Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_hud_freezepanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/AnimationController.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "c_tf_playerresource.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include "c_baseobject.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_hud_statpanel.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "ivieweffects.h"
#include "viewrender.h"
#include "c_obj_sentrygun.h"
#include "NextBot/C_NextBot.h"
#include "halloween/c_headless_hatman.h"
#include "halloween/c_eyeball_boss.h"
#include "halloween/c_merasmus.h"
#include "tf_wardata.h"
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "replay/ireplaysystem.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymanager.h"
#include "replay/replay.h"
#include "replay/screenshot.h"
#include "replay/ireplayscreenshotmanager.h"
#include "replay/vgui/replayreminderpanel.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define CALLOUT_WIDE (XRES(100))
#define CALLOUT_TALL (XRES(50))
extern float g_flFreezeFlash;
#define FREEZECAM_SCREENSHOT_STRING "is looking good!"
extern ConVar hud_freezecamhide;
bool IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot( void )
// Don't draw in freezecam, or when the game's not running
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
bool bInFreezeCam = ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM );
if ( bInFreezeCam == true && engine->IsTakingScreenshot() )
return true;
CTFFreezePanel *pFreezePanel = CTFFreezePanel::Instance();
if ( pFreezePanel )
if ( pFreezePanel->IsHoldingAfterScreenShot() )
return true;
return false;
CTFFreezePanel *CTFFreezePanel::s_pFreezePanel = NULL;
CTFFreezePanel *CTFFreezePanel::Instance()
return s_pFreezePanel;
// Purpose: Constructor
CTFFreezePanel::CTFFreezePanel( const char *pElementName )
: EditablePanel( NULL, "FreezePanel" ), CHudElement( pElementName )
AssertMsg( !s_pFreezePanel, "There can be only one." );
s_pFreezePanel = this;
vgui::Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport();
SetParent( pParent );
SetVisible( false );
SetScheme( "ClientScheme" );
m_iKillerIndex = 0;
m_iShowNemesisPanel = SHOW_NO_NEMESIS;
m_iYBase = -1;
m_flShowCalloutsAt = 0;
m_iBasePanelOriginalX = -1;
m_iBasePanelOriginalY = -1;
m_pItemPanel = new CItemModelPanel( this, "itempanel" ) ;
m_iItemPanelOriginalX = -1;
m_iItemPanelOriginalY = -1;
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
m_pSaveReplayPanel = GET_HUDELEMENT( CReplayReminderPanel ); // Use the HUD's instance
m_strCurrentFreezeCamResFile = GetResFilename();
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::Reset()
if ( m_pKillerHealth )
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::Init()
// listen for events
ListenForGameEvent( "show_freezepanel" );
ListenForGameEvent( "hide_freezepanel" );
ListenForGameEvent( "freezecam_started" );
ListenForGameEvent( "player_death" );
ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_win_panel" );
ListenForGameEvent( "training_complete" );
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::SendTauntAcknowledgement( const char *pszCommand, int iGibs )
C_TFPlayer *pKiller = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( GetSpectatorTarget() ) );
if ( pKiller && pKiller->m_Shared.InCond( TF_COND_TAUNTING ) )
CTFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if ( pPlayer )
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "FreezeCamTaunt" );
kv->SetInt( "achiever", pKiller->GetUserID() );
kv->SetString( "command", pszCommand );
kv->SetInt( "gibs", iGibs );
engine->ServerCmdKeyValues( kv );
// Purpose: Applies scheme settings
void CTFFreezePanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
Assert( !m_strCurrentFreezeCamResFile.IsEmpty() );
LoadControlSettings( m_strCurrentFreezeCamResFile.String() );
