Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

985 lines
31 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Dialog for selecting game configurations
#include "cbase.h"
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextEntry.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h>
#include "vgui_bitmappanel.h"
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include "imageutils.h"
#include "bsp_utils.h"
#include "icommandline.h"
#include "publish_file_dialog.h"
#include "workshop/ugc_utils.h"
#include "../server/tf/workshop/maps_workshop.h"
#endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
static CUtlString g_MapFilename;
static CUtlString g_PreviewFilename;
ConVar publish_file_last_dir( "publish_file_last_dir", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_DONTRECORD );
CFilePublishDialog *g_pSteamFilePublishDialog = NULL;
#define WORKSHOP_TEMP_UPLOAD_DIR "workshop/upload"
class CPrepareFileThread : public CThread
CPrepareFileThread( const char *pszInputFile, const char *pszOutputFile )
: m_strInput( pszInputFile )
, m_strOutput( pszOutputFile )
// Return 0 for success
virtual int Run()
if ( V_strcasecmp( V_GetFileExtension( m_strInput.Get() ), "bsp" ) == 0 )
return BSP_SyncRepack( m_strInput.Get(), m_strOutput.Get() ) ? 0 : 1;
// Just copy file to prepared location
return engine->CopyLocalFile( m_strInput.Get(), m_strOutput.Get() ) ? 0 : 1;
CUtlString m_strInput;
CUtlString m_strOutput;
// Constructor
CFilePublishDialog::CFilePublishDialog( Panel *parent, const char *name, PublishedFileDetails_t *pDetails ) : BaseClass( parent, name )
m_pPrepareFileThread = NULL;
g_pSteamFilePublishDialog = this;
// These must be supplied
m_bValidFile = false;
m_bValidJpeg = false;
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 0 );
// Save this for later
if ( pDetails != NULL )
m_FileDetails = *pDetails;
m_bAddingNewFile = false;
g_MapFilename = m_FileDetails.lpszFilename;
m_nFileID = m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_nPublishedFileId;
// Clear it out
m_FileDetails.lpszFilename = NULL;
m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_eVisibility = k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityPublic;
m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_hFile = k_UGCHandleInvalid;
m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_hPreviewFile = k_UGCHandleInvalid;
m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_nConsumerAppID = k_uAppIdInvalid;
m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_nCreatorAppID = k_uAppIdInvalid;
m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_nPublishedFileId = 0; // FIXME: Need a real "invalid" value
m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_rtimeCreated = 0;
m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_rtimeUpdated = 0;
m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_ulSteamIDOwner = 0; // FIXME: Need a real "invalid" value
memset( m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_rgchDescription, 0, k_cchPublishedDocumentDescriptionMax );
memset( m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_rgchTitle, 0, k_cchPublishedDocumentTitleMax );
m_bAddingNewFile = true;
g_MapFilename = "";
m_nFileID = k_PublishedFileIdInvalid;
m_nFileDetailsChanges = 0;
m_fileOpenMode = FILEOPEN_NONE;
// Setup our image panel
m_pCroppedTextureImagePanel = new CBitmapPanel( this, "PreviewImage" );
m_pCroppedTextureImagePanel->SetSize( DesiredPreviewWidth(), DesiredPreviewHeight() );
m_pCroppedTextureImagePanel->SetVisible( true );
m_pStatusBox = NULL;
// Start downloading our preview image
m_bPreviewDownloadPending = false;
// Destructor
//delete m_pConfigCombo;
g_pSteamFilePublishDialog = NULL;
// We should be in a modal dialog when this is running, not closable
Assert( !m_pPrepareFileThread );
if ( m_pPrepareFileThread )
delete m_pPrepareFileThread;
m_pPrepareFileThread = NULL;
