Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
#include "animation.h"
#include "basecombatweapon.h"
#include "player.h" // For gEvilImpulse101 / CBasePlayer
#include "gamerules.h" // For g_pGameRules
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include "ammodef.h"
#include "baseviewmodel.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "weapon_parse.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "sendproxy.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "vphysics/constraints.h"
#include "npcevent.h"
#include "igamesystem.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include "iservervehicle.h"
#include "func_break.h"
#ifdef HL2MP
#include "hl2mp_gamerules.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern int gEvilImpulse101; // In Player.h
// -----------------------------------------
// Sprite Index info
// -----------------------------------------
short g_sModelIndexLaser; // holds the index for the laser beam
const char *g_pModelNameLaser = "sprites/laserbeam.vmt";
short g_sModelIndexLaserDot; // holds the index for the laser beam dot
short g_sModelIndexFireball; // holds the index for the fireball
short g_sModelIndexSmoke; // holds the index for the smoke cloud
short g_sModelIndexWExplosion; // holds the index for the underwater explosion
short g_sModelIndexBubbles; // holds the index for the bubbles model
short g_sModelIndexBloodDrop; // holds the sprite index for the initial blood
short g_sModelIndexBloodSpray; // holds the sprite index for splattered blood
ConVar weapon_showproficiency( "weapon_showproficiency", "0" );
extern ConVar ai_debug_shoot_positions;
// Purpose: Precache global weapon sounds
void W_Precache(void)
PrecacheFileWeaponInfoDatabase( filesystem, g_pGameRules->GetEncryptionKey() );
#ifdef HL1_DLL
g_sModelIndexWExplosion = CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel ("sprites/WXplo1.vmt");// underwater fireball
g_sModelIndexBloodSpray = CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel ("sprites/bloodspray.vmt"); // initial blood
g_sModelIndexBloodDrop = CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel ("sprites/blood.vmt"); // splattered blood
g_sModelIndexLaserDot = CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel("sprites/laserdot.vmt");
#endif // HL1_DLL
#ifndef TF_DLL
g_sModelIndexFireball = CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel ("sprites/zerogxplode.vmt");// fireball
g_sModelIndexSmoke = CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel ("sprites/steam1.vmt");// smoke
g_sModelIndexBubbles = CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel ("sprites/bubble.vmt");//bubbles
g_sModelIndexLaser = CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel( (char *)g_pModelNameLaser );
PrecacheParticleSystem( "blood_impact_red_01" );
PrecacheParticleSystem( "blood_impact_green_01" );
PrecacheParticleSystem( "blood_impact_yellow_01" );
CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel ("effects/bubble.vmt");//bubble trails
CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( "BaseCombatWeapon.WeaponDrop" );
CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( "BaseCombatWeapon.WeaponMaterialize" );
// Purpose: Transmit weapon data
int CBaseCombatWeapon::UpdateTransmitState( void)
// If the weapon is being carried by a CBaseCombatCharacter, let the combat character do the logic
// about whether or not to transmit it.
if ( GetOwner() )
return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK );
// If it's just lying around, then use CBaseEntity's visibility test to see if it should be sent.
return BaseClass::UpdateTransmitState();
void CBaseCombatWeapon::Operator_FrameUpdate( CBaseCombatCharacter *pOperator )
StudioFrameAdvance( ); // animate
if ( IsSequenceFinished() )
if ( SequenceLoops() )
// animation does loop, which means we're playing subtle idle. Might need to fidget.
