Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A link that can be turned on and off. Unlike normal links
// dyanimc links must be entities so they and receive messages.
// They update the state of the actual links. Allows us to save
// a lot of memory by not making all links into entities
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma once
enum DynamicLinkState_t
LINK_ON = 1,
class CAI_Link;
// >> CAI_DynanicLink
class CAI_DynamicLink : public CServerOnlyEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( CAI_DynamicLink, CServerOnlyEntity );
static void InitDynamicLinks(void);
static void ResetDynamicLinks(void);
static void PurgeDynamicLinks(void);
static void GenerateControllerLinks();
static bool gm_bInitialized;
static CAI_DynamicLink* GetDynamicLink(int nSrcID, int nDstID);
static CAI_DynamicLink* m_pAllDynamicLinks; // A linked list of all dynamic link
CAI_DynamicLink* m_pNextDynamicLink; // The next dynamic link in the list of dynamic links
int m_nSrcEditID; // the node that 'owns' this link
int m_nDestEditID; // the node on the other end of the link.
int m_nSrcID; // the node that 'owns' this link
int m_nDestID; // the node on the other end of the link.
DynamicLinkState_t m_nLinkState; //
string_t m_strAllowUse; // Only this entity name or classname may use the link
bool m_bInvertAllow; // Instead of only allowing the m_strAllowUse entity, exclude only it
bool m_bFixedUpIds;
bool m_bNotSaved;
int m_nLinkType;
void SetLinkState( void );
bool IsLinkValid( void );
CAI_Link * FindLink();
int ObjectCaps();
// ----------------
// Inputs
// ----------------
void InputTurnOn( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputTurnOff( inputdata_t &inputdata );
// >> CAI_DynanicLinkVolume
class CAI_DynamicLinkController : public CServerOnlyEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( CAI_DynamicLinkController, CServerOnlyEntity );
void GenerateLinksFromVolume();
// ----------------
// Inputs
// ----------------
void InputTurnOn( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputTurnOff( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetAllowed( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputSetInvert( inputdata_t &inputdata );
CUtlVector< CHandle<CAI_DynamicLink> > m_ControlledLinks;
DynamicLinkState_t m_nLinkState;
string_t m_strAllowUse; // Only this entity name or classname may use the link
bool m_bInvertAllow; // Instead of only allowing the m_strAllowUse entity, exclude only it
bool m_bUseAirLinkRadius;
class CAI_RadialLinkController : public CBaseEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( CAI_RadialLinkController, CBaseEntity );
void Spawn();
void Activate();
void PollMotionThink();
void ModifyNodeLinks( bool bMakeStale );
float m_flRadius;
Vector m_vecAtRestOrigin;
bool m_bAtRest;