Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// tf_bot.h
// Team Fortress NextBot
// Michael Booth, February 2009
#ifndef TF_BOT_H
#define TF_BOT_H
#include "Player/NextBotPlayer.h"
#include "../nav_mesh/tf_nav_mesh.h"
#include "tf_bot_vision.h"
#include "tf_bot_body.h"
#include "tf_bot_locomotion.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "tf_bot_squad.h"
#include "bot/map_entities/tf_bot_proxy.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "entity_capture_flag.h"
#include "func_capture_zone.h"
#include "nav_entities.h"
#include "utlstack.h"
#define TF_BOT_TYPE 1337
class CTriggerAreaCapture;
class CTFBotActionPoint;
class CObjectSentrygun;
class CTFBotGenerator;
extern void BotGenerateAndWearItem( CTFPlayer *pBot, const char *itemName );
// These must remain in sync with the bot_generator's spawnflags in tf.fgd:
#define TFBOT_MVM_MAX_PATH_LENGTH 0.0f // 7000.0f // in MvM, all pathfinds are limited to this (0 == no limit)
class CTFBot: public NextBotPlayer< CTFPlayer >, public CGameEventListener
DECLARE_CLASS( CTFBot, NextBotPlayer< CTFPlayer > );
virtual ~CTFBot();
virtual void Spawn();
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
virtual void Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void PhysicsSimulate( void );
virtual void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther );
virtual void AvoidPlayers( CUserCmd *pCmd ); // some game types allow players to pass through each other, this method pushes them apart
virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void );
virtual int ShouldTransmit( const CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ChangeTeam( int iTeamNum, bool bAutoTeam, bool bSilent, bool bAutoBalance = false ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldGib( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) OVERRIDE;
virtual int DrawDebugTextOverlays(void);
virtual bool IsAllowedToPickUpFlag( void ) const;
virtual void InitClass( void ); // set health/etc
void ModifyMaxHealth( int nNewMaxHealth, bool bSetCurrentHealth = true, bool bAllowModelScaling = true );
virtual int GetBotType( void ) const; // return a unique int representing the type of bot instance this is
virtual CTFNavArea *GetLastKnownArea( void ) const { return static_cast< CTFNavArea * >( BaseClass::GetLastKnownArea() ); } // return the last nav area the player occupied - NULL if unknown
// NextBotPlayer
static CBasePlayer *AllocatePlayerEntity( edict_t *pEdict, const char *playerName );
virtual void PressFireButton( float duration = -1.0f ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PressAltFireButton( float duration = -1.0f ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PressSpecialFireButton( float duration = -1.0f ) OVERRIDE;
// INextBot
virtual CTFBotLocomotion *GetLocomotionInterface( void ) const { return m_locomotor; }
virtual CTFBotBody *GetBodyInterface( void ) const { return m_body; }
virtual CTFBotVision *GetVisionInterface( void ) const { return m_vision; }
virtual bool IsDormantWhenDead( void ) const; // should this player-bot continue to update itself when dead (respawn logic, etc)
virtual void OnWeaponFired( CBaseCombatCharacter *whoFired, CBaseCombatWeapon *weapon ); // when someone fires their weapon
virtual bool IsDebugFilterMatch( const char *name ) const; // return true if we match the given debug symbol
virtual int GetAllowedTauntPartnerTeam() const OVERRIDE { return GetTeamNumber(); }
// CTFBot specific
CTeamControlPoint *GetMyControlPoint( void ) const; // return point we want to capture, or need to defend
void ClearMyControlPoint( void );
bool WasPointJustLost( void ) const; // return true if we just lost territory recently
bool AreAllPointsUncontestedSoFar( void ) const; // return true if no enemy has contested any point yet
bool IsPointBeingCaptured( CTeamControlPoint *point ) const; // return true if the given point is being captured
bool IsAnyPointBeingCaptured( void ) const; // return true if any point is being captured
bool IsNearPoint( CTeamControlPoint *point ) const; // return true if we are within a short travel distance of the current point
float GetTimeLeftToCapture( void ) const; // return time left to capture the point before we lose the game
CCaptureFlag *GetFlagToFetch( void ) const; // return flag we want to fetch
CCaptureZone *GetFlagCaptureZone( void ) const; // return capture zone for our flag(s)
struct SniperSpotInfo
CTFNavArea *m_vantageArea;
Vector m_vantageSpot;
CTFNavArea *m_theaterArea;
Vector m_theaterSpot;
float m_range;
float m_advantage; // the difference in how long it takes us to reach our vantage spot vs them to reach the theater spot
void AccumulateSniperSpots( void ); // find good sniping spots and store them
const CUtlVector< SniperSpotInfo > *GetSniperSpots( void ) const; // return vector of good sniping positions
bool HasSniperSpots( void ) const;
void ClearSniperSpots( void );
