController;
g_pReplayPerformanceController->AddEvent_Camera_ChangePlayer( flCurTime, m_iPlayerIndex );
int m_iPlayerIndex;
int *m_pCurTargetPlayerIndex; // Allow the button to write current target in outer class when pressed
class CReplayEditorSlider : public Slider
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CReplayEditorSlider, Slider );
CReplayEditorSlider( Panel *pParent, const char *pName )
: Slider( pParent, pName )
virtual void SetDefault( float flDefault ) { m_flDefault = flDefault; }
ON_MESSAGE( Reset, OnReset )
float m_flDefault;
class CCameraOptionsPanel : public EditablePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CCameraOptionsPanel, EditablePanel );
CCameraOptionsPanel( Panel *pParent, const char *pName, const char *pTitle )
: EditablePanel( pParent, pName ),
m_bControlsAdded( false )
m_pTitleLabel = new CExLabel( this, "TitleLabel", pTitle );
AddControlToLayout( m_pTitleLabel );
void AddControlToLayout( Panel *pControl )
if ( pControl )
m_lstControls.AddToTail( pControl );
pControl->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
// NOTE: Default value is assumed to be stored in flOut
void AddSliderToLayout( int nId, Slider *pSlider, const char *pLabelText,
float flMinValue, float flMaxValue, float &flOut )
SliderInfo_t *pNewSliderInfo = new SliderInfo_t;
pNewSliderInfo->m_nId = nId;
pNewSliderInfo->m_pSlider = pSlider;
pNewSliderInfo->m_flRange[ 0 ] = flMinValue;
pNewSliderInfo->m_flRange[ 1 ] = flMaxValue;
pNewSliderInfo->m_flDefault = flOut;
pNewSliderInfo->m_pValueOut = &flOut;
m_lstSliderInfos.AddToTail( pNewSliderInfo );
AddControlToLayout( new EditablePanel( this, "Buffer" ) );
AddControlToLayout( NewLabel( pLabelText ) );
AddControlToLayout( NewSetDefaultButton( nId ) );
AddControlToLayout( pSlider );
pSlider->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
void ResetSlider( int nId )
const SliderInfo_t *pSliderInfo = FindSliderInfoFromId( nId );
if ( !pSliderInfo )
SetValue( pSliderInfo, pSliderInfo->m_flDefault );
void SetValue( int nId, float flValue )
const SliderInfo_t *pSliderInfo = FindSliderInfoFromId( nId );
if ( !pSliderInfo )
SetValue( pSliderInfo, flValue );
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
// Setup border
SetBorder( pScheme->GetBorder( "ButtonBorder" ) );
HFont hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "ReplayBrowserSmallest", true );
m_pTitleLabel->SetFont( hFont );
m_pTitleLabel->SetTall( YRES( 20 ) );
m_pTitleLabel->SetColorStr( "235 235 235 255" );
if ( !m_bControlsAdded )
const char *pResFile = GetResFile();
if ( pResFile )
LoadControlSettings( pResFile, "GAME" );
m_bControlsAdded = true;
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstSliderInfos, it )
SliderInfo_t *pInfo = m_lstSliderInfos[ it ];
Slider *pSlider = pInfo->m_pSlider;
pSlider->SetRange( 0, SLIDER_RANGE_MAX );
pSlider->SetNumTicks( 10 );
float flDenom = fabs( pInfo->m_flRange[1] - pInfo->m_flRange[0] );
pSlider->SetValue( SLIDER_RANGE_MAX * fabs( pInfo->m_flDefault - pInfo->m_flRange[0] ) / flDenom );
virtual void PerformLayout()
int nWidth = XRES( 140 );
int nMargins[2] = { (int)XRES( 5 ), (int)YRES( 5 ) };
int nVBuf = YRES( 0 );
int nLastY = -1;
int nY = nMargins[1];
Panel *pPrevPanel = NULL;
int nLastCtrlHeight = 0;
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstControls, i )
Panel *pPanel = m_lstControls[ i ];
if ( !pPanel->IsVisible() )
int aPos[2];
pPanel->GetPos( aPos[0], aPos[1] );
if ( pPrevPanel && aPos[1] >= 0 )
nY += pPrevPanel->GetTall() + nVBuf;
// Gross hack to see if the control is a default button
if ( dynamic_cast< CExButton * >( pPanel ) )
pPanel->SetWide( XRES( 36 ) );
pPanel->SetPos( pPrevPanel ? ( GetWide() - nMargins[0] - pPanel->GetWide() ) : 0, nLastY );
pPanel->SetWide( nWidth - 2 * nMargins[0] );
pPanel->SetPos( nMargins[0], nY );
nLastY = nY;
pPrevPanel = pPanel;
nLastCtrlHeight = MAX( nLastCtrlHeight, pPanel->GetTall() );
SetSize( nWidth, nY + nLastCtrlHeight + 2 * YRES( 3 ) );
virtual void OnCommand( const char *pCommand )
if ( !V_strnicmp( pCommand, "reset_", 6 ) )
const int nSliderInfoId = atoi( pCommand + 6 );
ResetSlider( nSliderInfoId );
BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand );
Label *NewLabel( const char *pText )
Label *pLabel = new Label( this, "Label", pText );
pLabel->SetTall( YRES( 9 ) );
pLabel->SetPos( -1, 0 ); // Use default x and accumulated y
// Set font
IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
HFont hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "DefaultVerySmall", true );
pLabel->SetFont( hFont );
return pLabel;
CExButton *NewSetDefaultButton( int nSliderInfoId )
CExButton *pButton = new CExButton( this, "DefaultButton", "#Replay_SetDefaultSetting" );
pButton->SetTall( YRES( 11 ) );
pButton->SetPos( XRES( 30 ), -1 ); // Set y to -1 so it will stay on the same line
pButton->SetContentAlignment( Label::a_center );
CFmtStr fmtResetCommand( "reset_%i", nSliderInfoId );
pButton->SetCommand( fmtResetCommand.Access() );
pButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
// Set font
IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
HFont hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "DefaultVerySmall", true );
pButton->SetFont( hFont );
return pButton;
MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnSliderMoved, "SliderMoved", pParams )
Panel *pSlider = (Panel *)pParams->GetPtr( "panel" );
float flPercent = pParams->GetInt( "position" ) / SLIDER_RANGE_MAX;
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstSliderInfos, it )
SliderInfo_t *pInfo = m_lstSliderInfos[ it ];
if ( pSlider == pInfo->m_pSlider )
*pInfo->m_pValueOut = Lerp( flPercent, pInfo->m_flRange[0], pInfo->m_flRange[1] );
virtual const char *GetResFile() { return NULL; }
virtual void AddControls()
struct SliderInfo_t
Slider *m_pSlider;
float m_flRange[2];
float m_flDefault;
int m_nId;
float *m_pValueOut;
const SliderInfo_t *FindSliderInfoFromId( int nId )
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstSliderInfos, it )
SliderInfo_t *pInfo = m_lstSliderInfos[ it ];
if ( pInfo->m_nId == nId )
return pInfo;
AssertMsg( 0, "Should always find a slider here." );
return NULL;
void SetValue( const SliderInfo_t *pSliderInfo, float flValue )
if ( !pSliderInfo )
AssertMsg( 0, "This should not happen." );
// Calculate the range
const float flRange = fabs( pSliderInfo->m_flRange[1] - pSliderInfo->m_flRange[0] );
AssertMsg( flRange > 0, "Bad slider range!" );
// Calculate the percentile based on the specified value and the range.