void CFilePublishDialog::ErrorMessage( ErrorCode_t errorCode, KeyValues *pkvTokens )
switch ( errorCode )
case kFailedToPublishFile:
ErrorMessage( "Failed to publish file!" );
case kFailedToUpdateFile:
ErrorMessage( "Failed to update file!" );
case kFailedToPrepareFile:
ErrorMessage( "Failed to prepare file!" );
case kSteamCloudNotAvailable:
ErrorMessage( "Steam Cloud is not available." );
case kSteamExceededCloudQuota:
ErrorMessage( "Exceed Steam Cloud quota." );
case kFailedToWriteToSteamCloud:
ErrorMessage( "Failed to write to Steam cloud!" );
case kFileNotFound:
ErrorMessage( "File not found!" );
case kNeedTitleAndDescription:
ErrorMessage( "Need to have a title and description!" );
case kFailedFileValidation:
ErrorMessage( "File failed to validate!" );
case kFailedUserModifiedFile:
ErrorMessage( "File was manually modified after verifying process" );
case kInvalidMapName:
ErrorMessage( "Invalid name for map. Map names must be lowercase and of the form cp_foo.bsp." );
Assert( false ); // Unhandled enum value
if ( pkvTokens )
// Purpose:
void CFilePublishDialog::ErrorMessage( const char *lpszText )
vgui::MessageBox *pBox = new vgui::MessageBox( "", lpszText, this );
pBox->SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
pBox->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );
pBox->SetBgColor( Color(0,0,0,255) );
// Purpose:
const char* CFilePublishDialog::GetStatusString( StatusCode_t statusCode )
switch ( statusCode )
case kPublishing:
return "Publishing, please wait...";
case kUpdating:
return "Publishing, please wait...";
return "";
// Purpose: Show our modal status window to cover asynchronous tasks
// TODO: Pull this out into a more generalized solution across dialogs
void CFilePublishDialog::ShowStatusWindow( StatusCode_t statusCode )
// Throw up our status box
if ( m_pStatusBox )
m_pStatusBox = NULL; // FIXME: Does this clear up the memory?
const char *lpszText = GetStatusString( statusCode );
// Pop a message to the user so they know to wait
m_pStatusBox = new vgui::MessageBox( "", lpszText, this );
m_pStatusBox->SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
m_pStatusBox->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );
m_pStatusBox->SetBgColor( Color(0,0,0,255) );
m_pStatusBox->SetOKButtonVisible( false );
// Purpose: Hide our modal status window
// TODO: Pull this out into a more generalized solution across dialogs
void CFilePublishDialog::HideStatusWindow( void )
m_pStatusBox = NULL;
// Purpose:
void CFilePublishDialog::DownloadPreviewImage( void )
// TODO: We need a generic "no image" image
if ( m_bAddingNewFile )
// Start off our download
char szTargetFilename[MAX_PATH];
V_snprintf( szTargetFilename, sizeof(szTargetFilename), "%llu_thumb.jpg", m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_nPublishedFileId );
m_UGCPreviewFileRequest.StartDownload( m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_hPreviewFile, "downloads", szTargetFilename );
m_bPreviewDownloadPending = true;
// Purpose:
void CFilePublishDialog::OnTick( void )
if ( m_pPrepareFileThread )
if ( !m_pPrepareFileThread->IsAlive() )
// Finished, trigger handler
int result = m_pPrepareFileThread->GetResult();
delete m_pPrepareFileThread;
m_pPrepareFileThread = NULL;
OnFilePrepared( result == 0 );
if ( m_bPreviewDownloadPending )
UGCFileRequestStatus_t ugcStatus = m_UGCPreviewFileRequest.Update();
switch ( ugcStatus )
Warning("An error occurred while attempting to download a file from the UGC server!\n");
m_bPreviewDownloadPending = false;
// Update our image preview
char szLocalFilename[MAX_PATH];
m_UGCPreviewFileRequest.GetLocalFileName( szLocalFilename, sizeof(szLocalFilename) );
char szLocalPath[ _MAX_PATH ];
g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalPath( szLocalFilename, szLocalPath, sizeof(szLocalPath) );
SetPreviewImage( szLocalPath );
m_bPreviewDownloadPending = false;
// Working, continue to wait...
