Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// hud.cpp
// implementation of CHud class
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "history_resource.h"
#include "iinput.h"
#include "clientmode.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include "itextmessage.h"
#include "mempool.h"
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include "hud_lcd.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static CClassMemoryPool< CHudTexture > g_HudTextureMemoryPool( 128 );
// Purpose: Parses the weapon txt files to get the sprites needed.
struct HudTextureFileRef
HudTextureFileRef ( const char *cszFileKey, const char *cszHudTexturePrefix )
Q_strncpy( m_cszFileKey, cszFileKey, kcszFileKeyLength );
Q_strncpy( m_cszHudTexturePrefix, cszHudTexturePrefix, kcszHudTexturePrefix );
m_uiPrefixLength = Q_strlen( cszHudTexturePrefix );
m_fileKeySymbol = KeyValuesSystem()->GetSymbolForString( m_cszFileKey );
Assert( m_fileKeySymbol != INVALID_KEY_SYMBOL );
enum { kcszFileKeyLength = 64, };
enum { kcszHudTexturePrefix = 16, };
char m_cszFileKey[kcszFileKeyLength];
char m_cszHudTexturePrefix[kcszHudTexturePrefix];
unsigned int m_uiPrefixLength;
HKeySymbol m_fileKeySymbol;
void LoadHudTextures( CUtlDict< CHudTexture *, int >& list, const char *szFilenameWithoutExtension, const unsigned char *pICEKey )
KeyValues *pTemp, *pTextureSection;
KeyValues *pKeyValuesData = ReadEncryptedKVFile( filesystem, szFilenameWithoutExtension, pICEKey );
if ( pKeyValuesData )
CUtlVector<HudTextureFileRef> hudTextureFileRefs;
// By default, add a default entry mapping "file" to no prefix. This will allow earlier-version files
// to work with no modification.
hudTextureFileRefs.AddToTail( HudTextureFileRef( "file", "" ) );
// Read "*file"-to-prefix mapping.
KeyValues *pTextureFileRefs = pKeyValuesData->FindKey( "TextureFileRefs" );
if ( pTextureFileRefs )
pTemp = pTextureFileRefs->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( pTemp )
hudTextureFileRefs.AddToTail( HudTextureFileRef( pTemp->GetName(), pTemp->GetString( "prefix", "" ) ) );
pTemp = pTemp->GetNextKey();
// Read our individual HUD texture data blocks.
pTextureSection = pKeyValuesData->FindKey( "TextureData" );
if ( pTextureSection )
// Read the sprite data
pTemp = pTextureSection->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( pTemp )
if ( pTemp->GetString( "font", NULL ) )
CHudTexture *tex = new CHudTexture();
// Key Name is the sprite name
Q_strncpy( tex->szShortName, pTemp->GetName(), sizeof( tex->szShortName ) );
// it's a font-based icon
tex->bRenderUsingFont = true;
tex->cCharacterInFont = *(pTemp->GetString("character", ""));
Q_strncpy( tex->szTextureFile, pTemp->GetString( "font" ), sizeof( tex->szTextureFile ) );
list.Insert( tex->szShortName, tex );
int iTexLeft = pTemp->GetInt( "x", 0 ),
iTexTop = pTemp->GetInt( "y", 0 ),
iTexRight = pTemp->GetInt( "width", 0 ) + iTexLeft,
iTexBottom = pTemp->GetInt( "height", 0 ) + iTexTop;
for ( int i = 0; i < hudTextureFileRefs.Size(); i++ )
const char *cszFilename = pTemp->GetString( hudTextureFileRefs[i].m_fileKeySymbol, NULL );
if ( cszFilename )
CHudTexture *tex = new CHudTexture();
tex->bRenderUsingFont = false;
tex->rc.left = iTexLeft;
tex-> = iTexTop;
tex->rc.right = iTexRight;
tex->rc.bottom = iTexBottom;
Q_strncpy( tex->szShortName, hudTextureFileRefs[i].m_cszHudTexturePrefix, sizeof( tex->szShortName ) );
Q_strncpy( tex->szShortName + hudTextureFileRefs[i].m_uiPrefixLength, pTemp->GetName(), sizeof( tex->szShortName ) - hudTextureFileRefs[i].m_uiPrefixLength );
Q_strncpy( tex->szTextureFile, cszFilename, sizeof( tex->szTextureFile ) );
list.Insert( tex->szShortName, tex );
pTemp = pTemp->GetNextKey();
// Failed for some reason. Delete the Key data and abort.