const float flPercent = fabs( flValue - pSliderInfo->m_flRange[0] ) / flRange;
pSliderInfo->m_pSlider->SetValue( flPercent * SLIDER_RANGE_MAX, true );
CUtlLinkedList< Panel * > m_lstControls;
CUtlLinkedList< SliderInfo_t *, int > m_lstSliderInfos;
CExLabel *m_pTitleLabel;
bool m_bControlsAdded;
class CTimeScaleOptionsPanel : public CCameraOptionsPanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CTimeScaleOptionsPanel, CCameraOptionsPanel );
CTimeScaleOptionsPanel( Panel *pParent, float *pTimeScaleProxy )
: BaseClass( pParent, "TimeScaleSettings", "#Replay_TimeScale" ),
m_pTimeScaleSlider( NULL ),
m_pTimeScaleProxy( pTimeScaleProxy )
virtual const char *GetResFile()
return "resource/ui/replayperformanceeditor/settings_timescale.res";
virtual void AddControls()
m_pTimeScaleSlider = dynamic_cast< Slider * >( FindChildByName( "TimeScaleSlider" ) );
AddSliderToLayout( SLIDER_TIMESCALE, m_pTimeScaleSlider, "#Replay_Scale", TIMESCALE_MIN, TIMESCALE_MAX, *m_pTimeScaleProxy );
enum FreeCamSliders_t
Slider *m_pTimeScaleSlider;
float *m_pTimeScaleProxy;
class CCameraOptionsPanel_Free : public CCameraOptionsPanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CCameraOptionsPanel_Free, CCameraOptionsPanel );
CCameraOptionsPanel_Free( Panel *pParent )
: BaseClass( pParent, "FreeCameraSettings", "#Replay_FreeCam" ),
m_pAccelSlider( NULL ),
m_pSpeedSlider( NULL ),
m_pFovSlider( NULL ),
m_pRotFilterSlider( NULL ),
m_pShakeSpeedSlider( NULL ),
m_pShakeAmountSlider( NULL )
virtual const char *GetResFile()
return "resource/ui/replayperformanceeditor/camsettings_free.res";
virtual void AddControls()
m_pAccelSlider = dynamic_cast< Slider * >( FindChildByName( "AccelSlider" ) );
m_pSpeedSlider = dynamic_cast< Slider * >( FindChildByName( "SpeedSlider" ) );
m_pFovSlider = dynamic_cast< Slider * >( FindChildByName( "FovSlider" ) );
m_pRotFilterSlider = dynamic_cast< Slider * >( FindChildByName( "RotFilterSlider" ) );
m_pShakeSpeedSlider = dynamic_cast< Slider * >( FindChildByName( "ShakeSpeedSlider" ) );
m_pShakeAmountSlider = dynamic_cast< Slider * >( FindChildByName( "ShakeAmountSlider" ) );
m_pShakeDirSlider = dynamic_cast< Slider * >( FindChildByName( "ShakeDirSlider" ) );
AddSliderToLayout( SLIDER_ACCEL, m_pAccelSlider, "#Replay_Accel", FREE_CAM_ACCEL_MIN, FREE_CAM_ACCEL_MAX, ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingAccel );
AddSliderToLayout( SLIDER_SPEED, m_pSpeedSlider, "#Replay_Speed", FREE_CAM_SPEED_MIN, FREE_CAM_SPEED_MAX, ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingSpeed );
AddSliderToLayout( SLIDER_FOV, m_pFovSlider, "#Replay_Fov", FREE_CAM_FOV_MIN, FREE_CAM_FOV_MAX, ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingFov[1] );
AddSliderToLayout( SLIDER_ROTFILTER, m_pRotFilterSlider, "#Replay_RotFilter", FREE_CAM_ROT_FILTER_MIN, FREE_CAM_ROT_FILTER_MAX, ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingRotFilterFactor );
AddSliderToLayout( SLIDER_SHAKE_SPEED, m_pShakeSpeedSlider, "#Replay_ShakeSpeed", FREE_CAM_SHAKE_SPEED_MIN, FREE_CAM_SHAKE_SPEED_MAX, ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingShakeSpeed );
AddSliderToLayout( SLIDER_SHAKE_AMOUNT, m_pShakeAmountSlider, "#Replay_ShakeAmount", FREE_CAM_SHAKE_AMOUNT_MIN, FREE_CAM_SHAKE_AMOUNT_MAX, ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingShakeAmount );
AddSliderToLayout( SLIDER_SHAKE_DIR, m_pShakeDirSlider, "#Replay_ShakeDir", FREE_CAM_SHAKE_DIR_MIN, FREE_CAM_SHAKE_DIR_MAX, ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingShakeDir );
enum FreeCamSliders_t
Slider *m_pAccelSlider;
Slider *m_pSpeedSlider;
Slider *m_pFovSlider;
Slider *m_pRotFilterSlider;
Slider *m_pShakeSpeedSlider;
Slider *m_pShakeAmountSlider;
Slider *m_pShakeDirSlider;
class CReplayButton : public CExImageButton
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CReplayButton, CExImageButton );
CReplayButton( Panel *pParent, const char *pName, const char *pText )
: BaseClass( pParent, pName, pText ),
m_pTipText( NULL )
virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *pInResourceData )
BaseClass::ApplySettings( pInResourceData );
const char *pTipName = pInResourceData->GetString( "tipname" );
if ( pTipName && pTipName[0] )
const wchar_t *pTipText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pTipName );
if ( pTipText && pTipText[0] )
const int nTipLength = V_wcslen( pTipText );
m_pTipText = new wchar_t[ nTipLength + 1 ];
V_wcsncpy( m_pTipText, pTipText, sizeof(wchar_t) * ( nTipLength + 1 ) );
m_pTipText[ nTipLength ] = L'\0';
virtual void OnCursorEntered()
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *pEditor = ReplayUI_GetPerformanceEditor();
if ( pEditor && m_pTipText )
pEditor->SetButtonTip( m_pTipText, this );
pEditor->ShowButtonTip( true );
virtual void OnCursorExited()
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *pEditor = ReplayUI_GetPerformanceEditor();
if ( pEditor && m_pTipText )
pEditor->ShowButtonTip( false );
wchar_t *m_pTipText;
#define MAX_FF_RAMP_TIME 8.0f // The amount of time until we ramp to max scale value.
class CReplayEditorFastForwardButton : public CReplayButton
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CReplayEditorFastForwardButton, CReplayButton );
CReplayEditorFastForwardButton( Panel *pParent, const char *pName, const char *pText )
: BaseClass( pParent, pName, pText ),
m_flPressTime( 0.0f )
m_pHostTimescale = cvar->FindVar( "host_timescale" );
AssertMsg( m_pHostTimescale, "host_timescale lookup failed!" );
ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 10 );
ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
// Avoid a non-1.0 host_timescale after replay edit, which can happen if
// the user is still holding downt he FF button at the end of the replay.
if ( m_pHostTimescale )
m_pHostTimescale->SetValue( 1.0f );
// Resume demo playback so that any demo played later won't start paused.
virtual void OnMousePressed( MouseCode code )
m_flPressTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
BaseClass::OnMousePressed( code );
virtual void OnMouseReleased( MouseCode code )
m_flPressTime = 0.0f;
BaseClass::OnMouseReleased( code );
void OnTick()
float flScale;
if ( m_flPressTime == 0.0f )
flScale = 1.0f;
const float flElapsed = clamp( gpGlobals->realtime - m_flPressTime, 0.0f, MAX_FF_RAMP_TIME );
const float t = CubicEaseIn( flElapsed / MAX_FF_RAMP_TIME );
// If a shift key is down...
if ( input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LSHIFT ) || input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RSHIFT ) )
// ...slow down host_timescale.
flScale = .1f + .4f * t;
// If alt key down...
else if ( input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LALT ) || input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RALT ) )
// ...FF very quickly, ramp from 5 to 10.
flScale = 5.0f + 5.0f * t;
// Otherwise, start at 1.5 and ramp upwards over time.
flScale = 1.5f + 3.5f * t;
// Set host_timescale.
