Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "server_pch.h"
#include <eiface.h>
#include <dt_send.h>
#include <utllinkedlist.h>
#include "tier0/etwprof.h"
#include "dt_send_eng.h"
#include "dt.h"
#include "net_synctags.h"
#include "dt_instrumentation_server.h"
#include "LocalNetworkBackdoor.h"
#include "ents_shared.h"
#include "hltvserver.h"
#include "replayserver.h"
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "framesnapshot.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar g_CV_DTWatchEnt;
// Delta timing stuff.
static ConVar sv_deltatime( "sv_deltatime", "0", 0, "Enable profiling of CalcDelta calls" );
static ConVar sv_deltaprint( "sv_deltaprint", "0", 0, "Print accumulated CalcDelta profiling data (only if sv_deltatime is on)" );
#if defined( DEBUG_NETWORKING )
ConVar sv_packettrace( "sv_packettrace", "1", 0, "For debugging, print entity creation/deletion info to console." );
class CChangeTrack
char *m_pName;
int m_nChanged;
int m_nUnchanged;
CCycleCount m_Count;
CCycleCount m_EncodeCount;
static CUtlLinkedList<CChangeTrack*, int> g_Tracks;
// These are the main variables used by the SV_CreatePacketEntities function.
// The function is split up into multiple smaller ones and they pass this structure around.
class CEntityWriteInfo : public CEntityInfo
bf_write *m_pBuf;
int m_nClientEntity;
PackedEntity *m_pOldPack;
PackedEntity *m_pNewPack;
// For each entity handled in the to packet, mark that's it has already been deleted if that's the case
CBitVec<MAX_EDICTS> m_DeletionFlags;
CFrameSnapshot *m_pFromSnapshot; // = m_pFrom->GetSnapshot();
CFrameSnapshot *m_pToSnapshot; // = m_pTo->GetSnapshot();
CFrameSnapshot *m_pBaseline; // the clients baseline
CBaseServer *m_pServer; // the server who writes this entity
int m_nFullProps; // number of properties send as full update (Enter PVS)
bool m_bCullProps; // filter props by clients in recipient lists
/* Some profiling data
int m_nTotalGap;
int m_nTotalGapCount; */
// Delta timing helpers.
CChangeTrack* GetChangeTrack( const char *pName )
FOR_EACH_LL( g_Tracks, i )
CChangeTrack *pCur = g_Tracks[i];
if ( stricmp( pCur->m_pName, pName ) == 0 )
return pCur;
CChangeTrack *pCur = new CChangeTrack;
int len = strlen(pName)+1;
pCur->m_pName = new char[len];
Q_strncpy( pCur->m_pName, pName, len );
pCur->m_nChanged = pCur->m_nUnchanged = 0;
g_Tracks.AddToTail( pCur );
return pCur;
void PrintChangeTracks()
ConMsg( "\n\n" );
ConMsg( "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
ConMsg( "CalcDelta MS / %% time / Encode MS / # Changed / # Unchanged / Class Name\n" );
ConMsg( "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
CCycleCount total, encodeTotal;
FOR_EACH_LL( g_Tracks, i )
CChangeTrack *pCur = g_Tracks[i];
CCycleCount::Add( pCur->m_Count, total, total );
CCycleCount::Add( pCur->m_EncodeCount, encodeTotal, encodeTotal );
FOR_EACH_LL( g_Tracks, j )
CChangeTrack *pCur = g_Tracks[j];
ConMsg( "%6.2fms %5.2f %6.2fms %4d %4d %s\n",
pCur->m_Count.GetMillisecondsF() * 100.0f / total.GetMillisecondsF(),
ConMsg( "\n\n" );
ConMsg( "Total CalcDelta MS: %.2f\n\n", total.GetMillisecondsF() );
ConMsg( "Total Encode MS: %.2f\n\n", encodeTotal.GetMillisecondsF() );
// Purpose: Entity wasn't dealt with in packet, but it has been deleted, we'll flag
// the entity for destruction
// Input : type -
// entnum -
// *from -
// *to -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
static inline bool SV_NeedsExplicitDestroy( int entnum, CFrameSnapshot *from, CFrameSnapshot *to )
// Never on uncompressed packet
if( entnum >= to->m_nNumEntities || to->m_pEntities[entnum].m_pClass == NULL ) // doesn't exits in new
if ( entnum >= from->m_nNumEntities )
return false; // didn't exist in old
// in old, but not in new, destroy.
