Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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762 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_pvp_rank_panel.h"
#include "tf_matchmaking_shared.h"
#include "basemodel_panel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ProgressBar.h"
#include "tf_ladder_data.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include "tf_controls.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "animation.h"
#include "clientmode_tf.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MenuItem.h"
#include "tf_gc_client.h"
#include "tf_xp_source.h"
using namespace vgui;
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
extern ConVar tf_test_pvp_rank_xp_change;
ConVar tf_xp_breakdown_interval( "tf_xp_breakdown_interval", "1.85", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
ConVar tf_xp_breakdown_lifetime( "tf_xp_breakdown_lifetime", "3.5", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
extern const char *s_pszMatchGroups[];
CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t::XPState_t( EMatchGroup eMatchGroup )
: m_nStartXP( 0u )
, m_nTargetXP( 0u )
, m_nActualXP( 0u )
, m_bCurrentDeltaViewed( true )
, m_eMatchGroup( eMatchGroup )
Assert( m_eMatchGroup != k_nMatchGroup_Invalid );
// Default to level 1's starting XP value
const IMatchGroupDescription* pMatchDesc = GetMatchGroupDescription( m_eMatchGroup );
if ( pMatchDesc && pMatchDesc->m_pProgressionDesc )
auto level = pMatchDesc->m_pProgressionDesc->GetLevelByNumber( 1 );
m_nStartXP = level.m_nStartXP;
m_nActualXP = m_nStartXP;
m_nTargetXP = m_nStartXP;
ListenForGameEvent( "experience_changed" );
ListenForGameEvent( "server_spawn" );
void CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent )
if ( FStrEq( pEvent->GetName(), "experience_changed" ) ) // For changing tf_progression_set_xp_to_level
UpdateXP( false );
else if ( FStrEq( pEvent->GetName(), "server_spawn" ) && GTFGCClientSystem()->BHaveLiveMatch()
&& GTFGCClientSystem()->GetLiveMatchGroup() == m_eMatchGroup )
UpdateXP( false );
// Acknowledge any outstanding XP sources when we start a match. It looks really weird when
// you see old match xp sources at the end of a match.
GTFGCClientSystem()->AcknowledgePendingXPSources( m_eMatchGroup );
void CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t::UpdateXP( bool bInitial )
uint32 nStartXP = 0u;
uint32 nNewXP = 0u;
const IMatchGroupDescription* pMatchDesc = GetMatchGroupDescription( m_eMatchGroup );
// Should only be creating this object for matches that have progressions
Assert( pMatchDesc && pMatchDesc->m_pProgressionDesc );
if ( pMatchDesc && pMatchDesc->m_pProgressionDesc )
// Default to level 1's lowest XP value
auto level = pMatchDesc->m_pProgressionDesc->GetLevelByNumber( 1 );
nNewXP = level.m_nStartXP;
nStartXP = level.m_nStartXP;
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() )
nStartXP = pMatchDesc->m_pProgressionDesc->GetLocalPlayerLastAckdExperience();
// Get the actual user's XP
nNewXP = pMatchDesc->m_pProgressionDesc->GetPlayerExperienceBySteamID( steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID() );
// If there's no change, don't do anything
if ( nNewXP != m_nActualXP || bInitial )
m_nActualXP = nNewXP;
m_nStartXP = nStartXP;
m_bCurrentDeltaViewed = false;
if ( bInitial )
m_progressTimer.Start( 1.f );
m_bCurrentDeltaViewed = true;
m_nTargetXP = m_nStartXP;
uint32 CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t::GetCurrentXP() const
float flTimeProgress = 0.f;
if ( m_progressTimer.HasStarted() )
flTimeProgress = Clamp( m_progressTimer.GetElapsedTime(), 0.f, m_progressTimer.GetCountdownDuration() );
flTimeProgress = Gain( flTimeProgress / m_progressTimer.GetCountdownDuration(), 0.9f );