// Purpose:
void CFilePublishDialog::SetPreviewImage( const char *lpszFilename )
if ( lpszFilename == NULL )
// Retain this
g_PreviewFilename = lpszFilename;
m_bValidJpeg = false;
ConversionErrorType nErrorCode = ImgUtl_LoadBitmap( lpszFilename, m_imgSource );
if ( nErrorCode != CE_SUCCESS )
m_bValidJpeg = true;
m_pCroppedTextureImagePanel->SetBitmap( GetPreviewBitmap() );
// Update the state of our publish button
// Purpose:
void CFilePublishDialog::PerformSquarize()
if ( !BForceSquarePreviewImage() )
const Bitmap_t *pResizeSrc = &m_imgSource;
if ( !IsSourceImageSquare() )
// Select the smaller dimension as the size
int nSize = MIN( m_imgSource.Width(), m_imgSource.Height() );
// Crop it.
// Yeah, the crop and resize could be done all in one step.
// And...I don't care.
int x0 = ( m_imgSource.Width() - nSize ) / 2;
int y0 = ( m_imgSource.Height() - nSize ) / 2;
m_imgTemp.Crop( x0, y0, nSize, nSize, &m_imgSource );
pResizeSrc = &m_imgTemp;
// resize
ImgUtl_ResizeBitmap( m_imgSquare, DesiredPreviewWidth(), DesiredPreviewHeight(), pResizeSrc );
// Purpose:
Bitmap_t &CFilePublishDialog::GetPreviewBitmap()
return BForceSquarePreviewImage() ? m_imgSquare : m_imgSource;
// Purpose: Setup our edit fields with the appropriate information
void CFilePublishDialog::PopulateEditFields( void )
m_pFileTitle->SetText( m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_rgchTitle );
m_pFileDescription->SetText( m_FileDetails.publishedFileDetails.m_rgchDescription );
if ( m_FileDetails.lpszFilename && !FStrEq( m_FileDetails.lpszFilename, "" ) )
char szShortName[ MAX_PATH ];
Q_FileBase( m_FileDetails.lpszFilename, szShortName, sizeof(szShortName) );
const char *szExt = Q_GetFileExtension( m_FileDetails.lpszFilename );
Q_SetExtension( szShortName, CFmtStr( ".%s", szExt ).Access(), sizeof(szShortName ) );
m_pFilename->SetText( szShortName );
// Purpose:
void CFilePublishDialog::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( GetResFile() );
m_pFileTitle = dynamic_cast< vgui::TextEntry * >( FindChildByName( "FileTitle" ) );
if ( m_pFileTitle )
m_pFileTitle->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pFileDescription = dynamic_cast< vgui::TextEntry * >( FindChildByName( "FileDesc" ) );
if ( m_pFileDescription )
m_pFileDescription->SetMultiline( true );
m_pFileDescription->SetCatchEnterKey( true );
m_pFileDescription->SetVerticalScrollbar( true );
m_pFilename = dynamic_cast< vgui::Label * >( FindChildByName( "SourceFile" ) );
if ( !g_MapFilename.IsEmpty() )
m_pFilename->SetText( g_MapFilename );
m_pPublishButton = dynamic_cast< vgui::Button * >( FindChildByName( "ButtonPublish" ) );
// If we're updating, change the context of the button
if ( !m_bAddingNewFile )
m_pPublishButton->SetText( "Update" );
m_pPublishButton->SetCommand( "Update" );
// Setup our initial state for the edit fields
// Purpose: Helper to build thumbnail name
void CFilePublishDialog::GetPreviewFilename( char *szOut, size_t outLen )
char szMapShortName[MAX_PATH];
Q_FileBase( g_MapFilename, szMapShortName, sizeof(szMapShortName) );
Q_snprintf( szOut, outLen, "%s_thumb.jpg", szMapShortName );
// Purpose: Callback when our create item has completed. Need to do initial update.
void CFilePublishDialog::Steam_OnCreateItem( CreateItemResult_t *pResult, bool bError )
bError = bError || pResult->m_eResult != k_EResultOK;
m_nFileID = pResult->m_nPublishedFileId;
if ( bError )
ErrorMessage( kFailedToPublishFile );
if ( m_nFileID != k_PublishedFileIdInvalid )
// TODO ISteamUGC is conspicuously missing a delete call, but shares IDs with SteamRemoteStorage.