if( from->m_pEntities[ entnum ].m_pClass != NULL )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: Creates a delta header for the entity
static inline void SV_UpdateHeaderDelta(
CEntityWriteInfo &u,
int entnum )
// Profiling info
// u.m_nTotalGap += entnum - u.m_nHeaderBase;
// u.m_nTotalGapCount++;
// Keep track of number of headers so we can tell the client
u.m_nHeaderBase = entnum;
// Write the delta header. Also update the header delta info if bUpdateHeaderDelta is true.
// There are some cases where you want to tenatively write a header, then possibly back it out.
// In these cases:
// - pass in false for bUpdateHeaderDelta
// - store the return value from SV_WriteDeltaHeader
// - call SV_UpdateHeaderDelta ONLY if you want to keep the delta header it wrote
static inline void SV_WriteDeltaHeader(
CEntityWriteInfo &u,
int entnum,
int flags )
bf_write *pBuf = u.m_pBuf;
// int startbit = pBuf->GetNumBitsWritten();
int offset = entnum - u.m_nHeaderBase - 1;
Assert ( offset >= 0 );
SyncTag_Write( u.m_pBuf, "Hdr" );
pBuf->WriteUBitVar( offset );
if ( flags & FHDR_LEAVEPVS )
pBuf->WriteOneBit( 1 ); // leave PVS bit
pBuf->WriteOneBit( flags & FHDR_DELETE );
pBuf->WriteOneBit( 0 ); // delta or enter PVS
pBuf->WriteOneBit( flags & FHDR_ENTERPVS );
SV_UpdateHeaderDelta( u, entnum );
// Calculates the delta between the two states and writes the delta and the new properties
// into u.m_pBuf. Returns false if the states are the same.
// Also uses the IFrameChangeList in pTo to come up with a smaller set of properties to delta against.
// It deltas against any properties that have changed since iFromFrame.
// If iFromFrame is -1, then it deltas all properties.
static int SV_CalcDeltaAndWriteProps(
CEntityWriteInfo &u,
const void *pFromData,
int nFromBits,
PackedEntity *pTo
// Calculate the delta props.
int deltaProps[MAX_DATATABLE_PROPS];
void *pToData = pTo->GetData();
int nToBits = pTo->GetNumBits();
SendTable *pToTable = pTo->m_pServerClass->m_pTable;
// TODO if our baseline is compressed, uncompress first
Assert( !pTo->IsCompressed() );
int nDeltaProps = SendTable_CalcDelta(
ARRAYSIZE( deltaProps ),
pTo->m_nEntityIndex );
// Cull out props given what the proxies say.
int culledProps[MAX_DATATABLE_PROPS];
int nCulledProps = 0;
if ( nDeltaProps )
nCulledProps = SendTable_CullPropsFromProxies(
ARRAYSIZE( culledProps ) );
// Write the properties.
pToData, // object data
u.m_pBuf, // output buffer
nCulledProps );
return nCulledProps;
// NOTE: to optimize this, it could store the bit offsets of each property in the packed entity.
// It would only have to store the offsets for the entities for each frame, since it only reaches
// into the current frame's entities here.
static inline void SV_WritePropsFromPackedEntity(
CEntityWriteInfo &u,
const int *pCheckProps,
const int nCheckProps
PackedEntity * pTo = u.m_pNewPack;
PackedEntity * pFrom = u.m_pOldPack;
SendTable *pSendTable = pTo->m_pServerClass->m_pTable;
CServerDTITimer timer( pSendTable, SERVERDTI_WRITE_DELTA_PROPS );
if ( g_bServerDTIEnabled && !u.m_pServer->IsHLTV() && !u.m_pServer->IsReplay() )
ICollideable *pEnt = sv.edicts[pTo->m_nEntityIndex].GetCollideable();
ICollideable *pClientEnt = sv.edicts[u.m_nClientEntity].GetCollideable();
if ( pEnt && pClientEnt )
float flDist = (pEnt->GetCollisionOrigin() - pClientEnt->GetCollisionOrigin()).Length();
ServerDTI_AddEntityEncodeEvent( pSendTable, flDist );
const void *pToData;
int nToBits;
if ( pTo->IsCompressed() )
// let server uncompress PackedEntity
pToData = u.m_pServer->UncompressPackedEntity( pTo, nToBits );
// get raw data direct
pToData = pTo->GetData();
nToBits = pTo->GetNumBits();
Assert( pToData != NULL );
// Cull out the properties that their proxies said not to send to this client.
const int *sendProps = pCheckProps;
int nSendProps = nCheckProps;
bf_write bufStart;
// cull properties that are removed by SendProxies for this client.