// Purpose:
// Input : * -
// list -
void FreeHudTextureList( CUtlDict< CHudTexture *, int >& list )
int c = list.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
CHudTexture *tex = list[ i ];
delete tex;
// Globally-used fonts
vgui::HFont g_hFontTrebuchet24 = vgui::INVALID_FONT;
// Hud Element Visibility handling
typedef struct hudelement_hidden_s
char *sElementName;
int iHiddenBits; // Bits in which this hud element is hidden
} hudelement_hidden_t;
ConVar hidehud( "hidehud", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
Q_memset( szShortName, 0, sizeof( szShortName ) );
Q_memset( szTextureFile, 0, sizeof( szTextureFile ) );
Q_memset( texCoords, 0, sizeof( texCoords ) );
Q_memset( &rc, 0, sizeof( rc ) );
textureId = -1;
bRenderUsingFont = false;
bPrecached = false;
cCharacterInFont = 0;
hFont = ( vgui::HFont )NULL;
CHudTexture& CHudTexture::operator =( const CHudTexture& src )
if ( this == &src )
return *this;
Q_strncpy( szShortName, src.szShortName, sizeof( szShortName ) );
Q_strncpy( szTextureFile, src.szTextureFile, sizeof( szTextureFile ) );
Q_memcpy( texCoords, src.texCoords, sizeof( texCoords ) );
if ( src.textureId == -1 )
// Didn't have a texture ID set
textureId = -1;
// Make a new texture ID that uses the same texture
textureId = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( textureId, src.szTextureFile, false, false );
rc = src.rc;
bRenderUsingFont = src.bRenderUsingFont;
cCharacterInFont = src.cCharacterInFont;
hFont = src.hFont;
return *this;
if ( vgui::surface() && textureId != -1 )
vgui::surface()->DestroyTextureID( textureId );
textureId = -1;
// CHudElement
// All hud elements are derived from this class.
// Purpose: Registers the hud element in a global list, in CHud
CHudElement::CHudElement( const char *pElementName )
m_bActive = false;
m_iHiddenBits = 0;
m_pElementName = pElementName;
SetNeedsRemove( false );
m_bIsParentedToClientDLLRootPanel = false;
// Make this for all hud elements, but when its a bit safer
#if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( DOD_DLL )
RegisterForRenderGroup( "global" );
// Purpose: Remove this hud element from the global list in CHUD
if ( m_bNeedsRemove )
gHUD.RemoveHudElement( this );
// Purpose:
void CHudElement::SetActive( bool bActive )
m_bActive = bActive;
// Purpose:
// Input : needsremove -
void CHudElement::SetNeedsRemove( bool needsremove )
m_bNeedsRemove = needsremove;
// Purpose:
void CHudElement::SetHiddenBits( int iBits )
m_iHiddenBits = iBits;
// Purpose:
bool CHudElement::ShouldDraw( void )
bool bShouldDraw = ( !gHUD.IsHidden( m_iHiddenBits ) );
if ( bShouldDraw )
// for each render group
int iNumGroups = m_HudRenderGroups.Count();
for ( int iGroupIndex = 0; iGroupIndex < iNumGroups; iGroupIndex++ )
if ( gHUD.IsRenderGroupLockedFor( this, m_HudRenderGroups.Element(iGroupIndex ) ) )
return false;
return bShouldDraw;
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CHudElement::IsParentedToClientDLLRootPanel() const
return m_bIsParentedToClientDLLRootPanel;
// Purpose:
// Input : parented -
void CHudElement::SetParentedToClientDLLRootPanel( bool parented )
m_bIsParentedToClientDLLRootPanel = parented;
// Purpose: We can register to be affected by multiple hud render groups
void CHudElement::RegisterForRenderGroup( const char *pszGroupName )
int iGroupIndex = gHUD.RegisterForRenderGroup( pszGroupName );
