Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
#include <tier1/strtools.h>
#include <utlbuffer.h>
#include "demofile.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "demo.h"
#include "proto_version.h"
#include "convar.h" // For dbg_demofile
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
void Host_EndGame (bool bShowMainMenu, const char *message, ...);
// Debug helpers - this class prints in a nested format
ConVar dbg_demofile( "dbg_demofile", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_HIDDEN );
#if defined( DEMOFILE_DBG_PRINT )
class CDbgPrint
static int s_nIndent;
CDbgPrint( const char *pMsg )
if ( dbg_demofile.GetInt() )
for (int i = 0; i < 3*s_nIndent; ++i)
DevMsg(" ");
DevMsg( pMsg );
~CDbgPrint() { --s_nIndent; }
int CDbgPrint::s_nIndent = 0;
#define DemoFileDbg(_txt) CDbgPrint printer( _txt )
#define DemoFileDbg(_txt) (void)0
// Construction/Destruction
CDemoFile::CDemoFile() :
m_pBuffer( NULL ),
m_bAllowHeaderWrite( true ),
m_bIsStreamBuffer( false )
if ( IsOpen() )
void CDemoFile::WriteSequenceInfo(int nSeqNrIn, int nSeqNrOut)
DemoFileDbg( "WriteSequenceInfo()\n" );
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
m_pBuffer->PutInt( nSeqNrIn );
m_pBuffer->PutInt( nSeqNrOut );
// Purpose:
void CDemoFile::ReadSequenceInfo(int &nSeqNrIn, int &nSeqNrOut)
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
nSeqNrIn = m_pBuffer->GetInt( );
nSeqNrOut = m_pBuffer->GetInt( );
inline void ByteSwap_democmdinfo_t( democmdinfo_t &swap )
swap.flags = LittleDWord( swap.flags );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewOrigin.x, &swap.viewOrigin.x );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewOrigin.y, &swap.viewOrigin.y );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewOrigin.z, &swap.viewOrigin.z );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewAngles.x, &swap.viewAngles.x );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewAngles.y, &swap.viewAngles.y );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewAngles.z, &swap.viewAngles.z );
LittleFloat( &swap.localViewAngles.x, &swap.localViewAngles.x );
LittleFloat( &swap.localViewAngles.y, &swap.localViewAngles.y );
LittleFloat( &swap.localViewAngles.z, &swap.localViewAngles.z );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewOrigin2.x, &swap.viewOrigin2.x );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewOrigin2.y, &swap.viewOrigin2.y );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewOrigin2.z, &swap.viewOrigin2.z );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewAngles2.x, &swap.viewAngles2.x );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewAngles2.y, &swap.viewAngles2.y );
LittleFloat( &swap.viewAngles2.z, &swap.viewAngles2.z );
LittleFloat( &swap.localViewAngles2.x, &swap.localViewAngles2.x );
LittleFloat( &swap.localViewAngles2.y, &swap.localViewAngles2.y );
LittleFloat( &swap.localViewAngles2.z, &swap.localViewAngles2.z );
void CDemoFile::WriteCmdInfo( democmdinfo_t& info )
DemoFileDbg( "WriteCmdInfo()\n" );
democmdinfo_t littleEndianInfo = info;
ByteSwap_democmdinfo_t( littleEndianInfo );
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
m_pBuffer->Put( &littleEndianInfo, sizeof(democmdinfo_t) );
// Purpose:
void CDemoFile::ReadCmdInfo( democmdinfo_t& info )
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
m_pBuffer->Get( &info, sizeof(democmdinfo_t) );
ByteSwap_democmdinfo_t( info );
// Purpose:
// Input : cmd -
// *fp -
void CDemoFile::WriteCmdHeader( unsigned char cmd, int tick )
if ( dbg_demofile.GetInt() ) DevMsg( "----------------------------------------\n" );
Assert( cmd >= dem_signon && cmd <= dem_lastcmd );
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
m_pBuffer->PutUnsignedChar( cmd );
m_pBuffer->PutInt( tick );
static const char *cmdname[] =
DemoFileDbg( "WriteCmdHeader()..." );
if ( dbg_demofile.GetInt() ) DevMsg( "tick %i, cmd %s \n", tick, cmdname[cmd] );
// Purpose:
// Input : cmd -
// dt -
// frame -
void CDemoFile::ReadCmdHeader( unsigned char& cmd, int& tick )
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
cmd = m_pBuffer->GetUnsignedChar( );
if ( !m_pBuffer || !m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
ConDMsg("Missing end tag in demo file.\n");
cmd = dem_stop;
if ( cmd <= 0 || cmd > dem_lastcmd )