// don't do that for HLTV relay proxies
if ( u.m_bCullProps )
sendProps = pSendProps;
nSendProps = SendTable_CullPropsFromProxies(
ARRAYSIZE( pSendProps )
// this is a HLTV relay proxy
bufStart = *u.m_pBuf;
if ( !u.m_bCullProps && hltv )
// this is a HLTV relay proxy, cache delta bits
int nBits = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsWritten() - bufStart.GetNumBitsWritten();
hltv->m_DeltaCache.AddDeltaBits( pTo->m_nEntityIndex, u.m_pFromSnapshot->m_nTickCount, nBits, &bufStart );
// Purpose: See if the entity needs a "hard" reset ( i.e., and explicit creation tag )
// This should only occur if the entity slot deleted and re-created an entity faster than
// the last two updates toa player. Should never or almost never occur. You never know though.
// Input : type -
// entnum -
// *from -
// *to -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
static bool SV_NeedsExplicitCreate( CEntityWriteInfo &u )
// Never on uncompressed packet
if ( !u.m_bAsDelta )
return false;
const int index = u.m_nNewEntity;
if ( index >= u.m_pFromSnapshot->m_nNumEntities )
return true; // entity didn't exist in old frame, so create
// Server thinks the entity was continues, but the serial # changed, so we might need to destroy and recreate it
const CFrameSnapshotEntry *pFromEnt = &u.m_pFromSnapshot->m_pEntities[index];
const CFrameSnapshotEntry *pToEnt = &u.m_pToSnapshot->m_pEntities[index];
bool bNeedsExplicitCreate = (pFromEnt->m_pClass == NULL) || pFromEnt->m_nSerialNumber != pToEnt->m_nSerialNumber;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( !bNeedsExplicitCreate )
// If it doesn't need explicit create, then the classnames should match.
// This assert is analagous to the "Server / Client mismatch" one on the client.
static int nWhines = 0;
if ( pFromEnt->m_pClass->GetName() != pToEnt->m_pClass->GetName() )
if ( ++nWhines < 4 )
Msg( "ERROR in SV_NeedsExplicitCreate: ent %d from/to classname (%s/%s) mismatch.\n", u.m_nNewEntity, pFromEnt->m_pClass->GetName(), pToEnt->m_pClass->GetName() );
return bNeedsExplicitCreate;
static inline void SV_DetermineUpdateType( CEntityWriteInfo &u )
// Figure out how we want to update the entity.
if( u.m_nNewEntity < u.m_nOldEntity )
// If the entity was not in the old packet (oldnum == 9999), then
// delta from the baseline since this is a new entity.
u.m_UpdateType = EnterPVS;
if( u.m_nNewEntity > u.m_nOldEntity )
// If the entity was in the old list, but is not in the new list
// (newnum == 9999), then construct a special remove message.
u.m_UpdateType = LeavePVS;
Assert( u.m_pToSnapshot->m_pEntities[ u.m_nNewEntity ].m_pClass );
bool recreate = SV_NeedsExplicitCreate( u );
if ( recreate )
u.m_UpdateType = EnterPVS;
// These should be the same! If they're not, then it should detect an explicit create message.