// add group index to our list of registered groups
if ( m_HudRenderGroups.Find( iGroupIndex ) == m_HudRenderGroups.InvalidIndex() )
m_HudRenderGroups.AddToTail( iGroupIndex );
void CHudElement::UnregisterForRenderGroup( const char *pszGroupName )
int iGroupIndex = gHUD.RegisterForRenderGroup( pszGroupName );
m_HudRenderGroups.FindAndRemove( iGroupIndex );
// Purpose: We want to obscure other elements in this group
void CHudElement::HideLowerPriorityHudElementsInGroup( const char *pszGroupName )
// look up the render group
int iGroupIndex = gHUD.LookupRenderGroupIndexByName( pszGroupName );
// lock the group
gHUD.LockRenderGroup( iGroupIndex, this );
// Purpose: Stop obscuring other elements in this group
void CHudElement::UnhideLowerPriorityHudElementsInGroup( const char *pszGroupName )
// look up the render group
int iGroupIndex = gHUD.LookupRenderGroupIndexByName( pszGroupName );
// unlock the group
gHUD.UnlockRenderGroup( iGroupIndex, this );
// Purpose:
int CHudElement::GetRenderGroupPriority( void )
return 0;
CHud gHUD; // global HUD object
SetDefLessFunc( m_RenderGroups );
m_flScreenShotTime = -1;
// Purpose: This is called every time the DLL is loaded
void CHud::Init( void )
// Create all the Hud elements
// Initialize all created elements
for ( int i = 0; i < m_HudList.Size(); i++ )
m_bHudTexturesLoaded = false;
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "layout" );
if ( kv )
if ( kv->LoadFromFile( filesystem, "scripts/HudLayout.res" ) )
int numelements = m_HudList.Size();
for ( int i = 0; i < numelements; i++ )
CHudElement *element = m_HudList[i];
vgui::Panel *pPanel = dynamic_cast<vgui::Panel*>(element);
if ( !pPanel )
Msg( "Non-vgui hud element %s\n", m_HudList[i]->GetName() );
KeyValues *key = kv->FindKey( pPanel->GetName(), false );
if ( !key )
Msg( "Hud element '%s' doesn't have an entry '%s' in scripts/HudLayout.res\n", m_HudList[i]->GetName(), pPanel->GetName() );
// Note: When a panel is parented to the module root, it's "parent" is returned as NULL.
if ( !element->IsParentedToClientDLLRootPanel() &&
!pPanel->GetParent() )
DevMsg( "Hud element '%s'/'%s' doesn't have a parent\n", m_HudList[i]->GetName(), pPanel->GetName() );
if ( m_bHudTexturesLoaded )
m_bHudTexturesLoaded = true;
CUtlDict< CHudTexture *, int > textureList;
// check to see if we have sprites for this res; if not, step down
LoadHudTextures( textureList, "scripts/hud_textures", NULL );
LoadHudTextures( textureList, "scripts/mod_textures", NULL );
int c = textureList.Count();
for ( int index = 0; index < c; index++ )
CHudTexture* tex = textureList[ index ];
AddSearchableHudIconToList( *tex );
FreeHudTextureList( textureList );
// Purpose: Init Hud global colors
// Input : *scheme -
void CHud::InitColors( vgui::IScheme *scheme )
m_clrNormal = scheme->GetColor( "Normal", Color( 255, 208, 64 ,255 ) );
m_clrCaution = scheme->GetColor( "Caution", Color( 255, 48, 0, 255 ) );
m_clrYellowish = scheme->GetColor( "Yellowish", Color( 255, 160, 0, 255 ) );
// Initializes fonts
void CHud::InitFonts()
vgui::HScheme scheme = vgui::scheme()->GetScheme( "ClientScheme" );
vgui::IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( scheme );
g_hFontTrebuchet24 = pScheme->GetFont("CenterPrintText", true);
// Purpose:
void CHud::Shutdown( void )
// Deleting hudlist items can result in them being removed from the same hudlist (m_bNeedsRemove).
