Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "pushentity.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "func_respawnroom.h"
//#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
class CTFPhysicsPushEntities : public CPhysicsPushedEntities
DECLARE_CLASS( CTFPhysicsPushEntities, CPhysicsPushedEntities );
// Constructor/Destructor.
// Speculatively checks to see if all entities in this list can be pushed
virtual bool SpeculativelyCheckRotPush( const RotatingPushMove_t &rotPushMove, CBaseEntity *pRoot );
virtual bool SpeculativelyCheckLinearPush( const Vector &vecAbsPush );
virtual void FinishRotPushedEntity( CBaseEntity *pPushedEntity, const RotatingPushMove_t &rotPushMove );
bool RotationPushTFPlayer( PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info, const Vector &vecAbsPush, const RotatingPushMove_t &rotPushMove, bool bRotationalPush );
bool RotationCheckPush( PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info );
bool LinearPushTFPlayer( PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info, const Vector &vecAbsPush, bool bRotationalPush );
bool LinearCheckPush( PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info );
bool IsPlayerAABBIntersetingPusherOBB( CBaseEntity *pEntity, CBaseEntity *pRootEntity );
void MovePlayer( CBaseEntity *pBlocker, PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info, float flMoveScale, bool bPusherIsTrain );
void FindNewPushDirection( Vector &vecCurrent, Vector &vecNormal, Vector &vecOutput );
float m_flPushDist;
Vector m_vecPushVector;
CTFPhysicsPushEntities s_TFPushedEntities;
CPhysicsPushedEntities *g_pPushedEntities = &s_TFPushedEntities;
// Purpose: Constructor.
// Purpose: Destructor.
// Purpose:
bool CTFPhysicsPushEntities::SpeculativelyCheckRotPush( const RotatingPushMove_t &rotPushMove, CBaseEntity *pRoot )
// Only do this for "payload" or "escort" maps.
if ( !( TFGameRules()->GetGameType() == TF_GAMETYPE_ESCORT ) )
return BaseClass::SpeculativelyCheckRotPush( rotPushMove, pRoot );
Vector vecAbsPush( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
m_nBlocker = -1;
int nMovedCount = m_rgMoved.Count();
for ( int i = ( nMovedCount - 1 ); i >= 0; --i )
// Is the entity and TF Player?
CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer = NULL;
if ( m_rgMoved[i].m_pEntity && m_rgMoved[i].m_pEntity->IsPlayer() )
pTFPlayer = ToTFPlayer( m_rgMoved[i].m_pEntity );
// Special code to move the player away from the func_train.
if ( pTFPlayer )
// Rotationally push the player!
RotationPushTFPlayer( m_rgMoved[i], vecAbsPush, rotPushMove, true );
ComputeRotationalPushDirection( m_rgMoved[i].m_pEntity, rotPushMove, &vecAbsPush, pRoot );
if (!SpeculativelyCheckPush( m_rgMoved[i], vecAbsPush, true ))
m_nBlocker = i;
return false;
return true;
// Speculatively checks to see if all entities in this list can be pushed
bool CTFPhysicsPushEntities::SpeculativelyCheckLinearPush( const Vector &vecAbsPush )
// Only do this for "payload" or "escort" maps.
if ( !( TFGameRules()->GetGameType() == TF_GAMETYPE_ESCORT ) )
return BaseClass::SpeculativelyCheckLinearPush( vecAbsPush );
m_nBlocker = -1;
int nMovedCount = m_rgMoved.Count();
for ( int i = ( nMovedCount - 1 ); i >= 0; --i )
// Is the entity and TF Player?
CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer = NULL;
if ( m_rgMoved[i].m_pEntity && m_rgMoved[i].m_pEntity->IsPlayer() )
pTFPlayer = ToTFPlayer( m_rgMoved[i].m_pEntity );
// Special code to move the player away from the func_train.
if ( pTFPlayer )
// Linearly push the player!