if ( m_pHostTimescale )
m_pHostTimescale->SetValue( flScale );
float m_flPressTime;
ConVar *m_pHostTimescale;
DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY_DEFAULT_TEXT( CReplayEditorFastForwardButton, CExImageButton );
class CRecLightPanel : public EditablePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CRecLightPanel, vgui::EditablePanel );
CRecLightPanel( Panel *pParent )
: EditablePanel( pParent, "RecLightPanel" ),
m_flPlayPauseTime( 0.0f ),
m_bPaused( false ),
m_bPerforming( false )
m_pRecLights[ 0 ] = NULL;
m_pRecLights[ 1 ] = NULL;
m_pPlayPause[ 0 ] = NULL;
m_pPlayPause[ 1 ] = NULL;
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/ui/replayperformanceeditor/reclight.res", "GAME" );
m_pRecLights[ 0 ] = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel * >( FindChildByName( "RecLightOffImg" ) );
m_pRecLights[ 1 ] = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel * >( FindChildByName( "RecLightOnImg" ) );
m_pPlayPause[ 0 ] = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel * >( FindChildByName( "PlayImg" ) );
m_pPlayPause[ 1 ] = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel * >( FindChildByName( "PauseImg" ) );
m_pCameraFringe = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel *>( FindChildByName( "CameraFringe" ) );
m_pCameraCrosshair = dynamic_cast< ImagePanel *>( FindChildByName( "CameraCrosshair" ) );
virtual void PerformLayout()
SetVisible( m_bPerforming );
const int nScreenWidth = ScreenWidth();
const int nRecLightW = m_pRecLights[ 0 ]->GetWide();
int nXPos = nScreenWidth - nRecLightW + XRES( 6 );
int nYPos = -YRES( 8 );
m_pRecLights[ 0 ]->SetPos( nXPos, nYPos );
m_pRecLights[ 1 ]->SetPos( nXPos, nYPos );
const int nWidth = GetWide();
const int nHeight = GetTall();
// Setup camera fringe height
if ( m_pCameraFringe )
m_pCameraFringe->SetSize( nWidth, nHeight );
m_pCameraFringe->InstallMouseHandler( this );
// Setup camera cross hair height
if ( m_pCameraCrosshair )
int aImageSize[2];
IImage *pImage = m_pCameraCrosshair->GetImage();
pImage->GetSize( aImageSize[0], aImageSize[1] );
aImageSize[0] = m_pCameraCrosshair->GetWide();
aImageSize[1] = m_pCameraCrosshair->GetTall();
const int nStartY = YRES( 13 );
nStartY + ( nWidth - aImageSize[0] ) / 2,
nStartY + ( nHeight - aImageSize[1] ) / 2,
aImageSize[0] - 2 * nStartY,
aImageSize[1] - 2 * nStartY
m_pCameraCrosshair->InstallMouseHandler( this );
void UpdateBackgroundVisibility()
m_pCameraCrosshair->SetVisible( m_bPaused );
m_pCameraFringe->SetVisible( m_bPaused );
virtual void OnThink()
const float flTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
bool bPauseAnimating = m_flPlayPauseTime > 0.0f &&
flTime >= m_flPlayPauseTime &&
flTime < ( m_flPlayPauseTime + m_flAnimTime );
// Setup light visibility
int nOnOff = fmod( flTime * 2.0f, 2.0f );
bool bOnLightVisible = (bool)nOnOff;
bool bRecording = g_pReplayPerformanceController->IsRecording();
m_pRecLights[ 0 ]->SetVisible( m_bPaused || ( bRecording && !bOnLightVisible ) );
m_pRecLights[ 1 ]->SetVisible( bRecording && ( !m_bPaused && bOnLightVisible ) );
// Deal with fringe and crosshair vis
int iPlayPauseActive = (int)m_bPaused;
// Animate the pause icon
if ( bPauseAnimating )
const float t = clamp( ( flTime - m_flPlayPauseTime ) / m_flAnimTime, 0.0f, 1.0f );
const float s = SCurve( t );
const int nSize = (int)Lerp( s, 60.0f, 60.0f * m_nAnimScale );
int aCrossHairPos[2];
m_pCameraCrosshair->GetPos( aCrossHairPos[0], aCrossHairPos[1] );
const int nScreenXCenter = aCrossHairPos[0] + m_pCameraCrosshair->GetWide() / 2;
const int nScreenYCenter = aCrossHairPos[1] + m_pCameraCrosshair->GetTall() / 2;
m_pPlayPause[ iPlayPauseActive ]->SetBounds(
nScreenXCenter - nSize / 2,
nScreenYCenter - nSize / 2,
m_pPlayPause[ iPlayPauseActive ]->SetAlpha( (int)( MIN( 0.5f, 1.0f - s ) * 255) );
m_pPlayPause[ iPlayPauseActive ]->SetVisible( bPauseAnimating );
m_pPlayPause[ !iPlayPauseActive ]->SetVisible( false );
void UpdatePauseState( bool bPaused )
if ( bPaused == m_bPaused )
m_bPaused = bPaused;
m_flPlayPauseTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
void SetPerforming( bool bPerforming )
if ( bPerforming == m_bPerforming )
m_bPerforming = bPerforming;
InvalidateLayout( true, false );
float m_flPlayPauseTime;
bool m_bPaused;
bool m_bPerforming;
ImagePanel *m_pPlayPause[2]; // 0=play, 1=pause
ImagePanel *m_pRecLights[2]; // 0=off, 1=on
ImagePanel *m_pCameraFringe;
ImagePanel *m_pCameraCrosshair;
CPanelAnimationVar( int, m_nAnimScale, "anim_scale", "4" );
CPanelAnimationVar( float, m_flAnimTime, "anim_time", "1.5" );
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel( Panel *parent, ReplayHandle_t hReplay )
: EditablePanel( parent, "ReplayPerformanceEditor" ),
m_hReplay( hReplay ),
m_flLastTime( -1 ),
m_nRedBlueLabelRightX( 0 ),
m_nBottomPanelStartY( 0 ),
m_nBottomPanelHeight( 0 ),
m_nLastRoundedTime( -1 ),
m_flSpaceDownStart( 0.0f ),
m_flOldFps( -1.0f ),
m_flLastTimeSpaceBarPressed( 0.0f ),
m_flActiveTimeInEditor( 0.0f ),
m_flTimeScaleProxy( 1.0f ),
m_iCameraSelection( CAM_FIRST ),
m_bMousePressed( false ),
m_bMouseDown( false ),
m_nMouseClickedOverCameraSettingsPanel( CAM_INVALID ),
m_bShownAtLeastOnce( false ),
m_bAchievementAwarded( false ),
m_pImageList( NULL ),
m_pCurTimeLabel( NULL ),
m_pTotalTimeLabel( NULL ),
m_pPlayerNameLabel( NULL ),
m_pMouseTargetPanel( NULL ),
m_pSlowMoButton( NULL ),
m_pRecLightPanel( NULL ),
m_pPlayerCellData( NULL ),
m_pBottom( NULL ),
m_pMenuButton( NULL ),
m_pMenu( NULL ),
m_pPlayerCellsPanel( NULL ),
m_pButtonTip( NULL ),
m_pSavingDlg( NULL )
V_memset( m_pCameraButtons, 0, sizeof( m_pCameraButtons ) );
V_memset( m_pCtrlButtons, 0, sizeof( m_pCtrlButtons ) );
V_memset( m_pCameraOptionsPanels, NULL, sizeof( m_pCameraOptionsPanels ) );
m_pCameraOptionsPanels[ CAM_FREE ] = new CCameraOptionsPanel_Free( this );
m_pCameraOptionsPanels[ COMPONENT_TIMESCALE ] = new CTimeScaleOptionsPanel( this, &m_flTimeScaleProxy );
m_nRedBlueSigns[0] = -1;
m_nRedBlueSigns[1] = 1;
m_iCurPlayerTarget = -1;
m_bCurrentTargetNeedsVisibilityUpdate = false;
m_pImageList = new ImageList( false );
SetParent( g_pClientMode->GetViewport() );
HScheme hScheme = scheme()->LoadSchemeFromFileEx( enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL ), "resource/ClientScheme.res", "ClientScheme" );
SetScheme( hScheme );
ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 16 ); // Roughly 60hz
MakePopup( true );
SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
// Create bottom
m_pBottom = new EditablePanel( this, "BottomPanel" );
// Add player cells
m_pPlayerCellsPanel = new EditablePanel( m_pBottom, "PlayerCellsPanel" );
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++j )
m_pPlayerCells[i][j] = new CPlayerCell( m_pPlayerCellsPanel, "PlayerCell", &m_iCurPlayerTarget );
m_pPlayerCells[i][j]->SetVisible( false );
AddPanelKeyboardInputDisableList( m_pPlayerCells[i][j] );
// Create rec light panel
m_pRecLightPanel = SETUP_PANEL( new CRecLightPanel( g_pClientMode->GetViewport() ) );
// Display "enter performance mode" tip
DisplayPerformanceTip( "#Replay_PerfTip_EnterPerfMode", &replay_perftip_count_enter, MAX_TIP_DISPLAYS );
// Create menu
m_pMenu = new Menu( this, "Menu" );
m_aMenuItemIds[ MENU_SAVE ] = m_pMenu->AddMenuItem( "#Replay_Save", "menu_save", this );
m_aMenuItemIds[ MENU_SAVEAS ] = m_pMenu->AddMenuItem( "#Replay_SaveAs", "menu_saveas", this );