// So go through and kill the last item until the array is empty.
while ( m_HudList.Size() > 0 )
delete m_HudList.Tail();
m_bHudTexturesLoaded = false;
// Purpose: LevelInit's called whenever a new level is starting
void CHud::LevelInit( void )
// Tell all the registered hud elements to LevelInit
for ( int i = 0; i < m_HudList.Size(); i++ )
// Unhide all render groups
int iCount = m_RenderGroups.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
CHudRenderGroup *group = m_RenderGroups[ i ];
group->bHidden = false;
// Purpose: LevelShutdown's called whenever a level is finishing
void CHud::LevelShutdown( void )
// Tell all the registered hud elements to LevelShutdown
for ( int i = 0; i < m_HudList.Size(); i++ )
// Purpose: cleans up memory allocated for m_rg* arrays
int c = m_Icons.Count();
for ( int i = c - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
CHudTexture *tex = m_Icons[ i ];
g_HudTextureMemoryPool.Free( tex );
c = m_RenderGroups.Count();
for ( int i = c - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
CHudRenderGroup *group = m_RenderGroups[ i ];
delete group;
void CHudTexture::Precache( void )
// costly function, used selectively on specific hud elements to get font pages built out at load time
if ( IsX360() && bRenderUsingFont && !bPrecached && hFont != vgui::INVALID_FONT )
wchar_t wideChars[2];
wideChars[0] = (wchar_t)cCharacterInFont;
wideChars[1] = 0;
vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( hFont, wideChars );
bPrecached = true;
void CHudTexture::DrawSelf( int x, int y, const Color& clr ) const
DrawSelf( x, y, Width(), Height(), clr );
void CHudTexture::DrawSelf( int x, int y, int w, int h, const Color& clr ) const
if ( bRenderUsingFont )
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( hFont );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( clr );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, y );
vgui::surface()->DrawUnicodeChar( cCharacterInFont );
if ( textureId == -1 )
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( textureId );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( clr );
vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedSubRect( x, y, x + w, y + h,
texCoords[ 0 ], texCoords[ 1 ], texCoords[ 2 ], texCoords[ 3 ] );
void CHudTexture::DrawSelfCropped( int x, int y, int cropx, int cropy, int cropw, int croph, int finalWidth, int finalHeight, Color clr ) const
if ( bRenderUsingFont )
// work out how much we've been cropped
int height = vgui::surface()->GetFontTall( hFont );
float frac = (height - croph) / (float)height;
y -= cropy;
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextFont( hFont );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextColor( clr );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, y );
vgui::CharRenderInfo info;
if ( vgui::surface()->DrawGetUnicodeCharRenderInfo( cCharacterInFont, info ) )
if ( cropy )
info.verts[0].m_Position.y = Lerp( frac, info.verts[0].m_Position.y, info.verts[1].m_Position.y );
info.verts[0].m_TexCoord.y = Lerp( frac, info.verts[0].m_TexCoord.y, info.verts[1].m_TexCoord.y );
else if ( croph != height )
info.verts[1].m_Position.y = Lerp( 1.0f - frac, info.verts[0].m_Position.y, info.verts[1].m_Position.y );
info.verts[1].m_TexCoord.y = Lerp( 1.0f - frac, info.verts[0].m_TexCoord.y, info.verts[1].m_TexCoord.y );
if ( textureId == -1 )
float fw = (float)Width();
float fh = (float)Height();
float twidth = texCoords[ 2 ] - texCoords[ 0 ];
float theight = texCoords[ 3 ] - texCoords[ 1 ];
// Interpolate coords
float tCoords[ 4 ];
tCoords[ 0 ] = texCoords[ 0 ] + ( (float)cropx / fw ) * twidth;
tCoords[ 1 ] = texCoords[ 1 ] + ( (float)cropy / fh ) * theight;
tCoords[ 2 ] = texCoords[ 0 ] + ( (float)(cropx + cropw ) / fw ) * twidth;
tCoords[ 3 ] = texCoords[ 1 ] + ( (float)(cropy + croph ) / fh ) * theight;
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( textureId );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( clr );
x, y,
x + finalWidth, y + finalHeight,
tCoords[ 0 ], tCoords[ 1 ],
tCoords[ 2 ], tCoords[ 3 ] );
void CHudTexture::DrawSelfCropped( int x, int y, int cropx, int cropy, int cropw, int croph, Color clr ) const
DrawSelfCropped( x, y, cropx, cropy, cropw, croph, cropw, croph, clr );
// Purpose: returns width of texture with scale factor applied. (If rendered
// using font, scale factor is ignored.)