m_pBasePanel = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>( FindChildByName("FreezePanelBase") );
Assert( m_pBasePanel );
if ( m_pBasePanel )
m_pFreezeLabel = dynamic_cast<Label *>( m_pBasePanel->FindChildByName("FreezeLabel") );
m_pKillerLabel = dynamic_cast<Label *>( m_pBasePanel->FindChildByName("FreezeLabelKiller") );
m_pFreezePanelBG = dynamic_cast<CTFImagePanel *>( m_pBasePanel->FindChildByName( "FreezePanelBG" ) );
m_pNemesisSubPanel = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>( m_pBasePanel->FindChildByName( "NemesisSubPanel" ) );
m_pKillerHealth = dynamic_cast<CTFFreezePanelHealth *>( m_pBasePanel->FindChildByName( "FreezePanelHealth" ) );
m_pAvatar = dynamic_cast<CAvatarImagePanel *>( m_pBasePanel->FindChildByName("AvatarImage") );
m_pFreezeTeamIcon = dynamic_cast<CTFImagePanel *>( m_pBasePanel->FindChildByName( "FreezeTeamIcon" ) );
if ( m_pAvatar )
m_pAvatar->SetShouldScaleImage( true );
m_pAvatar->SetShouldDrawFriendIcon( false );
m_pScreenshotPanel = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>( FindChildByName( "ScreenshotPanel" ) );
Assert( m_pScreenshotPanel );
// Move killer panels when the win panel is up
int xp,yp;
GetPos( xp, yp );
m_iYBase = yp;
int w = 0 , h = 0;
if ( m_pBasePanel )
m_pBasePanel->GetBounds( m_iBasePanelOriginalX, m_iBasePanelOriginalY, w, h );
m_pItemPanel->GetBounds( m_iItemPanelOriginalX, m_iItemPanelOriginalY, w, h );
if ( m_pKillerLabel )
m_pKillerLabel->GetPos( m_iKillerOriginalX, m_iKillerOriginalY );
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event )
const char *pEventName = event->GetName();
if ( Q_strcmp( "player_death", pEventName ) == 0 )
// see if the local player died
int iPlayerIndexVictim = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "userid" ) );
C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if ( pLocalPlayer && iPlayerIndexVictim == pLocalPlayer->entindex() )
// the local player is dead, see if this is a new nemesis or a revenge
if (event->GetInt( "death_flags" ) & TF_DEATH_DOMINATION )
m_iShowNemesisPanel = SHOW_NEW_NEMESIS;
else if ( event->GetInt( "death_flags" ) & TF_DEATH_REVENGE )
m_iShowNemesisPanel = SHOW_REVENGE;
m_iShowNemesisPanel = SHOW_NO_NEMESIS;
else if ( Q_strcmp( "hide_freezepanel", pEventName ) == 0 )
else if ( Q_strcmp( "freezecam_started", pEventName ) == 0 )
ShowCalloutsIn( 1.0 );
ShowSnapshotPanelIn( 1.25 );
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
// If Replay is enabled on the server, show the replay download reminder. If GetPendingReplay()
// returns NULL, we know we've already saved the replay.
CReplay *pCurLifeReplay = ( g_pReplayManager ) ? g_pReplayManager->GetReplayForCurrentLife() : NULL;
if ( g_pReplay->IsRecording() && ( pCurLifeReplay && !pCurLifeReplay->m_bRequestedByUser && !pCurLifeReplay->m_bSaved ) )
ShowSaveReplayPanelIn( 1.25 );
// Save the freezeframe for the replay browser
if ( g_pReplay->IsRecording() )
// Capture the freezecam in half a second
CaptureScreenshotParams_t params;
V_memset( &params, 0, sizeof( params ) );
params.m_flDelay = 0.0f;
params.m_bIgnoreMinTimeBetweenScreenshots = true;
g_pReplayScreenshotManager->CaptureScreenshot( params );
CTFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if ( pPlayer )
SendTauntAcknowledgement( "freezecam_taunt" );
else if ( Q_strcmp( "teamplay_win_panel", pEventName ) == 0 )
else if ( Q_strcmp( "training_complete", pEventName ) == 0 )
else if ( Q_strcmp( "show_freezepanel", pEventName ) == 0 )
// Get the entity who killed us
m_iKillerIndex = event->GetInt( "killer" );
C_BaseEntity *pKiller = ClientEntityList().GetBaseEntity( m_iKillerIndex );
CTFPlayer *pTFPlayerKiller = NULL;
if ( pKiller )
if ( pKiller->IsPlayer() )
pTFPlayerKiller = ToTFPlayer( pKiller );
else if ( pKiller->IsBaseObject() )
C_BaseObject *pObj = assert_cast<C_BaseObject *>( pKiller );
pTFPlayerKiller = pObj->GetOwner();
// Do we need to invalidate a new res file?