// search outwards from startSearchArea and collect all reachable objects from the given list that pass the given filter
void SelectReachableObjects( const CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > &candidateObjectVector, CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > *selectedObjectVector, const INextBotFilter &filter, CNavArea *startSearchArea, float maxRange = 2000.0f ) const;
CBaseEntity *FindClosestReachableObject( const char *objectName, CNavArea *from, float maxRange = 2000.0f ) const;
CTFNavArea *GetSpawnArea( void ) const; // get area where we spawned in
bool IsAmmoLow( void ) const;
bool IsAmmoFull( void ) const;
void UpdateLookingAroundForEnemies( void ); // update our view to keep an eye on enemies, and where enemies come from
#define LOOK_FOR_FRIENDS false
#define LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES true
void UpdateLookingAroundForIncomingPlayers( bool lookForEnemies ); // update our view to watch where friends or enemies will be coming from
void StartLookingAroundForEnemies( void ); // enable updating view for enemy searching
void StopLookingAroundForEnemies( void ); // disable updating view for enemy searching
void SetAttentionFocus( CBaseEntity *focusOn ); // restrict bot's attention to only this entity (or radius around this entity) to the exclusion of everything else
void ClearAttentionFocus( void ); // remove attention focus restrictions
bool IsAttentionFocused( void ) const;
bool IsAttentionFocusedOn( CBaseEntity *who ) const;
void DelayedThreatNotice( CHandle< CBaseEntity > who, float noticeDelay ); // notice the given threat after the given number of seconds have elapsed
void UpdateDelayedThreatNotices( void );
CTFNavArea *FindVantagePoint( float maxTravelDistance = 2000.0f ) const; // return a nearby area where we can see a member of the enemy team
const char *GetNextSpawnClassname( void ) const;
float GetThreatDanger( CBaseCombatCharacter *who ) const; // return perceived danger of threat (0=none, 1=immediate deadly danger)
float GetMaxAttackRange( void ) const; // return the max range at which we can effectively attack
float GetDesiredAttackRange( void ) const; // return the ideal range at which we can effectively attack
bool EquipRequiredWeapon( void ); // if we're required to equip a specific weapon, do it.
void EquipBestWeaponForThreat( const CKnownEntity *threat ); // equip the best weapon we have to attack the given threat
bool EquipLongRangeWeapon( void ); // equip a weapon that can damage far-away targets
void PushRequiredWeapon( CTFWeaponBase *weapon ); // force us to equip and use this weapon until popped off the required stack
void PopRequiredWeapon( void ); // pop top required weapon off of stack and discard
#define MY_CURRENT_GUN NULL // can be passed as weapon to following queries
bool IsCombatWeapon( CTFWeaponBase *weapon ) const; // return true if given weapon can be used to attack
bool IsHitScanWeapon( CTFWeaponBase *weapon ) const; // return true if given weapon is a "hitscan" weapon (scattered tracelines with instant damage)
bool IsContinuousFireWeapon( CTFWeaponBase *weapon ) const; // return true if given weapon "sprays" bullets/fire/etc continuously (ie: not individual rockets/etc)
bool IsExplosiveProjectileWeapon( CTFWeaponBase *weapon ) const;// return true if given weapon launches explosive projectiles with splash damage
bool IsBarrageAndReloadWeapon( CTFWeaponBase *weapon ) const; // return true if given weapon has small clip and long reload cost (ie: rocket launcher, etc)
bool IsQuietWeapon( CTFWeaponBase *weapon ) const; // return true if given weapon doesn't make much sound when used (ie: spy knife, etc)
bool IsEnvironmentNoisy( void ) const; // return true if there are/have been loud noises (ie: non-quiet weapons) nearby very recently
enum WeaponRestrictionType
MELEE_ONLY = 0x0001,
PRIMARY_ONLY = 0x0002,
void ClearWeaponRestrictions( void );
void SetWeaponRestriction( int restrictionFlags );
bool HasWeaponRestriction( int restrictionFlags ) const;
bool IsWeaponRestricted( CTFWeaponBase *weapon ) const;
bool ShouldFireCompressionBlast( void );
bool IsLineOfFireClear( const Vector &where ) const; // return true if a weapon has no obstructions along the line from our eye to the given position
bool IsLineOfFireClear( CBaseEntity *who ) const; // return true if a weapon has no obstructions along the line from our eye to the given entity
bool IsLineOfFireClear( const Vector &from, const Vector &to ) const; // return true if a weapon has no obstructions along the line between the given points
bool IsLineOfFireClear( const Vector &from, CBaseEntity *who ) const; // return true if a weapon has no obstructions along the line between the given point and entity
bool IsEntityBetweenTargetAndSelf( CBaseEntity *other, CBaseEntity *target ); // return true if "other" is positioned inbetween us and "target"
class SuspectedSpyInfo_t
bool IsCurrentlySuspected();
void Suspect(); // The verb form of the word, not the noun.