Assert( u.m_pOldPack->m_pServerClass == u.m_pNewPack->m_pServerClass);
// We can early out with the delta bits if we are using the same pack handles...
if ( u.m_pOldPack == u.m_pNewPack )
Assert( u.m_pOldPack != NULL );
u.m_UpdateType = PreserveEnt;
#ifndef _X360
int nBits;
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( !u.m_bCullProps && (hltv || replay) )
unsigned char *pBuffer = hltv ? hltv ->m_DeltaCache.FindDeltaBits( u.m_nNewEntity, u.m_pFromSnapshot->m_nTickCount, nBits )
: replay->m_DeltaCache.FindDeltaBits( u.m_nNewEntity, u.m_pFromSnapshot->m_nTickCount, nBits );
if ( !u.m_bCullProps && hltv )
unsigned char *pBuffer = hltv->m_DeltaCache.FindDeltaBits( u.m_nNewEntity, u.m_pFromSnapshot->m_nTickCount, nBits );
if ( pBuffer )
if ( nBits > 0 )
// Write a header.
SV_WriteDeltaHeader( u, u.m_nNewEntity, FHDR_ZERO );
// just write the cached bit stream
u.m_pBuf->WriteBits( pBuffer, nBits );
u.m_UpdateType = DeltaEnt;
u.m_UpdateType = PreserveEnt;
return; // we used the cache, great
int checkProps[MAX_DATATABLE_PROPS];
int nCheckProps = u.m_pNewPack->GetPropsChangedAfterTick( u.m_pFromSnapshot->m_nTickCount, checkProps, ARRAYSIZE( checkProps ) );
if ( nCheckProps == -1 )
// check failed, we have to recalc delta props based on from & to snapshot
// that should happen only in HLTV/Replay demo playback mode, this code is really expensive
const void *pOldData, *pNewData;
int nOldBits, nNewBits;
if ( u.m_pOldPack->IsCompressed() )
pOldData = u.m_pServer->UncompressPackedEntity( u.m_pOldPack, nOldBits );
pOldData = u.m_pOldPack->GetData();
nOldBits = u.m_pOldPack->GetNumBits();
if ( u.m_pNewPack->IsCompressed() )
pNewData = u.m_pServer->UncompressPackedEntity( u.m_pNewPack, nNewBits );
pNewData = u.m_pNewPack->GetData();
nNewBits = u.m_pNewPack->GetNumBits();
nCheckProps = SendTable_CalcDelta(
ARRAYSIZE( checkProps ),
#ifndef NO_VCR
if ( vcr_verbose.GetInt() )
VCRGenericValueVerify( "checkProps", checkProps, sizeof( checkProps[0] ) * nCheckProps );
if ( nCheckProps > 0 )
// Write a header.
SV_WriteDeltaHeader( u, u.m_nNewEntity, FHDR_ZERO );
#if defined( DEBUG_NETWORKING )
int startBit = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsWritten();
SV_WritePropsFromPackedEntity( u, checkProps, nCheckProps );
#if defined( DEBUG_NETWORKING )
int endBit = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsWritten();
TRACE_PACKET( ( " Delta Bits (%d) = %d (%d bytes)\n", u.m_nNewEntity, (endBit - startBit), ( (endBit - startBit) + 7 ) / 8 ) );
// If the numbers are the same, then the entity was in the old and new packet.
// Just delta compress the differences.
u.m_UpdateType = DeltaEnt;
#ifndef _X360
if ( !u.m_bCullProps )
if ( hltv )
// no bits changed, PreserveEnt
hltv->m_DeltaCache.AddDeltaBits( u.m_nNewEntity, u.m_pFromSnapshot->m_nTickCount, 0, NULL );
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( replay )
// no bits changed, PreserveEnt
replay->m_DeltaCache.AddDeltaBits( u.m_nNewEntity, u.m_pFromSnapshot->m_nTickCount, 0, NULL );
u.m_UpdateType = PreserveEnt;
static inline ServerClass* GetEntServerClass(edict_t *pEdict)
return pEdict->GetNetworkable()->GetServerClass();
static inline void SV_WriteEnterPVS( CEntityWriteInfo &u )
TRACE_PACKET(( " SV Enter PVS (%d) %s\n", u.m_nNewEntity, u.m_pNewPack->m_pServerClass->m_pNetworkName ) );
SV_WriteDeltaHeader( u, u.m_nNewEntity, FHDR_ENTERPVS );
Assert( u.m_nNewEntity < u.m_pToSnapshot->m_nNumEntities );
CFrameSnapshotEntry *entry = &u.m_pToSnapshot->m_pEntities[u.m_nNewEntity];
ServerClass *pClass = entry->m_pClass;
if ( !pClass )
Host_Error("SV_CreatePacketEntities: GetEntServerClass failed for ent %d.\n", u.m_nNewEntity);
TRACE_PACKET(( " SV Enter Class %s\n", pClass->m_pNetworkName ) );
if ( pClass->m_ClassID >= u.m_pServer->serverclasses )
ConMsg( "pClass->m_ClassID(%i) >= %i\n", pClass->m_ClassID, u.m_pServer->serverclasses );
Assert( 0 );
u.m_pBuf->WriteUBitLong( pClass->m_ClassID, u.m_pServer->serverclassbits );
// Write some of the serial number's bits.