return RemapValClamped( flTimeProgress, 0.f, 1.f, m_nStartXP, m_nTargetXP );
bool CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t::BeginXPDeltaLerp()
if ( !m_bCurrentDeltaViewed )
m_bCurrentDeltaViewed = true;
// Change our target
m_nTargetXP = m_nActualXP;
m_progressTimer.Start( 5.f );
return true;
return false;
void CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t::SOCreated( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, const CSharedObject *pObject, ESOCacheEvent eEvent )
if ( pObject->GetTypeID() == CSOTFLadderData::k_nTypeID )
CSOTFLadderData* pLadderObject = (CSOTFLadderData*)pObject;
if( (EMatchGroup)pLadderObject->Obj().match_group() != m_eMatchGroup )
// We'll get a eSOCacheEvent_Incremental when we're actually creating the
// first CSOTFLadderData object. We dont want that to come through as
// "initializing" because it'll skip the leveling effects
UpdateXP( eEvent == eSOCacheEvent_ListenerAdded );
if ( pObject->GetTypeID() == CXPSource::k_nTypeID )
CXPSource *pXPSource = (CXPSource*)pObject;
if ( pXPSource->Obj().match_group() == m_eMatchGroup )
UpdateXP( false );
void CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t::SOUpdated( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, const CSharedObject *pObject, ESOCacheEvent eEvent )
if ( pObject->GetTypeID() == CSOTFLadderData::k_nTypeID )
CSOTFLadderData* pLadderObject = (CSOTFLadderData*)pObject;
if( (EMatchGroup)pLadderObject->Obj().match_group() != m_eMatchGroup )
// If the GC comes on after we've already subscribed to the cache,
// eSOCacheEvent_Subscribed when the object is created. This one
// we want to skip the effects.
UpdateXP( eEvent == eSOCacheEvent_Subscribed );
if ( pObject->GetTypeID() == CXPSource::k_nTypeID )
CXPSource *pXPSource = (CXPSource*)pObject;
if ( pXPSource->Obj().match_group() == m_eMatchGroup )
UpdateXP( false );
class CMiniPvPRankPanel : public CPvPRankPanel
CMiniPvPRankPanel( Panel* pParent, const char* pszPanelName ) : CPvPRankPanel( pParent, pszPanelName )
virtual KeyValues* GetConditions() const OVERRIDE
KeyValues* pConditions = new KeyValues( "conditions" );
pConditions->AddSubKey( new KeyValues( "if_mini" ) );
return pConditions;
class CXPSourcePanel : public vgui::EditablePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CXPSourcePanel , vgui::EditablePanel);
CXPSourcePanel( Panel *pParent, const char* panelName, const CMsgTFXPSource& source )
: BaseClass( pParent, panelName )
, m_source( source )
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) OVERRIDE
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/ui/XPSourcePanel.res" );
virtual void PerformLayout() OVERRIDE
static wchar_t wszOutString[ 128 ];
wchar_t wszCount[ 16 ];
_snwprintf( wszCount, ARRAYSIZE( wszCount ), L"%d", m_source.amount() );
const wchar_t *wpszFormat = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( g_XPSourceDefs[ m_source.type() ].m_pszFormattingLocToken );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszOutString, wpszFormat, 2, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( g_XPSourceDefs[ m_source.type() ].m_pszTypeLocToken ), wszCount );
SetDialogVariable( "source", wszOutString );
CMsgTFXPSource m_source;
class CScrollingXPSourcePanel : public CXPSourcePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CScrollingXPSourcePanel , CXPSourcePanel );
CScrollingXPSourcePanel( Panel *pParent, const char* panelName, const CMsgTFXPSource& source, float flStartTime )
: BaseClass( pParent, panelName, source )
, m_flStartTime( flStartTime )
, m_bStarted( false )
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
SetAutoDelete( false );
virtual ~CScrollingXPSourcePanel()
virtual void OnTick() OVERRIDE
if ( Plat_FloatTime() > m_flStartTime && !m_bStarted )