int iSequence = SelectWeightedSequence( GetActivity() );
if ( iSequence != ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE )
ResetSequence( iSequence ); // Set to new anim (if it's there)
#if 0
// animation that just ended doesn't loop! That means we just finished a fidget
// and should return to our heaviest weighted idle (the subtle one)
SelectHeaviestSequence( GetActivity() );
// Animation events are passed back to the weapon's owner/operator
DispatchAnimEvents( pOperator );
// Update and dispatch the viewmodel events
CBasePlayer *pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
if ( pOwner == NULL )
CBaseViewModel *vm = pOwner->GetViewModel( m_nViewModelIndex );
if ( vm != NULL )
vm->DispatchAnimEvents( this );
// Purpose:
// Input : *pEvent -
// *pOperator -
void CBaseCombatWeapon::Operator_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent, CBaseCombatCharacter *pOperator )
if ( (pEvent->type & AE_TYPE_NEWEVENTSYSTEM) && (pEvent->type & AE_TYPE_SERVER) )
if ( pEvent->event == AE_NPC_WEAPON_FIRE )
bool bSecondary = (atoi( pEvent->options ) != 0);
Operator_ForceNPCFire( pOperator, bSecondary );
else if ( pEvent->event == AE_WPN_PLAYWPNSOUND )
int iSnd = GetWeaponSoundFromString(pEvent->options);
if ( iSnd != -1 )
WeaponSound( (WeaponSound_t)iSnd );
DevWarning( 2, "Unhandled animation event %d from %s --> %s\n", pEvent->event, pOperator->GetClassname(), GetClassname() );
// NOTE: This should never be called when a character is operating the weapon. Animation events should be
// routed through the character, and then back into CharacterAnimEvent()
void CBaseCombatWeapon::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent )
//If the player is receiving this message, pass it through
CBasePlayer *pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
if ( pOwner != NULL )
Operator_HandleAnimEvent( pEvent, pOwner );
// Purpose: Make the weapon visible and tangible
CBaseEntity* CBaseCombatWeapon::Respawn( void )
// make a copy of this weapon that is invisible and inaccessible to players (no touch function). The weapon spawn/respawn code
// will decide when to make the weapon visible and touchable.
CBaseEntity *pNewWeapon = CBaseEntity::Create( GetClassname(), g_pGameRules->VecWeaponRespawnSpot( this ), GetLocalAngles(), GetOwnerEntity() );
if ( pNewWeapon )
pNewWeapon->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );// invisible for now
pNewWeapon->SetTouch( NULL );// no touch
pNewWeapon->SetThink( &CBaseCombatWeapon::AttemptToMaterialize );
UTIL_DropToFloor( this, MASK_SOLID );
// not a typo! We want to know when the weapon the player just picked up should respawn! This new entity we created is the replacement,
// but when it should respawn is based on conditions belonging to the weapon that was taken.
pNewWeapon->SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + g_pGameRules->FlWeaponRespawnTime( this ) );
Warning("Respawn failed to create %s!\n", GetClassname() );
return pNewWeapon;
// Purpose: Weapons ignore other weapons when LOS tracing
class CWeaponLOSFilter : public CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities
DECLARE_CLASS( CWeaponLOSFilter, CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities );
CWeaponLOSFilter( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity2, int collisionGroup ) :
CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities( pHandleEntity, pHandleEntity2, collisionGroup ), m_pVehicle( NULL )
// If the tracing entity is in a vehicle, then ignore it
if ( pHandleEntity != NULL )
CBaseCombatCharacter *pBCC = ((CBaseEntity *)pHandleEntity)->MyCombatCharacterPointer();
if ( pBCC != NULL )
m_pVehicle = pBCC->GetVehicleEntity();
virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pServerEntity, int contentsMask )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)pServerEntity;
if ( pEntity->GetCollisionGroup() == COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON )
return false;
// Don't collide with the tracing entity's vehicle (if it exists)
if ( pServerEntity == m_pVehicle )
return false;
if ( pEntity->GetHealth() > 0 )
CBreakable *pBreakable = dynamic_cast<CBreakable *>(pEntity);
if ( pBreakable && pBreakable->IsBreakable() && pBreakable->GetMaterialType() == matGlass)
return false;
return BaseClass::ShouldHitEntity( pServerEntity, contentsMask );
CBaseEntity *m_pVehicle;
// Purpose: Check the weapon LOS for an owner at an arbitrary position
// If bSetConditions is true, LOS related conditions will also be set
bool CBaseCombatWeapon::WeaponLOSCondition( const Vector &ownerPos, const Vector &targetPos, bool bSetConditions )
// --------------------
// Check for occlusion
// --------------------
CAI_BaseNPC* npcOwner = m_hOwner.Get()->MyNPCPointer();
// Find its relative shoot position
Vector vecRelativeShootPosition;
VectorSubtract( npcOwner->Weapon_ShootPosition(), npcOwner->GetAbsOrigin(), vecRelativeShootPosition );
Vector barrelPos = ownerPos + vecRelativeShootPosition;
// FIXME: If we're in a vehicle, we need some sort of way to handle shooting out of them
// Use the custom LOS trace filter
CWeaponLOSFilter traceFilter( m_hOwner.Get(), npcOwner->GetEnemy(), COLLISION_GROUP_BREAKABLE_GLASS );
trace_t tr;
UTIL_TraceLine( barrelPos, targetPos, MASK_SHOT, &traceFilter, &tr );
// See if we completed the trace without interruption
if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
if ( ai_debug_shoot_positions.GetBool() )
NDebugOverlay::Line( barrelPos, targetPos, 0, 255, 0, false, 1.0 );
return true;
CBaseEntity *pHitEnt = tr.m_pEnt;
CBasePlayer *pEnemyPlayer = ToBasePlayer( npcOwner->GetEnemy() );
// is player in a vehicle? if so, verify vehicle is target and return if so (so npc shoots at vehicle)
if ( pEnemyPlayer && pEnemyPlayer->IsInAVehicle() )
// Ok, player in vehicle, check if vehicle is target we're looking at, fire if it is
// Also, check to see if the owner of the entity is the vehicle, in which case it's valid too.