bool TestForRealizing();
CHandle< CTFPlayer > m_suspectedSpy;
CUtlVector< int > m_touchTimes;
bool IsKnownSpy( CTFPlayer *player ) const; // return true if we are sure this player actually is an enemy spy
SuspectedSpyInfo_t* IsSuspectedSpy( CTFPlayer *player ); // return true if we suspect this player might be an enemy spy
void SuspectSpy( CTFPlayer *player ); // note that this player might be a spy
void RealizeSpy( CTFPlayer *player ); // note that this player *IS* a spy
void ForgetSpy( CTFPlayer *player ); // remove player from spy suspect system
void StopSuspectingSpy( CTFPlayer *pPlayer );
CTFPlayer *GetClosestHumanLookingAtMe( int team = TEAM_ANY ) const; // return the nearest human player on the given team who is looking directly at me
enum AttributeType
REMOVE_ON_DEATH = 1<<0, // kick bot from server when killed
AGGRESSIVE = 1<<1, // in MvM mode, push for the cap point
IS_NPC = 1<<2, // a non-player support character
BECOME_SPECTATOR_ON_DEATH = 1<<5, // move bot to spectator team when killed
QUOTA_MANANGED = 1<<6, // managed by the bot quota in CTFBotManager
RETAIN_BUILDINGS = 1<<7, // don't destroy this bot's buildings when it disconnects
SPAWN_WITH_FULL_CHARGE = 1<<8, // all weapons start with full charge (ie: uber)
ALWAYS_CRIT = 1<<9, // always fire critical hits
HOLD_FIRE_UNTIL_FULL_RELOAD = 1<<11, // don't fire our barrage weapon until it is full reloaded (rocket launcher, etc)
PRIORITIZE_DEFENSE = 1<<12, // bot prioritizes defending when possible
ALWAYS_FIRE_WEAPON = 1<<13, // constantly fire our weapon
TELEPORT_TO_HINT = 1<<14, // bot will teleport to hint target instead of walking out from the spawn point
MINIBOSS = 1<<15, // is miniboss?
USE_BOSS_HEALTH_BAR = 1<<16, // should I use boss health bar?
IGNORE_FLAG = 1<<17, // don't pick up flag/bomb
AUTO_JUMP = 1<<18, // auto jump
AIR_CHARGE_ONLY = 1<<19, // demo knight only charge in the air
PREFER_VACCINATOR_BULLETS = 1<<20, // When using the vaccinator, prefer to use the bullets shield
PREFER_VACCINATOR_BLAST = 1<<21, // When using the vaccinator, prefer to use the blast shield
PREFER_VACCINATOR_FIRE = 1<<22, // When using the vaccinator, prefer to use the fire shield
BULLET_IMMUNE = 1<<23, // Has a shield that makes the bot immune to bullets
BLAST_IMMUNE = 1<<24, // "" blast
FIRE_IMMUNE = 1<<25, // "" fire
PARACHUTE = 1<<26, // demo/soldier parachute when falling
PROJECTILE_SHIELD = 1<<27, // medic projectile shield
void SetAttribute( int attributeFlag );
void ClearAttribute( int attributeFlag );
void ClearAllAttributes();
bool HasAttribute( int attributeFlag ) const;
enum DifficultyType
EASY = 0,
HARD = 2,
DifficultyType GetDifficulty( void ) const;
void SetDifficulty( DifficultyType difficulty );
bool IsDifficulty( DifficultyType skill ) const;
void SetHomeArea( CTFNavArea *area );
CTFNavArea *GetHomeArea( void ) const;
CObjectSentrygun *GetEnemySentry( void ) const; // if we've been attacked/killed by an enemy sentry, this will return it, otherwise NULL
void RememberEnemySentry( CObjectSentrygun *sentry, const Vector &injurySpot );
const Vector &GetSpotWhereEnemySentryLastInjuredMe( void ) const;
void SetActionPoint( CTFBotActionPoint *point );
CTFBotActionPoint *GetActionPoint( void ) const;
bool HasProxy( void ) const;
void SetProxy( CTFBotProxy *proxy ); // attach this bot to a bot_proxy entity for map I/O communications
CTFBotProxy *GetProxy( void ) const;
bool HasSpawner( void ) const;
void SetSpawner( CTFBotGenerator *spawner );
CTFBotGenerator *GetSpawner( void ) const;
void JoinSquad( CTFBotSquad *squad ); // become a member of the given squad
void LeaveSquad( void ); // leave our current squad
void DeleteSquad( void );
bool IsInASquad( void ) const;
bool IsSquadmate( CTFPlayer *who ) const; // return true if given bot is in my squad