m_bStarted = true;
SetVisible( true );
// Do starting stuff
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, m_source.amount() >= 0 ? "XPSourceShow_Positive" : "XPSourceShow_Negative", false );
if ( g_XPSourceDefs[ m_source.type() ].m_pszSoundName )
PlaySoundEntry( g_XPSourceDefs[ m_source.type() ].m_pszSoundName );
SetVisible( m_bStarted );
if ( Plat_FloatTime() > ( m_flStartTime + tf_xp_breakdown_lifetime.GetFloat() ) )
// We're done! Delete ourselves
float m_flStartTime;
bool m_bStarted;
CPvPRankPanel::CPvPRankPanel( Panel *parent, const char *panelName )
: BaseClass( parent, panelName )
, m_eMatchGroup( k_nMatchGroup_Invalid )
, m_pProgressionDesc( NULL )
, m_pContinuousProgressBar( NULL )
, m_pModelPanel( NULL )
, m_pXPBar( NULL )
, m_pBGPanel( NULL )
, m_nLastLerpXP( 0 )
, m_nLastSeenLevel( 0 )
, m_bClicked( false )
ListenForGameEvent( "begin_xp_lerp" );
void CPvPRankPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
KeyValues* pConditions = GetConditions();
LoadControlSettings( GetResFile(), NULL, NULL, pConditions );
if ( pConditions )
pConditions = NULL;
m_pBGPanel = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "BGPanel", true );
m_pContinuousProgressBar = FindControl< ContinuousProgressBar >( "ContinuousProgressBar", true );
m_pXPBar = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "XPBar", true );
m_pModelPanel = FindControl< CBaseModelPanel >( "RankModel", true );
m_pModelPanel->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pModelButton = FindChildByName( "MedalButton", true );
if ( m_pBGPanel )
Panel* pDebugButton = m_pBGPanel->FindChildByName( "TestLevelDownButton", true );
if ( pDebugButton ) { pDebugButton->SetVisible( true ); }
pDebugButton = m_pBGPanel->FindChildByName( "LevelDebugButton", true );
if ( pDebugButton ) { pDebugButton->SetVisible( true ); }
pDebugButton = m_pBGPanel->FindChildByName( "TestLevelUpButton", true );
if ( pDebugButton ) { pDebugButton->SetVisible( true ); }
void CPvPRankPanel::ApplySettings(KeyValues *inResourceData)
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
SetMatchGroup( (EMatchGroup)StringFieldToInt( inResourceData->GetString( "matchgroup" ), s_pszMatchGroups, (int)k_nMatchGroup_Count, false ) );
void CPvPRankPanel::PerformLayout()
if ( !m_pProgressionDesc )
EditablePanel* pStatsContainer = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "Stats", true );
if ( !pStatsContainer )
if ( !m_pModelPanel )
if ( !m_pXPBar )
ProgressBar* pProgressBar = FindControl< ProgressBar > ( "ProgressBar", true );
if ( !pProgressBar )
if ( !m_pContinuousProgressBar )
// Chop up the progress bar into 10th's and use it as a mask overtop
pProgressBar->SetSegmentInfo( ( pProgressBar->GetWide() / 10 ) - ( ( 9 * 4 ) / 10 ) , 4 );
const XPState_t& xpstate = GetXPState();
uint32 nCurrentXP = xpstate.GetCurrentXP();
const LevelInfo_t& levelCur = m_pProgressionDesc->GetLevelForExperience( nCurrentXP );
m_pProgressionDesc->SetupBadgePanel( m_pModelPanel, levelCur );
// Update labels
UpdateControls( xpstate.GetStartXP(), nCurrentXP, levelCur );
void CPvPRankPanel::OnThink()
if ( m_pContinuousProgressBar && m_pXPBar && m_pModelPanel && m_pProgressionDesc && m_pBGPanel )
// SUPER HACKS. I dont have time to figure out popups
if ( m_pModelButton && vgui::input()->IsMouseDown( MOUSE_LEFT ) )
int nMouseX, nMouseY;
input()->GetCursorPos( nMouseX, nMouseY );
if ( !m_bClicked && m_pModelButton->IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY ) )
OnCommand( "medal_clicked" );
m_bClicked = true;
m_bClicked = false;
const XPState_t& xpstate = GetXPState();
uint32 nCurrentXP = xpstate.GetCurrentXP();
// Check if the last XP we lerp'd to isn't the current XP. If it's not, then we want to animate over to it.
