Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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372 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "client_pch.h"
#include "vgui_texturebudgetpanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Label.h"
#include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "ivideomode.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Globals.
static CTextureBudgetPanel *g_pTextureBudgetPanel = NULL;
static void TextureCVarChangedCallBack( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue );
ConVar texture_budget_panel_global( "texture_budget_panel_global", "0", 0, "Show global times in the texture budget panel." );
ConVar showbudget_texture( "showbudget_texture", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Enable the texture budget panel." );
ConVar showbudget_texture_global_sum( "showbudget_texture_global_sum", "0.0f" );
// Commands to turn on the texture budget panel, with per-FRAME settings.
void showbudget_texture_on_f()
texture_budget_panel_global.SetValue( 0 );
showbudget_texture.SetValue( 1 );
void showbudget_texture_off_f()
showbudget_texture.SetValue( 0 );
ConCommand showbudget_texture_on( "+showbudget_texture", showbudget_texture_on_f, "", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConCommand showbudget_texture_off( "-showbudget_texture", showbudget_texture_off_f, "", FCVAR_CHEAT );
// Commands to turn on the texture budget panel, with GLOBAL settings.
void showbudget_texture_global_on_f()
texture_budget_panel_global.SetValue( 1 );
showbudget_texture.SetValue( 1 );
void showbudget_texture_global_off_f()
showbudget_texture.SetValue( 0 );
ConCommand showbudget_texture_global_on( "+showbudget_texture_global", showbudget_texture_global_on_f, "", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConCommand showbudget_texture_global_off( "-showbudget_texture_global", showbudget_texture_global_off_f, "", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar texture_budget_panel_x( "texture_budget_panel_x", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel", TextureCVarChangedCallBack );
ConVar texture_budget_panel_y( "texture_budget_panel_y", "450", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel", TextureCVarChangedCallBack );
ConVar texture_budget_panel_width( "texture_budget_panel_width", "512", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "width in pixels of the budget panel", TextureCVarChangedCallBack );
ConVar texture_budget_panel_height( "texture_budget_panel_height", "284", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "height in pixels of the budget panel", TextureCVarChangedCallBack );
ConVar texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction( "texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction", ".25", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "number between 0 and 1", TextureCVarChangedCallBack );
ConVar texture_budget_background_alpha( "texture_budget_background_alpha", "128", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "how translucent the budget panel is" );
CTextureBudgetPanel *GetTextureBudgetPanel( void )
return g_pTextureBudgetPanel;
static void TextureCVarChangedCallBack( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue )
if ( GetTextureBudgetPanel() )
CTextureBudgetPanel::CTextureBudgetPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pElementName )
: BaseClass( pParent, pElementName )
m_LastCounterGroup = -1;
g_pTextureBudgetPanel = this;
m_MaxValue = 1000;
m_SumOfValues = 0;
m_pModeLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "mode label", "" );
m_pModeLabel->SetParent( pParent );
SetVisible( false );
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 0 );
Assert( g_pTextureBudgetPanel == this );
g_pTextureBudgetPanel = NULL;
if ( m_pModeLabel )
delete m_pModeLabel;
m_pModeLabel = NULL;
void CTextureBudgetPanel::OnTick()
if ( showbudget_texture.GetBool() )
m_pModeLabel->SetVisible( true );
SetVisible( true );
m_pModeLabel->SetVisible( false );
SetVisible( false );
void CTextureBudgetPanel::Paint()
g_VProfCurrentProfile.ResetCounters( COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_PER_FRAME );
void CTextureBudgetPanel::SendConfigDataToBase()
// Setup all the data.
CBudgetPanelConfigData data;
// Copy the budget group names in.
for ( int i=0; i < g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetNumCounters(); i++ )
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterGroup( i ) == GetCurrentCounterGroup() )
// Strip off the TexGroup__ prefix.
const char *pGroupName = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterName( i );
const char *pPrefixes[2] = { "TexGroup_global_", "TexGroup_frame_" };
for ( int iPrefix=0; iPrefix < 2; iPrefix++ )
char alternateName[256];
if ( strstr( pGroupName, pPrefixes[iPrefix] ) == pGroupName )
int len = strlen( pPrefixes[iPrefix] );
Q_strncpy( alternateName, &pGroupName[len], len );
alternateName[len] = 0;
pGroupName = alternateName;
CBudgetGroupInfo info;
int r, g, b, a;
g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetBudgetGroupColor( data.m_BudgetGroupInfo.Count(), r, g, b, a );
info.m_Color.SetColor( r, g, b, a );
info.m_Name = pGroupName;
data.m_BudgetGroupInfo.AddToTail( info );
// Copy all the cvars in.
data.m_flBottomOfHistoryFraction = texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction.GetFloat();
data.m_flBarGraphRange = (m_MaxValue * 4) / 3;
data.m_flTimeLabelInterval = data.m_flBarGraphRange / 4;
data.m_nLinesPerTimeLabel = 4;
data.m_flHistoryRange = (m_SumOfValues * 4) / 3;
// Use the middle three fifths for history labels.