CTFBotSquad *GetSquad( void ) const; // return squad we are in, or NULL
float GetSquadFormationError( void ) const; // return normalized error term where 0 = in formation position and 1 = completely out of position
void SetSquadFormationError( float error );
bool HasBrokenFormation( void ) const; // return true if this bot is far out of formation, or has no path back
void SetBrokenFormation( bool state );
float TransientlyConsistentRandomValue( float period = 10.0f, int seedValue = 0 ) const; // compute a pseudo random value (0-1) that stays consistent for the given period of time, but changes unpredictably each period
void SetBehaviorFlag( unsigned int flags );
void ClearBehaviorFlag( unsigned int flags );
bool IsBehaviorFlagSet( unsigned int flags ) const;
bool FindSplashTarget( CBaseEntity *target, float maxSplashRadius, Vector *splashTarget ) const;
void GiveRandomItem( loadout_positions_t loadoutPosition );
enum MissionType
MISSION_SEEK_AND_DESTROY, // focus on finding and killing enemy players
MISSION_DESTROY_SENTRIES, // focus on finding and destroying enemy sentry guns (and buildings)
MISSION_SNIPER, // maintain teams of snipers harassing the enemy
MISSION_SPY, // maintain teams of spies harassing the enemy
MISSION_ENGINEER, // maintain engineer nests for harassing the enemy
MISSION_REPROGRAMMED, // MvM: robot has been hacked and will do bad things to their team
void SetMission( MissionType mission, bool resetBehaviorSystem = true );
void SetPrevMission( MissionType mission );
MissionType GetMission( void ) const;
MissionType GetPrevMission( void ) const;
bool HasMission( MissionType mission ) const;
bool IsOnAnyMission( void ) const;
void SetMissionTarget( CBaseEntity *target );
CBaseEntity *GetMissionTarget( void ) const;
void SetMissionString( CUtlString string );
CUtlString *GetMissionString( void );
void SetTeleportWhere( const CUtlStringList& teleportWhereName );
const CUtlStringList& GetTeleportWhere();
void ClearTeleportWhere();
void SetScaleOverride( float fScale );
void SetMaxVisionRangeOverride( float range );
float GetMaxVisionRangeOverride( void ) const;
void DisguiseAsMemberOfEnemyTeam( void ); // set Spy disguise to be a class that someone on the enemy team is actually using
CBaseObject *GetNearestKnownSappableTarget( void );
void ClearTags( void );
void AddTag( const char *tag );
void RemoveTag( const char *tag );
bool HasTag( const char *tag );
Action< CTFBot > *OpportunisticallyUseWeaponAbilities( void );
CTFPlayer *SelectRandomReachableEnemy( void ); // mostly for MvM - pick a random enemy player that is not in their spawn room
float GetDesiredPathLookAheadRange( void ) const; // different sized bots used different lookahead distances
void StartIdleSound( void );
void StopIdleSound( void );
bool ShouldQuickBuild() const { return m_bForceQuickBuild; }
void SetShouldQuickBuild( bool bShouldQuickBuild ) { m_bForceQuickBuild = bShouldQuickBuild; }
void SetAutoJump( float flAutoJumpMin, float flAutoJumpMax ) { m_flAutoJumpMin = flAutoJumpMin; m_flAutoJumpMax = flAutoJumpMax; }
bool ShouldAutoJump();
void SetFlagTarget( CCaptureFlag* pFlag );
CCaptureFlag* GetFlagTarget() const { return m_hFollowingFlagTarget; }
bool HasFlagTaget() const { return m_hFollowingFlagTarget != NULL; }
struct EventChangeAttributes_t
EventChangeAttributes_t( const EventChangeAttributes_t& copy )
m_eventName = copy.m_eventName;
m_skill = copy.m_skill;
m_weaponRestriction = copy.m_weaponRestriction;
m_mission = copy.m_mission;
m_prevMission = copy.m_prevMission;
m_attributeFlags = copy.m_attributeFlags;
m_maxVisionRange = copy.m_maxVisionRange;
for ( int i=0; i<copy.m_items.Count(); ++i )
m_items.CopyAndAddToTail( copy.m_items[i] );
m_itemsAttributes = copy.m_itemsAttributes;
m_characterAttributes = copy.m_characterAttributes;