m_aMenuItemIds[ MENU_EXIT ] = m_pMenu->AddMenuItem( "#Replay_Exit", "menu_exit", this );
m_pMenu->EnableUseMenuManager( false ); // The menu manager doesn't play nice with the menu button
m_pRecLightPanel = NULL;
m_pButtonTip = NULL;
g_bIsReplayRewinding = false;
surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\performanceeditorclosed.wav" );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::ClearPlayerCellData()
if ( m_pPlayerCellData )
m_pPlayerCellData = NULL;
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::AddPanelKeyboardInputDisableList( Panel *pPanel )
m_lstDisableKeyboardInputPanels.AddToTail( pPanel );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/ui/replayperformanceeditor/main.res", "GAME" );
int nParentWidth = GetParent()->GetWide();
int nParentHeight = GetParent()->GetTall();
// Set size of this panel
SetSize( nParentWidth, nParentHeight );
// Layout bottom
if ( m_pBottom )
m_nBottomPanelHeight = m_pBottom->GetTall(); // Get from .res
m_nBottomPanelStartY = nParentHeight - m_nBottomPanelHeight;
m_pBottom->SetBounds( 0, m_nBottomPanelStartY, nParentWidth, m_nBottomPanelHeight );
// Layout rec light panel - don't overlap bottom panel
m_pRecLightPanel->SetBounds( 0, 0, ScreenWidth(), m_nBottomPanelStartY );
// Setup camera buttons
const int nNumCameraButtons = NCAMS;
const char *pCameraButtonNames[nNumCameraButtons] = { "CameraFree", "CameraThird", "CameraFirst", "TimeScaleButton" };
int nCurButtonX = nParentWidth - m_nRightMarginWidth;
int nLeftmostCameraButtonX = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nNumCameraButtons; ++i )
m_pCameraButtons[i] = dynamic_cast< CExImageButton * >( FindChildByName( pCameraButtonNames[ i ] ) );
if ( m_pCameraButtons[i] )
CExImageButton *pCurButton = m_pCameraButtons[ i ];
if ( !pCurButton )
nCurButtonX -= pCurButton->GetWide();
int nX, nY;
pCurButton->GetPos( nX, nY );
pCurButton->SetPos( nCurButtonX, nY );
pCurButton->SetParent( m_pBottom );
pCurButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
#if !defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
pCurButton->SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
AddPanelKeyboardInputDisableList( pCurButton );
nLeftmostCameraButtonX = nCurButtonX;
static const char *s_pControlButtonNames[NUM_CTRLBUTTONS] = {
"InButton", "GotoBeginningButton", "RewindButton",
"FastForwardButton", "GotoEndButton", "OutButton"
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_CTRLBUTTONS; ++i )
CExImageButton *pCurButton = dynamic_cast< CExImageButton * >( FindChildByName( s_pControlButtonNames[ i ] ) ); Assert( pCurButton );
if ( !pCurButton )
pCurButton->SetParent( m_pBottom );
pCurButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
AddPanelKeyboardInputDisableList( pCurButton );
#if !defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
pCurButton->SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
m_pCtrlButtons[ i ] = pCurButton;
// If the performance in tick is set, highlight the in point button
CReplayPerformance *pSavedPerformance = GetSavedPerformance();
m_pCtrlButtons[ CTRLBUTTON_IN ]->SetSelected( pSavedPerformance && pSavedPerformance->HasInTick() );
m_pCtrlButtons[ CTRLBUTTON_OUT ]->SetSelected( pSavedPerformance && pSavedPerformance->HasOutTick() );
// Select first-person camera by default.
UpdateCameraSelectionPosition( CAM_FIRST );
// Position time label
m_pCurTimeLabel = dynamic_cast< CExLabel * >( FindChildByName( "CurTimeLabel" ) );
m_pTotalTimeLabel = dynamic_cast< CExLabel * >( FindChildByName( "TotalTimeLabel" ) );
m_pCurTimeLabel->SetParent( m_pBottom );
m_pTotalTimeLabel->SetParent( m_pBottom );
// Get player name label
m_pPlayerNameLabel = dynamic_cast< CExLabel * >( FindChildByName( "PlayerNameLabel" ) );
// Get mouse target panel
m_pMouseTargetPanel = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel * >( FindChildByName( "MouseTargetPanel" ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++j )
m_pPlayerCells[i][j]->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
// Get menu button
m_pMenuButton = dynamic_cast< CExImageButton * >( FindChildByName( "MenuButton" ) );
AddPanelKeyboardInputDisableList( m_pMenuButton );
m_pMenuButton->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
#if !defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
m_pMenuButton->SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
// Get button tip
m_pButtonTip = dynamic_cast< CReplayTipLabel * >( FindChildByName( "ButtonTip" ) );
m_pButtonTip->SetParent( g_pClientMode->GetViewport() );
static void Replay_GotoTick( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext )
if ( bConfirmed )
int nGotoTick = (int)pContext;
CFmtStr fmtCmd( "demo_gototick %i\ndemo_pause\n", nGotoTick );
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( fmtCmd.Access() );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnSliderMoved( KeyValues *pParams )
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnInGameMouseWheelEvent( int nDelta )
HandleMouseWheel( nDelta );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::HandleMouseWheel( int nDelta )
if ( ReplayCamera()->GetMode() == OBS_MODE_ROAMING )
// Invert mousewheel input if necessary
if ( replay_editor_fov_mousewheel_invert.GetBool() )
nDelta *= -1;
float &flFov = ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingFov[1];
flFov = clamp( flFov - nDelta * replay_editor_fov_mousewheel_multiplier.GetFloat(), FREE_CAM_FOV_MIN, FREE_CAM_FOV_MAX );
// Update FOV slider in free camera settings
CCameraOptionsPanel_Free *pFreeCamOptions = static_cast< CCameraOptionsPanel_Free * >( m_pCameraOptionsPanels[ CAM_FREE ] );
pFreeCamOptions->m_pFovSlider->SetValue( flFov - FREE_CAM_FOV_MIN, false );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pInResourceData )
BaseClass::ApplySettings( pInResourceData );
KeyValues *pPlayerCellData = pInResourceData->FindKey( "PlayerCell" );
if ( pPlayerCellData )
m_pPlayerCellData = new KeyValues( "PlayerCell" );
pPlayerCellData->CopySubkeys( m_pPlayerCellData );
CameraMode_t CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::IsMouseOverActiveCameraOptionsPanel( int nMouseX, int nMouseY )
// In one of the camera options panels?
for ( int i = 0; i < NCAMS; ++i )
CCameraOptionsPanel *pCurPanel = m_pCameraOptionsPanels[ i ];
if ( pCurPanel && pCurPanel->IsVisible() && pCurPanel->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY ) )
return (CameraMode_t)i;
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnMouseWheeled( int nDelta )
HandleMouseWheel( nDelta );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnTick()
// engine->Con_NPrintf( 0, "timescale: %f", g_pReplayPerformanceController->GetPlaybackTimeScale() );
C_ReplayCamera *pCamera = ReplayCamera();
if ( !pCamera )
// Calc elapsed time
float flElapsed = gpGlobals->realtime - m_flLastTime;
m_flLastTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
// If this is the first time we're running and camera is valid, get primary target
if ( m_iCurPlayerTarget < 0 )
m_iCurPlayerTarget = pCamera->GetPrimaryTargetIndex();
// NOTE: Third-person is not "controllable" yet
int nCameraMode = pCamera->GetMode();
bool bInAControllableCameraMode = nCameraMode == OBS_MODE_ROAMING || nCameraMode == OBS_MODE_CHASE;
// Get mouse cursor pos
int nMouseX, nMouseY;
input()->GetCursorPos( nMouseX, nMouseY );
// Toggle in and out of camera control if appropriate
// Mouse pressed?
