You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
137 lines
2.5 KiB
137 lines
2.5 KiB
#! perl
use File::Find;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
$nosync = 0;
$mail = 0;
$daemon = 0;
$ignoremutex = 0;
$result = GetOptions(
"nosync" => \$nosync,
"daemon" => \$daemon,
"mailto:s" => \$mailto,
"mailfrom:s" => \$mailfrom,
"ignoremutex" => \$ignoremutex,
"mail" => \$mail );
$iter = 0;
while( 1 )
my $hasChange = 1;
my $mutex_held = 0;
# check for mutex held
unless( $ignoremutex || $nosync )
open(MUTEX,"p4 counters|") || die "cant' run p4";
$mutex_held = 1 if ( /main_src_lock_\S+\s*=\s*1/);
close MUTEX;
unless( $mutex_held )
print STDERR "Syncing...\n";
system "p4 sync > sync.txt 2>&1";
open SYNC, "<sync.txt";
while( <SYNC> )
if( m/File\(s\) up-to-date/ )
$hasChange = 0;
close SYNC;
if ( $mutex_held )
print STDERR "mutex held, waiting\n";
if( $hasChange || ($iter == 0 ) )
print "Running tests\n";
print "no changes\n";
last unless ($daemon);
sleep 30;
sub RunUnitTests
$error_output ="";
if ( length($error_output ) )
print STDERR "errors detected\n";
open CHANGES, "p4 changes -m 10 -s submitted //ValveGames/main/src/...|";
my @changes = <CHANGES>;
close CHANGES;
if ( $mail && ($error_output ne $last_errors ) )
use Net::SMTP;
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new('');
$smtp->datasend("To: $mailto\n");
$smtp->datasend("Subject: Errors from Unit tests\n");
$smtp->datasend("-" x 75);
$smtp->datasend("\nLAST 10 SUBMITS TO MAIN:\n");
$smtp->datasend(join("",@changes ) );
$last_errors = $error_output;
sub Visitfile
local($_)= $File::Find::name;
next unless( -e "" );
if (/\.(pl|exe|bat)$/i)
my $extension=$1;
my $cmd;
$cmd="perl $_" if ( $extension eq "pl");
$cmd="$_" if ( $extension eq "exe");
$cmd="$_" if ( $extension eq "bat");
print STDERR "run $cmd: ",`$cmd`,"\n";
if (open(ERRIN,"errors.txt" ) )
print STDERR "errors found!\n";
$error_output.="* Failed test: $cmd: ".<ERRIN>."\n";
close ERRIN;