for ( int i=0; i<copy.m_tags.Count(); ++i )
m_tags.CopyAndAddToTail( copy.m_tags[i] );
void Reset()
m_eventName = "default";
m_skill = CTFBot::EASY;
m_weaponRestriction = CTFBot::ANY_WEAPON;
m_mission = CTFBot::NO_MISSION;
m_prevMission = m_mission;
m_attributeFlags = 0;
m_maxVisionRange = -1.f;
CUtlString m_eventName;
DifficultyType m_skill;
WeaponRestrictionType m_weaponRestriction;
MissionType m_mission;
MissionType m_prevMission;
int m_attributeFlags;
float m_maxVisionRange;
CUtlStringList m_items;
struct item_attributes_t
CUtlString m_itemName;
CCopyableUtlVector< static_attrib_t > m_attributes;
CUtlVector< item_attributes_t > m_itemsAttributes;
CUtlVector< static_attrib_t > m_characterAttributes;
CUtlStringList m_tags;
void ClearEventChangeAttributes() { m_eventChangeAttributes.RemoveAll(); }
void AddEventChangeAttributes( const EventChangeAttributes_t* newEvent );
const EventChangeAttributes_t* GetEventChangeAttributes( const char* pszEventName ) const;
void OnEventChangeAttributes( const CTFBot::EventChangeAttributes_t* pEvent );
void AddItem( const char* pszItemName );
int GetUberHealthThreshold();
float GetUberDeployDelayDuration();
CTFBotLocomotion *m_locomotor;
CTFBotBody *m_body;
CTFBotVision *m_vision;
CountdownTimer m_lookAtEnemyInvasionAreasTimer;
CTFNavArea *m_spawnArea; // where we spawned
CountdownTimer m_justLostPointTimer;
int m_weaponRestrictionFlags;
int m_attributeFlags;
DifficultyType m_difficulty;
CTFNavArea *m_homeArea;
CHandle< CTFBotActionPoint > m_actionPoint;
CHandle< CTFBotProxy > m_proxy;
CHandle< CTFBotGenerator > m_spawner;
CTFBotSquad *m_squad;
bool m_didReselectClass;
CHandle< CObjectSentrygun > m_enemySentry;
Vector m_spotWhereEnemySentryLastInjuredMe; // the last position where I was injured by an enemy sentry
CUtlVector< SuspectedSpyInfo_t* > m_suspectedSpyVector;
CUtlVector< CHandle< CTFPlayer > > m_knownSpyVector;
CUtlVector< SniperSpotInfo > m_sniperSpotVector; // collection of good sniping spots for the current objective
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_sniperVantageAreaVector;
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_sniperTheaterAreaVector;
CBaseEntity *m_snipingGoalEntity; // the entity we are guarding (control point, payload cart)
Vector m_lastSnipingGoalEntityPosition;
void SetupSniperSpotAccumulation( void ); // do internal setup when control point changes
CountdownTimer m_retrySniperSpotSetupTimer;
bool m_isLookingAroundForEnemies;
unsigned int m_behaviorFlags; // spawnflags from the bot_generator that spawned us
CUtlVector< CFmtStr > m_tags;
CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_attentionFocusEntity;
CTeamControlPoint *SelectPointToCapture( CUtlVector< CTeamControlPoint * > *captureVector ) const;
CTeamControlPoint *SelectPointToDefend( CUtlVector< CTeamControlPoint * > *defendVector ) const;
mutable CHandle< CTeamControlPoint > m_myControlPoint;
mutable CountdownTimer m_evaluateControlPointTimer;
float m_fModelScaleOverride;
MissionType m_mission;
MissionType m_prevMission;
CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_missionTarget;
CUtlString m_missionString;
CUtlStack< CHandle<CTFWeaponBase> > m_requiredWeaponStack; // if non-empty, bot must equip the weapon on top of the stack
CountdownTimer m_noisyTimer;
struct DelayedNoticeInfo
CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_who;
float m_when;
CUtlVector< DelayedNoticeInfo > m_delayedNoticeVector;
float m_maxVisionRangeOverride;
CountdownTimer m_opportunisticTimer;
CSoundPatch *m_pIdleSound;
float m_squadFormationError;
bool m_hasBrokenFormation;
CUtlStringList m_teleportWhereName; // spawn name an engineer mission teleporter will override
bool m_bForceQuickBuild;
float m_flAutoJumpMin;
float m_flAutoJumpMax;