ConDMsg("Unexepcted command token [%d] in .demo file\n", cmd );
cmd = dem_stop;
tick = m_pBuffer->GetInt( );
void CDemoFile::WriteConsoleCommand( const char *cmdstring, int tick )
DemoFileDbg( "WriteConsoleCommand()\n" );
if ( !cmdstring || !cmdstring[0] )
if ( !m_pBuffer || !m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
int len = Q_strlen( cmdstring ) + 1;
if ( len >= 1024 )
DevMsg("CDemoFile::WriteConsoleCommand: command too long (>1024).\n");
WriteCmdHeader( dem_consolecmd, tick );
WriteRawData( cmdstring, len );
const char *CDemoFile::ReadConsoleCommand()
static char cmdstring[1024];
ReadRawData( cmdstring, sizeof(cmdstring) );
return cmdstring;
unsigned int CDemoFile::GetCurPos( bool bRead )
if ( !m_pBuffer || !m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
return 0;
if ( bRead )
return m_pBuffer->TellGet();
return m_pBuffer->TellPut();
// Purpose:
// Input : buf -
void CDemoFile::WriteNetworkDataTables( bf_write *buf, int tick )
DemoFileDbg( "WriteNetworkDataTables()\n" );
if ( !m_pBuffer || !m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
DevMsg("CDemoFile::WriteNetworkDataTables: Haven't opened file yet!\n" );
WriteCmdHeader( dem_datatables, tick );
WriteRawData( (char*)buf->GetBasePointer(), buf->GetNumBytesWritten() );
// Purpose:
// Input : expected_length -
// &demofile -
int CDemoFile::ReadNetworkDataTables( bf_read *buf )
if ( buf )
return ReadRawData( (char*)buf->GetBasePointer(), buf->GetNumBytesLeft() );
return ReadRawData( NULL, 0 ); // skip data
void CDemoFile::WriteStringTables( bf_write *buf, int tick )
DemoFileDbg( "WriteStringTables()\n" );
if ( !m_pBuffer || !m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
DevMsg("CDemoFile::WriteStringTables: Haven't opened file yet!\n" );
WriteCmdHeader( dem_stringtables, tick );
WriteRawData( (char*)buf->GetBasePointer(), buf->GetNumBytesWritten() );
int CDemoFile::ReadStringTables( bf_read *buf )
if ( buf )
return ReadRawData( (char*)buf->GetBasePointer(), buf->GetNumBytesLeft() );
return ReadRawData( NULL, 0 ); // skip data
// Purpose:
// Input : cmdnumber -
void CDemoFile::WriteUserCmd( int cmdnumber, const char *buffer, unsigned char bytes, int tick )
DemoFileDbg( "WriteUserCmd()\n" );
if ( !m_pBuffer || !m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
WriteCmdHeader( dem_usercmd, tick );
m_pBuffer->PutInt( cmdnumber );
WriteRawData( buffer, bytes );
// Purpose:
// Input : discard -
int CDemoFile::ReadUserCmd( char *buffer, int &size )
int outgoing_sequence;
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
outgoing_sequence = m_pBuffer->GetInt();
size = ReadRawData( buffer, size );
return outgoing_sequence;
// Purpose: Rewind from the current spot by the time stamp, byte code and frame counter offsets
void CDemoFile::SeekTo( int position, bool bRead )
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
if ( bRead )
m_pBuffer->SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, position );
m_pBuffer->SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, position );
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
int CDemoFile::ReadRawData( char *buffer, int length )
int size;
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
if ( !m_pBuffer || !m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
Host_EndGame(true, "Error reading demo message data.\n");
return -1;
size = m_pBuffer->GetInt();
if ( !buffer )
// just skip it
m_pBuffer->SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, size );
return size;
if ( length < size )
// given buffer is too small
DevMsg("CDemoFile::ReadRawData: buffer overflow (%i).\n", size );
m_pBuffer->SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, -(int)sizeof( int ) ); // rewind our get pointer
return -1;
// read data into buffer
m_pBuffer->Get( buffer, size );
return size;
void CDemoFile::WriteRawData( const char *buffer, int length )
DemoFileDbg( "WriteRawData()\n" );
Assert( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() );
m_pBuffer->PutInt( length );
m_pBuffer->Put( buffer, length );
void CDemoFile::WriteDemoHeader()
if ( !m_bAllowHeaderWrite )
DemoFileDbg( "WriteDemoHeader()\n" );
Assert( m_DemoHeader.networkprotocol == PROTOCOL_VERSION );
if ( dbg_demofile.GetInt() )
DevMsg( "\n" );
DevMsg( " demofilestamp: %s\n", m_DemoHeader.demofilestamp );