const char *pszNewResFile = GetResFilename( pTFPlayerKiller );
if ( V_stricmp( m_strCurrentFreezeCamResFile.String(), pszNewResFile ) != 0 )
m_strCurrentFreezeCamResFile = pszNewResFile;
InvalidateLayout( true, true );
if ( !g_TF_PR )
if ( m_pNemesisSubPanel )
m_pNemesisSubPanel->SetDialogVariable( "nemesisname", NULL );
ShowSnapshotPanel( false );
ShowSaveReplayPanel( false );
m_bHoldingAfterScreenshot = false;
if ( m_iBasePanelOriginalX > -1 && m_iBasePanelOriginalY > -1 )
m_pBasePanel->SetPos( m_iBasePanelOriginalX, m_iBasePanelOriginalY );
if ( m_iItemPanelOriginalX > -1 && m_iItemPanelOriginalY > -1 )
m_pItemPanel->SetPos( m_iItemPanelOriginalX, m_iItemPanelOriginalY );
int xp,yp;
GetPos( xp, yp );
if ( TFGameRules()->RoundHasBeenWon() )
SetPos( xp, m_iYBase - YRES(50) );
SetPos( xp, m_iYBase );
if ( pKiller )
int iMaxBuffedHealth = 0;
if ( pTFPlayerKiller )
iMaxBuffedHealth = pTFPlayerKiller->m_Shared.GetMaxBuffedHealth();
int iKillerHealth = pKiller->GetHealth();
if ( !pKiller->IsAlive() )
iKillerHealth = 0;
m_pKillerHealth->SetBuilding( pKiller->IsBaseObject() );
m_pKillerHealth->SetHealth( iKillerHealth, pKiller->GetMaxHealth(), iMaxBuffedHealth );
if ( m_pItemPanel )
m_pItemPanel->SetVisible( false );
if ( pKiller->IsPlayer() )
C_TFPlayer *pVictim = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
//If this was just a regular kill but this guy is our nemesis then just show it.
if ( pVictim && pTFPlayerKiller->m_Shared.IsPlayerDominated( pVictim->entindex() ) )
if ( !pKiller->IsAlive() )
m_pFreezeLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" );
m_pFreezeLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_Nemesis" );
if ( !pKiller->IsAlive() )
m_pFreezeLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" );
m_pFreezeLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_Killer" );
m_pBasePanel->SetDialogVariable( "killername", g_PR->GetPlayerName( m_iKillerIndex ) );
if ( m_pAvatar )
m_pAvatar->SetPlayer( (C_BasePlayer*)pKiller );
// If our killer is using a powerup, show the details of that powerup
if ( pTFPlayerKiller && pTFPlayerKiller->m_Shared.IsCarryingRune() )
static CSchemaItemDefHandle rgPowerupItems [] = { CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Strength" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Haste" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Regen" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Resist" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Vampire" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Reflect" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Precision" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Agility" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Knockout" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup King" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Plague" )
, CSchemaItemDefHandle( "Powerup Supernova" ) };
// Get the item
const CSchemaItemDefHandle& itemDef = rgPowerupItems[pTFPlayerKiller->m_Shared.GetCarryingRuneType()];
// Create a fake, temp item to show the powerup
CEconItemView item;
item.SetItemDefIndex( itemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() );
item.SetItemQuality( AE_UNIQUE ); // Unique by default
item.SetItemLevel( 0 ); // Hide this?
item.SetInitialized( true );
item.SetItemOriginOverride( kEconItemOrigin_Invalid );
m_pItemPanel->SetDialogVariable( "killername", g_PR->GetPlayerName( m_iKillerIndex ) );
m_pItemPanel->SetItem( &item );
m_pItemPanel->SetVisible( true );
// If our killer is using an item, display its stats.
CTFWeaponBase *pWeapon = pTFPlayerKiller ? pTFPlayerKiller->GetActiveTFWeapon() : NULL;
bool bShowItem = false;
if ( pWeapon )
bShowItem = pWeapon->GetAttributeContainer()->GetItem()->GetItemQuality() != AE_NORMAL;
if ( bShowItem )
CTFStatPanel *pStatPanel = GET_HUDELEMENT( CTFStatPanel );
if ( pStatPanel && pStatPanel->IsVisible() )
// Stat panel overrides.
bShowItem = false;
if ( bShowItem )
Label* pItemLabel = m_pItemPanel->FindControl<Label>( "ItemLabel" );
if ( pItemLabel )
// Change the label text depending on if they're holding someone else's item
CBasePlayer *pOriginalOwner = GetPlayerByAccountID( pWeapon->GetAttributeContainer()->GetItem()->GetAccountID() );
bool bOriginalOwner = pOriginalOwner == pKiller;
pItemLabel->SetText( bOriginalOwner ? "#FreezePanel_Item" : "#FreezePanel_ItemOtherOwner" );
m_pItemPanel->SetDialogVariable( "ownername", bOriginalOwner ? g_PR->GetPlayerName( pOriginalOwner->entindex() ) : "" );
m_pItemPanel->SetDialogVariable( "killername", g_PR->GetPlayerName( m_iKillerIndex ) );
m_pItemPanel->SetItem( pWeapon->GetAttributeContainer()->GetItem() );
m_pItemPanel->SetVisible( true );
if ( m_pItemPanel && m_pItemPanel->IsVisible() )
int x, y;
m_pItemPanel->GetPos( x, y );
m_pItemPanel->SetPos( x, ScreenHeight() - YRES( 12 ) - m_pItemPanel->GetTall() );
else if ( pKiller->IsBaseObject() )
C_BaseObject *pObj = assert_cast<C_BaseObject *>( pKiller );
//Assert( pTFPlayerKiller && "Why does this object not have an owner?" );
if ( pTFPlayerKiller )
m_iKillerIndex = pTFPlayerKiller->entindex();
