Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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1156 lines
15 KiB

// Xbox360 Project Generator Definition
"Version" "1.0"
// Configuration
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"Utility" "0"
"Application (.exe)" "1"
"Title (.xex)" "1"
"Dynamic Library (.dll)" "2"
"Dynamic Library (.xex)" "2"
"Static Library (.lib)" "4"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"Not Set" "0"
"Use Unicode Character Set" "1"
"Use Multi-Byte Character Set" "2"
"type" "ignore"
"No Whole Program Optimization" "0"
"Use Link Time Code Generation" "1"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Instrument" "2"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Optimize" "3"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Update" "4"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "string"
"type" "ignore"
// General
"type" "string"
"Disabled" "0"
"C7 Compatible (/Z7)" "1"
"Program Database (/Zi)" "3"
"Program Database for Edit & Continue (/ZI)" "4"
"type" "bool"
"Off: Turn Off All Warnings (/W0)" "0"
"Level 1 (/W1)" "1"
"Level 2 (/W2)" "2"
"Level 3 (/W3)" "3"
"Level 4 (/W4)" "4"
"type" "bool"
"output" "WarnAsError"
"type" "bool"
// Optimization
"Disabled (/Od)" "0"
"Minimize Size (/O1)" "1"
"Maximize Speed (/O2)" "2"
"Full Optimization (/Ox)" "3"
"Custom" "4"
"Default" "0"
"Only __inline (/Ob1)" "1"
"Any Suitable (/Ob2)" "2"
"type" "bool"
"Neither" "0"
"Favor Fast Code (/Ot)" "1"
"Favor Small Code (/Os)" "2"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
// Preprocessor
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"No" "0"
"With Line Numbers (/P)" "1"
"Without Line Numbers (/EP /P)" "2"
"type" "bool"
// Code Generation
"type" "bool"
"output" "StringPooling"
"type" "bool"
"output" "MinimalRebuild"
"alias" "EnableCPPExceptions"
"output" "ExceptionHandling"
"No" "0"
"Yes (/EHsc)" "1"
"Yes With SEH Exceptions (/EHa)" "2"
"type" "bool"
"Default" "0"
"Stack Frames (/RTCs)" "1"
"Uninitialized Variables (/RTCu)" "2"
"Both (/RTC1, equiv. to /RTCsu)" "3"
"Multi-threaded (/MT)" "0"
"Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)" "1"
"Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)" "2"
"Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd)" "3"
"Default" "0"
"1 Byte (/Zp1)" "1"
"2 Bytes (/Zp2)" "2"
"4 Bytes (/Zp4)" "3"
"8 Bytes (/Zp8)" "4"
"16 Bytes (/Zp16)" "5"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"Precise (/fp:precise)" "0"
"Strict (/fp:strict)" "1"
"Fast (/fp:fast)" "2"
"type" "bool"
"output" "FloatingPointExceptions"
// Language
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"output" "DefaultCharIsUnsigned"
"type" "bool"
"output" "TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"output" "RuntimeTypeInfo"
"type" "bool"
"output" "OpenMP"
// Precompiled Headers
"alias" "CreateUsePrecompiledHeader"
"output" "UsePrecompiledHeader"
"Not Using Precompiled Headers" "0"
"Create Precompiled Header (/Yc)" "1"
"Use Precompiled Header (/Yu)" "2"
"alias" "CreateUsePCHThroughFile"
"type" "string"
"output" "PrecompiledHeaderThrough"
"type" "string"
"fixslashes" "1"
// Output Files
"type" "bool"
"No Listing" "0"
"Assembly-Only Listing (/FA)" "1"
"Assembly, Machine Code and Source (/FAcs)" "2"
"Assembly With Machine Code (/FAc)" "3"
"Assembly With Source Code (/FAs)" "4"
"type" "string"
"output" "AssemblerListingLocation"
"type" "string"
"output" "ObjectFile"
"type" "string"
"output" "ProgramDataBaseFileName"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
// Browse Information
"output" "BrowseInformation"
"None" "0"
"Include All Browse Information (/FR)" "1"
"No Local Symbols (/Fr)" "2"
"type" "string"
"output" "BrowseInformationFile"
// Advanced
"Default" "0"
"Compile as C Code (/TC)" "1"
"Compile as C++ Code (/TP)" "2"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"output" "ForcedIncludeFiles"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"output" "OmitDefaultLibName"
// Xbox 360
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"output" "TrapIntegerDivides"
"type" "bool"
"output" "Prescheduling"
"type" "bool"
"output" "InlineAssembly"
"type" "bool"
"Disabled" "0"
"Call profiler around function calls. (/fastcap)" "1"
"Call profiler within function calls. (/callcap)" "2"
// Command Line
"type" "string"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
// General
"type" "string"
"fixslashes" "1"
"Not Set" "0"
"Display All Progress Messages (/VERBOSE)" "1"
"Displays Some Progress Messages (/VERBOSE:LIB)" "2"
"type" "string"
"output" "LinkIncremental"
"Default" "0"
"Yes (/INCREMENTAL)" "2"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
// Input
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"output" "IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
// Debugging
"type" "bool"
"output" "GenerateDebugInformation"
"type" "string"
"output" "ProgramDatabaseFile"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
// System
"type" "integer"
"type" "integer"
// Optimization
"output" "OptimizeReferences"
"Default" "0"
"Keep Unreferenced Data (/OPT:NOREF)" "1"
"Eliminate Unreferenced Data (/OPT:REF)" "2"
"Default" "0"
"Do Not Remove Redundant COMDATs (/OPT:NOICF)" "1"
"Remove Redundant COMDATs (/OPT:ICF)" "2"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"Default" "0"
"Use Link Time Code Generation (/ltcg)" "1"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Instrument (/ltcg:pginstrument)" "2"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Optimize (/ltcg:pgoptimize)" "3"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Update (/ltcg:pgupdate)" "4"
// Advanced
"type" "string"
"output" "EntryPointSymbol"
"type" "bool"
"output" "ResourceOnlyDLL"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"Default" "0"
"Generate a relocation section (/FIXED:NO)" "1"
"Image must be loaded at a fixed address (/FIXED)" "2"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"Default" "0"
"Prompt Immediately (/ERRORREPORT:PROMPT)" "1"
"Queue For Next Login (/ERRORREPORT:QUEUE)" "2"
// Command Line
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"output" "IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"output" "OutputFileName"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"output" "PrivilegeNoODDMapping"
"type" "bool"
"output" "PrivilegePAL50Incompatible"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"Copy to Hard Drive" "0"
"Emulate DVD Drive" "1"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"output" "RemoteRoot"
"Zero Seek Times" "0"
"Accurate Seek Times" "2"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"