if ( m_nLastLerpXP != nCurrentXP )
uint32 nPrevXP = xpstate.GetStartXP();
const LevelInfo_t& levelCur = m_pProgressionDesc->GetLevelForExperience( nCurrentXP );
UpdateControls( nPrevXP, nCurrentXP, levelCur );
// We only want to do level up effects if we are thinking (visible) when the current XP passes the level boundary
if ( m_nLastLerpXP != xpstate.GetStartXP() )
const LevelInfo_t& levelPrevThink = m_pProgressionDesc->GetLevelForExperience( m_nLastLerpXP );
if ( levelCur.m_nLevelNum > levelPrevThink.m_nLevelNum ) // Level up :)
PlayLevelUpEffects( levelCur );
else if ( levelCur.m_nLevelNum < levelPrevThink.m_nLevelNum ) // Level down :(
PlayLevelDownEffects( levelCur );
m_nLastLerpXP = nCurrentXP;
// Our last lerp XP is caught up with current XP, but our last seen level is not up to date with what
// our current level actually is. This can happen if we haven't been thinking, but we did level up somewhere
// else. In this case, we need to update our badge.
const LevelInfo_t& levelCur = m_pProgressionDesc->GetLevelForExperience( nCurrentXP );
if ( m_nLastSeenLevel != levelCur.m_nLevelNum )
m_nLastSeenLevel = levelCur.m_nLevelNum;
m_pProgressionDesc->SetupBadgePanel( m_pModelPanel, levelCur );
void CPvPRankPanel::UpdateControls( uint32 nPreviousXP, uint32 nCurrentXP, const LevelInfo_t& levelCurrent )
if ( m_pContinuousProgressBar )
// Calculate progress bar percentages. PrevBarProgress is the bar that shows where you started.
// CurrentBarProgress is the bar that lerps from the start to your actual, current XP
float flPrevBarProgress = RemapValClamped( (float)nPreviousXP, (float)levelCurrent.m_nStartXP, (float)levelCurrent.m_nEndXP, 0.f, 1.f );
float flCurrentBarProgress = RemapValClamped( (float)nCurrentXP, (float)levelCurrent.m_nStartXP, (float)levelCurrent.m_nEndXP, 0.f, 1.f );
m_pContinuousProgressBar->SetPrevProgress( flPrevBarProgress );
m_pContinuousProgressBar->SetProgress( flCurrentBarProgress );
if ( m_pXPBar )
m_pXPBar->SetDialogVariable( "current_xp", LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Competitive_XP_Current", nCurrentXP ) );
if ( levelCurrent.m_nLevelNum < m_pProgressionDesc->GetNumLevels() )
m_pXPBar->SetDialogVariable( "next_level_xp", LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Competitive_XP", levelCurrent.m_nEndXP ) );
else // Hide the next level XP value at max level
m_pXPBar->SetDialogVariable( "next_level_xp", "" );
static wchar_t wszOutString[ 128 ];
wchar_t wszCount[ 16 ];
_snwprintf( wszCount, ARRAYSIZE( wszCount ), L"%d", levelCurrent.m_nLevelNum );
const wchar_t *wpszFormat = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( m_pProgressionDesc->m_pszLevelToken );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszOutString, wpszFormat, 2, wszCount, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( levelCurrent.m_pszLevelTitle ) );
m_pXPBar->SetDialogVariable( "level", wszOutString );
void CPvPRankPanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( FStrEq( "medal_clicked", command ) )
// Default effects
const char *pszSeqName = "click_A";
const char *pszSoundName = "ui/mm_medal_click.wav";
// Roll for a crit
int nRandomRoll = RandomInt( 0, 9 );
if ( nRandomRoll == 0 )
// CRIT!