m_pBasePanel->SetDialogVariable( "killername", g_PR->GetPlayerName( m_iKillerIndex ) );
if ( m_pAvatar )
m_pAvatar->SetPlayer( pTFPlayerKiller );
m_pAvatar->SetVisible( true );
pKiller = pTFPlayerKiller;
if ( m_pAvatar )
m_pAvatar->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pFreezeLabel )
if ( pKiller && !pKiller->IsAlive() )
m_pFreezeLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" );
m_pFreezeLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_KillerObject" );
const char *pszStatusName = pObj->GetStatusName();
wchar_t *wszLocalized = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszStatusName );
if ( !wszLocalized )
m_pBasePanel->SetDialogVariable( "objectkiller", pszStatusName );
m_pBasePanel->SetDialogVariable( "objectkiller", wszLocalized );
else if ( dynamic_cast< C_HeadlessHatman * >( pKiller ) != NULL )
m_pBasePanel->SetDialogVariable( "killername", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_DEATHCAM_NAME" ) );
if ( m_pAvatar )
m_pAvatar->SetVisible( false );
else if ( dynamic_cast< C_EyeballBoss * >( pKiller ) != NULL )
m_pBasePanel->SetDialogVariable( "killername", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_HALLOWEEN_EYEBALL_BOSS_DEATHCAM_NAME" ) );
if ( m_pAvatar )
m_pAvatar->SetVisible( false );
else if ( dynamic_cast< C_Merasmus * >( pKiller ) != NULL )
m_pBasePanel->SetDialogVariable( "killername", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_DEATHCAM_NAME" ) );
if ( m_pAvatar )
m_pAvatar->SetVisible( false );
else if ( m_pFreezeLabel )
if ( !pKiller->IsAlive() )
m_pFreezeLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" );
m_pFreezeLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_Killer" );
if ( m_pFreezePanelBG )
// use the killer's team for the background color
m_pFreezePanelBG->SetImage( pKiller->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_BLUE ? "../hud/color_panel_blu" : "../hud/color_panel_red" );
if ( m_pAvatar )
int iAvX, iAvY;
m_pAvatar->GetPos( iAvX, iAvY );
if ( m_pAvatar->IsVisible() && m_pAvatar->IsValid() )
m_pKillerLabel->SetPos( iAvX + m_pAvatar->GetWide() + XRES(2), m_iKillerOriginalY );
m_pKillerLabel->SetPos( iAvX, m_iKillerOriginalY );
// see if we should show nemesis panel
bool bAdvice = false;
const wchar_t *pchNemesisText = NULL;
switch ( m_iShowNemesisPanel )
C_TFPlayer *pVictim = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
CTFPlayer *pTFKiller = ToTFPlayer( pKiller );
//If this was just a regular kill but this guy is our nemesis then just show it.
if ( pTFKiller && pTFKiller->m_Shared.IsPlayerDominated( pVictim->entindex() ) )
pchNemesisText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_FreezeNemesis" );
// UNDONE: We're not shipping this for now
/*else if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() && pTFKiller && pTFKiller->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS )
const wchar_t *pwchHint = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( VarArgs( "#TF_PVE_FreezePanelHint_%s", pTFKiller->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIconName() ) );
if ( pwchHint && pwchHint[ 0 ] != L'\0' )
pchNemesisText = pwchHint;
bAdvice = true;
C_TFPlayer *pVictim = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
CTFPlayer *pTFKiller = ToTFPlayer( pKiller );
// check to see if killer is still the nemesis of victim; victim may have managed to kill him after victim's
// death by grenade or some such, extracting revenge and clearing nemesis condition
if ( pTFKiller && pTFKiller->m_Shared.IsPlayerDominated( pVictim->entindex() ) )
pchNemesisText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_NewNemesis" );
pchNemesisText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_GotRevenge" );
Assert( false ); // invalid value
if ( m_pNemesisSubPanel )
if ( !bAdvice )
m_pNemesisSubPanel->SetDialogVariable( "nemesisname", pchNemesisText );
m_pNemesisSubPanel->SetControlVisible( "NemesisLabel2", false );
m_pNemesisSubPanel->SetDialogVariable( "nemesisname", "" );
m_pNemesisSubPanel->SetControlVisible( "NemesisLabel2", true );
m_pNemesisSubPanel->SetDialogVariable( "nemesisadvice", pchNemesisText );
ShowNemesisPanel( pchNemesisText != NULL );
m_iShowNemesisPanel = SHOW_NO_NEMESIS;
// Purpose:
const char *CTFFreezePanel::GetResFilename( C_TFPlayer *pTFPlayer /*= NULL*/ ) const
return "resource/UI/FreezePanel_Basic.res";
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::ShowCalloutsIn( float flTime )
m_flShowCalloutsAt = gpGlobals->curtime + flTime;
// Purpose:
CTFFreezePanelCallout *CTFFreezePanel::TestAndAddCallout( Vector &origin, Vector &vMins, Vector &vMaxs, CUtlVector<Vector> *vecCalloutsTL,
CUtlVector<Vector> *vecCalloutsBR, Vector &vecFreezeTL, Vector &vecFreezeBR, Vector &vecStatTL, Vector &vecStatBR, int *iX, int *iY )
// This is the offset from the topleft of the callout to the arrow tip
const int iXOffset = XRES(25);
const int iYOffset = YRES(50);
//if ( engine->IsBoxInViewCluster( vMins + origin, vMaxs + origin) && !engine->CullBox( vMins + origin, vMaxs + origin ) )
if ( GetVectorInHudSpace( origin, *iX, *iY ) ) // TODO: GetVectorInHudSpace or GetVectorInScreenSpace?