LinearPushTFPlayer( m_rgMoved[i], vecAbsPush, false );
if (!SpeculativelyCheckPush( m_rgMoved[i], vecAbsPush, false ))
m_nBlocker = i;
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
bool CTFPhysicsPushEntities::RotationPushTFPlayer( PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info, const Vector &vecAbsPush, const RotatingPushMove_t &rotPushMove, bool bRotationalPush )
// Clear out the collision entity so that if we early out we don't send bogus collision data to the physics system.
info.m_Trace.m_pEnt = NULL;
// Look into doing a full engine->CM_Clear( trace)
// Get the player.
CTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( info.m_pEntity );
if ( !pPlayer )
return false;
info.m_vecStartAbsOrigin = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin();
// Get the player collision data.
CCollisionProperty *pCollisionPlayer = info.m_pEntity->CollisionProp();
if ( !pCollisionPlayer )
return false;
// Find the root object if in hierarchy.
CBaseEntity *pRootEntity = m_rgPusher[0].m_pEntity->GetRootMoveParent();
if ( !pRootEntity )
return false;
// Get the pusher collision data.
CCollisionProperty *pCollisionPusher = pRootEntity->CollisionProp();
if ( !pCollisionPusher )
return false;
// Do we have a collision.
if ( !IsOBBIntersectingOBB( pCollisionPlayer->GetCollisionOrigin(), pCollisionPlayer->GetCollisionAngles(), pCollisionPlayer->OBBMins(), pCollisionPlayer->OBBMaxs(),
pCollisionPusher->GetCollisionOrigin(), pCollisionPusher->GetCollisionAngles(), pCollisionPusher->OBBMins(), pCollisionPusher->OBBMaxs(),
0.0f ) )
return false;
// For speed use spheres to approximate push distance.
Vector vecPlayerOrigin = pCollisionPlayer->GetCollisionOrigin();
float flPlayerRadius = pCollisionPlayer->BoundingRadius();
Vector vecPusherOrigin = pCollisionPusher->GetCollisionOrigin();
float flPusherRadius = pCollisionPusher->BoundingRadius();
Vector vecDeltaOrigin;
VectorSubtract( vecPlayerOrigin, vecPusherOrigin, vecDeltaOrigin );
float flRadiusTotal = flPlayerRadius + flPusherRadius;
float flLength = vecDeltaOrigin.Length();
float flDistanceDelta = fabs( flRadiusTotal - flLength );
// Put special code in if we are riding the pusher - only push upward.
if ( pPlayer->GetGroundEntity() == pRootEntity )
// Set the push direction and distance.
m_vecPushVector.Init( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
if ( rotPushMove.amove[0] != 0.0f )
m_flPushDist = fabs( tan( DEG2RAD( rotPushMove.amove[0] ) ) * flPusherRadius );
float flPushAdd = m_flPushDist * 0.1f;
m_flPushDist += flPushAdd;
m_flPushDist = 0.0f;
// Set the push direction and distance.
m_vecPushVector = vecDeltaOrigin;
m_flPushDist = flDistanceDelta;
float flPushAdd = m_flPushDist * 0.1f;
m_flPushDist += flPushAdd;
return RotationCheckPush( info );
// Purpose:
bool CTFPhysicsPushEntities::RotationCheckPush( PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info )
// Get the blocking and pushing entities.
CBaseEntity *pBlocker = info.m_pEntity;
CBaseEntity *pRootEntity = m_rgPusher[0].m_pEntity->GetRootMoveParent();
if ( !pBlocker || !pRootEntity )
return true;
int *pPusherHandles = ( int* )stackalloc( m_rgPusher.Count() * sizeof( int ) );
UnlinkPusherList( pPusherHandles );
for ( int iPushTry = 0; iPushTry < 3; ++iPushTry )
MovePlayer( pBlocker, info, 0.35f, pRootEntity->IsBaseTrain() );
if ( !IsPlayerAABBIntersetingPusherOBB( pBlocker, pRootEntity ) )
RelinkPusherList( pPusherHandles );
// Is the blocked ground the push entity?
info.m_bPusherIsGround = false;
if ( pBlocker->GetGroundEntity() && pBlocker->GetGroundEntity()->GetRootMoveParent() == m_rgPusher[0].m_pEntity )
info.m_bPusherIsGround = true;
// Check to see if the player is in a good spot and attempt a move again if not - but only if it isn't being ridden on.
if ( IsPlayerAABBIntersetingPusherOBB( pBlocker, pRootEntity ) )
// Try again is the player is still blocked.
