Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Generic in-game abuse reporting
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <igamesystem.h>
#include <GameEventListener.h>
#include <bitmap/bitmap.h>
#include <netadr.h>
/// Different content types that can be reported as abusive.
/// WARNING: These enum values MUST MATCH the values in Steam's
/// ECommunityContentType!
enum EAbuseReportContentType
k_EAbuseReportContentNoSelection = -1, // dummy ilegal value: the user has not made a selection
k_EAbuseReportContentUnspecified = 0, // we use this to mean "other"
//k_EAbuseReportContentAll = 1, // reset all community content
k_EAbuseReportContentAvatarImage = 2, // clear avatar image
//k_EAbuseReportContentProfileText = 3, // reset profile text
//k_EAbuseReportContentWebLinks = 4, // delete web links
//k_EAbuseReportContentAnnouncement = 5,
//k_EAbuseReportContentEventText = 6,
//k_EAbuseReportContentCustomCSS = 7,
//k_EAbuseReportContentProfileURL = 8, // delete community URL ID
k_EAbuseReportContentComments = 9, // just comments this guy has written
k_EAbuseReportContentPersonaName = 10, // persona name
//k_EAbuseReportContentScreenshot = 11, // screenshot
//k_EAbuseReportContentVideo = 12, // videos
k_EAbuseReportContentCheating = 13, // cheating
k_EAbuseReportContentUGCImage = 14, // Image stored in UGC --- the report is accusing the image of being offensive
k_EAbuseReportContentActorUGCImage = 15, // Abuse report actor has uploaded a UGC image to server as supporting documentation of their claim
/// Types of reasons why a violation report was issued
/// WARNING: These enum values MUST MATCH the values in Steam's
/// EAbuseReportType!
enum EAbuseReportType
k_EAbuseReportTypeNoSelection = -1, // dummy ilegal value: the user has not made a selection
k_EAbuseReportTypeUnspecified = 0,
k_EAbuseReportTypeInappropriate = 1, // just not ok to post
k_EAbuseReportTypeProhibited = 2, // prohibited by EULA or general law
k_EAbuseReportTypeSpamming = 3, // excessive spamming
k_EAbuseReportTypeAdvertisement = 4, // unwanted advertisement
//k_EAbuseReportTypeExploit = 5, // content data attempts to exploit code issue
k_EAbuseReportTypeSpoofing = 6, // user/group is impersonating an official contact
k_EAbuseReportTypeLanguage = 7, // bad language
k_EAbuseReportTypeAdultContent = 8, // any kind of adult material, references etc
k_EAbuseReportTypeHarassment = 9, // harassment, discrimination, racism etc
k_EAbuseReportTypeCheating = 10, // cheating
/// Container class that has everything we need to know in order to file
/// an abuse report, which is significantly more than the data we actually
/// include in a particular abuse report. It's everything we save off at the
/// time the user initiates the abuse reporting mechanism. Games can derive
/// their own report types and put game-specific data in here.
struct AbuseIncidentData_t
virtual ~AbuseIncidentData_t();
enum EPlayerImageType
/// A custom image of the player's that could be considered offensive
struct PlayerImage_t
/// What kind of image is it?
EPlayerImageType m_eType;
/// For UGC images, what's the handle?
uint64 m_hUGCHandle;
/// Info we remember for one player.
struct PlayerData_t
m_iClientIndex = -1;
m_iSteamAvatarIndex = -1;
/// The client index. (See UTIL_PlayerByIndex). Note that this
/// index is really only valid at the time the incident is captured.
/// Because players can leave after the incident is captured.
int m_iClientIndex;
/// The name they were going by at the time
CUtlString m_sPersona;
/// Their steam ID. This is essential so we can file
/// an abuse report!
CSteamID m_steamID;
/// Index of steam friends icon for their avatar.
