Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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60 lines
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// Project Script
$Macro SRCDIR "..\.."
$Macro OUTBINDIR "$SRCDIR\devtools\bin"
$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_exe_win_win32_base.vpc"
$Create/UsePrecompiledHeader "Use Precompiled Header (/Yu)"
$PrecompiledHeaderFile "Release/syncfrommirror.pch"
$EnableC++Exceptions "Yes (/EHsc)"
$Project "Syncfrommirror"
$Folder "Source Files"
-$File "$SRCDIR\public\tier0\memoverride.cpp"
$File "Redir.cpp"
$File "Redirect.cpp"
$File "syncfrommirror.cpp"
$File "syncfrommirror.rc"
$File "syncfrommirrorDlg.cpp"
$File "StdAfx.cpp"
$Create/UsePrecompiledHeader "Create Precompiled Header (/Yc)"
$Folder "Header Files"
$File "Redir.h"
$File "Redirect.h"
$File "Resource.h"
$File "StdAfx.h"
$File "syncfrommirror.h"
$File "syncfrommirrorDlg.h"
$Folder "Resource Files"
$File "res\syncfrommirror.ico"
$File "res\syncfrommirror.rc2"