Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "CRagdollMagnet.h"
#include "cplane.h"
ConVar ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets( "ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets", "0");
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( phys_ragdollmagnet, CRagdollMagnet );
BEGIN_DATADESC( CRagdollMagnet )
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_radius, FIELD_FLOAT, "radius" ),
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_force, FIELD_FLOAT, "force" ),
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_bDisabled, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "StartDisabled" ),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Enable", InputEnable ),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Disable", InputDisable ),
// Purpose:
// Input : &inputdata -
void CRagdollMagnet::InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata )
Enable( true );
// Purpose:
// Input : &inputdata -
void CRagdollMagnet::InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata )
Enable( false );
// Purpose: Find the ragdoll magnet entity that should pull this entity's ragdoll
// Input : *pNPC - the npc that's dying
// Output : CRagdollMagnet - the magnet that's best to use.
// The nearest ragdoll magnet pulls me in IF:
// - Present
// - I'm within the magnet's RADIUS
// - LATER: There is clear line of sight from my center to the magnet
// - LATER: I'm not flagged to ignore ragdoll magnets
// - LATER: The magnet is not turned OFF
CRagdollMagnet *CRagdollMagnet::FindBestMagnet( CBaseEntity *pNPC )
CRagdollMagnet *pMagnet = NULL;
CRagdollMagnet *pBestMagnet;
float flClosestDist;
// Assume we won't find one.
pBestMagnet = NULL;
flClosestDist = FLT_MAX;
pMagnet = (CRagdollMagnet *)gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pMagnet, "phys_ragdollmagnet" );
if( pMagnet && pMagnet->IsEnabled() )
if( pMagnet->m_target != NULL_STRING )
// if this magnet has a target, only affect that target!
if( pNPC->GetEntityName() == pMagnet->m_target )
return pMagnet;
float flDist;
flDist = pMagnet->DistToPoint( pNPC->WorldSpaceCenter() );
if( flDist < flClosestDist && flDist <= pMagnet->GetRadius() )
// This is the closest magnet that can pull this npc.
flClosestDist = flDist;
pBestMagnet = pMagnet;
} while( pMagnet );
return pBestMagnet;
// Purpose: Get the force that we should add to this NPC's ragdoll.
// Input : *pNPC -
// Output : Vector
// NOTE: This function assumes pNPC is within this magnet's radius.
Vector CRagdollMagnet::GetForceVector( CBaseEntity *pNPC )
Vector vecForceToApply;
if( IsBarMagnet() )
CPlane axis;
Vector vecForceDir;
Vector vecClosest;
CalcClosestPointOnLineSegment( pNPC->WorldSpaceCenter(), GetAbsOrigin(), m_axis, vecClosest, NULL );
vecForceDir = (vecClosest - pNPC->WorldSpaceCenter() );
VectorNormalize( vecForceDir );
vecForceToApply = vecForceDir * m_force;
Vector vecForce;
vecForce = GetAbsOrigin() - pNPC->WorldSpaceCenter();
VectorNormalize( vecForce );
vecForceToApply = vecForce * m_force;
if( ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets.GetBool() )
IPhysicsObject *pPhysObject;
pPhysObject = pNPC->VPhysicsGetObject();
if( pPhysObject )
Msg("Ragdoll magnet adding %f inches/sec to %s\n", m_force/pPhysObject->GetMass(), pNPC->GetClassname() );
return vecForceToApply;
// Purpose: How far away is this point? This is different for point and bar magnets
// Input : &vecPoint - the point
// Output : float - the dist
float CRagdollMagnet::DistToPoint( const Vector &vecPoint )
if( IsBarMagnet() )
// I'm a bar magnet, so the point's distance is really the plane constant.
// A bar magnet is a cylinder who's length is AbsOrigin() to m_axis, and whose
// diameter is m_radius.
// first we build two planes. The TOP and BOTTOM planes.
// the idea is that vecPoint must be on the right side of both
// planes to be affected by this particular magnet.
// TOP and BOTTOM planes can be visualized as the 'caps' of the cylinder
// that describes the bar magnet, and they point towards each other.
// We're making sure vecPoint is between the caps.
Vector vecAxis;
vecAxis = GetAxisVector();
VectorNormalize( vecAxis );
CPlane top, bottom;
bottom.InitializePlane( -vecAxis, m_axis );
top.InitializePlane( vecAxis, GetAbsOrigin() );
if( top.PointInFront( vecPoint ) && bottom.PointInFront( vecPoint ) )
// This point is between the two caps, so calculate the distance
// of vecPoint from the axis of the bar magnet
CPlane axis;
Vector vecUp;
Vector vecRight;
// Horizontal and Vertical distances.
float hDist, vDist;
// Need to get a vector that's right-hand to m_axis
VectorVectors( vecAxis, vecRight, vecUp );
//CrossProduct( vecAxis, vecUp, vecRight );
//VectorNormalize( vecRight );
//VectorNormalize( vecUp );
// Set up the plane to measure horizontal dist.
axis.InitializePlane( vecRight, GetAbsOrigin() );
hDist = fabs( axis.PointDist( vecPoint ) );
axis.InitializePlane( vecUp, GetAbsOrigin() );
vDist = fabs( axis.PointDist( vecPoint ) );
return MAX( hDist, vDist );
return FLT_MAX;
// I'm a point magnet. Just return dist
return ( GetAbsOrigin() - vecPoint ).Length();