// This catches vehicles that use bone followers.
CBaseEntity *pVehicle = pEnemyPlayer->GetVehicle()->GetVehicleEnt();
if ( pHitEnt == pVehicle || pHitEnt->GetOwnerEntity() == pVehicle )
return true;
// Hitting our enemy is a success case
if ( pHitEnt == npcOwner->GetEnemy() )
if ( ai_debug_shoot_positions.GetBool() )
NDebugOverlay::Line( barrelPos, targetPos, 0, 255, 0, false, 1.0 );
return true;
// If a vehicle is blocking the view, grab its driver and use that as the combat character
CBaseCombatCharacter *pBCC;
IServerVehicle *pVehicle = pHitEnt->GetServerVehicle();
if ( pVehicle )
pBCC = pVehicle->GetPassenger( );
pBCC = ToBaseCombatCharacter( pHitEnt );
if ( pBCC )
if ( npcOwner->IRelationType( pBCC ) == D_HT )
return true;
if ( bSetConditions )
npcOwner->SetCondition( COND_WEAPON_BLOCKED_BY_FRIEND );
else if ( bSetConditions )
npcOwner->SetCondition( COND_WEAPON_SIGHT_OCCLUDED );
npcOwner->SetEnemyOccluder( pHitEnt );
if( ai_debug_shoot_positions.GetBool() )
NDebugOverlay::Line( tr.startpos, tr.endpos, 255, 0, 0, false, 1.0 );
return false;
// Purpose: Base class always returns not bits
int CBaseCombatWeapon::WeaponRangeAttack1Condition( float flDot, float flDist )
if ( UsesPrimaryAmmo() && !HasPrimaryAmmo() )
else if ( flDist < m_fMinRange1)
else if (flDist > m_fMaxRange1)
else if (flDot < 0.5) // UNDONE: Why check this here? Isn't the AI checking this already?
// Purpose: Base class always returns not bits
int CBaseCombatWeapon::WeaponRangeAttack2Condition( float flDot, float flDist )
// currently disabled
return COND_NONE;
if ( m_bReloadsSingly )
if (m_iClip2 <=0)
else if ( flDist < m_fMinRange2)
else if (flDist > m_fMaxRange2)
else if (flDot < 0.5)
return COND_NONE;
// Purpose: Base class always returns not bits
int CBaseCombatWeapon::WeaponMeleeAttack1Condition( float flDot, float flDist )
return COND_NONE;
// Purpose: Base class always returns not bits
int CBaseCombatWeapon::WeaponMeleeAttack2Condition( float flDot, float flDist )
return COND_NONE;
void CBaseCombatWeapon::Delete( void )
SetTouch( NULL );
// FIXME: why doesn't this just remove itself now?
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
void CBaseCombatWeapon::DestroyItem( void )
CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner = m_hOwner.Get();
if ( pOwner )
// if attached to a player, remove.
pOwner->RemovePlayerItem( this );
Kill( );
void CBaseCombatWeapon::Kill( void )
SetTouch( NULL );
// FIXME: why doesn't this just remove itself now?
// FIXME: how is this different than Delete(), and why do they have the same code in them?
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
// Purpose: Setup for the fall
void CBaseCombatWeapon::FallInit( void )
SetModel( GetWorldModel() );
if ( !VPhysicsInitNormal( SOLID_BBOX, GetSolidFlags() | FSOLID_TRIGGER, false ) )
SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_TRIGGER );
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
// Constrained start?