bool bMouseDown = input()->IsMouseDown( MOUSE_LEFT );
m_bMousePressed = bMouseDown && !m_bMouseDown;
m_bMouseDown = bMouseDown;
// Reset this flag if mouse is no longer down
if ( !m_bMouseDown )
m_nMouseClickedOverCameraSettingsPanel = CAM_INVALID;
bool bNoDialogsUp = TFModalStack()->IsEmpty();
bool bMouseCursorOverPerfEditor = nMouseY >= m_nBottomPanelStartY;
bool bMouseOverMenuButton = m_pMenuButton->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY );
bool bMouseOverMenu = m_pMenu->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY );
bool bRecording = g_pReplayPerformanceController->IsRecording();
if ( IsVisible() && m_bMousePressed )
CameraMode_t nActiveOptionsPanel = IsMouseOverActiveCameraOptionsPanel( nMouseX, nMouseY );
if ( nActiveOptionsPanel != CAM_INVALID )
m_nMouseClickedOverCameraSettingsPanel = nActiveOptionsPanel;
else if ( m_pMenu->IsVisible() && !m_pMenu->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY ) )
else if ( bInAControllableCameraMode && !bMouseCursorOverPerfEditor && !bMouseOverMenuButton &&
!bMouseOverMenu && bNoDialogsUp )
if ( bRecording )
bool bMouseInputEnabled = IsMouseInputEnabled();
// Already in a controllable camera mode?
if ( bMouseInputEnabled )
DisplayPerformanceTip( "#Replay_PerfTip_ExitFreeCam", &replay_perftip_count_freecam_exit, MAX_TIP_DISPLAYS );
surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\cameracontrolmodeentered.wav" );
DisplayPerformanceTip( "#Replay_PerfTip_EnterFreeCam", &replay_perftip_count_freecam_enter, MAX_TIP_DISPLAYS );
surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\cameracontrolmodeexited.wav" );
SetMouseInputEnabled( !bMouseInputEnabled );
// Play an error sound
surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\cameracontrolerror.wav" );
// Show panel if space key bar is down
bool bSpaceDown = bNoDialogsUp && !enginevgui->IsGameUIVisible() && input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_SPACE );
m_bSpacePressed = bSpaceDown && !m_bSpaceDown;
m_bSpaceDown = bSpaceDown;
// Modify visibility?
bool bShow = IsVisible();
if ( m_bSpacePressed )
bShow = !IsVisible();
// Set visibility?
if ( IsVisible() != bShow )
ShowPanel( bShow );
m_bShownAtLeastOnce = true;
// For achievements:
// Factor in host_timescale.
float flScaledElapsed = flElapsed;
ConVarRef host_timescale( "host_timescale" );
if ( host_timescale.GetFloat() > 0 )
flScaledElapsed *= host_timescale.GetFloat();
// Do FOV smoothing
ReplayCamera()->SmoothFov( flScaledElapsed );
// Don't do any more processing if not needed
if ( !m_bShownAtLeastOnce )
// Update time text if necessary
// Make all player cells invisible
int nTeamCounts[2] = {0,0};
int nCurTeam = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++j )
m_pPlayerCells[i][j]->SetVisible( false );
int iMouseOverPlayerIndex = -1;
CPlayerCell *pMouseOverCell = NULL;
// Update player cells
bool bLayoutPlayerCells = true; // TODO: only layout when necessary
C_ReplayGame_PlayerResource_t *pGamePlayerResource = dynamic_cast< C_ReplayGame_PlayerResource_t * >( g_PR );
for ( int iPlayer = 1; iPlayer <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++iPlayer )
IGameResources *pGR = GameResources();
if ( !pGR || !pGR->IsConnected( iPlayer ) )
// Which team?
int iTeam = pGR->GetTeam( iPlayer );
switch ( iTeam )
nCurTeam = 0;
nCurTeam = 1;
nCurTeam = -1;
if ( nCurTeam < 0 )
#if !defined( CSTRIKE_DLL )
int iPlayerClass = pGamePlayerResource->GetPlayerClass( iPlayer );
if ( iPlayerClass == REPLAY_CLASS_UNDEFINED )
int nCurTeamCount = nTeamCounts[ nCurTeam ];
CPlayerCell* pCell = m_pPlayerCells[ nCurTeam ][ nCurTeamCount-1 ];
// Cache the player index
pCell->m_iPlayerIndex = iPlayer;
// Make visible
pCell->SetVisible( true );
// Show leaderboard icon
#if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
char szClassImg[64];
extern const char *g_aPlayerClassNames_NonLocalized[ REPLAY_NUM_CLASSES ];
char const *pClassName = iPlayerClass == TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN
? "demo"
: g_aPlayerClassNames_NonLocalized[ iPlayerClass ];
V_snprintf( szClassImg, sizeof( szClassImg ), "../HUD/leaderboard_class_%s", pClassName );
// Show dead icon instead?
if ( !pGamePlayerResource->IsAlive( iPlayer ) )
V_strcat( szClassImg, "_d", sizeof( szClassImg ) );
IImage *pImage = scheme()->GetImage( szClassImg, true );
if ( pImage )
pImage->SetSize( 32, 32 );
pCell->GetImage()->SetImage( pImage );
#elif defined( CSTRIKE_DLL )
// TODO - create and use class icons
char szText[16];
V_snprintf( szText, sizeof( szText ), "%i", nTeamCounts[ nCurTeam ] );
pCell->SetText( szText );
// Display player name if mouse is over the current cell
if ( pCell->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY ) )
iMouseOverPlayerIndex = iPlayer;
pMouseOverCell = pCell;
// Check to see if we're hovering over a camera-mode, and if so, display its options panel if it has one
if ( bRecording )
for ( int i = 0; i < NCAMS; ++i )
CCameraOptionsPanel *pCurOptionsPanel = m_pCameraOptionsPanels[ i ];
if ( !pCurOptionsPanel )
bool bMouseOverButton = m_pCameraButtons[ i ]->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY );
bool bMouseOverOptionsPanel = pCurOptionsPanel->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY );
bool bInCameraModeThatMouseIsOver = ReplayCamera()->GetMode() == GetCameraModeFromButtonIndex( (CameraMode_t)i );
bool bDontCareAboutCameraMode = i == COMPONENT_TIMESCALE;
bool bActivate = ( i == m_nMouseClickedOverCameraSettingsPanel ) ||
( ( ( bInCameraModeThatMouseIsOver || bDontCareAboutCameraMode ) && bMouseOverButton ) || ( bMouseOverOptionsPanel && pCurOptionsPanel->IsVisible() ) );
pCurOptionsPanel->SetVisible( bActivate );
if ( bLayoutPlayerCells )
// Setup player name label and temporary camera view
if ( m_pPlayerNameLabel && pGamePlayerResource && pMouseOverCell )
m_pPlayerNameLabel->SetText( pGamePlayerResource->GetPlayerName( iMouseOverPlayerIndex ) );
int nCellPos[2];
pMouseOverCell->GetPos( nCellPos[0], nCellPos[1] );
int nLabelX = MAX(
int nLabelY = m_nBottomPanelStartY + ( m_nBottomPanelHeight - m_pPlayerNameLabel->GetTall() ) / 2;
m_pPlayerNameLabel->SetPos( nLabelX, nLabelY );
m_pPlayerNameLabel->SetVisible( true );
// Setup camera
pCamera->SetPrimaryTarget( iMouseOverPlayerIndex );
m_pPlayerNameLabel->SetVisible( false );
// Set camera to last valid target
Assert( m_iCurPlayerTarget >= 0 );
pCamera->SetPrimaryTarget( m_iCurPlayerTarget );
// If user clicked, assume it was the selected cell and set primary target in camera
if ( iMouseOverPlayerIndex >= 0 )
pCamera->SetPrimaryTarget( iMouseOverPlayerIndex );
pCamera->SetPrimaryTarget( m_iCurPlayerTarget );
// fixes a case where the replay would be paused and the player would cycle cameras but the
// target's visibility wouldn't be updated until the replay was unpaused (they would be invisible)
if ( m_bCurrentTargetNeedsVisibilityUpdate )
C_BaseEntity *pTarget = ClientEntityList().GetEnt( pCamera->GetPrimaryTargetIndex() );
if ( pTarget )
m_bCurrentTargetNeedsVisibilityUpdate = false;
// If in free-cam mode, add set view event if we're not paused
if ( bInAControllableCameraMode && m_bShownAtLeastOnce && bRecording )
AddTimeScaleEvent( m_flTimeScaleProxy );
// Set paused state in rec light
const bool bPaused = IsPaused();
m_pRecLightPanel->UpdatePauseState( bPaused );
Achievements_Think( flElapsed );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::Achievements_OnSpaceBarPressed()
m_flLastTimeSpaceBarPressed = gpGlobals->realtime;
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::Achievements_Think( float flElapsed )
// engine->Con_NPrintf( 10, "total time: %f", m_flActiveTimeInEditor );
// engine->Con_NPrintf( 11, "last time space bar pressed: %f", m_flLastTimeSpaceBarPressed );
// Already awarded one this editing session?
