Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Client explosions
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tempentity.h" // FLAGS
#include "c_te_particlesystem.h"
#include "ragdollexplosionenumerator.h"
#include "glow_overlay.h"
#include "fx_explosion.h"
#include "clienteffectprecachesystem.h"
#include "engine/ivdebugoverlay.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "toolframework_client.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Enumator class for ragdolls being affected by explosive forces
CRagdollExplosionEnumerator::CRagdollExplosionEnumerator( Vector origin, float radius, float magnitude )
m_vecOrigin = origin;
m_flMagnitude = magnitude;
m_flRadius = radius;
// Actual work code
IterationRetval_t CRagdollExplosionEnumerator::EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity )
C_BaseEntity *pEnt = ClientEntityList().GetBaseEntityFromHandle( pHandleEntity->GetRefEHandle() );
if ( pEnt == NULL )
C_BaseAnimating *pModel = static_cast< C_BaseAnimating * >( pEnt );
// If the ragdoll was created on this tick, then the forces were already applied on the server
if ( pModel == NULL || WasRagdollCreatedOnCurrentTick( pEnt ) )
m_Entities.AddToTail( pEnt );
for (int i = 0; i < m_Entities.Count(); i++ )
C_BaseEntity *pEnt = m_Entities[i];
C_BaseAnimating *pModel = static_cast< C_BaseAnimating * >( pEnt );
Vector position = pEnt->CollisionProp()->GetCollisionOrigin();
Vector dir = position - m_vecOrigin;
float dist = VectorNormalize( dir );
float force = m_flMagnitude - ( ( m_flMagnitude / m_flRadius ) * dist );
if ( force <= 1.0f )
trace_t tr;
UTIL_TraceLine( m_vecOrigin, position, MASK_SHOT_HULL, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
// debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( m_vecOrigin, position, 0,255,0, true, 18.0 );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f && tr.m_pEnt != pModel )
dir *= force; // scale force
// tricky, adjust tr.start so end-start->= force
tr.startpos = tr.endpos - dir;
// move expolsion center a bit down, so things fly higher
tr.startpos.z -= 32.0f;
pModel->ImpactTrace( &tr, DMG_BLAST, NULL );
// Purpose: Explosion TE
class C_TEExplosion : public C_TEParticleSystem
DECLARE_CLASS( C_TEExplosion, C_TEParticleSystem );
C_TEExplosion( void );
virtual ~C_TEExplosion( void );
virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void RenderParticles( CParticleRenderIterator *pIterator );
virtual void SimulateParticles( CParticleSimulateIterator *pIterator );
// Recording
void RecordExplosion( );
void AffectRagdolls( void );
int m_nModelIndex;
float m_fScale;
int m_nFrameRate;
int m_nFlags;
Vector m_vecNormal;
char m_chMaterialType;
int m_nRadius;
int m_nMagnitude;
//CParticleCollision m_ParticleCollision;
CParticleMgr *m_pParticleMgr;
PMaterialHandle m_MaterialHandle;
bool m_bShouldAffectRagdolls;
// Networking
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nModelIndex)),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO(m_fScale )),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nFrameRate)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nFlags)),
RecvPropVector( RECVINFO(m_vecNormal)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_chMaterialType)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nRadius)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_nMagnitude)),
// Purpose:
C_TEExplosion::C_TEExplosion( void )
m_bShouldAffectRagdolls = true;
m_nModelIndex = 0;
m_fScale = 0;
m_nFrameRate = 0;
m_nFlags = 0;
m_chMaterialType = 'C';
m_nRadius = 0;
m_nMagnitude = 0;
m_pParticleMgr = NULL;
// Purpose:
C_TEExplosion::~C_TEExplosion( void )
// Purpose:
void C_TEExplosion::AffectRagdolls( void )
if ( ( m_nRadius == 0 ) || ( m_nMagnitude == 0 ) || (!m_bShouldAffectRagdolls) )
CRagdollExplosionEnumerator ragdollEnum( m_vecOrigin, m_nRadius, m_nMagnitude );
::partition->EnumerateElementsInSphere( PARTITION_CLIENT_RESPONSIVE_EDICTS, m_vecOrigin, m_nRadius, false, &ragdollEnum );
// CExplosionOverlay
bool CExplosionOverlay::Update( void )
m_flLifetime += gpGlobals->frametime;
const float flTotalLifetime = 0.1f;
if ( m_flLifetime < flTotalLifetime )
float flColorScale = 1.0f - ( m_flLifetime / flTotalLifetime );
for( int i=0; i < m_nSprites; i++ )
m_Sprites[i].m_vColor = m_vBaseColors[i] * flColorScale;
m_Sprites[i].m_flHorzSize += 16.0f * gpGlobals->frametime;
m_Sprites[i].m_flVertSize += 16.0f * gpGlobals->frametime;