pszSeqName = "click_B";
pszSoundName = "MatchMaking.MedalClickRare";
m_pModelPanel->PlaySequence( pszSeqName );
PlaySoundEntry( pszSoundName );
EditablePanel* pModelContainer = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "ModelContainer" );
if ( pModelContainer )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( pModelContainer, "PvPRankModelClicked", false);
else if ( FStrEq( "begin_xp_lerp", command ) )
else if ( FStrEq( "update_base_state", command ) )
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
void CPvPRankPanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent )
// This is really only for tf_test_pvp_rank_xp_change
if ( FStrEq( pEvent->GetName(), "begin_xp_lerp" ) )
void CPvPRankPanel::SetVisible( bool bVisible )
if ( IsVisible() != bVisible )
BaseClass::SetVisible( bVisible );
int SortXPSources( CXPSource* const* pLeft, CXPSource* const* pRight )
return (*pLeft)->Obj().type() - (*pRight)->Obj().type();
void CPvPRankPanel::BeginXPLerp()
XPState_t& xpstate = GetXPState();
if ( xpstate.BeginXPDeltaLerp() )
// Play sounds if this is a change
if ( xpstate.GetTargetXP() > xpstate.GetStartXP() )
PlaySoundEntry( "MatchMaking.RankProgressTickUp" );
else if ( xpstate.GetTargetXP() < xpstate.GetStartXP() )
PlaySoundEntry( "MatchMaking.RankProgressTickDown" );
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() )
GCSDK::CGCClientSharedObjectCache *pSOCache = GCClientSystem()->GetSOCache( steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID() );
if ( pSOCache )
GCSDK::CGCClientSharedObjectTypeCache *pTypeCache = pSOCache->FindTypeCache( CXPSource::k_nTypeID );
if ( pTypeCache )
CUtlVector< CXPSource* > vecSources;
// Grab all the XP sources we want to show
for ( uint32 i = 0; i < pTypeCache->GetCount(); ++i )
CXPSource *pXPSource = (CXPSource*)pTypeCache->GetObject( i );
if ( pXPSource->Obj().match_group() == m_eMatchGroup )
vecSources.AddToTail( pXPSource );
// Sort them so users get a consistent experience
vecSources.Sort( &SortXPSources );
// Show the sources
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecSources, i )
CXPSource *pXPSource = vecSources[ i ];
CScrollingXPSourcePanel* pSourcePanel = new CScrollingXPSourcePanel( this, "XPSourcePanel", pXPSource->Obj(), Plat_FloatTime() + ( i * tf_xp_breakdown_interval.GetFloat() ) );
// Offset from the BGPanel.
pSourcePanel->SetPos( m_pBGPanel->GetXPos() + m_iXPSourceNotificationCenterX - ( pSourcePanel->GetWide() * 0.5f ), m_pBGPanel->GetYPos() + m_pXPBar->GetYPos() + YRES( 22 ) - pSourcePanel->GetTall() );
GTFGCClientSystem()->AcknowledgePendingXPSources( m_eMatchGroup );
void CPvPRankPanel::UpdateBaseState()
if ( !m_pProgressionDesc || m_pModelPanel == NULL )
// Set our "last seen" variables so things dont try to interpolate
m_nLastLerpXP = GetXPState().GetCurrentXP();
LevelInfo_t levelCur = m_pProgressionDesc->GetLevelForExperience( m_nLastLerpXP );
m_nLastSeenLevel = levelCur.m_nLevelNum;
m_pProgressionDesc->SetupBadgePanel( m_pModelPanel, levelCur );
// Update progress bars and labels
UpdateControls( GetXPState().GetStartXP(), m_nLastLerpXP, levelCur );
void CPvPRankPanel::OnAnimEvent( KeyValues *pParams )
// This gets fired by the model panel that has the badge model in it when we want
// to do our bodygroup changes. This is so we can time it to when the model is doing
// a flashy maneuver to mask the bodygroup change pop
if ( FStrEq( pParams->GetString( "name" ), "AE_CL_BODYGROUP_SET_VALUE" ) && m_pProgressionDesc )
const LevelInfo_t& levelCur = m_pProgressionDesc->GetLevelForExperience( m_nLastLerpXP );
m_pProgressionDesc->SetupBadgePanel( m_pModelPanel, levelCur );
void CPvPRankPanel::PlayLevelUpEffects( const LevelInfo_t& level ) const
m_pModelPanel->PlaySequence( "level_up" );
PlaySoundEntry( level.m_pszLevelUpSound );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pXPBar, "PvPRankLevelUpXPBar", false);