*iX -= iXOffset;
*iY -= iYOffset;
int iRight = *iX + CALLOUT_WIDE;
int iBottom = *iY + CALLOUT_TALL;
if ( *iX > 0 && *iY > 0 && (iRight < ScreenWidth()) && (iBottom < (ScreenHeight()-YRES(40))) )
// Make sure it wouldn't be over the top of the freezepanel or statpanel
Vector vecCalloutTL( *iX, *iY, 0 );
Vector vecCalloutBR( iRight, iBottom, 1 );
if ( !QuickBoxIntersectTest( vecCalloutTL, vecCalloutBR, vecFreezeTL, vecFreezeBR ) &&
!QuickBoxIntersectTest( vecCalloutTL, vecCalloutBR, vecStatTL, vecStatBR ) )
// Make sure it doesn't intersect any other callouts
bool bClear = true;
for ( int iCall = 0; iCall < vecCalloutsTL->Count(); iCall++ )
if ( QuickBoxIntersectTest( vecCalloutTL, vecCalloutBR, vecCalloutsTL->Element(iCall), vecCalloutsBR->Element(iCall) ) )
bClear = false;
if ( bClear )
// Verify that we have LOS to the gib
trace_t tr;
UTIL_TraceLine( origin, MainViewOrigin(), MASK_OPAQUE, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
bClear = ( tr.fraction >= 1.0f );
if ( bClear )
CTFFreezePanelCallout *pCallout = new CTFFreezePanelCallout( g_pClientMode->GetViewport(), "FreezePanelCallout" );
m_pCalloutPanels.AddToTail( vgui::SETUP_PANEL(pCallout) );
vecCalloutsTL->AddToTail( vecCalloutTL );
vecCalloutsBR->AddToTail( vecCalloutBR );
pCallout->SetVisible( true );
pCallout->SetBounds( *iX, *iY, CALLOUT_WIDE, CALLOUT_TALL );
return pCallout;
return NULL;
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::UpdateCallout( void )
CTFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
// Abort early if we have no gibs or ragdoll
CUtlVector<EHANDLE> *pGibList = pPlayer->GetSpawnedGibs();
IRagdoll *pRagdoll = pPlayer->GetRepresentativeRagdoll();
if ( (!pGibList || pGibList->Count() == 0) && !pRagdoll )
if ( m_pFreezePanelBG == NULL )
// Precalc the vectors of the freezepanel & statpanel
int iX, iY;
m_pFreezePanelBG->GetPos( iX, iY );
Vector vecFreezeTL( iX, iY, 0 );
Vector vecFreezeBR( iX + m_pFreezePanelBG->GetWide(), iY + m_pFreezePanelBG->GetTall(), 1 );
CUtlVector<Vector> vecCalloutsTL;
CUtlVector<Vector> vecCalloutsBR;
Vector vecStatTL(0,0,0);
Vector vecStatBR(0,0,1);
CTFStatPanel *pStatPanel = GET_HUDELEMENT( CTFStatPanel );
if ( pStatPanel && pStatPanel->IsVisible() )
pStatPanel->GetPos( iX, iY );
vecStatTL.x = iX;
vecStatTL.y = iY;
vecStatBR.x = vecStatTL.x + pStatPanel->GetWide();
vecStatBR.y = vecStatTL.y + pStatPanel->GetTall();
Vector vMins, vMaxs;
// Check gibs
if ( pGibList && pGibList->Count() )
int iCount = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < pGibList->Count(); i++ )
CBaseEntity *pGib = pGibList->Element(i);
if ( pGib )
Vector origin = pGib->GetRenderOrigin();
IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = pGib->VPhysicsGetObject();
if( pPhysicsObject )
Vector vecMassCenter = pPhysicsObject->GetMassCenterLocalSpace();
pGib->CollisionProp()->CollisionToWorldSpace( vecMassCenter, &origin );
pGib->GetRenderBounds( vMins, vMaxs );
// Try and add the callout
CTFFreezePanelCallout *pCallout = TestAndAddCallout( origin, vMins, vMaxs, &vecCalloutsTL, &vecCalloutsBR,
vecFreezeTL, vecFreezeBR, vecStatTL, vecStatBR, &iX, &iY );
if ( pCallout )
pCallout->UpdateForGib( i, iCount );
C_ObjectSentrygun *pSentry = dynamic_cast<C_ObjectSentrygun*>( ClientEntityList().GetEnt( GetSpectatorTarget() ) );
if ( pSentry )
// A sentry was the killer...check and see if the builder is on screen.