return true;
return false;
// Recording
void C_TEExplosion::RecordExplosion( )
if ( !ToolsEnabled() )
if ( clienttools->IsInRecordingMode() )
const model_t* pModel = (m_nModelIndex != 0) ? modelinfo->GetModel( m_nModelIndex ) : NULL;
const char *pModelName = pModel ? modelinfo->GetModelName( pModel ) : "";
KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "TempEntity" );
msg->SetInt( "te", TE_EXPLOSION );
msg->SetString( "name", "TE_Explosion" );
msg->SetFloat( "time", gpGlobals->curtime );
msg->SetFloat( "originx", m_vecOrigin.x );
msg->SetFloat( "originy", m_vecOrigin.y );
msg->SetFloat( "originz", m_vecOrigin.z );
msg->SetFloat( "directionx", m_vecNormal.x );
msg->SetFloat( "directiony", m_vecNormal.y );
msg->SetFloat( "directionz", m_vecNormal.z );
msg->SetString( "model", pModelName );
msg->SetFloat( "scale", m_fScale );
msg->SetInt( "framerate", m_nFrameRate );
msg->SetInt( "flags", m_nFlags );
msg->SetInt( "materialtype", m_chMaterialType );
msg->SetInt( "radius", m_nRadius );
msg->SetInt( "magnitude", m_nMagnitude );
ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE_INVALID, msg );
// Purpose:
// Input : bool -
void C_TEExplosion::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType )
// Filter out a water explosion
if ( UTIL_PointContents( m_vecOrigin ) & CONTENTS_WATER )
WaterExplosionEffect().Create( m_vecOrigin, m_nMagnitude, m_fScale, m_nFlags );
if ( !( m_nFlags & TE_EXPLFLAG_NOFIREBALL ) )
if ( CExplosionOverlay *pOverlay = new CExplosionOverlay )
pOverlay->m_flLifetime = 0;
pOverlay->m_vPos = m_vecOrigin;
pOverlay->m_nSprites = 1;
pOverlay->m_vBaseColors[0].Init( 1.0f, 0.9f, 0.7f );
pOverlay->m_Sprites[0].m_flHorzSize = 0.05f;
pOverlay->m_Sprites[0].m_flVertSize = pOverlay->m_Sprites[0].m_flHorzSize*0.5f;
BaseExplosionEffect().Create( m_vecOrigin, m_nMagnitude, m_fScale, m_nFlags );
void C_TEExplosion::RenderParticles( CParticleRenderIterator *pIterator )
void C_TEExplosion::SimulateParticles( CParticleSimulateIterator *pIterator )
void TE_Explosion( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay,
const Vector* pos, int modelindex, float scale, int framerate, int flags, int radius, int magnitude,
const Vector* normal = NULL, unsigned char materialType = 'C', bool bShouldAffectRagdolls = true )
// Major hack to access singleton object for doing this event (simulate receiving network message)
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_nModelIndex = modelindex;
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_fScale = scale;
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_nFrameRate = framerate;
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_nFlags = flags;
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_vecOrigin = *pos;
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_vecNormal = *normal;
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_chMaterialType = materialType;
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_nRadius = radius;
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_nMagnitude = magnitude;
__g_C_TEExplosion.m_bShouldAffectRagdolls = bShouldAffectRagdolls;
__g_C_TEExplosion.PostDataUpdate( DATA_UPDATE_CREATED );
void TE_Explosion( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
Vector vecOrigin, vecNormal;
vecOrigin.x = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "originx" );
vecOrigin.y = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "originy" );
vecOrigin.z = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "originz" );
vecNormal.x = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "directionx" );
vecNormal.y = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "directiony" );
vecNormal.z = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "directionz" );
const char *pModelName = pKeyValues->GetString( "model" );
int nModelIndex = pModelName[0] ? modelinfo->GetModelIndex( pModelName ) : 0;
float flScale = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "scale" );
int nFrameRate = pKeyValues->GetInt( "framerate" );
int nFlags = pKeyValues->GetInt( "flags" );
int nMaterialType = pKeyValues->GetInt( "materialtype" );
int nRadius = pKeyValues->GetInt( "radius" );
int nMagnitude = pKeyValues->GetInt( "magnitude" );
TE_Explosion( filter, 0.0f, &vecOrigin, nModelIndex, flScale, nFrameRate,
nFlags, nRadius, nMagnitude, &vecNormal, (unsigned char)nMaterialType, false );