Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdafx.h>
#include "MapWorld.h"
#include "MessageWnd.h"
#include "IEditorTexture.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "TextureSystem.h"
#include "TextureConverter.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "Hammer.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
CProgressDlg * CTextureConverter::m_pProgDlg;
int CTextureConverter::m_nSolidCount;
int CTextureConverter::m_nFaceCount;
int CTextureConverter::m_nDecalCount;
int CTextureConverter::m_nCurrentSolid;
int CTextureConverter::m_nCurrentDecal;
int CTextureConverter::m_nSuccesses;
int CTextureConverter::m_nErrors;
int CTextureConverter::m_nSkipped;
int CTextureConverter::m_nWarnings;
// Purpose: Reset counters.
// Input :
// Output : Counters all reset to 0.
void CTextureConverter::Initialize( void )
m_nSolidCount = 0;
m_nCurrentSolid = 0;
m_nFaceCount = 0;
m_nDecalCount = 0;
m_nCurrentDecal = 0;
m_nSuccesses = 0;
m_nErrors = 0;
m_nSkipped = 0;
m_nWarnings = 0;
// Purpose: Recurse through the contents of the map, passing solid objects on
// to be converted.
// Input : pWorld - pointer to the map to have textures converted.
// Output : All solid faces and decals in the world have WAD3 textures
// converted to VMT.
void CTextureConverter::ConvertWorldTextures( CMapWorld * pWorld )
// Bring the message window to the front, to display conversion info
Msg( mwStatus, "Converting textures from WAD to VMT format..." );
// Set up a progress meter dialogue
m_pProgDlg = new CProgressDlg;
m_pProgDlg->SetStep( 1 );
m_pProgDlg->SetWindowText( "Preparing to convert textures..." );
// Run the converter
ConvertSolids( pWorld );
ConvertDecals( pWorld );
// Destroy the progress meter
if ( m_pProgDlg )
delete m_pProgDlg;
m_pProgDlg = NULL;
AfxMessageBox( "Conversion complete. Check the Hammer \"Messages\" window for complete details." );
// Purpose: Recurse through the contents of the map, passing solid objects on
// to be converted.
// Input : pWorld - pointer to the map to have textures converted.
// Output : All solid faces in the world have WAD3 textures converted to VMT.
void CTextureConverter::ConvertSolids( CMapWorld * pWorld )
// Count total map solids so we know how many we have to do (for progress meter).
pWorld->EnumChildren( ENUMMAPCHILDRENPROC( CountMapSolids ), 0, MAPCLASS_TYPE( CMapSolid ) );
m_pProgDlg->SetRange( 0, m_nSolidCount );
m_pProgDlg->SetStep( 2 );
m_pProgDlg->SetWindowText( "Converting solids..." );
// Cycle through the solids again and convert as necessary.
pWorld->EnumChildren( ENUMMAPCHILDRENPROC( CheckSolidTextures ), 0, MAPCLASS_TYPE( CMapSolid ) );
// Purpose: Enumeration function, increment the solids counter.
// Input :
// Output : Always return true to continue enumerating.
bool CTextureConverter::CountMapSolids( CMapSolid *, DWORD )
return true; // return true to continue enumerating
// Purpose: Enumeration function, check all the faces of a solid for texture conversion
// Input : pSolid - map solid to be checked.
// Output : Always return true to continue enumerating.
bool CTextureConverter::CheckSolidTextures( CMapSolid * pSolid, DWORD )
int nFaceCount;
if ( m_nCurrentSolid % 100 == 0 )
m_pProgDlg->SetPos( m_nCurrentSolid );
// check each face of the solid
nFaceCount = pSolid->GetFaceCount();
while( nFaceCount-- )
CheckFaceTexture( pSolid->GetFace( nFaceCount ) );
return true; // return true to continue enumerating
// Purpose: Check the texture of a face to determine if conversion is necessary.
// Input : pFace - a map face.
// Output :
void CTextureConverter::CheckFaceTexture( CMapFace * pFace )
// Criteria for needing conversion is a) being a dummy texture AND b) having no slashes
// in the texture name.
if ( !pFace->GetTexture()->IsDummy() )
if ( strchr( pFace->GetTexture()->GetName(), '/') != NULL )
ConvertFaceTexture( pFace );
bool TextureEndsIn( const char *pTextureName, const char *pEnd )
const char *pLast = strrchr( pTextureName, '\\' );
if ( strrchr( pTextureName, '/' ) > pLast )
pLast = strrchr( pTextureName, '/' );
if ( pLast )
return stricmp( pLast+1, pEnd ) == 0;
return stricmp( pTextureName, pEnd ) == 0;
// Purpose: Determine if any materials match the old texture of a face and replace
// appropriately.