CountdownTimer m_autoJumpTimer;
CHandle< CCaptureFlag > m_hFollowingFlagTarget;
CUtlVector< const EventChangeAttributes_t* > m_eventChangeAttributes;
inline void CTFBot::SetTeleportWhere( const CUtlStringList& teleportWhereName )
// deep copy strings
for ( int i=0; i<teleportWhereName.Count(); ++i )
m_teleportWhereName.CopyAndAddToTail( teleportWhereName[i] );
inline const CUtlStringList& CTFBot::GetTeleportWhere()
return m_teleportWhereName;
inline void CTFBot::ClearTeleportWhere()
inline void CTFBot::SetMissionString( CUtlString string )
m_missionString = string;
inline CUtlString *CTFBot::GetMissionString( void )
return &m_missionString;
inline void CTFBot::SetMissionTarget( CBaseEntity *target )
m_missionTarget = target;
inline CBaseEntity *CTFBot::GetMissionTarget( void ) const
return m_missionTarget;
inline float CTFBot::GetSquadFormationError( void ) const
return m_squadFormationError;
inline void CTFBot::SetSquadFormationError( float error )
m_squadFormationError = error;
inline bool CTFBot::HasBrokenFormation( void ) const
return m_hasBrokenFormation;
inline void CTFBot::SetBrokenFormation( bool state )
m_hasBrokenFormation = state;
inline void CTFBot::SetMaxVisionRangeOverride( float range )
m_maxVisionRangeOverride = range;
inline float CTFBot::GetMaxVisionRangeOverride( void ) const
return m_maxVisionRangeOverride;
inline void CTFBot::SetBehaviorFlag( unsigned int flags )
m_behaviorFlags |= flags;
inline void CTFBot::ClearBehaviorFlag( unsigned int flags )
m_behaviorFlags &= ~flags;
inline bool CTFBot::IsBehaviorFlagSet( unsigned int flags ) const
return ( m_behaviorFlags & flags ) ? true : false;
inline void CTFBot::StartLookingAroundForEnemies( void )
m_isLookingAroundForEnemies = true;
inline void CTFBot::StopLookingAroundForEnemies( void )
m_isLookingAroundForEnemies = false;
inline int CTFBot::GetBotType( void ) const
return TF_BOT_TYPE;
inline void CTFBot::RememberEnemySentry( CObjectSentrygun *sentry, const Vector &injurySpot )
m_enemySentry = sentry;
m_spotWhereEnemySentryLastInjuredMe = injurySpot;
inline CObjectSentrygun *CTFBot::GetEnemySentry( void ) const
return m_enemySentry;
inline const Vector &CTFBot::GetSpotWhereEnemySentryLastInjuredMe( void ) const
return m_spotWhereEnemySentryLastInjuredMe;
inline CTFBot::DifficultyType CTFBot::GetDifficulty( void ) const
return m_difficulty;
inline void CTFBot::SetDifficulty( CTFBot::DifficultyType difficulty )
m_difficulty = difficulty;
m_nBotSkill = m_difficulty;
inline bool CTFBot::IsDifficulty( DifficultyType skill ) const
return skill == m_difficulty;
inline bool CTFBot::HasProxy( void ) const
return m_proxy == NULL ? false : true;
inline void CTFBot::SetProxy( CTFBotProxy *proxy )
m_proxy = proxy;
inline CTFBotProxy *CTFBot::GetProxy( void ) const
return m_proxy;
inline bool CTFBot::HasSpawner( void ) const
return m_spawner == NULL ? false : true;
inline void CTFBot::SetSpawner( CTFBotGenerator *spawner )
m_spawner = spawner;
inline CTFBotGenerator *CTFBot::GetSpawner( void ) const
return m_spawner;
inline void CTFBot::SetActionPoint( CTFBotActionPoint *point )
m_actionPoint = point;
inline CTFBotActionPoint *CTFBot::GetActionPoint( void ) const
return m_actionPoint;
inline bool CTFBot::IsInASquad( void ) const
return m_squad == NULL ? false : true;
inline CTFBotSquad *CTFBot::GetSquad( void ) const
return m_squad;
inline void CTFBot::SetHomeArea( CTFNavArea *area )
m_homeArea = area;
inline CTFNavArea *CTFBot::GetHomeArea( void ) const
return m_homeArea;
inline void CTFBot::ClearWeaponRestrictions( void )
m_weaponRestrictionFlags = 0;
inline void CTFBot::SetWeaponRestriction( int restrictionFlags )
m_weaponRestrictionFlags |= restrictionFlags;
inline bool CTFBot::HasWeaponRestriction( int restrictionFlags ) const