if ( m_bAchievementAwarded )
// Too much idle time since last activity?
if ( gpGlobals->realtime - m_flLastTimeSpaceBarPressed > 60.0f )
m_flActiveTimeInEditor = 0.0f;
// Accumulate active time
m_flActiveTimeInEditor += flElapsed;
// Award now if three-minutes of non-idle time has passed
const float flMinutes = 60.0f * 3.0f;
if ( m_flActiveTimeInEditor < flMinutes )
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::Achievements_Grant()
#if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
g_AchievementMgrTF.AwardAchievement( ACHIEVEMENT_TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME );
// Awarded
m_bAchievementAwarded = true;
bool CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::IsPaused()
return IsVisible();
CReplayPerformance *CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::GetPerformance() const
return g_pReplayPerformanceController->GetPerformance();
CReplayPerformance *CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::GetSavedPerformance() const
return g_pReplayPerformanceController->GetSavedPerformance();
int CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::GetCameraModeFromButtonIndex( CameraMode_t iCamera )
switch ( iCamera )
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::UpdateTimeLabels()
CReplay *pPlayingReplay = g_pReplayManager->GetPlayingReplay();
if ( !pPlayingReplay || !m_pCurTimeLabel || !m_pTotalTimeLabel )
float flCurTime, flTotalTime;
g_pClientReplayContext->GetPlaybackTimes( flCurTime, flTotalTime, pPlayingReplay, GetPerformance() );
int nCurRoundedTime = (int)flCurTime; // Essentially floor'd
if ( nCurRoundedTime == m_nLastRoundedTime )
m_nLastRoundedTime = nCurRoundedTime;
// Set current time text
char szTimeText[64];
V_snprintf( szTimeText, sizeof( szTimeText ), "%s", CReplayTime::FormatTimeString( nCurRoundedTime ) );
m_pCurTimeLabel->SetText( szTimeText );
// Set total time text
V_snprintf( szTimeText, sizeof( szTimeText ), "%s", CReplayTime::FormatTimeString( (int)flTotalTime ) );
m_pTotalTimeLabel->SetText( szTimeText );
// Center between left-most camera button and play/pause button
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::UpdateCameraSelectionPosition( CameraMode_t nCameraMode )
Assert( nCameraMode >= 0 && nCameraMode < NCAMS );
m_iCameraSelection = nCameraMode;
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::UpdateFreeCamSettings( const SetViewParams_t &params )
CCameraOptionsPanel_Free *pSettingsPanel = dynamic_cast< CCameraOptionsPanel_Free * >( m_pCameraOptionsPanels[ CAM_FREE ] );
if ( !pSettingsPanel )
pSettingsPanel->SetValue( CCameraOptionsPanel_Free::SLIDER_ACCEL, params.m_flAccel );
pSettingsPanel->SetValue( CCameraOptionsPanel_Free::SLIDER_SPEED, params.m_flSpeed );
pSettingsPanel->SetValue( CCameraOptionsPanel_Free::SLIDER_FOV, params.m_flFov );
pSettingsPanel->SetValue( CCameraOptionsPanel_Free::SLIDER_ROTFILTER, params.m_flRotationFilter );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::UpdateTimeScale( float flScale )
CTimeScaleOptionsPanel *pSettingsPanel = dynamic_cast< CTimeScaleOptionsPanel * >( m_pCameraOptionsPanels[ COMPONENT_TIMESCALE ] );
if ( !pSettingsPanel )
pSettingsPanel->SetValue( CTimeScaleOptionsPanel::SLIDER_TIMESCALE, flScale );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::LayoutPlayerCells()
int nPanelHeight = m_pPlayerCellsPanel->GetTall();
int nCellBuffer = XRES(1);
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
int nCurX = m_nRedBlueLabelRightX;
for ( int j = 0; j <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++j )
CPlayerCell *pCurCell = m_pPlayerCells[i][j];
if ( !pCurCell->IsVisible() )
// Apply cached settings from .res file
if ( m_pPlayerCellData )
pCurCell->ApplySettings( m_pPlayerCellData );
const int nY = nPanelHeight/2 + m_nRedBlueSigns[i] * nPanelHeight/4 - pCurCell->GetTall()/2;
nCurX += pCurCell->GetWide() + nCellBuffer;
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::PerformLayout()
int w = ScreenWidth(), h = ScreenHeight();
// Layout camera options panels
for ( int i = 0; i < NCAMS; ++i )
CCameraOptionsPanel *pCurOptionsPanel = m_pCameraOptionsPanels[ i ];
if ( !pCurOptionsPanel )
CExImageButton *pCurCameraButton = m_pCameraButtons[ i ];
if ( !pCurCameraButton )
// Get camera button position
int aCameraButtonPos[2];
int aBottomPos[2];
pCurCameraButton->GetPos( aCameraButtonPos[ 0 ], aCameraButtonPos[ 1 ] );
m_pBottom->GetPos( aBottomPos[ 0 ], aBottomPos[ 1 ] );
// Layout the panel now - it should set its own size, which we need to know to position it properly
pCurOptionsPanel->InvalidateLayout( true, true );
// Position it
aBottomPos[ 0 ] + aCameraButtonPos[ 0 ] + pCurCameraButton->GetWide() - pCurOptionsPanel->GetWide() - XRES( 3 ),
aBottomPos[ 1 ] + aCameraButtonPos[ 1 ] - pCurOptionsPanel->GetTall()
// Setup menu position relative to menu button
int aMenuButtonPos[2];
m_pMenuButton->GetPos( aMenuButtonPos[0], aMenuButtonPos[1] );
m_pMenu->SetPos( aMenuButtonPos[0], aMenuButtonPos[1] + m_pMenuButton->GetTall() );
// Set player cell panel to be the size of half the bottom panel
int aBottomSize[2];
m_pBottom->GetSize( aBottomSize[0], aBottomSize[1] );
m_pPlayerCellsPanel->SetBounds( 0, 0, aBottomSize[0] / 2, m_pPlayerCellsPanel->GetTall() );
CExLabel *pRedBlueLabels[2] = {
dynamic_cast< CExLabel * >( m_pPlayerCellsPanel->FindChildByName( "RedLabel" ) ),
dynamic_cast< CExLabel * >( m_pPlayerCellsPanel->FindChildByName( "BlueLabel" ) )
int nMargins[2] = { (int)XRES( 5 ), (int)YRES( 2 ) };
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
const int nY = m_pPlayerCellsPanel->GetTall()/2 + m_nRedBlueSigns[i] * m_pPlayerCellsPanel->GetTall()/4 - pRedBlueLabels[i]->GetTall()/2;
pRedBlueLabels[i]->SetPos( nMargins[0], nY );
m_nRedBlueLabelRightX = MAX( m_nRedBlueLabelRightX, nMargins[0] + pRedBlueLabels[i]->GetWide() + nMargins[0] );
// Position player cells
bool CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnStateChangeRequested( const char *pEventStr )
// If we're already recording, allow the change.
if ( g_pReplayPerformanceController->IsRecording() )
return true;
// If we aren't recording and there is no forthcoming data in the playback stream, allow the change.
if ( !g_pReplayPerformanceController->IsPlaybackDataLeft() )
return true;
// Otherwise, record the event string and show a dialog asking the user if they're sure they want to nuke.