// DevMsg( 1, "Pushing rotation hard!\n" );
UnlinkPusherList( pPusherHandles );
MovePlayer( pBlocker, info, 1.0f, pRootEntity->IsBaseTrain() );
RelinkPusherList( pPusherHandles );
// The player will never stop a train from moving in TF.
info.m_bBlocked = false;
return true;
// Purpose:
bool CTFPhysicsPushEntities::LinearPushTFPlayer( PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info, const Vector &vecAbsPush, bool bRotationalPush )
// Clear out the collision entity so that if we early out we don't send bogus collision data to the physics system.
info.m_Trace.m_pEnt = NULL;
// Get the player.
CTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( info.m_pEntity );
if ( !pPlayer )
return false;
info.m_vecStartAbsOrigin = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin();
// Get the player collision data.
CCollisionProperty *pCollisionPlayer = info.m_pEntity->CollisionProp();
if ( !pCollisionPlayer )
return false;
// Find the root object if in hierarchy.
CBaseEntity *pRootEntity = m_rgPusher[0].m_pEntity->GetRootMoveParent();
if ( !pRootEntity )
return false;
// Get the pusher collision data.
CCollisionProperty *pCollisionPusher = pRootEntity->CollisionProp();
if ( !pCollisionPusher )
return false;
// Do we have a collision.
if ( !IsOBBIntersectingOBB( pCollisionPlayer->GetCollisionOrigin(), pCollisionPlayer->GetCollisionAngles(), pCollisionPlayer->OBBMins(), pCollisionPlayer->OBBMaxs(),
pCollisionPusher->GetCollisionOrigin(), pCollisionPusher->GetCollisionAngles(), pCollisionPusher->OBBMins(), pCollisionPusher->OBBMaxs(),
0.0f ) )
return false;
if ( pPlayer->GetGroundEntity() == pRootEntity )
m_vecPushVector = vecAbsPush;
m_flPushDist = VectorNormalize( m_vecPushVector );
m_vecPushVector = vecAbsPush;
m_flPushDist = VectorNormalize( m_vecPushVector );
m_vecPushVector.z = 0.0f;
VectorNormalize( m_vecPushVector );
return LinearCheckPush( info );
// Purpose:
bool CTFPhysicsPushEntities::LinearCheckPush( PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info )
// Get the blocking and pushing entities.
CBaseEntity *pBlocker = info.m_pEntity;
CBaseEntity *pRootEntity = m_rgPusher[0].m_pEntity->GetRootMoveParent();
if ( !pBlocker || !pRootEntity )
return true;
// Unlink the pusher from the spatial partition and attempt a player move.
int *pPusherHandles = ( int* )stackalloc( m_rgPusher.Count() * sizeof( int ) );
UnlinkPusherList( pPusherHandles );
MovePlayer( pBlocker, info, 1.0f, pRootEntity->IsBaseTrain() );
RelinkPusherList( pPusherHandles );
// Is the pusher the ground entity the blocker is standing on?
info.m_bPusherIsGround = false;
if ( pBlocker->GetGroundEntity() && pBlocker->GetGroundEntity()->GetRootMoveParent() == m_rgPusher[0].m_pEntity )
info.m_bPusherIsGround = true;
// Check to see if the player is in a good spot and attempt a move again if not - but only if it isn't being ridden on.
if ( !info.m_bPusherIsGround && !IsPushedPositionValid( pBlocker ) )
// Try again is the player is still blocked.
// DevMsg( 1, "Pushing linear hard!\n" );
UnlinkPusherList( pPusherHandles );
MovePlayer( pBlocker, info, 1.0f, pRootEntity->IsBaseTrain() );
RelinkPusherList( pPusherHandles );
// The player will never stop a train from moving in TF.
info.m_bBlocked = false;
return true;
// Purpose:
bool CTFPhysicsPushEntities::IsPlayerAABBIntersetingPusherOBB( CBaseEntity *pEntity, CBaseEntity *pRootEntity )
// Get the player.
CTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( pEntity );
if ( !pPlayer )
return false;
// Get the player collision data.