// Once this is fixed in steam, this call should probably be moved
steamapicontext->SteamRemoteStorage()->DeletePublishedFile( m_nFileID );
m_nFileID = k_PublishedFileIdInvalid;
// Purpose: Callback from our map compression thread finishing
void CFilePublishDialog::OnFilePrepared( bool bSucceeded )
if ( bSucceeded )
// Move on to final publishing
bSucceeded = UpdateFileInternal();
if ( bSucceeded )
// Done, waiting on file publish callback
// Failure
// This is after OnCreateItem for new files, so cleanup the incomplete item on failure from either the compress or
// kicking off the update.
if ( m_bAddingNewFile && m_nFileID != k_PublishedFileIdInvalid )
// TODO ISteamUGC is conspicuously missing a delete call, but shares IDs with SteamRemoteStorage.
// Once this is fixed in steam, this call should probably be moved
steamapicontext->SteamRemoteStorage()->DeletePublishedFile( m_nFileID );
m_nFileID = k_PublishedFileIdInvalid;
ErrorMessage( kFailedToUpdateFile );
// Purpose: Callback when our publish call has completed
void CFilePublishDialog::Steam_OnPublishFile( SubmitItemUpdateResult_t *pResult, bool bError )
// Remove prepared map
char szPreparedMap[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
V_ComposeFileName( WORKSHOP_TEMP_UPLOAD_DIR, V_GetFileName( g_MapFilename ),
szPreparedMap, sizeof( szPreparedMap ) );
g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szPreparedMap, UGC_PATHID );
// Remove local thumbnail
CUtlBuffer bufData;
char szPreviewFilename[MAX_PATH];
GetPreviewFilename( szPreviewFilename, sizeof( szPreviewFilename ) );
g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szPreviewFilename, UGC_PATHID );
if ( bError || pResult->m_eResult != k_EResultOK )
if ( m_bAddingNewFile && m_nFileID != k_PublishedFileIdInvalid )
// TODO ISteamUGC is conspicuously missing a delete call, but shares IDs with SteamRemoteStorage.
// Once this is fixed in steam, this call should probably be moved
steamapicontext->SteamRemoteStorage()->DeletePublishedFile( m_nFileID );
m_nFileID = k_PublishedFileIdInvalid;
ErrorMessage( kFailedToPublishFile );
EUniverse universe = GetUniverse();
switch ( universe )
case k_EUniversePublic:
steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage( CFmtStrMax( "", m_nFileID ) );
case k_EUniverseBeta:
steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage( CFmtStrMax( "", m_nFileID ) );
case k_EUniverseDev:
steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage( CFmtStrMax( "http://localhost/community/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=%llu&requirelogin=true", m_nFileID ) );
// Tell our parent what happened
KeyValues *pkvActionSignal = new KeyValues( "ChangedFile" );
pkvActionSignal->SetUint64( "nPublishedFileID", m_nFileID );
PostActionSignal( pkvActionSignal );
// Close down the window
// Purpose: Share the file with Steam Cloud and return the handle for later usage
bool CFilePublishDialog::PublishFile()
// Must be a valid file
ErrorCode_t errorCode = ValidateFile( g_MapFilename );
const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( g_MapFilename );
if ( errorCode == kNoError && pExt && V_strcmp( pExt, "bsp" ) == 0 )
if ( !CTFMapsWorkshop::IsValidOriginalFileNameForMap( CUtlString( V_GetFileName( g_MapFilename ) ) ) )
errorCode = kInvalidMapName;
if ( errorCode != kNoError )
ErrorMessage( errorCode );
return false;
ShowStatusWindow( kPublishing );