/// 0 if they don't have one!
int m_iSteamAvatarIndex;
/// Do we have an entity for this player? They might not have spawned,
/// or might be outside our PVS, etc.
bool m_bHasEntity;
/// Model transform for the player's render stuff
VMatrix m_matModelToWorld;
/// Model->clip matrix for the player's render stuff
VMatrix m_matModelToClip;
/// True if the render bounds are approximately correct, false if not
bool m_bRenderBoundsValid;
/// Bounds (in model space) of the player's renderable stuff
Vector m_vecRenderBoundsMin, m_vecRenderBoundsMax;
/// Bounds (in normalized screen space coords 0...1) of the player's
/// renderable stuff
Vector2D m_screenBoundsMin, m_screenBoundsMax;
/// List of his images
CUtlVector<PlayerImage_t> m_vecImages;
/// List of base player data. You got more data per player in your derived
/// incident type? Store it in a parallel array.
CUtlVector<PlayerData_t> m_vecPlayers;
/// Camera world -> clip matrix.
VMatrix m_matWorldToClip;
/// Screenshot
Bitmap_t m_bitmapScreenshot;
// Screenshot file data
CUtlBuffer m_bufScreenshotFileData;
/// Number of frames we're willing to wait for the engine to write out a screenshot.
/// Zero if we already failed
int m_nScreenShotWaitFrames;
/// Is it possible to report the game server itself for abuse?
bool m_bCanReportGameServer;
/// What Game Server/IP are we on? Will be an invalid address if we don't know
netadr_t m_adrGameServer;
/// Steam ID of the game server / IP we are on
CSteamID m_steamIDGameServer;
/// Poll report (some data may have to be fetched asynchronously),
/// return true if everything is ready
virtual bool Poll();
/// Generic abuse reporting panel. Your
class CAbuseReportManager : public CBaseGameSystemPerFrame, public CGameEventListener
virtual ~CAbuseReportManager();
// CAutoGameSystemPerFrame overrides
virtual char const *Name();
virtual bool Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual void LevelShutdownPreEntity();
// CGameEventListener overrides
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
// CAutoGameSystemPerFrame defines different stuff depending on which DLL we're building
// Do our frame-time processing
virtual void Update( float frametime );
#error "Why is this being included?"
/// Called when the console command is executed to capture data for a report
virtual void QueueReport();
/// Called when the console command is executed to submit data for a report
virtual void SubmitReportUIRequested();
/// Called to actually trigger the report UI, after all data is ready
virtual void ActivateSubmitReportUI() = 0;
/// Fetch the incident that's queued to be reported
AbuseIncidentData_t *GetIncidentData() const { return m_pIncidentData; }
/// Delete any current report incident. Also should clean
/// out any temporary files used by the incident system.
virtual void DestroyIncidentData();
/// Show a message box complaining about lack of steam
/// connection
virtual void ShowNoSteamErrorMessage();
/// Insert a a notification into the queue indicating that an unfiled report is ready
virtual void CreateReportReadyNotification( bool bInGame, float flLifetime );
/// Test harness. Set this to true, to generate fake data
bool m_bTestReport;
static const char k_rchScreenShotFilenameBase[];
static const char k_rchScreenShotFilename[];
/// Your app will probably define its own abuse report types.
/// if so, you will need to override this function.
/// The base class just calls new to create an object, then calls
/// PopulateIncident()
virtual bool CreateAndPopulateIncident();
/// Fill in the details about the current incident. This just fills in the
/// base class data, and it should be called from CreateAndPopulateIncident
bool PopulateIncident();
/// Current incident that is pending to be reported or is being generated.
/// Might be NULL.
AbuseIncidentData_t *m_pIncidentData;
/// Status of incident data.
enum EIncidentDataStatus
k_EIncidentDataStatus_Preparing, // we shuld call Poll() until it's ready
k_EIncidentDataStatus_Ready, // it's ready
EIncidentDataStatus m_eIncidentDataStatus;
/// Do we want to show the report UI as soon as the report is ready?
bool m_bReportUIPending;
void CheckCreateReportReadyNotification( float flMinSecondsSinceLastNotification, bool bInGame, float flLifetime );
/// Time when we last pestered them about filing their report
double m_timeLastReportReadyNotification;
/// Address of the lasts server we connected to
netadr_t m_adrCurrentServer;
CSteamID m_steamIDCurrentServer;
/// Pointer to the app-specific instance. This pointer mght be NULL! Your
/// app should define set this pointer if it uses the system
extern CAbuseReportManager *g_AbuseReportMgr;
#endif // ABUSE_REPORT_H