return m_weaponRestrictionFlags & restrictionFlags ? true : false;
inline void CTFBot::SetAttribute( int attributeFlag )
m_attributeFlags |= attributeFlag;
inline void CTFBot::ClearAttribute( int attributeFlag )
m_attributeFlags &= ~attributeFlag;
inline void CTFBot::ClearAllAttributes()
m_attributeFlags = 0;
inline bool CTFBot::HasAttribute( int attributeFlag ) const
return m_attributeFlags & attributeFlag ? true : false;
inline CTFNavArea *CTFBot::GetSpawnArea( void ) const
return m_spawnArea;
inline bool CTFBot::WasPointJustLost( void ) const
return m_justLostPointTimer.HasStarted() && !m_justLostPointTimer.IsElapsed();
inline const CUtlVector< CTFBot::SniperSpotInfo > *CTFBot::GetSniperSpots( void ) const
return &m_sniperSpotVector;
inline bool CTFBot::HasSniperSpots( void ) const
return m_sniperSpotVector.Count() > 0 ? true : false;
inline CTFBot::MissionType CTFBot::GetMission( void ) const
return m_mission;
inline void CTFBot::SetPrevMission( MissionType mission )
m_prevMission = mission;
inline CTFBot::MissionType CTFBot::GetPrevMission( void ) const
return m_prevMission;
inline bool CTFBot::HasMission( MissionType mission ) const
return m_mission == mission ? true : false;
inline bool CTFBot::IsOnAnyMission( void ) const
return m_mission == NO_MISSION ? false : true;
inline void CTFBot::SetScaleOverride( float fScale )
m_fModelScaleOverride = fScale;
SetModelScale( m_fModelScaleOverride > 0.0f ? m_fModelScaleOverride : 1.0f );
inline bool CTFBot::IsEnvironmentNoisy( void ) const
return !m_noisyTimer.IsElapsed();
inline CTFBot *ToTFBot( CBaseEntity *pEntity )
if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsPlayer() || !ToTFPlayer( pEntity )->IsBotOfType( TF_BOT_TYPE ) )
return NULL;
Assert( "***IMPORTANT!!! DONT IGNORE ME!!!***" && dynamic_cast< CTFBot * >( pEntity ) != 0 );
return static_cast< CTFBot * >( pEntity );
inline const CTFBot *ToTFBot( const CBaseEntity *pEntity )
if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsPlayer() || !ToTFPlayer( const_cast< CBaseEntity * >( pEntity ) )->IsBotOfType( TF_BOT_TYPE ) )
return NULL;
Assert( "***IMPORTANT!!! DONT IGNORE ME!!!***" && dynamic_cast< const CTFBot * >( pEntity ) != 0 );
return static_cast< const CTFBot * >( pEntity );
* Functor used with NavAreaBuildPath()
class CTFBotPathCost : public IPathCost
CTFBotPathCost( CTFBot *me, RouteType routeType )
m_me = me;
m_routeType = routeType;
m_stepHeight = me->GetLocomotionInterface()->GetStepHeight();
m_maxJumpHeight = me->GetLocomotionInterface()->GetMaxJumpHeight();
m_maxDropHeight = me->GetLocomotionInterface()->GetDeathDropHeight();
virtual float operator()( CNavArea *baseArea, CNavArea *fromArea, const CNavLadder *ladder, const CFuncElevator *elevator, float length ) const
VPROF_BUDGET( "CTFBotPathCost::operator()", "NextBot" );
CTFNavArea *area = (CTFNavArea *)baseArea;
if ( fromArea == NULL )
// first area in path, no cost
return 0.0f;
if ( !m_me->GetLocomotionInterface()->IsAreaTraversable( area ) )
return -1.0f;
// in training, avoid capturing the point until the human trainee does so
if ( TFGameRules()->IsInTraining() &&
area->HasAttributeTF( TF_NAV_CONTROL_POINT ) &&
!m_me->IsAnyPointBeingCaptured() &&
!m_me->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_ENGINEER ) ) // allow engineers to path so they can test travel distance for sentry placement
return -1.0f;
// don't path through enemy spawn rooms
if ( ( m_me->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED && area->HasAttributeTF( TF_NAV_SPAWN_ROOM_BLUE ) ) ||
( m_me->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_BLUE && area->HasAttributeTF( TF_NAV_SPAWN_ROOM_RED ) ) )
if ( !TFGameRules()->RoundHasBeenWon() )
return -1.0f;
// compute distance traveled along path so far
float dist;
if ( ladder )
dist = ladder->m_length;