// Input : pFace - a map face known to need conversion.
// Output :
void CTextureConverter::ConvertFaceTexture( CMapFace * pFace )
EditorTextureList_t tlMatches;
IEditorTexture *pNewTexture;
const char *pTextureName = pFace->GetTexture()->GetName();
// Check for SKY and SKIP brushes.
char *replacements[][2] =
{ "sky", "tools/toolsskybox" },
{ "skip", "tools/toolsskip" },
{ "aaatrigger", "tools/toolstrigger" },
{ "hint", "tools/toolshint" },
{ "clip", "tools/toolsclip" },
{ "null", "tools/toolsnodraw" }
for ( int i=0; i < sizeof( replacements ) / sizeof( replacements[0] ); i++ )
if ( TextureEndsIn( pTextureName, replacements[i][0] ) )
pNewTexture = g_Textures.FindActiveTexture( replacements[i][1] );
if ( pNewTexture )
ReplaceFaceTexture( pFace, pNewTexture );
GetNewTextureMatches( pTextureName, tlMatches );
switch( tlMatches.Count() )
case 0:
MsgConvertFace( pFace, "ERROR: No matching material. Cannot convert." );
case 1:
pNewTexture = tlMatches.Element(0);
ReplaceFaceTexture( pFace, pNewTexture );
// Multiple matches. For now, just use the first.
pNewTexture = tlMatches.Element(0);
ReplaceFaceTexture( pFace, pNewTexture );
// Purpose: Recurse through the contents of the map, passing decal objects on
// to be converted.
// Input : pWorld - pointer to the map to have textures converted.
// Output : All decals in the world have WAD3 textures converted to VMT.
void CTextureConverter::ConvertDecals( CMapWorld * pWorld )
// Count total map decals so we know how many we have to do (for progress meter).
pWorld->EnumChildren( ENUMMAPCHILDRENPROC( CountMapDecals ), 0, MAPCLASS_TYPE( CMapEntity ) );
m_pProgDlg->SetRange( 0, m_nDecalCount );
m_pProgDlg->SetStep( 3 );
m_pProgDlg->SetWindowText( "Converting decals..." );
// Cycle through the solids again and convert as necessary.
pWorld->EnumChildren( ENUMMAPCHILDRENPROC( CheckDecalTextures ), 0, MAPCLASS_TYPE( CMapEntity ) );
// Purpose: Enumeration function, increment the decals counter if entity is a decal.
// Input :
// Output : Always return true to continue enumerating.
bool CTextureConverter::CountMapDecals( CMapEntity * pEnt, DWORD )
if ( !strcmp( pEnt->GetClassName(), "infodecal" ) )
return true; // return true to continue enumerating
// Purpose: Enumeration function, check a decal's texture to determine if
// conversion is necessary.
// Input : pEnt - map decal to be checked.
// Output : Always return true to continue enumerating.
bool CTextureConverter::CheckDecalTextures( CMapEntity * pEnt, DWORD )
if ( strcmp( pEnt->GetClassName(), "infodecal" ) )
return true; // not a decal, return true to continue enumerating
m_pProgDlg->SetPos( m_nCurrentDecal );
if ( strchr( pEnt->GetKeyValue( "texture" ), '/') != NULL )
ConvertDecalTexture( pEnt );
return true; // return true to continue enumerating
// Purpose: Determine if any materials match the old texture of a decal and replace
// appropriately.
// Input : pEnt - a map decal known to need conversion.
// Output :
void CTextureConverter::ConvertDecalTexture( CMapEntity * pEnt )
EditorTextureList_t tlMatches;
IEditorTexture *pNewTexture;
GetNewTextureMatches( pEnt->GetKeyValue( "texture" ), tlMatches );
switch( tlMatches.Count() )
case 0:
MsgConvertDecal( pEnt, "ERROR: No matching material. Cannot convert." );
case 1:
pNewTexture = tlMatches.Element(0);
ReplaceDecalTexture( pEnt, pNewTexture );
// Multiple matches. For now, just use the first.
pNewTexture = tlMatches.Element(0);
MsgConvertDecal( pEnt, "WARNING: Multiple matches found. Using first match (%s).", pNewTexture->GetName() );
ReplaceDecalTexture( pEnt, pNewTexture );
// Purpose: Look for material matches for an old texture and add them to a list.