V_strncpy( m_szSuspendedEvent, pEventStr, sizeof( m_szSuspendedEvent ) );
ShowConfirmDialog( "#Replay_Warning", "#Replay_NukePerformanceChanges", "#GameUI_Confirm", "#GameUI_CancelBold", OnConfirmDestroyChanges, this, this, REPLAY_SOUND_DIALOG_POPUP );
return false;
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::SetButtonTip( wchar_t *pTipText, Panel *pContextPanel )
// Set the text
m_pButtonTip->SetText( pTipText );
m_pButtonTip->InvalidateLayout( true, true );
// Center relative to context panel
int aPos[2];
ipanel()->GetAbsPos( pContextPanel->GetVPanel(), aPos[0], aPos[1] );
const int nX = clamp(
aPos[0] - m_pButtonTip->GetWide() / 2,
ScreenWidth() - m_pButtonTip->GetWide() - (int) XRES( 40 )
const int nY = m_nBottomPanelStartY - m_pButtonTip->GetTall() - (int) YRES( 2 );
m_pButtonTip->SetPos( nX, nY );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::ShowButtonTip( bool bShow )
m_pButtonTip->SetVisible( bShow );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::ShowSavingDialog()
Assert( !m_pSavingDlg );
m_pSavingDlg = new CSavingDialog( ReplayUI_GetPerformanceEditor() );
ShowWaitingDialog( m_pSavingDlg, "#Replay_Saving", true, false, -1 );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::ShowPanel( bool bShow )
if ( bShow == IsVisible() )
if ( bShow )
// We are now performing.
m_pRecLightPanel->SetPerforming( true );
// Disable keyboard input on all panels added to the list
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstDisableKeyboardInputPanels, it )
m_lstDisableKeyboardInputPanels[ it ]->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
DisplayPerformanceTip( "#Replay_PerfTip_ExitPerfMode", &replay_perftip_count_exit, MAX_TIP_DISPLAYS );
// Fire a message the game DLL can intercept (for achievements, etc).
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "entered_performance_mode" );
if ( event )
gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event );
// Play a sound
surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\enterperformancemode.wav" );
// Display a tip
DisplayPerformanceTip( "#Replay_PerfTip_EnterPerfMode", &replay_perftip_count_enter, MAX_TIP_DISPLAYS );
// Play a sound
surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\exitperformancemode.wav" );
// Show mouse cursor
SetMouseInputEnabled( bShow );
SetVisible( bShow );
MakePopup( bShow );
// Avoid waiting for next OnThink() to hide background images
m_pRecLightPanel->UpdatePauseState( bShow );
// Play or pause
if ( bShow )
// Keep controller informed about pause state so that it can throw away unimportant events during pause if it's recording.
g_pReplayPerformanceController->NotifyPauseState( bShow );
bool CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnEndOfReplayReached()
if ( m_bShownAtLeastOnce )
ShowPanel( true );
DisplayPerformanceTip( "#Replay_PerfTip_EndOfReplayReached" );
// Don't end demo playback yet.
return true;
// Let the demo player end demo playback
return false;
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::AddSetViewEvent()
if ( !g_pReplayManager->GetPlayingReplay() )
if ( !g_pReplayPerformanceController )
Vector pos;
QAngle angles;
float fov;
ReplayCamera()->GetCachedView( pos, angles, fov );
SetViewParams_t params;
params.m_flTime = GetPlaybackTime();
params.m_flFov = fov;
params.m_pOrigin = &pos;
params.m_pAngles = &angles;
params.m_flAccel = ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingAccel;
params.m_flSpeed = ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingSpeed;
params.m_flRotationFilter = ReplayCamera()->m_flRoamingRotFilterFactor;
g_pReplayPerformanceController->AddEvent_Camera_SetView( params );
// Input should be in [0,1]
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::AddTimeScaleEvent( float flTimeScale )
if ( !g_pReplayManager->GetPlayingReplay() )
if ( !g_pReplayPerformanceController )
g_pReplayPerformanceController->AddEvent_TimeScale( GetPlaybackTime(), flTimeScale );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::UpdateCameraButtonImages( bool bForceUnselected/*=false*/ )
CReplayPerformance *pPerformance = GetPerformance();
for ( int i = 0; i < NCAMS; ++i )
CFmtStr fmtFile(
( !bForceUnselected && ( !pPerformance || g_pReplayPerformanceController->IsRecording() ) && i == m_iCameraSelection ) ? "_selected" : ""
if ( m_pCameraButtons[ i ] )
m_pCameraButtons[ i ]->SetSubImage( fmtFile.Access() );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::EnsureRecording( bool bShouldSnip )
// Not recording?
if ( !g_pReplayPerformanceController->IsRecording() )
// Start recording - snip if needed.
g_pReplayPerformanceController->StartRecording( GetReplay(), bShouldSnip );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::ToggleMenu()
if ( !m_pMenu )
// Show/hide
const bool bShow = !m_pMenu->IsVisible();
m_pMenu->SetVisible( bShow );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::SaveAs( const wchar_t *pTitle )
if ( !g_pReplayPerformanceController->SaveAsAsync( pTitle ) )
DisplaySavedTip( false );
/*static*/ void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnConfirmSaveAs( bool bShouldSave, wchar_t *pTitle, void *pContext )
// NOTE: Assumes that overwriting has already been confirmed by the user.
if ( !bShouldSave )
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *pThis = (CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *)pContext;
pThis->SaveAs( pTitle );
surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\saved_take.wav" );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::ShowRewindConfirmMessage()
ShowMessageBox( "#Replay_RewindWarningTitle", "#Replay_RewindWarningMsg", "#GameUI_OK", OnConfirmRewind, NULL, (void *)this );
surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\replaydialog_warn.wav" );
/*static*/ void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnConfirmRewind( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext )
if ( bConfirmed )
if ( pContext )
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *pEditor = (CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *)pContext;
pEditor->OnCommand( "goto_back" );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnMenuCommand_Save( bool bExitEditorWhenDone/*=false*/ )
// If this is the first time we're saving this performance, do a save-as.
if ( !g_pReplayPerformanceController->HasSavedPerformance() )
OnMenuCommand_SaveAs( bExitEditorWhenDone );
// Regular save
if ( !g_pReplayPerformanceController->SaveAsync() )
DisplaySavedTip( false );
// Show saving dialog
// Exit editor?
if ( bExitEditorWhenDone )
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnMenuCommand_SaveAs( bool bExitEditorWhenDone/*=false*/ )
ReplayUI_ShowPerformanceSaveDlg( OnConfirmSaveAs, this, GetReplay(), bExitEditorWhenDone );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::DisplaySavedTip( bool bSucceess )
DisplayPerformanceTip( bSucceess ? "#Replay_PerfTip_Saved" : "#Replay_PerfTip_SaveFailed" );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnSaveComplete()
DisplaySavedTip( g_pReplayPerformanceController->GetLastSaveStatus() );
m_pSavingDlg = NULL;
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::HandleUiToggle()
if ( !TFModalStack()->IsEmpty() )
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::Exit()
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "disconnect" );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::Exit_ShowDialogs()
if ( g_pReplayPerformanceController->IsDirty() )
ShowConfirmDialog( "#Replay_DiscardTitle", "#Replay_DiscardChanges", "#Replay_Discard", "#Replay_Cancel", OnConfirmDiscard, NULL, this, REPLAY_SOUND_DIALOG_POPUP );
ShowConfirmDialog( "#Replay_ExitEditorTitle", "#Replay_BackToReplays", "#GameUI_Confirm", "#Replay_Cancel", OnConfirmExit, NULL, this, REPLAY_SOUND_DIALOG_POPUP );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnMenuCommand_Exit()
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
float flCurTime = GetPlaybackTime();
g_bIsReplayRewinding = false;
if ( !V_stricmp( command, "toggle_menu" ) )
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "menu_", 5 ) )
const char *pMenuCommand = command + 5;
if ( !V_stricmp( pMenuCommand, "save" ) )
else if ( !V_stricmp( pMenuCommand, "saveas" ) )
else if ( !V_stricmp( pMenuCommand, "exit" ) )
else if ( !V_stricmp( command, "close" ) )
ShowPanel( false );
else if ( !V_stricmp( command, "play" ) )
ShowPanel( false );
else if ( !V_stricmp( command, "pause" ) )
ShowPanel( true );
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "timescale_", 10 ) )
const char *pTimeScaleCmd = command + 10;
if ( !V_stricmp( pTimeScaleCmd, "showpanel" ) )
// If we're playing back, pop up a dialog asking if the user is sure they want to nuke the
// rest of whatever is playing back.