EWorkshopFileType eFileType = WorkshipFileTypeForFile( g_MapFilename );
// Create file on UGC
SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall = steamapicontext->SteamUGC()->CreateItem( GetTargetAppID(), eFileType );
// Set the callback
m_callbackCreateItem.Set( hSteamAPICall, this, &CFilePublishDialog::Steam_OnCreateItem );
return true;
// Purpose: Kick off the map compression thread
void CFilePublishDialog::StartPrepareFile( void )
// Ensure temp dir exists
g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( WORKSHOP_TEMP_UPLOAD_DIR, UGC_PATHID );
char szOutPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
V_ComposeFileName( WORKSHOP_TEMP_UPLOAD_DIR, V_GetFileName( g_MapFilename ),
szOutPath, sizeof( szOutPath ) );
// Ensure this file isn't leftover in output dir
g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szOutPath, UGC_PATHID );
// Start thread
Assert( !m_pPrepareFileThread );
m_pPrepareFileThread = new CPrepareFileThread( g_MapFilename, szOutPath );
// Purpose: Parse commands coming in from the VGUI dialog
void CFilePublishDialog::SetPublishButtonState( void )
if ( m_bAddingNewFile )
if ( m_bValidFile && m_bValidJpeg )
m_pPublishButton->SetEnabled( true );
m_pPublishButton->SetEnabled( false );
else // Updating a previous entry
// m_pPublishButton->SetEnabled( (m_nFileDetailsChanges!=0) );
m_pPublishButton->SetEnabled( true ); // For now, always allow it. Worst case it's a no-op
// Purpose: Parse commands coming in from the VGUI dialog
bool CFilePublishDialog::UpdateFile( void )
// We should have been created for an existing file or published already, both of which set our ID.
Assert( m_nFileID != k_PublishedFileIdInvalid );
ShowStatusWindow( kUpdating );
if ( m_bAddingNewFile || m_nFileDetailsChanges & PFILE_FIELD_FILE )
// Not updating map, go straight to update step
if ( !UpdateFileInternal() )
ErrorMessage( kFailedToUpdateFile );
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Update a file, used by the create and update pathways to fill in a UGC item
bool CFilePublishDialog::UpdateFileInternal()
ISteamUGC *pUGC = steamapicontext->SteamUGC();
UGCUpdateHandle_t hItem = pUGC->StartItemUpdate( GetTargetAppID(), m_nFileID );
if ( hItem == k_UGCUpdateHandleInvalid )
UGCWarning( "StartItemUpdate failed\n" );
return false;
bool bError = false;
// create thumbnail
CUtlBuffer bufData;
char szPreviewFilename[MAX_PATH];
GetPreviewFilename( szPreviewFilename, sizeof( szPreviewFilename ) );
if ( !bError && ImgUtl_SaveBitmapToBuffer( bufData, GetPreviewBitmap(), kImageFileFormat_JPG ) == CE_SUCCESS )
bError = !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szPreviewFilename, UGC_PATHID, bufData );
// Get full path to give steam
g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( szPreviewFilename, UGC_PATHID, szPreviewFilename, sizeof( szPreviewFilename ) );
bError = true;
// Get the compressed map out of the upload directory
char szPreparedMap[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
char szFullPreparedPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
if ( m_bAddingNewFile || m_nFileDetailsChanges & PFILE_FIELD_FILE )
V_ComposeFileName( WORKSHOP_TEMP_UPLOAD_DIR, V_GetFileName( g_MapFilename ),
szPreparedMap, sizeof( szPreparedMap ) );
g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( szPreparedMap, UGC_PATHID,
sizeof( szFullPreparedPath ) );
bError |= !*szFullPreparedPath;
if ( !bError )
// Set title