// Input : pszOldName - old texture name.
// pMatchList - empty texture list.
// Output : pMatchList - texture list is filled in with matching material textures.
void CTextureConverter::GetNewTextureMatches( const char * pszOldName, EditorTextureList_t &tlMatchList )
IEditorTexture * pTexture;
int nIndex;
nIndex = 0;
pTexture = g_Textures.EnumActiveTextures( &nIndex, tfVMT );
// loop through all VMT textures
while ( pTexture != NULL )
if ( TextureNameMatchesMaterialName( pszOldName, pTexture->GetName() ) ) // check for a match
tlMatchList.AddToTail( pTexture );
pTexture = g_Textures.EnumActiveTextures( &nIndex, tfVMT );
// Purpose: Compare an old texture name to a new material name.
// Input : pszTextureName - Old texture name.
// pszMaterialName - New material name.
// Output : Return true if the old texture name is the same (case insensitive)
// as the last token (delimiter '/') of the new material name, otherwise
// return false.
bool CTextureConverter::TextureNameMatchesMaterialName( const char * pszTextureName, const char * pszMaterialName )
const char * pszPartialMaterialName; // sublocation of the material name
pszPartialMaterialName = strrchr( pszMaterialName, '/' ); // Find the last '/'
if ( pszPartialMaterialName != NULL)
pszPartialMaterialName++; // Point to the character after the '/'
pszPartialMaterialName = pszMaterialName; // No slashes found, just point to the name
// No '/' found in the VMT name, or the name ended in a '/'. This shouldn't happen.
if ( ( pszPartialMaterialName == NULL ) || strlen( pszPartialMaterialName ) == 0 )
return false;
if ( stricmp( pszTextureName, pszPartialMaterialName ) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: Change the texture on a face, re-scaling if possible.
// Input : pFace - a map face
// pNewTexture - texture to place on the map face.
// Output : pFace has a new texture pointer set.
void CTextureConverter::ReplaceFaceTexture( CMapFace * pFace, IEditorTexture * pNewTexture )
if ( !pNewTexture->Load() ) // make sure new texture is loaded
MsgConvertFace( pFace, "WARNING: Couldn't load new material. Texture converted but not re-scaled." );
RescaleFaceTexture( pFace, pNewTexture );
pFace->SetTexture( pNewTexture );
// Purpose: Change the texture on a decal
// Input : pEntity - a map decal
// pNewTexture - texture to place on the map face.
// Output : pEnt has a new texture set
void CTextureConverter::ReplaceDecalTexture( CMapEntity * pEnt, IEditorTexture * pNewTexture )
pEnt->SetKeyValue( "texture", pNewTexture->GetName() );
// Purpose: Find a WAD3 texture based on a name search.
// Input : pszName - name of the texture to search for.
// Output : return a texture if found, otherwise NULL.
IEditorTexture * CTextureConverter::FindWAD3Texture( const char * pszName )
IEditorTexture * pTexture;
int nIndex;
nIndex = 0;
pTexture = g_Textures.EnumActiveTextures( &nIndex, tfWAD3 );
// loop through all the WAD3 textures
while ( pTexture != NULL )
if ( !strcmp( pTexture->GetName(), pszName ) ) //check for exact match
return pTexture;
pTexture = g_Textures.EnumActiveTextures( &nIndex, tfWAD3 );
return NULL;
// Purpose: Change the scale and shift values of a texture, based on old texture
// image dimensions compared to new texture image dimensions.
// Input : pFace - map face that the texture to be scaled is on.
// pOldTexture - the old texture.
// pNewTexture - the new texture.