int CHudTexture::EffectiveWidth( float flScale ) const
if ( !bRenderUsingFont )
return (int) ( Width() * flScale );
return vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( hFont, cCharacterInFont );
// Purpose: returns height of texture with scale factor applied. (If rendered
// using font, scale factor is ignored.)
int CHudTexture::EffectiveHeight( float flScale ) const
if ( !bRenderUsingFont )
return (int) ( Height() * flScale );
return vgui::surface()->GetFontAscent( hFont, cCharacterInFont );
// Purpose: Gets texture handles for the hud icon
void CHud::SetupNewHudTexture( CHudTexture *t )
if ( t->bRenderUsingFont )
vgui::HScheme scheme = vgui::scheme()->GetScheme( "ClientScheme" );
t->hFont = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme(scheme)->GetFont( t->szTextureFile, true );
t-> = 0;
t->rc.left = 0;
t->rc.right = vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( t->hFont, t->cCharacterInFont );
t->rc.bottom = vgui::surface()->GetFontTall( t->hFont );
// Set up texture id and texture coordinates
t->textureId = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( t->textureId, t->szTextureFile, false, false );
int wide, tall;
vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureSize( t->textureId, wide, tall );
t->texCoords[ 0 ] = (float)(t->rc.left + 0.5f) / (float)wide;
t->texCoords[ 1 ] = (float)(t-> + 0.5f) / (float)tall;
t->texCoords[ 2 ] = (float)(t->rc.right - 0.5f) / (float)wide;
t->texCoords[ 3 ] = (float)(t->rc.bottom - 0.5f) / (float)tall;
// Purpose:
CHudTexture *CHud::AddUnsearchableHudIconToList( CHudTexture& texture )
// These names are composed based on the texture file name
char composedName[ 512 ];
if ( texture.bRenderUsingFont )
Q_snprintf( composedName, sizeof( composedName ), "%s_c%i",
texture.szTextureFile, texture.cCharacterInFont );
Q_snprintf( composedName, sizeof( composedName ), "%s_%i_%i_%i_%i",
texture.szTextureFile, texture.rc.left,, texture.rc.right, texture.rc.bottom );
CHudTexture *icon = GetIcon( composedName );
if ( icon )
return icon;
CHudTexture *newTexture = ( CHudTexture * )g_HudTextureMemoryPool.Alloc();
*newTexture = texture;
SetupNewHudTexture( newTexture );
int idx = m_Icons.Insert( composedName, newTexture );
return m_Icons[ idx ];
// Purpose:
CHudTexture *CHud::AddSearchableHudIconToList( CHudTexture& texture )
CHudTexture *icon = GetIcon( texture.szShortName );
if ( icon )
return icon;
CHudTexture *newTexture = ( CHudTexture * )g_HudTextureMemoryPool.Alloc();
*newTexture = texture;
SetupNewHudTexture( newTexture );
int idx = m_Icons.Insert( texture.szShortName, newTexture );
return m_Icons[ idx ];
// Purpose: returns a pointer to an icon in the list
CHudTexture *CHud::GetIcon( const char *szIcon )
int i = m_Icons.Find( szIcon );
if ( i == m_Icons.InvalidIndex() )
return NULL;
return m_Icons[ i ];
// Purpose:
void CHud::RefreshHudTextures()
if ( !m_bHudTexturesLoaded )
Assert( 0 );
CUtlDict< CHudTexture *, int > textureList;
// check to see if we have sprites for this res; if not, step down
LoadHudTextures( textureList, "scripts/hud_textures", NULL );
LoadHudTextures( textureList, "scripts/mod_textures", NULL );
// fix up all the texture icons first
int c = textureList.Count();
for ( int index = 0; index < c; index++ )
CHudTexture *tex = textureList[ index ];
Assert( tex );
CHudTexture *icon = GetIcon( tex->szShortName );
if ( !icon )
// Update file
Q_strncpy( icon->szTextureFile, tex->szTextureFile, sizeof( icon->szTextureFile ) );
if ( !icon->bRenderUsingFont )
// Update subrect
icon->rc = tex->rc;
// Keep existing texture id, but now update texture file and texture coordinates
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( icon->textureId, icon->szTextureFile, false, false );