u.m_pBuf->WriteUBitLong( entry->m_nSerialNumber, NUM_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_SERIAL_NUMBER_BITS );
// Get the baseline.
// Since the ent is in the fullpack, then it must have either a static or an instance baseline.
PackedEntity *pBaseline = u.m_bAsDelta ? framesnapshotmanager->GetPackedEntity( u.m_pBaseline, u.m_nNewEntity ) : NULL;
const void *pFromData;
int nFromBits;
if ( pBaseline && (pBaseline->m_pServerClass == u.m_pNewPack->m_pServerClass) )
Assert( !pBaseline->IsCompressed() );
pFromData = pBaseline->GetData();
nFromBits = pBaseline->GetNumBits();
// Since the ent is in the fullpack, then it must have either a static or an instance baseline.
int nFromBytes;
if ( !u.m_pServer->GetClassBaseline( pClass, &pFromData, &nFromBytes ) )
Error( "SV_WriteEnterPVS: missing instance baseline for '%s'.", pClass->m_pNetworkName );
ErrorIfNot( pFromData,
("SV_WriteEnterPVS: missing pFromData for '%s'.", pClass->m_pNetworkName)
nFromBits = nFromBytes * 8; // NOTE: this isn't the EXACT number of bits but that's ok since it's
// only used to detect if we overran the buffer (and if we do, it's probably
// by more than 7 bits).
if ( u.m_pTo->from_baseline )
// remember that we sent this entity as full update from entity baseline
u.m_pTo->from_baseline->Set( u.m_nNewEntity );
const void *pToData;
int nToBits;
if ( u.m_pNewPack->IsCompressed() )
pToData = u.m_pServer->UncompressPackedEntity( u.m_pNewPack, nToBits );
pToData = u.m_pNewPack->GetData();
nToBits = u.m_pNewPack->GetNumBits();
/*if ( server->IsHLTV() || server->IsReplay() )
// send all changed properties when entering PVS (no SendProxy culling since we may use it as baseline
u.m_nFullProps += SendTable_WriteAllDeltaProps( pClass->m_pTable, pFromData, nFromBits,
pToData, nToBits, u.m_pNewPack->m_nEntityIndex, u.m_pBuf );
// remove all props that are excluded for this client
u.m_nFullProps += SV_CalcDeltaAndWriteProps( u, pFromData, nFromBits, u.m_pNewPack );
if ( u.m_nNewEntity == u.m_nOldEntity )
u.NextOldEntity(); // this was a entity recreate
static inline void SV_WriteLeavePVS( CEntityWriteInfo &u )
int headerflags = FHDR_LEAVEPVS;
bool deleteentity = false;
if ( u.m_bAsDelta )
deleteentity = SV_NeedsExplicitDestroy( u.m_nOldEntity, u.m_pFromSnapshot, u.m_pToSnapshot );
if ( deleteentity )
// Mark that we handled deletion of this index
u.m_DeletionFlags.Set( u.m_nOldEntity );
headerflags |= FHDR_DELETE;
TRACE_PACKET( ( " SV Leave PVS (%d) %s %s\n", u.m_nOldEntity,
deleteentity ? "deleted" : "left pvs",
u.m_pOldPack->m_pServerClass->m_pNetworkName ) );
SV_WriteDeltaHeader( u, u.m_nOldEntity, headerflags );
static inline void SV_WriteDeltaEnt( CEntityWriteInfo &u )
TRACE_PACKET( ( " SV Delta PVS (%d %d) %s\n", u.m_nNewEntity, u.m_nOldEntity, u.m_pOldPack->m_pServerClass->m_pNetworkName ) );
// NOTE: it was already written in DetermineUpdateType. By doing it this way, we avoid an expensive
// (non-byte-aligned) copy of the data.