CTFPlayer *pBuilder = pSentry->GetBuilder();
if ( pBuilder && GetVectorInHudSpace( pBuilder->GetRenderOrigin(), iX, iY ) ) // TODO: GetVectorInHudSpace or GetVectorInScreenSpace?
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "FreezeCamTaunt" );
kv->SetInt( "achiever", pBuilder->GetUserID() );
kv->SetString( "command", "freezecam_tauntsentry" );
engine->ServerCmdKeyValues( kv );
// Tell the server that we saw some gibs onscreen
if ( iCount > 0 )
SendTauntAcknowledgement( "freezecam_tauntgibs", iCount );
// Check for a ragdoll as well. Dying characters that ragdoll can also drop wearable items as gibs
if ( pRagdoll )
Vector origin = pRagdoll->GetRagdollOrigin();
pRagdoll->GetRagdollBounds( vMins, vMaxs );
// Try and add the callout
CTFFreezePanelCallout *pCallout = TestAndAddCallout( origin, vMins, vMaxs, &vecCalloutsTL, &vecCalloutsBR,
vecFreezeTL, vecFreezeBR, vecStatTL, vecStatBR, &iX, &iY );
if ( pCallout )
// even if the callout failed, check that our ragdoll is onscreen and our killer is taunting us (for an achievement)
if ( GetVectorInHudSpace( origin, iX, iY ) ) // TODO: GetVectorInHudSpace or GetVectorInScreenSpace?
SendTauntAcknowledgement( "freezecam_tauntrag" );
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::Show()
m_flShowCalloutsAt = 0;
SetVisible( true );
void CTFFreezePanel::DeleteCalloutPanels()
for ( int i = m_pCalloutPanels.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::Hide()
SetVisible( false );
m_bHoldingAfterScreenshot = false;
// Delete all our callout panels
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
// Explicitly set the replay reminder's visibility, which is not parented
// to the freeze panel.
if ( m_pSaveReplayPanel )
m_pSaveReplayPanel->SetVisible( false );
// Purpose:
bool CTFFreezePanel::ShouldDraw( void )
return ( IsVisible() );
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::OnThink( void )
if ( m_pItemPanel && m_pItemPanel->IsVisible() )
CTFStatPanel *pStatPanel = GET_HUDELEMENT( CTFStatPanel );
if ( pStatPanel && pStatPanel->IsVisible() )
m_pItemPanel->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_flShowCalloutsAt && m_flShowCalloutsAt < gpGlobals->curtime )
if ( ShouldDraw() )
m_flShowCalloutsAt = 0;
if ( m_flShowSnapshotReminderAt && m_flShowSnapshotReminderAt < gpGlobals->curtime )
if ( ShouldDraw() )
// For now don't do this in Steam Controller mode, because there's no easy way for a SC user to deal with this
if ( !::input->IsSteamControllerActive() )
ShowSnapshotPanel( true );
m_flShowSnapshotReminderAt = 0;
if ( m_flShowReplayReminderAt && m_flShowReplayReminderAt < gpGlobals->curtime )
if ( ShouldDraw() )
// For now don't do this in Steam Controller mode, because there's no easy way for a SC user to deal with this
if ( !::input->IsSteamControllerActive() )
ShowSaveReplayPanel( true );
m_flShowReplayReminderAt = 0;
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::ShowSnapshotPanelIn( float flTime )
#if defined (_X360 )
m_flShowSnapshotReminderAt = gpGlobals->curtime + flTime;
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::ShowSaveReplayPanelIn( float flTime )
#if defined (_X360 )
m_flShowReplayReminderAt = gpGlobals->curtime + flTime;
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::ShowSnapshotPanel( bool bShow )
if ( !m_pScreenshotPanel )
const char *key = engine->Key_LookupBinding( "screenshot" );
if ( key == NULL || FStrEq( key, "(null)" ) )
bShow = false;
key = " ";
if ( bShow )
char szKey[16];
Q_snprintf( szKey, sizeof(szKey), "%s", key );
wchar_t wKey[16];
wchar_t wLabel[256];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(szKey, wKey, sizeof(wKey));
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wLabel, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#TF_freezecam_snapshot" ), 1, wKey );