// Get new texture dimensions in case it changed
int wide, tall;
vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureSize( icon->textureId, wide, tall );
// Assign coords
icon->texCoords[ 0 ] = (float)(icon->rc.left + 0.5f) / (float)wide;
icon->texCoords[ 1 ] = (float)(icon-> + 0.5f) / (float)tall;
icon->texCoords[ 2 ] = (float)(icon->rc.right - 0.5f) / (float)wide;
icon->texCoords[ 3 ] = (float)(icon->rc.bottom - 0.5f) / (float)tall;
FreeHudTextureList( textureList );
// fixup all the font icons
vgui::HScheme scheme = vgui::scheme()->GetScheme( "ClientScheme" );
for (int i = m_Icons.First(); m_Icons.IsValidIndex(i); i = m_Icons.Next(i))
CHudTexture *icon = m_Icons[i];
if ( !icon )
// Update file
if ( icon->bRenderUsingFont )
icon->hFont = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme(scheme)->GetFont( icon->szTextureFile, true );
icon-> = 0;
icon->rc.left = 0;
icon->rc.right = vgui::surface()->GetCharacterWidth( icon->hFont, icon->cCharacterInFont );
icon->rc.bottom = vgui::surface()->GetFontTall( icon->hFont );
// Purpose:
void CHud::OnRestore()
// Purpose:
void CHud::VidInit( void )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_HudList.Size(); i++ )
// Purpose:
CHudElement *CHud::FindElement( const char *pName )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_HudList.Size(); i++ )
if ( V_stricmp( m_HudList[i]->GetName(), pName ) == 0 )
return m_HudList[i];
DevWarning(1, "Could not find Hud Element: %s\n", pName );
return NULL;
// Purpose: Adds a member to the HUD
void CHud::AddHudElement( CHudElement *pHudElement )
// Add the hud element to the end of the array
m_HudList.AddToTail( pHudElement );
pHudElement->SetNeedsRemove( true );
// Purpose: Remove an element from the HUD
void CHud::RemoveHudElement( CHudElement *pHudElement )
m_HudList.FindAndRemove( pHudElement );
// Purpose: Returns current mouse sensitivity setting
// Output : float - the return value
float CHud::GetSensitivity( void )
#ifndef _X360
return m_flMouseSensitivity;
return 1.0f;
float CHud::GetFOVSensitivityAdjust()
return m_flFOVSensitivityAdjust;
// Purpose: Return true if the passed in sections of the HUD shouldn't be drawn
bool CHud::IsHidden( int iHudFlags )
// Not in game?
if ( !engine->IsInGame() )
return true;
// No local player yet?
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
return true;
// Get current hidden flags
int iHideHud = pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD;
if ( hidehud.GetInt() )
iHideHud = hidehud.GetInt();
// Everything hidden?
if ( iHideHud & HIDEHUD_ALL )
return true;
// Local player dead?
if ( ( iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_PLAYERDEAD ) && ( pPlayer->GetHealth() <= 0 && !pPlayer->IsAlive() ) )
return true;
// Need the HEV suit ( HL2 )
if ( ( iHudFlags & HIDEHUD_NEEDSUIT ) && ( !pPlayer->IsSuitEquipped() ) )
return true;
// Hide all HUD elements during screenshot if the user's set hud_freezecamhide ( TF2 )
#if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
extern bool IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot();
extern ConVar hud_freezecamhide;
if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() && hud_freezecamhide.GetBool() )
return true;
return ( ( iHudFlags & iHideHud ) != 0);
// Purpose: Allows HUD to modify input data
void CHud::ProcessInput( bool bActive )
if ( bActive )
m_iKeyBits = input->GetButtonBits( 0 );
// Weaponbits need to be sent down as a UserMsg now.
int CHud::LookupRenderGroupIndexByName( const char *pszGroupName )
return m_RenderGroupNames.Find( pszGroupName );
// Purpose: A hud element wants to lock this render group so other panels in the
// group do not draw
bool CHud::LockRenderGroup( int iGroupIndex, CHudElement *pLocker /* = NULL */ )
// does this index exist?