// Output : pFace->scale and pface->texture are modified if either the height or
// width (or both) of the texture has changed.
void CTextureConverter::RescaleFaceTexture( CMapFace * pFace, IEditorTexture * pNewTexture )
int nNewWidth;
int nNewHeight;
int nOldWidth = -1;
int nOldHeight = -1;
// First look for the .resizeinfo in the mod dir (hl2\dod), then the game dir (hl2\hl2).
char resizeInfoFilename[512];
Q_snprintf( resizeInfoFilename, sizeof( resizeInfoFilename ), "materials\\%s.resizeinfo", pNewTexture->GetName() );
FileHandle_t fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( resizeInfoFilename, "rt" );
if ( !fp )
char line[512];
int nScanned = 0;
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->ReadLine( line, sizeof( line ), fp ) )
nScanned = sscanf( line, "%d %d", &nOldWidth, &nOldHeight );
g_pFileSystem->Close( fp );
if ( nScanned != 2 || nOldWidth < 0 || nOldHeight < 0 || nOldWidth > 5000 || nOldHeight > 5000 )
nNewWidth = pNewTexture->GetWidth();
nNewHeight = pNewTexture->GetHeight();
// Divide by 0 checks
if ( ( nOldWidth == 0 ) || ( nOldHeight == 0 ) )
MsgConvertFace( pFace,
"WARNING: Invalid old texture dimensions (%dx%d). Texture converted but not re-scaled.",
// Divide by 0 checks
if ( ( nNewWidth == 0 ) || ( nNewHeight == 0 ) )
MsgConvertFace( pFace,
"WARNING: Invalid new material dimensions (%dx%d). Texture converted but not re-scaled.",
if ( nOldWidth != nNewWidth )
// Adjust the width scale by an old to new ratio
pFace->texture.scale[ 0 ] = pFace->texture.scale[ 0 ] * nOldWidth / nNewWidth;
// Adjust the height shift by a new to old ratio
pFace->texture.UAxis[ 3 ] = pFace->texture.UAxis[ 3 ] * nNewWidth / nOldWidth;
if ( nOldHeight != nNewHeight )
// Adjust the height scale by an old to new ratio
pFace->texture.scale[ 1 ] = pFace->texture.scale[ 1 ] * nOldHeight / nNewHeight;
// Adjust the height shift by a new to old ratio
pFace->texture.VAxis[ 3 ] = pFace->texture.VAxis[ 3 ] * nNewHeight / nOldHeight;
pFace->CalcTextureCoords(); // recompute internals base on the new scaling and shifting.
// Purpose: Send a message to WC's message window about the specified face.
// Input : pFace - The map face the message relates to
// format - The message format string, *printf style
// ... - The remaining arguments of the *printf style message
// Output : A status message is sent to the WC message window.
void CTextureConverter::MsgConvertFace( CMapFace * pFace, const char * format, ... )
va_list ptr;
char message[ 1024 ];
Vector vecFaceCenter;
pFace->GetCenter( vecFaceCenter );
va_start( ptr, format );
_vsnprintf( message, 1024, format, ptr );
va_end( ptr );
Msg( mwStatus,
"[face] %s at (%d,%d,%d): %s",
(int)vecFaceCenter[ 0 ],
(int)vecFaceCenter[ 1 ],
(int)vecFaceCenter[ 2 ],
// Purpose: Send a message to WC's message window about the specified decal.
// Input : pEnt - The map decal the message relates to
// format - The message format string, *printf style
// ... - The remaining arguments of the *printf style message
// Output : A status message is sent to the WC message window.
void CTextureConverter::MsgConvertDecal( CMapEntity * pEnt, const char * format, ... )
va_list ptr;
char message[ 1024 ];
Vector vecOrigin;
pEnt->GetOrigin( vecOrigin );
va_start( ptr, format );
_vsnprintf( message, 1024, format, ptr );
va_end( ptr );
Msg( mwStatus,
"[decal] %s at (%d,%d,%d): %s",
(int) vecOrigin.x,
(int) vecOrigin.y,
(int) vecOrigin.z,
// Purpose: Display information about the full conversion process.
// Input :
// Output : Values of the counters are logged.
void CTextureConverter::DisplayStatistics( void )
Msg( mwStatus, "==================" );
Msg( mwStatus, "Conversion summary:" );
Msg( mwStatus, "==================" );
Msg( mwStatus, "Total solids: %10d", m_nSolidCount );
Msg( mwStatus, "Total faces: %10d", m_nFaceCount );
Msg( mwStatus, "Total decals: %10d", m_nDecalCount );
Msg( mwStatus, "Total conversions: %10d", m_nFaceCount + m_nDecalCount );
Msg( mwStatus, "Successful conversions: %10d", m_nSuccesses );
Msg( mwStatus, "Skipped conversions %10d", m_nSkipped );
Msg( mwStatus, "Conversion errors: %10d", m_nErrors );
Msg( mwStatus, "Conversion warnings: %10d", m_nWarnings );