static inline void SV_PreserveEnt( CEntityWriteInfo &u )
TRACE_PACKET( ( " SV Preserve PVS (%d) %s\n", u.m_nOldEntity, u.m_pOldPack->m_pServerClass->m_pNetworkName ) );
// updateType is preserveEnt. The client will detect this because our next entity will have a newnum
// that is greater than oldnum, in which case the client just keeps the current entity alive.
static inline void SV_WriteEntityUpdate( CEntityWriteInfo &u )
switch( u.m_UpdateType )
case EnterPVS:
SV_WriteEnterPVS( u );
case LeavePVS:
SV_WriteLeavePVS( u );
case DeltaEnt:
SV_WriteDeltaEnt( u );
case PreserveEnt:
SV_PreserveEnt( u );
static inline int SV_WriteDeletions( CEntityWriteInfo &u )
if( !u.m_bAsDelta )
return 0;
int nNumDeletions = 0;
CFrameSnapshot *pFromSnapShot = u.m_pFromSnapshot;
CFrameSnapshot *pToSnapShot = u.m_pToSnapshot;
int nLast = MAX( pFromSnapShot->m_nNumEntities, pToSnapShot->m_nNumEntities );
for ( int i = 0; i < nLast; i++ )
// Packet update didn't clear it out expressly
if ( u.m_DeletionFlags.Get( i ) )
// If the entity is marked to transmit in the u.m_pTo, then it can never be destroyed by the m_iExplicitDeleteSlots
// Another possible fix would be to clear any slots in the explicit deletes list that were actually occupied when a snapshot was taken
if ( u.m_pTo->transmit_entity.Get(i) )
// Looks like it should be gone
bool bNeedsExplicitDelete = SV_NeedsExplicitDestroy( i, pFromSnapShot, pToSnapShot );
if ( !bNeedsExplicitDelete && u.m_pTo )
bNeedsExplicitDelete = ( pToSnapShot->m_iExplicitDeleteSlots.Find(i) != pToSnapShot->m_iExplicitDeleteSlots.InvalidIndex() );
// We used to do more stuff here as a sanity check, but I don't think it was necessary since the only thing that would unset the bould would be a "recreate" in the same slot which is
// already implied by the u.m_pTo->transmit_entity.Get(i) check
// Check conditions
if ( bNeedsExplicitDelete )
TRACE_PACKET( ( " SV Explicit Destroy (%d)\n", i ) );
u.m_pBuf->WriteUBitLong( i, MAX_EDICT_BITS );
// No more entities..
return nNumDeletions;
Computes either a compressed, or uncompressed delta buffer for the client.
Returns the size IN BITS of the message buffer created.
void CBaseServer::WriteDeltaEntities( CBaseClient *client, CClientFrame *to, CClientFrame *from, bf_write &pBuf )
// Setup the CEntityWriteInfo structure.
CEntityWriteInfo u;
u.m_pBuf = &pBuf;
u.m_pTo = to;
u.m_pToSnapshot = to->GetSnapshot();
u.m_pBaseline = client->m_pBaseline;
u.m_nFullProps = 0;
u.m_pServer = this;
u.m_nClientEntity = client->m_nEntityIndex;
#ifndef _XBOX
if ( IsHLTV() || IsReplay() )
// cull props only on master proxy
u.m_bCullProps = sv.IsActive();
u.m_bCullProps = true; // always cull props for players
if ( from != NULL )
u.m_bAsDelta = true;
u.m_pFrom = from;
u.m_pFromSnapshot = from->GetSnapshot();
Assert( u.m_pFromSnapshot );
u.m_bAsDelta = false;
u.m_pFrom = NULL;
u.m_pFromSnapshot = NULL;
u.m_nHeaderCount = 0;
// u.m_nTotalGap = 0;
// u.m_nTotalGapCount = 0;
// set from_baseline pointer if this snapshot may become a baseline update
if ( client->m_nBaselineUpdateTick == -1 )
to->from_baseline = &client->m_BaselinesSent;
// Write the header, TODO use class SVC_PacketEntities
TRACE_PACKET(( "WriteDeltaEntities (%d)\n", u.m_pToSnapshot->m_nNumEntities ));
u.m_pBuf->WriteUBitLong( svc_PacketEntities, NETMSG_TYPE_BITS );
u.m_pBuf->WriteUBitLong( u.m_pToSnapshot->m_nNumEntities, MAX_EDICT_BITS );
if ( u.m_bAsDelta )
u.m_pBuf->WriteOneBit( 1 ); // use delta sequence
u.m_pBuf->WriteLong( u.m_pFrom->tick_count ); // This is the sequence # that we are updating from.