else if ( length > 0.0 )
dist = length;
dist = ( area->GetCenter() - fromArea->GetCenter() ).Length();
// check height change
float deltaZ = fromArea->ComputeAdjacentConnectionHeightChange( area );
if ( deltaZ >= m_stepHeight )
if ( deltaZ >= m_maxJumpHeight )
// too high to reach
return -1.0f;
// jumping is slower than flat ground
const float jumpPenalty = 2.0f;
dist *= jumpPenalty;
else if ( deltaZ < -m_maxDropHeight )
// too far to drop
return -1.0f;
// add a random penalty unique to this character so they choose different routes to the same place
float preference = 1.0f;
if ( m_routeType == DEFAULT_ROUTE && !m_me->IsMiniBoss() )
// this term causes the same bot to choose different routes over time,
// but keep the same route for a period in case of repaths
int timeMod = (int)( gpGlobals->curtime / 10.0f ) + 1;
preference = 1.0f + 50.0f * ( 1.0f + FastCos( (float)( m_me->GetEntity()->entindex() * area->GetID() * timeMod ) ) );
if ( m_routeType == SAFEST_ROUTE )
// avoid combat areas
if ( area->IsInCombat() )
const float combatDangerCost = 4.0f;
dist *= combatDangerCost * area->GetCombatIntensity();
// if this area exposes us to enemy sentry fire, avoid it
const float sentryDangerCost = 5.0f;
if ( ( m_me->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED && area->HasAttributeTF( TF_NAV_BLUE_SENTRY_DANGER ) ) ||
( m_me->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_BLUE && area->HasAttributeTF( TF_NAV_RED_SENTRY_DANGER ) ) )
dist *= sentryDangerCost;
if ( m_me->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_SPY ) )
int enemyTeam = GetEnemyTeam( m_me->GetTeamNumber() );
// Since spies can get right up to enemy buildings, avoid them.
for ( int oit = 0; oit < IBaseObjectAutoList::AutoList().Count(); ++oit )
CBaseObject *enemyObj = static_cast< CBaseObject* >( IBaseObjectAutoList::AutoList()[ oit ] );
if ( ( enemyObj->ObjectType() == OBJ_SENTRYGUN ) &&
( enemyObj->GetTeamNumber() == enemyTeam ) )
if ( enemyObj->GetLastKnownArea() == area )
// There is an enemy building in this area - avoid it as a spy.
const float enemyBuildingCost = 10.0f;
dist *= enemyBuildingCost;
// Spies avoid teammates, since they draw attention and gunfire.
const float teammateCost = 10.0f;
dist += dist * teammateCost * area->GetPlayerCount( m_me->GetTeamNumber() );
// We shouldn't be getting NaNs here. It will be handled when we return, but ideally
// it should be fixed here and not just worked around in NavAreaBuildPath.
DebuggerBreakOnNaN_StagingOnly( dist );
float cost = ( dist * preference );
if ( area->HasAttributes( NAV_MESH_FUNC_COST ) )
cost *= area->ComputeFuncNavCost( m_me );
DebuggerBreakOnNaN_StagingOnly( cost );
return cost + fromArea->GetCostSoFar();
CTFBot *m_me;
RouteType m_routeType;
float m_stepHeight;
float m_maxJumpHeight;
float m_maxDropHeight;
class CClosestTFPlayer
CClosestTFPlayer( const Vector &where, int team = TEAM_ANY )
m_where = where;
m_closeRangeSq = FLT_MAX;
m_closePlayer = NULL;
m_team = team;
CClosestTFPlayer( CBaseEntity *entity, int team = TEAM_ANY )
m_where = entity->WorldSpaceCenter();
m_closeRangeSq = FLT_MAX;
m_closePlayer = NULL;
m_team = team;
bool operator() ( CBasePlayer *player )
if ( !player->IsAlive() )
return true;
if ( player->GetTeamNumber() != TF_TEAM_RED && player->GetTeamNumber() != TF_TEAM_BLUE )
return true;
if ( m_team != TEAM_ANY && player->GetTeamNumber() != m_team )
return true;
CTFBot *bot = ToTFBot( player );
if ( bot && bot->HasAttribute( CTFBot::IS_NPC ) )
return true;
float rangeSq = ( m_where - player->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr();
if ( rangeSq < m_closeRangeSq )
m_closeRangeSq = rangeSq;
m_closePlayer = player;
return true;
Vector m_where;
float m_closeRangeSq;
CBasePlayer *m_closePlayer;
int m_team;
#endif // TF_BOT_H