if ( !OnStateChangeRequested( command ) )
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "settick_", 8 ) )
const char *pSetType = command + 8;
const int nCurTick = engine->GetDemoPlaybackTick();
if ( !V_stricmp( pSetType, "in" ) )
SetOrRemoveInTick( nCurTick, true );
else if ( !V_stricmp( pSetType, "out" ) )
SetOrRemoveOutTick( nCurTick, true );
// Save the replay
CReplay *pReplay = GetReplay();
if ( pReplay )
g_pReplayManager->FlagReplayForFlush( pReplay, true );
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "goto_", 5 ) )
const char *pGotoType = command + 5;
CReplay *pReplay = GetReplay();
if ( pReplay )
const CReplayPerformance *pScratchPerformance = g_pReplayPerformanceController->GetPerformance();
const CReplayPerformance *pSavedPerformance = g_pReplayPerformanceController->GetSavedPerformance();
const CReplayPerformance *pPerformance = pScratchPerformance ? pScratchPerformance : pSavedPerformance;
const int nCurTick = engine->GetDemoPlaybackTick();
// If in or out ticks are set in the performance, use those for the 'full' rewind/fast-forward
const int nStartTick = MAX( 0, ( pPerformance && pPerformance->HasInTick() ) ? pPerformance->m_nTickIn : pReplay->m_nSpawnTick );
const int nEndTick = MAX( // The MAX() here will keep us from going back in time if we're already past the "end" tick
( ( pPerformance && pPerformance->HasOutTick() ) ?
pPerformance->m_nTickOut :
( nStartTick + TIME_TO_TICKS( pReplay->m_flLength ) ) )
- TIME_TO_TICKS( 0.1f )
int nGotoTick = 0;
bool bGoingBack = false;
if ( !V_stricmp( pGotoType, "start" ) )
bGoingBack = true;
nGotoTick = nStartTick;
else if ( !V_stricmp( pGotoType, "back" ) )
// If this is the first time rewinding, display a message
if ( !replay_replayeditor_rewindmsgcounter.GetBool() )
replay_replayeditor_rewindmsgcounter.SetValue( 1 );
bGoingBack = true;
nGotoTick = nCurTick - TIME_TO_TICKS( 10.0f );
else if ( !V_stricmp( pGotoType, "end" ) )
nGotoTick = nEndTick; // Don't go back in time
// Clamp it
nGotoTick = clamp( nGotoTick, nStartTick, nEndTick );
// If going back...
if ( bGoingBack )
// ...and notify the recorder that we're skipping, which we only need to do if we're going backwards
g_bIsReplayRewinding = true;
// Go to the given tick and pause
CFmtStr fmtCmd( "demo_gototick %i\ndemo_pause\n", nGotoTick );
engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( fmtCmd.Access() );
else if ( !V_strnicmp( command, "setcamera_", 10 ) )
const char *pCamType = command + 10;
int nEntIndex = ReplayCamera()->GetPrimaryTargetIndex();
// If we're playing back, pop up a dialog asking if the user is sure they want to nuke the
// rest of whatever is playing back.
if ( !OnStateChangeRequested( command ) )
if ( !V_stricmp( pCamType, "first" ) )
ReplayCamera()->SetMode( OBS_MODE_IN_EYE );
UpdateCameraSelectionPosition( CAM_FIRST );
m_bCurrentTargetNeedsVisibilityUpdate = true;
g_pReplayPerformanceController->AddEvent_Camera_Change_FirstPerson( flCurTime, nEntIndex );
else if ( !V_stricmp( pCamType, "third" ) )
ReplayCamera()->SetMode( OBS_MODE_CHASE );
UpdateCameraSelectionPosition( CAM_THIRD );
m_bCurrentTargetNeedsVisibilityUpdate = true;
g_pReplayPerformanceController->AddEvent_Camera_Change_ThirdPerson( flCurTime, nEntIndex );
else if ( !V_stricmp( pCamType, "free" ) )
ReplayCamera()->SetMode( OBS_MODE_ROAMING );
UpdateCameraSelectionPosition( CAM_FREE );
m_bCurrentTargetNeedsVisibilityUpdate = true;
g_pReplayPerformanceController->AddEvent_Camera_Change_Free( flCurTime );
DisplayPerformanceTip( "#Replay_PerfTip_EnterFreeCam", &replay_perftip_count_freecam_enter, MAX_TIP_DISPLAYS );
engine->ClientCmd( const_cast<char *>( command ) );
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnConfirmDestroyChanges( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext )
AssertMsg( pContext, "Should have a context! Fix me!" );
if ( pContext && bConfirmed )
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *pEditorPanel = (CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *)pContext;
if ( bConfirmed )
CReplay *pReplay = pEditorPanel->GetReplay();
g_pReplayPerformanceController->StartRecording( pReplay, true );
// Reissue the command.
pEditorPanel->OnCommand( pEditorPanel->m_szSuspendedEvent );
// Play a sound
surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\snip.wav" );
// Clear suspended event
pEditorPanel->m_szSuspendedEvent[ 0 ] = '\0';
// Make sure mouse is free
pEditorPanel->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
DisplayPerformanceTip( "#Replay_PerfTip_Snip" );
/*static*/ void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnConfirmDiscard( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext )
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *pEditor = (CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *)pContext;
if ( bConfirmed )
if ( !pEditor->IsVisible() )
/*static*/ void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnConfirmExit( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext )
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *pEditor = (CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *)pContext;
if ( bConfirmed )
if ( !pEditor->IsVisible() )
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::SetOrRemoveInTick( int nTick, bool bRemoveIfSet )
SetOrRemoveTick( nTick, true, bRemoveIfSet );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::SetOrRemoveOutTick( int nTick, bool bRemoveIfSet )
SetOrRemoveTick( nTick, false, bRemoveIfSet );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::SetOrRemoveTick( int nTick, bool bUseInTick, bool bRemoveIfSet )
CReplayPerformance *pPerformance = GetPerformance();
AssertMsg( pPerformance, "Performance should always be valid by this point." );
ControlButtons_t iButton;
int *pResultTick;
const char *pSetTickKey;
const char *pUnsetTickKey;
if ( bUseInTick )
pResultTick = &pPerformance->m_nTickIn;
pSetTickKey = "#Replay_PerfTip_InPointSet";
pUnsetTickKey = "#Replay_PerfTip_InPointRemoved";
pResultTick = &pPerformance->m_nTickOut;
pSetTickKey = "#Replay_PerfTip_OutPointSet";
pUnsetTickKey = "#Replay_PerfTip_OutPointRemoved";
// Tick explicitly being removed? Caller passing in -1?
const bool bRemoving = nTick < 0;
// If tick already exists and we want to remove, remove it
bool bSetting;
if ( ( *pResultTick >= 0 && bRemoveIfSet ) || bRemoving )
*pResultTick = -1;
bSetting = false;
*pResultTick = nTick;
bSetting = true;
// Display the appropriate tip
DisplayPerformanceTip( bSetting ? pSetTickKey : pUnsetTickKey );
// Select/unselect button
CExImageButton *pButton = m_pCtrlButtons[ iButton ];
pButton->SetSelected( bSetting );
pButton->InvalidateLayout( true, true ); // Without this, buttons don't update immediately
// Mark the performance as dirty
CReplay *CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::GetReplay()
return g_pReplayManager->GetReplay( m_hReplay );
void CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel::OnRewindComplete()
// Get rid of any "selected" icon - this will happen as soon as we actually start playing back
// events, but if we aren't playing back events yet we need to explicitly tell the icons not
// to display their "selected" versions.
UpdateCameraButtonImages( true );
static DHANDLE<CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel> g_ReplayPerformanceEditorPanel;
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *ReplayUI_InitPerformanceEditor( ReplayHandle_t hReplay )
if ( !g_ReplayPerformanceEditorPanel.Get() )
g_ReplayPerformanceEditorPanel = SETUP_PANEL( new CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel( NULL, hReplay ) );
g_ReplayPerformanceEditorPanel->InvalidateLayout( false, true );
// Notify recorder of editor
g_pReplayPerformanceController->SetEditor( g_ReplayPerformanceEditorPanel.Get() );
return g_ReplayPerformanceEditorPanel;
void ReplayUI_ClosePerformanceEditor()
if ( g_ReplayPerformanceEditorPanel )
g_ReplayPerformanceEditorPanel = NULL;
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *ReplayUI_GetPerformanceEditor()
return g_ReplayPerformanceEditorPanel;
#if _DEBUG
CON_COMMAND_F( replay_showperfeditor, "Show performance editor", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL )
ReplayUI_InitPerformanceEditor( REPLAY_HANDLE_INVALID );
CON_COMMAND_F( replay_tiptest, "", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL )
DisplayPerformanceTip( "#Replay_PerfTip_EnterFreeCam" );