u.m_pBuf->WriteOneBit( 0 ); // use baseline
u.m_pBuf->WriteUBitLong ( client->m_nBaselineUsed, 1 ); // tell client what baseline we are using
// Store off current position
bf_write savepos = *u.m_pBuf;
// Save room for number of headers to parse, too
u.m_pBuf->WriteUBitLong ( 0, MAX_EDICT_BITS+DELTASIZE_BITS+1 );
int startbit = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsWritten();
bool bIsTracing = client->IsTracing();
if ( bIsTracing )
client->TraceNetworkData( pBuf, "Delta Entities Overhead" );
// Don't work too hard if we're using the optimized single-player mode.
if ( !g_pLocalNetworkBackdoor )
// Iterate through the in PVS bitfields until we find an entity
// that was either in the old pack or the new pack
while ( (u.m_nOldEntity != ENTITY_SENTINEL) || (u.m_nNewEntity != ENTITY_SENTINEL) )
u.m_pNewPack = (u.m_nNewEntity != ENTITY_SENTINEL) ? framesnapshotmanager->GetPackedEntity( u.m_pToSnapshot, u.m_nNewEntity ) : NULL;
u.m_pOldPack = (u.m_nOldEntity != ENTITY_SENTINEL) ? framesnapshotmanager->GetPackedEntity( u.m_pFromSnapshot, u.m_nOldEntity ) : NULL;
int nEntityStartBit = pBuf.GetNumBitsWritten();
// Figure out how we want to write this entity.
SV_DetermineUpdateType( u );
SV_WriteEntityUpdate( u );
if ( !bIsTracing )
switch ( u.m_UpdateType )
case PreserveEnt:
case EnterPVS:
char const *eString = sv.edicts[ u.m_pNewPack->m_nEntityIndex ].GetNetworkable()->GetClassName();
client->TraceNetworkData( pBuf, "enter [%s]", eString );
ETWMark1I( eString, pBuf.GetNumBitsWritten() - nEntityStartBit );
case LeavePVS:
// Note, can't use GetNetworkable() since the edict has been freed at this point
char const *eString = u.m_pOldPack->m_pServerClass->m_pNetworkName;
client->TraceNetworkData( pBuf, "leave [%s]", eString );
ETWMark1I( eString, pBuf.GetNumBitsWritten() - nEntityStartBit );
case DeltaEnt:
char const *eString = sv.edicts[ u.m_pOldPack->m_nEntityIndex ].GetNetworkable()->GetClassName();
client->TraceNetworkData( pBuf, "delta [%s]", eString );
ETWMark1I( eString, pBuf.GetNumBitsWritten() - nEntityStartBit );
// Now write out the express deletions
int nNumDeletions = SV_WriteDeletions( u );
if ( bIsTracing )
client->TraceNetworkData( pBuf, "Delta: [%d] deletions", nNumDeletions );
// get number of written bits
int length = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsWritten() - startbit;
// go back to header and fill in correct length now
savepos.WriteUBitLong( u.m_nHeaderCount, MAX_EDICT_BITS );
savepos.WriteUBitLong( length, DELTASIZE_BITS );
bool bUpdateBaseline = ( (client->m_nBaselineUpdateTick == -1) &&
(u.m_nFullProps > 0 || !u.m_bAsDelta) );
if ( bUpdateBaseline && u.m_pBaseline )
// tell client to use this snapshot as baseline update
savepos.WriteOneBit( 1 );
client->m_nBaselineUpdateTick = to->tick_count;
savepos.WriteOneBit( 0 );
if ( bIsTracing )
client->TraceNetworkData( pBuf, "Delta Finish" );