data.m_HistoryLabelValues.SetSize( 3 );
for ( int i=0; i < data.m_HistoryLabelValues.Count(); i++ )
data.m_HistoryLabelValues[i] = (i+1) * data.m_flHistoryRange / 4;
data.m_flBackgroundAlpha = texture_budget_background_alpha.GetFloat();
data.m_xCoord = texture_budget_panel_x.GetInt();
data.m_yCoord = texture_budget_panel_y.GetInt();
data.m_Width = texture_budget_panel_width.GetInt();
data.m_Height = texture_budget_panel_height.GetInt();
// Shift it..
if ( data.m_xCoord + data.m_Width > videomode->GetModeStereoWidth() )
data.m_xCoord = videomode->GetModeStereoWidth() - data.m_Width;
if ( data.m_yCoord + data.m_Height > videomode->GetModeStereoHeight() )
data.m_yCoord = videomode->GetModeStereoHeight() - data.m_Height;
// Send the config data to the base class.
OnConfigDataChanged( data );
void CTextureBudgetPanel::PerformLayout()
// Update our label that tells what kind of data we are.
const char *pStr = "Per-frame texture stats";
if ( texture_budget_panel_global.GetInt() )
pStr = "Global texture stats";
m_pModeLabel->SetText( pStr );
int width = g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawTextLen( m_pModeLabel->GetFont(), "%s", pStr );
m_pModeLabel->SetSize( width + 10, m_pModeLabel->GetTall() );
int x, y;
GetPos( x, y );
m_pModeLabel->SetPos( x, y - m_pModeLabel->GetTall() );
m_pModeLabel->SetFgColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
m_pModeLabel->SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, texture_budget_background_alpha.GetInt() ) );
void CTextureBudgetPanel::OnCVarStateChanged()
CounterGroup_t CTextureBudgetPanel::GetCurrentCounterGroup() const
if ( texture_budget_panel_global.GetInt() )
void CTextureBudgetPanel::SnapshotTextureHistory()
// Now sample all the data.
CVProfile *pProf = &g_VProfCurrentProfile;
m_SumOfValues = 0;
for ( int i=0; i < pProf->GetNumCounters(); i++ )
if ( pProf->GetCounterGroup( i ) == GetCurrentCounterGroup() )
// The counters are in bytes and the panel is all in kilobytes.
int value = pProf->GetCounterValue( i ) / 1024;
m_SumOfValues += value;
m_MaxValue = max( m_MaxValue, value );
showbudget_texture_global_sum.SetValue( m_SumOfValues );
// Send new config data if the range has expanded.
bool bForceSendConfigData = false;
if ( (float)m_MaxValue > GetConfigData().m_flBarGraphRange || m_SumOfValues > GetConfigData().m_flHistoryRange )
bForceSendConfigData = true;
// If we switched counter groups, reset everything.
if ( m_LastCounterGroup != GetCurrentCounterGroup() )
m_LastCounterGroup = GetCurrentCounterGroup();
// Count up the current number of counters.
int nCounters = 0;
for ( int i=0; i < g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetNumCounters(); i++ )
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterGroup( i ) == GetCurrentCounterGroup() )
// Do we need to reset all the data?
if ( bForceSendConfigData || nCounters != GetNumCachedBudgetGroups() )
// Now update the data for this frame.
m_BudgetHistoryOffset = ( m_BudgetHistoryOffset + 1 ) % BUDGET_HISTORY_COUNT;
int groupID = 0;
for ( int i=0; i < pProf->GetNumCounters(); i++ )
if ( pProf->GetCounterGroup( i ) == GetCurrentCounterGroup() )
// The counters are in bytes and the panel is all in kilobytes.
int value = pProf->GetCounterValue( i ) / 1024;
m_BudgetGroupTimes[groupID].m_Time[m_BudgetHistoryOffset] = value;
void CTextureBudgetPanel::SetTimeLabelText()
for ( int i=0; i < m_TimeLabels.Count(); i++ )
char text[512];
Q_snprintf( text, sizeof( text ), "%.1fM", (float)( i * GetConfigData().m_flTimeLabelInterval ) / 1024 );
m_TimeLabels[i]->SetText( text );
void CTextureBudgetPanel::SetHistoryLabelText()
for ( int i=0; i < m_HistoryLabels.Count(); i++ )
char text[512];
Q_snprintf( text, sizeof( text ), "%.1fM", GetConfigData().m_HistoryLabelValues[i] / 1024 );
m_HistoryLabels[i]->SetText( text );
void CTextureBudgetPanel::ResetAll()
m_MaxValue = 0;
m_SumOfValues = 0;
void CTextureBudgetPanel::DumpGlobalTextureStats( const CCommand &args )
// Setup all the data.
CBudgetPanelConfigData data;
// Copy the budget group names in.
for ( int i=0; i < g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetNumCounters(); i++ )
if ( g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterGroup( i ) == COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_GLOBAL )
// Strip off the TexGroup__ prefix.
const char *pGroupName = g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterName( i );
// The counters are in bytes and the panel is all in kilobytes.
// int value = pProf->GetCounterValue( i ) / 1024;
Warning( "%s: %d\n", pGroupName, ( int )g_VProfCurrentProfile.GetCounterValue( i ) );