CCollisionProperty *pCollisionPlayer = pEntity->CollisionProp();
if ( !pCollisionPlayer )
return false;
// Get the pusher collision data.
CCollisionProperty *pCollisionPusher = pRootEntity->CollisionProp();
if ( !pCollisionPusher )
return false;
// Do we have a collision.
return IsOBBIntersectingOBB( pCollisionPlayer->GetCollisionOrigin(), pCollisionPlayer->GetCollisionAngles(), pCollisionPlayer->OBBMins(), pCollisionPlayer->OBBMaxs(),
pCollisionPusher->GetCollisionOrigin(), pCollisionPusher->GetCollisionAngles(), pCollisionPusher->OBBMins(), pCollisionPusher->OBBMaxs(),
0.0f );
// Purpose:
void CTFPhysicsPushEntities::FindNewPushDirection( Vector &vecCurrent, Vector &vecNormal, Vector &vecOutput )
// Determine how far along plane to slide based on incoming direction.
float flBackOff = DotProduct( vecCurrent, vecNormal );
for ( int iAxis = 0; iAxis < 3; ++iAxis )
float flDelta = vecNormal[iAxis] * flBackOff;
vecOutput[iAxis] = vecCurrent[iAxis] - flDelta;
// iterate once to make sure we aren't still moving through the plane
float flAdjust = DotProduct( vecOutput, vecNormal );
if( flAdjust < 0.0f )
vecOutput -= ( vecNormal * flAdjust );
// Purpose:
void CTFPhysicsPushEntities::MovePlayer( CBaseEntity *pBlocker, PhysicsPushedInfo_t &info, float flMoveScale, bool bPusherIsTrain )
// Find out how far we still need to move.
float flFractionLeft = 1.0f;
float flNewDist = m_flPushDist *flMoveScale;
Vector vecPush = m_vecPushVector;
// Find a new push vector.
Vector vecStart = pBlocker->GetAbsOrigin();
vecStart.z += 4.0f;
for ( int iTest = 0; iTest < 4; ++iTest )
// Clear the trace entity.
Vector vecEnd = pBlocker->GetAbsOrigin() + ( flNewDist * vecPush );
UTIL_TraceEntity( pBlocker, vecStart, vecEnd, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, &info.m_Trace );
// we don't want trains pushing enemy players through a respawn room visualizer
if ( bPusherIsTrain && pBlocker->IsPlayer() )
if ( PointsCrossRespawnRoomVisualizer( vecStart, info.m_Trace.endpos, pBlocker->GetTeamNumber() ) )
CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer = ToTFPlayer( pBlocker );
if ( pTFPlayer )
pTFPlayer->CommitSuicide( true, true );
if ( info.m_Trace.fraction > 0.0f )
pBlocker->SetAbsOrigin( info.m_Trace.endpos );
if ( info.m_Trace.fraction == 1.0f || !info.m_Trace.m_pEnt )
// New test distance and position.
flFractionLeft = 1.0f - info.m_Trace.fraction;
flNewDist = flFractionLeft * flNewDist;
flNewDist = flNewDist * ( 1.0f + ( 1.0f - fabs( info.m_Trace.plane.normal.Dot( vecPush ) ) ) );
// Find the new push direction.
Vector vecTmp;
FindNewPushDirection( vecPush, info.m_Trace.plane.normal, vecTmp );
VectorCopy( vecTmp, vecPush );
// Causes all entities in the list to touch triggers from their prev position
void CTFPhysicsPushEntities::FinishRotPushedEntity( CBaseEntity *pPushedEntity, const RotatingPushMove_t &rotPushMove )
// Only do this for "payload" or "escort" maps.
if ( !( TFGameRules()->GetGameType() == TF_GAMETYPE_ESCORT ) )
return BaseClass::FinishRotPushedEntity( pPushedEntity, rotPushMove );
if ( !pPushedEntity->IsPlayer() )
QAngle angles = pPushedEntity->GetAbsAngles();
// only rotate YAW with pushing. Freely rotateable entities should either use VPHYSICS
// or be set up as children
angles.y += rotPushMove.amove.y;
pPushedEntity->SetAbsAngles( angles );