//Constrain the weapon in place
IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, *pAttachedObject;
pReferenceObject = g_PhysWorldObject;
pAttachedObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
if ( pReferenceObject && pAttachedObject )
constraint_fixedparams_t fixed;
fixed.InitWithCurrentObjectState( pReferenceObject, pAttachedObject );
fixed.constraint.forceLimit = lbs2kg( 10000 );
fixed.constraint.torqueLimit = lbs2kg( 10000 );
m_pConstraint = physenv->CreateFixedConstraint( pReferenceObject, pAttachedObject, NULL, fixed );
m_pConstraint->SetGameData( (void *) this );
#endif //CLIENT_DLL
SetThink( &CBaseCombatWeapon::FallThink );
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
// Purpose: Items that have just spawned run this think to catch them when
// they hit the ground. Once we're sure that the object is grounded,
// we change its solid type to trigger and set it in a large box that
// helps the player get it.
void CBaseCombatWeapon::FallThink ( void )
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
bool shouldMaterialize = false;
IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = VPhysicsGetObject();
if ( pPhysics )
shouldMaterialize = pPhysics->IsAsleep();
shouldMaterialize = (GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND) ? true : false;
if ( shouldMaterialize )
// clatter if we have an owner (i.e., dropped by someone)
// don't clatter if the gun is waiting to respawn (if it's waiting, it is invisible!)
if ( GetOwnerEntity() )
EmitSound( "BaseCombatWeapon.WeaponDrop" );
// Purpose: Make a weapon visible and tangible
void CBaseCombatWeapon::Materialize( void )
if ( IsEffectActive( EF_NODRAW ) )
// changing from invisible state to visible.
#ifdef HL2MP
EmitSound( "AlyxEmp.Charge" );
EmitSound( "BaseCombatWeapon.WeaponMaterialize" );
RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW );
#ifdef HL2MP
if ( HasSpawnFlags( SF_NORESPAWN ) == false )
VPhysicsInitNormal( SOLID_BBOX, GetSolidFlags() | FSOLID_TRIGGER, false );
HL2MPRules()->AddLevelDesignerPlacedObject( this );
SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_TRIGGER );
SetThink (NULL);
// Purpose: See if the game rules will let this weapon respawn
void CBaseCombatWeapon::AttemptToMaterialize( void )
float time = g_pGameRules->FlWeaponTryRespawn( this );
if ( time == 0 )
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + time );
// Purpose: Weapon has been picked up, should it respawn?
void CBaseCombatWeapon::CheckRespawn( void )
switch ( g_pGameRules->WeaponShouldRespawn( this ) )
class CWeaponList : public CAutoGameSystem
CWeaponList( char const *name ) : CAutoGameSystem( name )
virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity()
void AddWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
m_list.AddToTail( pWeapon );
void RemoveWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
m_list.FindAndRemove( pWeapon );
CUtlLinkedList< CBaseCombatWeapon * > m_list;
CWeaponList g_WeaponList( "CWeaponList" );
void OnBaseCombatWeaponCreated( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
g_WeaponList.AddWeapon( pWeapon );
void OnBaseCombatWeaponDestroyed( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
g_WeaponList.RemoveWeapon( pWeapon );
int CBaseCombatWeapon::GetAvailableWeaponsInBox( CBaseCombatWeapon **pList, int listMax, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs )
// linear search all weapons
int count = 0;
int index = g_WeaponList.m_list.Head();
while ( index != g_WeaponList.m_list.InvalidIndex() )
CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = g_WeaponList.m_list[index];
// skip any held weapon
if ( !pWeapon->GetOwner() )
// restrict to mins/maxs
if ( IsPointInBox( pWeapon->GetAbsOrigin(), mins, maxs ) )
if ( count < listMax )
pList[count] = pWeapon;
index = g_WeaponList.m_list.Next( index );
return count;
// Purpose:
int CBaseCombatWeapon::ObjectCaps( void )
int caps = BaseClass::ObjectCaps();
if ( !IsFollowingEntity() && !HasSpawnFlags(SF_WEAPON_NO_PLAYER_PICKUP) )
return caps;
// Purpose:
void CBaseCombatWeapon::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pActivator );
if ( pPlayer )
m_OnPlayerUse.FireOutput( pActivator, pCaller );
// Bump the weapon to try equipping it before picking it up physically. This is
// important in a few spots in the game where the player could potentially +use pickup
// and then THROW AWAY a vital weapon, rendering them unable to continue the game.
if ( pPlayer->BumpWeapon( this ) )
OnPickedUp( pPlayer );
pPlayer->PickupObject( this );