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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifndef SCRIPTED_H
#define SCRIPTED_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "scriptevent.h"
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
// The number of unique outputs that a script can fire from animation events.
// These are fired via SCRIPT_EVENT_FIREEVENT in CAI_BaseNPC::HandleAnimEvent.
#define SF_SCRIPT_REPEATABLE 4 // Whether the script can be played more than once.
#define SF_SCRIPT_DONT_TELEPORT_AT_END 128 // Don't fixup end position with a teleport when the SS is finished
#define SF_SCRIPT_LOOP_IN_POST_IDLE 256 // Loop in the post idle animation after playing the action animation.
#define SF_SCRIPT_HIGH_PRIORITY 512 // If set, we don't allow other scripts to steal our spot in the queue.
#define SF_SCRIPT_SEARCH_CYCLICALLY 1024 // Start search from last entity found.
#define SF_SCRIPT_NO_COMPLAINTS 2048 // doesn't bitch if it can't find anything
#define SF_SCRIPT_ALLOW_DEATH 4096 // the actor using this scripted sequence may die without interrupting the scene (used for scripted deaths)
enum script_moveto_t
// Interrupt levels for grabbing NPCs to act out scripted events. These indicate
// how important it is to get a specific NPC, and can affect how they respond.
SS_INTERRUPT_BY_CLASS = 0, // Indicates that we are asking for this NPC by class
SS_INTERRUPT_BY_NAME, // Indicates that we are asking for this NPC by name
// when a NPC finishes an AI scripted sequence, we can choose
// a schedule to place them in. These defines are the aliases to
// resolve worldcraft input to real schedules (sjb)
class CAI_ScriptedSequence : public CBaseEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( CAI_ScriptedSequence, CBaseEntity );
void Spawn( void );
virtual void Blocked( CBaseEntity *pOther );
virtual void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther );
virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return (BaseClass::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION); }
virtual void Activate( void );
virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void );
void StartThink();
void ScriptThink( void );
void StopThink();
void Pain( void );
void Die( void );
void DelayStart( bool bDelay );
bool FindEntity( void );
void StartScript( void );
void FireScriptEvent( int nEvent );
void OnBeginSequence( void );
void SetTarget( CBaseEntity *pTarget ) { m_hTargetEnt = pTarget; };
CBaseEntity *GetTarget( void ) { return m_hTargetEnt; };
// Input handlers
void InputBeginSequence( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputCancelSequence( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputMoveToPosition( inputdata_t &inputdata );
bool IsTimeToStart( void );
bool IsWaitingForBegin( void );
void ReleaseEntity( CAI_BaseNPC *pEntity );
void CancelScript( void );
bool StartSequence( CAI_BaseNPC *pTarget, string_t iszSeq, bool completeOnEmpty );
void SynchronizeSequence( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC );
bool FCanOverrideState ( void );
void SequenceDone( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC );
void PostIdleDone( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC );
void FixScriptNPCSchedule( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, int iSavedCineFlags );
void FixFlyFlag( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, int iSavedCineFlags );
bool CanInterrupt( void );
void AllowInterrupt( bool fAllow );
void RemoveIgnoredConditions( void );
bool PlayedSequence( void ) { return m_sequenceStarted; }
bool CanEnqueueAfter( void );
// Entry & Action loops
bool IsPlayingEntry( void ) { return m_bIsPlayingEntry; }
bool IsPlayingAction( void ) { return ( m_sequenceStarted && !m_bIsPlayingEntry ); }
bool FinishedActionSequence( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC );
void SetLoopActionSequence( bool bLoop ) { m_bLoopActionSequence = bLoop; }