char szTitle[k_cchPublishedDocumentTitleMax];
m_pFileTitle->GetText( szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) );
Q_AggressiveStripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace( szTitle );
bError |= !pUGC->SetItemTitle( hItem, szTitle );
// Set descriptor
char szDesc[k_cchPublishedDocumentDescriptionMax];
m_pFileDescription->GetText( szDesc, sizeof(szDesc) );
Q_AggressiveStripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace( szDesc );
bError |= !pUGC->SetItemDescription( hItem, szDesc );
// Set thumbnail
if ( m_bAddingNewFile || m_nFileDetailsChanges & PFILE_FIELD_PREVIEW )
bError |= !pUGC->SetItemPreview( hItem, szPreviewFilename );
// Set file
if ( m_bAddingNewFile || m_nFileDetailsChanges & PFILE_FIELD_FILE )
if ( *szFullPreparedPath )
bError |= !pUGC->SetItemContent( hItem, szFullPreparedPath );
// Metadata for our files is just the original filename, since they are currently all single files
bError |= !pUGC->SetItemMetadata( hItem, V_GetFileName( g_MapFilename.Get() ) );
UGCWarning( "Prepared map does not appear to exist\n" );
bError = true;
// Tags
SteamParamStringArray_t strArray;
PopulateTags( strArray );
bError |= !pUGC->SetItemTags( hItem, &strArray );
// Visibility
bError |= !pUGC->SetItemVisibility( hItem, k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityPublic );
bError = true;
if ( !bError )
SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall = steamapicontext->SteamUGC()->SubmitItemUpdate( hItem, NULL );
m_callbackPublishFile.Set( hSteamAPICall, this, &CFilePublishDialog::Steam_OnPublishFile );
return true;
// Failed, cleanup prepared map
g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( szPreparedMap, UGC_PATHID );
return false;
// Purpose:
void CFilePublishDialog::PerformLayout()
// Purpose: Parse commands coming in from the VGUI dialog
void CFilePublishDialog::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( Q_stricmp( command, "Publish" ) == 0 )
// Verify they've filled everything out properly
bool bHasTitle = ( m_pFileTitle->GetTextLength() > 0 );
bool bHasDesc = ( m_pFileDescription->GetTextLength() > 0 );
if ( !bHasTitle || !bHasDesc )
ErrorMessage( kNeedTitleAndDescription );
// Get our title
char szTitle[k_cchPublishedDocumentTitleMax];
m_pFileTitle->GetText( szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) );
Q_AggressiveStripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace( szTitle );
// Get our descriptor
char szDesc[k_cchPublishedDocumentDescriptionMax];
m_pFileDescription->GetText( szDesc, sizeof(szDesc) );
Q_AggressiveStripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace( szDesc );
bHasTitle = Q_strlen( szTitle ) != 0;
bHasDesc = Q_strlen( szDesc ) != 0;
if ( !bHasTitle || !bHasDesc )
ErrorMessage( kNeedTitleAndDescription );
else if ( Q_stricmp( command, "Update" ) == 0 )
else if ( Q_stricmp( command, "MainFileMaps" ) == 0 )
m_fileOpenMode = FILEOPEN_MAIN_FILE;
// Create a new dialog
vgui::FileOpenDialog *pDlg = new vgui::FileOpenDialog( NULL, "Select File", true );
pDlg->AddFilter( GetFileTypes( IMPORT_FILTER_MAP ), GetFileTypeDescriptions( IMPORT_FILTER_MAP ), true );
if ( !FStrEq( publish_file_last_dir.GetString(), "" ) )
pDlg->SetStartDirectory( publish_file_last_dir.GetString() );
char textBuffer[1024];
m_pFilename->GetText( textBuffer, sizeof( textBuffer ) );
char szFilePath[MAX_PATH];
g_pFullFileSystem->GetCurrentDirectory( szFilePath, sizeof(szFilePath) );