if ( !DoesRenderGroupExist(iGroupIndex) )
return false;
int iRenderGroup = m_RenderGroups.Find( iGroupIndex );
Assert( m_RenderGroups.IsValidIndex( iRenderGroup ) );
CHudRenderGroup *group = m_RenderGroups.Element( iRenderGroup );
Assert( group );
if ( group )
// NULL pLocker means some higher power is globally hiding this group
if ( pLocker == NULL )
group->bHidden = true;
bool bFound = false;
// See if we have it locked already
int iNumLockers = group->m_pLockingElements.Count();
for ( int i=0;i<iNumLockers;i++ )
if ( pLocker == group->m_pLockingElements.Element(i) )
bFound = true;
// otherwise lock us
if ( !bFound )
group->m_pLockingElements.Insert( pLocker );
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: A hud element wants to release the lock on this render group
bool CHud::UnlockRenderGroup( int iGroupIndex, CHudElement *pLocker /* = NULL */ )
// does this index exist?
if ( !DoesRenderGroupExist(iGroupIndex) )
return false;
int iRenderGroup = m_RenderGroups.Find( iGroupIndex );
Assert( m_RenderGroups.IsValidIndex( iRenderGroup ) );
CHudRenderGroup *group = m_RenderGroups.Element( iRenderGroup );
if ( group )
// NULL pLocker means some higher power is globally hiding this group
if ( group->bHidden && pLocker == NULL )
group->bHidden = false;
return true;
int iNumLockers = group->m_pLockingElements.Count();
for ( int i=0;i<iNumLockers;i++ )
if ( pLocker == group->m_pLockingElements.Element(i) )
group->m_pLockingElements.RemoveAt( i );
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: See if we should draw based on a hud render group
// Return true if this group is locked, hud elem will be hidden
bool CHud::IsRenderGroupLockedFor( CHudElement *pHudElement, int iGroupIndex )
// does this index exist?
if ( !DoesRenderGroupExist(iGroupIndex) )
return false;
int i = m_RenderGroups.Find( iGroupIndex );
Assert( m_RenderGroups.IsValidIndex(i) );
CHudRenderGroup *group = m_RenderGroups.Element(i);
if ( !group )
return false;
// hidden for everyone!
if ( group->bHidden )
return true;
if ( group->m_pLockingElements.Count() == 0 )
return false;
if ( !pHudElement )
return true;
CHudElement *pLocker = group->m_pLockingElements.ElementAtHead();
return ( pLocker != pHudElement && pLocker->GetRenderGroupPriority() > pHudElement->GetRenderGroupPriority() );
// Purpose: CHudElements can ask for the index of hud element render groups
// returns a group index
int CHud::RegisterForRenderGroup( const char *pszGroupName )
int iGroupNameIndex = m_RenderGroupNames.Find( pszGroupName );
if ( iGroupNameIndex != m_RenderGroupNames.InvalidIndex() )
return iGroupNameIndex;
// otherwise add the group
return AddHudRenderGroup( pszGroupName );
// Purpose: Create a new hud render group
// returns a group index
int CHud::AddHudRenderGroup( const char *pszGroupName )
// we tried to register for a group but didn't find it, add a new one
int iGroupNameIndex = m_RenderGroupNames.AddToTail( pszGroupName );
CHudRenderGroup *group = new CHudRenderGroup();
return m_RenderGroups.Insert( iGroupNameIndex, group );
// Purpose:
bool CHud::DoesRenderGroupExist( int iGroupIndex )
return ( m_RenderGroups.Find( iGroupIndex ) != m_RenderGroups.InvalidIndex() );
// Purpose: Allows HUD to Think and modify input data
// Input : *cdata -
// time -
// Output : int - 1 if there were changes, 0 otherwise
void CHud::UpdateHud( bool bActive )
// clear the weapon bits.
gHUD.m_iKeyBits &= (~(IN_WEAPON1|IN_WEAPON2));
// Purpose: Force a Hud UI anim to play
CON_COMMAND_F( testhudanim, "Test a hud element animation.\n\tArguments: <anim name>\n", FCVAR_CHEAT )
if ( args.ArgC() != 2 )
Msg("Usage:\n testhudanim <anim name>\n");
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( args[1] );