bool ShouldLoopActionSequence( void ) { return m_bLoopActionSequence; }
void StopActionLoop( bool bStopSynchronizedScenes );
void SetSynchPostIdles( bool bSynch ) { m_bSynchPostIdles = bSynch; }
void SynchNewSequence( CAI_BaseNPC::SCRIPTSTATE newState, string_t iszSequence, bool bSynchOtherScenes );
// Dynamic scripted sequence spawning
void ForceSetTargetEntity( CAI_BaseNPC *pTarget, bool bDontCancelOtherSequences );
// Dynamic interactions
void SetupInteractionPosition( CBaseEntity *pRelativeEntity, VMatrix &matDesiredLocalToWorld );
void ModifyScriptedAutoMovement( Vector *vecNewPos );
bool IsTeleportingDueToMoveTo( void ) { return m_bIsTeleportingDueToMoveTo; }
// Debug
virtual int DrawDebugTextOverlays( void );
virtual void DrawDebugGeometryOverlays( void );
void InputScriptPlayerDeath( inputdata_t &inputdata );
friend class CAI_BaseNPC; // should probably try to eliminate this relationship
string_t m_iszEntry; // String index for animation that must be played before entering the main action anim
string_t m_iszPreIdle; // String index for idle animation to play before playing the action anim (only played while waiting for the script to begin)
string_t m_iszPlay; // String index for scripted action animation
string_t m_iszPostIdle; // String index for idle animation to play before playing the action anim
string_t m_iszCustomMove; // String index for custom movement animation
string_t m_iszNextScript; // Name of the script to run immediately after this one.
string_t m_iszEntity; // Entity that is wanted for this script
int m_fMoveTo;
bool m_bIsPlayingEntry;
bool m_bLoopActionSequence;
bool m_bSynchPostIdles;
bool m_bIgnoreGravity;
bool m_bDisableNPCCollisions; // Used when characters must interpenetrate while riding on elevators, trains, etc.
float m_flRadius; // Range to search for an NPC to possess.
float m_flRepeat; // Repeat rate
int m_iDelay; // A counter indicating how many scripts are NOT ready to start.
bool m_bDelayed; // This moderately hacky hack ensures that we don't calls to DelayStart(true) or DelayStart(false)
// twice in succession. This is necessary because we didn't want to remove the call to DelayStart(true)
// from StartScript, even though DelayStart(true) is called from TASK_PRE_SCRIPT.
// All of this is necessary in case the NPCs schedule gets cleared during the script and then they
// reselect the schedule to play the script. Without this you can get NPCs stuck with m_iDelay = -1
float m_startTime; // Time when script actually started, used for synchronization
bool m_bWaitForBeginSequence; // Set to true when we are told to MoveToPosition. Holds the actor in the pre-action idle until BeginSequence is called.
int m_saved_effects;
int m_savedFlags;
int m_savedCollisionGroup;
bool m_interruptable;
bool m_sequenceStarted;
EHANDLE m_hTargetEnt;
EHANDLE m_hNextCine; // The script to hand the NPC off to when we finish with them.
bool m_bThinking;
bool m_bInitiatedSelfDelete;
bool m_bIsTeleportingDueToMoveTo;
CAI_BaseNPC *FindScriptEntity( void );
EHANDLE m_hLastFoundEntity;
// Code forced us to use a specific NPC
EHANDLE m_hForcedTarget;
bool m_bDontCancelOtherSequences;
bool m_bForceSynch;
bool m_bTargetWasAsleep;
COutputEvent m_OnBeginSequence;
COutputEvent m_OnEndSequence;
COutputEvent m_OnPostIdleEndSequence;
COutputEvent m_OnCancelSequence;
COutputEvent m_OnCancelFailedSequence; // Fired when a scene is cancelled before it's ever run
COutputEvent m_OnScriptEvent[MAX_SCRIPT_EVENTS];
static void ScriptEntityCancel( CBaseEntity *pentCine, bool bPretendSuccess = false );
static const char *GetSpawnPreIdleSequenceForScript( CBaseEntity *pTargetEntity );
// Dynamic interactions
// For now, store just a single one of these. To synchronize positions
// with multiple other NPCs, this needs to be an array of NPCs & desired position matrices.
VMatrix m_matInteractionPosition;
EHANDLE m_hInteractionRelativeEntity;
int m_iPlayerDeathBehavior;
#endif // SCRIPTED_H