DevMsg( " demoprotocol (should be %i): %i\n", DEMO_PROTOCOL, m_DemoHeader.demoprotocol );
DevMsg( " networkprotocol (should be %i): %i\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION, m_DemoHeader.networkprotocol );
DevMsg( " servername: %s\n", m_DemoHeader.servername );
DevMsg( " clientname: %s\n", m_DemoHeader.clientname );
DevMsg( " mapname: %s\n", m_DemoHeader.mapname );
DevMsg( " gamedirectory: %s\n", m_DemoHeader.gamedirectory );
DevMsg( " playback_time: %f\n", m_DemoHeader.playback_time );
DevMsg( " playback_ticks: %i\n", m_DemoHeader.playback_ticks );
DevMsg( " playback_frames: %i\n", m_DemoHeader.playback_frames );
DevMsg( " signonlength: %i\n", m_DemoHeader.signonlength );
DevMsg( "\n" );
// Swaps endianness, goes to file start and writes header
demoheader_t littleEndianHeader = *((demoheader_t*)&m_DemoHeader);
ByteSwap_demoheader_t( littleEndianHeader );
// Goto file start
m_pBuffer->SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
// Write
m_pBuffer->Put( &m_DemoHeader, sizeof( m_DemoHeader ) );
demoheader_t *CDemoFile::ReadDemoHeader()
bool bOk;
Q_memset( &m_DemoHeader, 0, sizeof(m_DemoHeader) );
if ( !m_pBuffer || !m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
return NULL;
m_pBuffer->SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
m_pBuffer->Get( &m_DemoHeader, sizeof(demoheader_t) );
bOk = m_pBuffer->IsValid();
ByteSwap_demoheader_t( m_DemoHeader );
if ( !bOk )
return NULL; // reading failed
if ( Q_strcmp( m_DemoHeader.demofilestamp, DEMO_HEADER_ID ) )
ConMsg( "%s has invalid demo header ID.\n", m_szFileName );
return NULL;
if ( m_DemoHeader.networkprotocol != PROTOCOL_VERSION
&& m_DemoHeader.networkprotocol < PROTOCOL_VERSION_12
ConMsg ("ERROR: demo network protocol %i outdated, engine version is %i \n",
m_DemoHeader.networkprotocol, PROTOCOL_VERSION );
return NULL;
if ( ( m_DemoHeader.demoprotocol > DEMO_PROTOCOL) ||
( m_DemoHeader.demoprotocol < 2 ) )
ConMsg ("ERROR: demo file protocol %i outdated, engine vnoteersion is %i \n",
m_DemoHeader.demoprotocol, DEMO_PROTOCOL );
return NULL;
return &m_DemoHeader;
void CDemoFile::WriteFileBytes( FileHandle_t fh, int length )
DemoFileDbg( "WriteFileBytes()\n" );
int copysize = length;
char copybuf[COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE];
while ( copysize > COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE )
g_pFileSystem->Read ( copybuf, COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE, fh );
m_pBuffer->Put( copybuf, COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE );
copysize -= COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE;
g_pFileSystem->Read ( copybuf, copysize, fh );
m_pBuffer->Put( copybuf, copysize );
g_pFileSystem->Flush ( fh );
bool CDemoFile::Open(const char *name, bool bReadOnly, bool bMemoryBuffer, int nBufferSize/*=0*/, bool bAllowHeaderWrite/*=true*/)
if ( m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
ConMsg ("CDemoFile::Open: file already open.\n");
return false;
m_szFileName[0] = 0; // clear name
Q_memset( &m_DemoHeader, 0, sizeof(m_DemoHeader) ); // and demo header
// This is used by replay, which manually writes a header.
m_bAllowHeaderWrite = bAllowHeaderWrite;
if ( bMemoryBuffer )
Assert( !bReadOnly ); // Only read from files
Assert( nBufferSize > 0 );
m_pBuffer = new CUtlBuffer( nBufferSize, nBufferSize, 0 );
m_bIsStreamBuffer = false;
m_pBuffer = new CUtlStreamBuffer( name, NULL, bReadOnly ? CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY : 0, false );
m_bIsStreamBuffer = true;
// Demo files are always little endian
m_pBuffer->SetBigEndian( false );
if ( !m_pBuffer || !m_pBuffer->IsValid() )
ConMsg ("CDemoFile::Open: couldn't open file %s for %s.\n",
name, bReadOnly?"reading":"writing" );
return false;
if ( name )
Q_strncpy( m_szFileName, name, sizeof(m_szFileName) );
return true;
bool CDemoFile::IsOpen()
return m_pBuffer && m_pBuffer->IsValid();
void CDemoFile::Close()
// CUtlBuffer base class does NOT have a virtual destructor!
if ( m_bIsStreamBuffer )
// Destructor will call Close() as needed
delete static_cast<CUtlStreamBuffer*>(m_pBuffer);
delete m_pBuffer;
m_pBuffer = NULL;
int CDemoFile::GetSize()
return m_pBuffer->TellMaxPut();
// Returns the PROTOCOL_VERSION used when .dem was recorded
int CDemoFile::GetProtocolVersion()
return m_DemoHeader.networkprotocol;