m_pScreenshotPanel->SetDialogVariable( "text", wLabel );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "HudSnapShotReminderIn" );
m_pScreenshotPanel->SetVisible( bShow );
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanel::ShowSaveReplayPanel( bool bShow )
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
// Make sure ptr's ok
if ( !m_pSaveReplayPanel )
// Don't do this for Steam Controller users
if ( ::input->IsSteamControllerActive() )
// Make sure we're recording
if ( !g_pReplay->IsRecording() )
// Start animation if necessary
if ( bShow )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pSaveReplayPanel->GetParent(), "HudReplayReminderIn2" );
// Setup visibility
m_pSaveReplayPanel->SetVisible( bShow );
const char *CTFFreezePanel::GetFilesafePlayerName( const char *pszOldName )
if ( !pszOldName )
return "";
static char szSafeName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ];
int nSafeNameBufSize = sizeof( szSafeName );
int nNewPos = 0;
for( const char *p = pszOldName; *p != 0 && nNewPos < nSafeNameBufSize-1; p++ )
if( *p == '.' )
szSafeName[ nNewPos ] = '-';
else if( *p == '/' )
szSafeName[ nNewPos ] = '-';
else if( *p == '\\' )
szSafeName[ nNewPos ] = '-';
else if( *p == ':' )
szSafeName[ nNewPos ] = '-';
szSafeName[ nNewPos ] = *p;
szSafeName[ nNewPos ] = 0;
return szSafeName;
int CTFFreezePanel::HudElementKeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding )
if ( ShouldDraw() && pszCurrentBinding )
if ( FStrEq( pszCurrentBinding, "screenshot" ) || FStrEq( pszCurrentBinding, "jpeg" ) )
// move the target id to the corner
if ( m_pBasePanel && m_bShouldScreenshotMovePanelToCorner )
int w, h;
m_pBasePanel->GetSize( w, h );
if ( m_pItemPanel && m_pItemPanel->IsVisible() )
int iw,ih;
m_pItemPanel->GetSize( iw, ih );
m_pItemPanel->SetPos( ScreenWidth() - iw, ScreenHeight() - ih );
m_pBasePanel->SetPos( ScreenWidth() - w, ScreenHeight() - ih - h );
m_pBasePanel->SetPos( ScreenWidth() - w, ScreenHeight() - h );
// Get the local player.
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pPlayer )
//Do effects
g_flFreezeFlash = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.75f;
pPlayer->EmitSound( "Camera.SnapShot" );
//Extend Freezecam by a couple more seconds.
engine->ClientCmd( "extendfreeze" );
view->FreezeFrame( 3.0f );
//Hide the reminder panel
m_flShowSnapshotReminderAt = 0;
ShowSnapshotPanel( false );
// Hide replay reminder panel
m_flShowReplayReminderAt = 0;
ShowSaveReplayPanel( false );
m_bHoldingAfterScreenshot = true;
// Hide everything?
if ( hud_freezecamhide.GetBool() )
SetVisible( false );
//Set the screenshot name
if ( m_iKillerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS )
const char *pszKillerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( m_iKillerIndex );
if ( pszKillerName )
ConVarRef cl_screenshotname( "cl_screenshotname" );
if ( cl_screenshotname.IsValid() )
char szScreenShotName[512];
Q_snprintf( szScreenShotName, sizeof( szScreenShotName ), "%s %s", GetFilesafePlayerName( pszKillerName ), FREEZECAM_SCREENSHOT_STRING );
cl_screenshotname.SetValue( szScreenShotName );
C_TFPlayer *pKiller = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( m_iKillerIndex ) );
if ( pKiller )
CSteamID steamID;
if ( pKiller->GetSteamID( &steamID ) )
ConVarRef cl_screenshotusertag( "cl_screenshotusertag" );
if ( cl_screenshotusertag.IsValid() )
cl_screenshotusertag.SetValue( (int)steamID.GetAccountID() );
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
else if ( FStrEq (pszCurrentBinding, "save_replay" ) )
m_flShowReplayReminderAt = 0;
ShowSaveReplayPanel( false );
return 0;
// Purpose: Shows or hides the nemesis part of the panel
void CTFFreezePanel::ShowNemesisPanel( bool bShow )
if ( !m_pNemesisSubPanel )