EditablePanel* pModelContainer = const_cast< CPvPRankPanel* >( this )->FindControl< EditablePanel >( "ModelContainer" );
if ( pModelContainer )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( pModelContainer, "PvPRankLevelUpModel", false );
void CPvPRankPanel::PlayLevelDownEffects( const LevelInfo_t& level ) const
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pXPBar, "PvPRankLevelDownXPBar", false);
m_pModelPanel->PlaySequence( "level_down" );
EditablePanel* pModelContainer = const_cast< CPvPRankPanel* >( this )->FindControl< EditablePanel >( "ModelContainer" );
if ( pModelContainer )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( pModelContainer, "PvPRankLevelDownModel", false );
void CPvPRankPanel::SetMatchGroup( EMatchGroup eMatchGroup )
if ( m_eMatchGroup != eMatchGroup )
m_eMatchGroup = eMatchGroup;
m_pProgressionDesc = NULL;
const IMatchGroupDescription* pMatchDesc = GetMatchGroupDescription( m_eMatchGroup );
if ( pMatchDesc && pMatchDesc->m_pProgressionDesc )
// Snag the progression desc. We use it often
m_pProgressionDesc = pMatchDesc->m_pProgressionDesc;
Assert( m_pProgressionDesc );
// Many things needs to change
InvalidateLayout( true, true );
void CPvPRankPanel::SOCreated( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, const CSharedObject *pObject, ESOCacheEvent eEvent )
if ( pObject->GetTypeID() != CSOTFLadderData::k_nTypeID )
void CPvPRankPanel::SOUpdated( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, const CSharedObject *pObject, ESOCacheEvent eEvent )
if ( pObject->GetTypeID() != CSOTFLadderData::k_nTypeID )
void CPvPRankPanel::SetMatchStats( void )
EditablePanel* pStatsContainer = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "Stats", true );
if ( !pStatsContainer )
CSOTFLadderData *pData = GetLocalPlayerLadderData( m_eMatchGroup );
// Update all stats. Default to 0 incase we dont have ladder data
int nGames = 0, nKills = 0, nDeaths = 0, nDamage = 0, nHealing = 0, nSupport = 0, nScore = 0;
if ( pData )
nGames = pData->Obj().games();
nKills = pData->Obj().kills();
nDeaths = pData->Obj().deaths();
nDamage = pData->Obj().damage();
nHealing = pData->Obj().healing();
nSupport = pData->Obj().support();
nScore = pData->Obj().score();
pStatsContainer->SetDialogVariable( "stat_games", LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Competitive_Games", nGames ) );
pStatsContainer->SetDialogVariable( "stat_kills", LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Competitive_Kills", nKills ) );
pStatsContainer->SetDialogVariable( "stat_deaths", LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Competitive_Deaths", nDeaths ) );
pStatsContainer->SetDialogVariable( "stat_damage", LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Competitive_Damage", nDamage ) );
pStatsContainer->SetDialogVariable( "stat_healing", LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Competitive_Healing", nHealing ) );
pStatsContainer->SetDialogVariable( "stat_support", LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Competitive_Support", nSupport ) );
pStatsContainer->SetDialogVariable( "stat_score", LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Competitive_Score", nScore ) );
CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t& CPvPRankPanel::GetXPState() const
// Singletons for each XPState_t
static CUtlMap< EMatchGroup, CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t* > s_mapXPStates( DefLessFunc( EMatchGroup ) );
auto idx = s_mapXPStates.Find( m_eMatchGroup );
if ( idx == s_mapXPStates.InvalidIndex() )
idx = s_mapXPStates.Insert( m_eMatchGroup, new CPvPRankPanel::XPState_t( m_eMatchGroup ) );
return *s_mapXPStates[ idx ];
const char* CPvPRankPanel::GetResFile() const
return m_pProgressionDesc ? m_pProgressionDesc->m_pszProgressionResFile : "resource/ui/PvPCompRankPanel.res";
KeyValues* CPvPRankPanel::GetConditions() const
return NULL;