strcat( szFilePath, "/" );
strcat( szFilePath, textBuffer );
// Get the currently set dir and use that as the start
// pDlg->ExpandTreeToPath( szFilePath );
pDlg->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pDlg->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true );
else if ( Q_stricmp( command, "MainFileOther" ) == 0 )
m_fileOpenMode = FILEOPEN_MAIN_FILE;
// Create a new dialog
vgui::FileOpenDialog *pDlg = new vgui::FileOpenDialog( NULL, "Select File", true );
pDlg->AddFilter( GetFileTypes( IMPORT_FILTER_OTHER ), GetFileTypeDescriptions( IMPORT_FILTER_OTHER ), true );
if ( !FStrEq( publish_file_last_dir.GetString(), "" ) )
pDlg->SetStartDirectory( publish_file_last_dir.GetString() );
char textBuffer[1024];
m_pFilename->GetText( textBuffer, sizeof( textBuffer ) );
char szFilePath[MAX_PATH];
g_pFullFileSystem->GetCurrentDirectory( szFilePath, sizeof( szFilePath ) );
strcat( szFilePath, "/" );
strcat( szFilePath, textBuffer );
// Get the currently set dir and use that as the start
// pDlg->ExpandTreeToPath( szFilePath );
pDlg->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pDlg->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true );
else if ( Q_stricmp( command, "PreviewBrowse" ) == 0 )
m_fileOpenMode = FILEOPEN_PREVIEW;
// Create a new dialog
vgui::FileOpenDialog *pDlg = new vgui::FileOpenDialog( NULL, "Select File", true );
pDlg->AddFilter( GetPreviewFileTypes(), GetPreviewFileTypeDescriptions(), true );
if ( !FStrEq( publish_file_last_dir.GetString(), "" ) )
pDlg->SetStartDirectory( publish_file_last_dir.GetString() );
char szFilePath[MAX_PATH];
g_pFullFileSystem->GetCurrentDirectory( szFilePath, sizeof(szFilePath) );
strcat( szFilePath, "/" );
strcat( szFilePath, g_PreviewFilename );
// Get the currently set dir and use that as the start
// pDlg->ExpandTreeToPath( szFilePath );
pDlg->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pDlg->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true );
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
// Purpose: Take a filename, shorten it for display but retain the full path internally
CFilePublishDialog::ErrorCode_t CFilePublishDialog::ValidateFile( const char *lpszFilename )
return kNoError;
// Purpose: Take a filename, shorten it for display but retain the full path internally
void CFilePublishDialog::SetFile( const char *lpszFilename, bool bImported )
// Must be a valid file
ErrorCode_t errorCode = ValidateFile( lpszFilename );
if ( errorCode != kNoError )
ErrorMessage( errorCode );
m_bValidFile = true;
g_MapFilename = lpszFilename;
char szShortName[ MAX_PATH ];
Q_FileBase( g_MapFilename, szShortName, sizeof(szShortName) );
const char *szExt = Q_GetFileExtension( lpszFilename );
Q_SetExtension( szShortName, CFmtStr( ".%s", szExt ).Access(), sizeof(szShortName ) );
m_pFilename->SetText( szShortName );
// Notify of the change
m_nFileDetailsChanges |= PFILE_FIELD_FILE;
// Purpose: Notify us that the directory dialog has returned a new entry
void CFilePublishDialog::OnFileSelected( const char *fullPath )
char basepath[ MAX_PATH ];
Q_ExtractFilePath( fullPath, basepath, sizeof( basepath ) );
publish_file_last_dir.SetValue( basepath );
if ( m_fileOpenMode == FILEOPEN_MAIN_FILE )
SetFile( fullPath );
else if ( m_fileOpenMode == FILEOPEN_PREVIEW )
// Notify of the change
m_nFileDetailsChanges |= PFILE_FIELD_PREVIEW;
SetPreviewImage( fullPath );