m_pNemesisSubPanel->SetVisible( bShow );
if ( bShow )
vgui::Label *pLabel = dynamic_cast< vgui::Label *>( m_pNemesisSubPanel->FindChildByName( "NemesisLabel" ) );
vgui::Label *pLabel2 = dynamic_cast< vgui::Label *>( m_pNemesisSubPanel->FindChildByName( "NemesisLabel2" ) );
vgui::Panel *pBG = m_pNemesisSubPanel->FindChildByName( "NemesisPanelBG" );
vgui::ImagePanel *pIcon = dynamic_cast< vgui::ImagePanel *>( m_pNemesisSubPanel->FindChildByName( "NemesisIcon" ) );
// check that our Nemesis panel and resize it to the length of the string (the right side is pinned and doesn't move)
if ( pLabel && pLabel2 && pBG && pIcon )
int nDiffX, nDiffY;
int wide, tall;
if ( !pLabel2->IsVisible() )
pLabel->GetContentSize( wide, tall );
nDiffX = wide - pLabel->GetWide();
nDiffY = tall - pLabel->GetTall();
pLabel2->GetContentSize( wide, tall );
nDiffX = wide - pLabel2->GetWide();
nDiffY = tall - pLabel2->GetTall();
if ( nDiffX != 0 || nDiffY != 0 )
int x, y, w, t;
// move the icon
pIcon->GetBounds( x, y, w, t );
pIcon->SetBounds( x - nDiffX, y - nDiffY, w, t );
pLabel->GetBounds( x, y, w, t );
pLabel->SetBounds( x - nDiffX, y - nDiffY, w + nDiffX, t + nDiffY );
pLabel2->GetBounds( x, y, w, t );
pLabel2->SetBounds( x - nDiffX, y - nDiffY, w + nDiffX, t + nDiffY );
// move/resize the background
pBG->GetBounds( x, y, w, t );
pBG->SetBounds( x - nDiffX, y - nDiffY, w + nDiffX, t + nDiffY );
m_pNemesisSubPanel->GetBounds( x, y, w, t );
m_pNemesisSubPanel->SetBounds( x, y - nDiffY, w, t + nDiffY );
// Purpose:
CTFFreezePanelCallout::CTFFreezePanelCallout( Panel *parent, const char *name ) : EditablePanel(parent,name)
m_pGibLabel = NULL;
// Purpose: Applies scheme settings
void CTFFreezePanelCallout::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/FreezePanelCallout.res" );
m_pGibLabel = dynamic_cast<Label *>( FindChildByName("CalloutLabel") );
const char *pszCalloutGibNames[] =
NULL, // Random
const char *pszCalloutRandomGibNames[] =
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanelCallout::UpdateForGib( int iGib, int iCount )
if ( !m_pGibLabel )
if ( iGib < ARRAYSIZE(pszCalloutGibNames) )
if ( pszCalloutGibNames[iGib] )
m_pGibLabel->SetText( pszCalloutGibNames[iGib] );
m_pGibLabel->SetText( pszCalloutRandomGibNames[ RandomInt(0,ARRAYSIZE(pszCalloutRandomGibNames)-1) ] );
if ( iCount > 1 )
m_pGibLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_Callout3" );
else if ( iCount == 1 )
m_pGibLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_Callout2" );
m_pGibLabel->SetText( "#FreezePanel_Callout" );
#ifndef _X360
int wide, tall;
m_pGibLabel->GetContentSize( wide, tall );
// is the text wider than the label?
if ( wide > m_pGibLabel->GetWide() )
int nDiff = wide - m_pGibLabel->GetWide();
int x, y, w, t;
// make the label wider
m_pGibLabel->GetBounds( x, y, w, t );
m_pGibLabel->SetBounds( x, y, w + nDiff, t );
vgui::Panel *pBackground = FindChildByName( "CalloutBG" );
if ( pBackground )
// also adjust the background image
pBackground->GetBounds( x, y, w, t );
pBackground->SetBounds( x, y, w + nDiff, t );
// make ourselves bigger to accommodate the wider children
GetBounds( x, y, w, t );
SetBounds( x, y, w + nDiff, t );
// check that we haven't run off the right side of the screen
if ( x + GetWide() > ScreenWidth() )
// push ourselves to the left to fit on the screen
nDiff = ( x + GetWide() ) - ScreenWidth();
SetPos( x - nDiff, y );
// push the arrow to the right to offset moving ourselves to the left
vgui::ImagePanel *pArrow = dynamic_cast<ImagePanel *>( FindChildByName( "ArrowIcon" ) );
if ( pArrow )
pArrow->GetBounds( x, y, w, t );
pArrow->SetBounds( x + nDiff, y, w, t );
// Purpose:
void CTFFreezePanelCallout::UpdateForRagdoll( void )
if ( !m_pGibLabel )
m_pGibLabel->SetText( "#Callout_Ragdoll" );