Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "vehicle_jeep.h"
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
#include "hl2_vehicle_radar.h"
class CParticleSystem;
class CVehicleCargoTrigger;
class CSprite;
// Episodic jeep
class CPropJeepEpisodic : public CPropJeep
DECLARE_CLASS( CPropJeepEpisodic, CPropJeep );
CPropJeepEpisodic( void );
virtual void Spawn( void );
virtual void Activate( void );
virtual void Think( void );
virtual void UpdateOnRemove( void );
virtual void NPC_FinishedEnterVehicle( CAI_BaseNPC *pPassenger, bool bCompanion );
virtual void NPC_FinishedExitVehicle( CAI_BaseNPC *pPassenger, bool bCompanion );
virtual bool NPC_CanEnterVehicle( CAI_BaseNPC *pPassenger, bool bCompanion );
virtual bool NPC_CanExitVehicle( CAI_BaseNPC *pPassenger, bool bCompanion );
virtual void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
virtual void Precache( void );
virtual void EnterVehicle( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger );
virtual void ExitVehicle( int nRole );
virtual bool AllowBlockedExit( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger, int nRole );
// Passengers take no damage except what we pass them
virtual bool PassengerShouldReceiveDamage( CTakeDamageInfo &info )
if ( GetServerVehicle() && GetServerVehicle()->IsPassengerExiting() )
return false;
return ( info.GetDamageType() & DMG_VEHICLE ) != 0;
virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return (BaseClass::ObjectCaps() | FCAP_NOTIFY_ON_TRANSITION); }
void SpawnRadarPanel();
void DestroyRadarPanel();
int NumRadarContacts() { return m_iNumRadarContacts; }
void AddPropToCargoHold( CPhysicsProp *pProp );
virtual CBaseEntity *OnFailedPhysGunPickup( Vector vPhysgunPos );
virtual void DriveVehicle( float flFrameTime, CUserCmd *ucmd, int iButtonsDown, int iButtonsReleased );
virtual int DrawDebugTextOverlays( void );
void HazardBlinkThink( void );
void CreateHazardLights( void );
void DestroyHazardLights( void );
void UpdateCargoEntry( void );
void ReleasePropFromCargoHold( void );
void CreateCargoTrigger( void );
virtual float GetUprightTime( void ) { return 1.0f; }
virtual float GetUprightStrength( void );
virtual bool ShouldPuntUseLaunchForces( PhysGunForce_t reason ) { return ( reason == PHYSGUN_FORCE_PUNTED ); }
virtual void HandleWater( void );
virtual AngularImpulse PhysGunLaunchAngularImpulse( void );
virtual Vector PhysGunLaunchVelocity( const Vector &forward, float flMass );
bool PassengerInTransition( void );
void SetBusterHopperVisibility(bool visible);
void UpdateWheelDust( void );
void UpdateRadar( bool forceUpdate = false );
void InputLockEntrance( inputdata_t &data );
void InputUnlockEntrance( inputdata_t &data );
void InputLockExit( inputdata_t &data );
void InputUnlockExit( inputdata_t &data );
void InputEnableRadar( inputdata_t &data );
void InputDisableRadar( inputdata_t &data );
void InputEnableRadarDetectEnemies( inputdata_t &data );
void InputAddBusterToCargo( inputdata_t &data );
void InputSetCargoVisibility( inputdata_t &data );
void InputOutsideTransition( inputdata_t &data );
void InputDisablePhysGun( inputdata_t &data );
void InputEnablePhysGun( inputdata_t &data );
void InputCreateLinkController( inputdata_t &data );
void InputDestroyLinkController( inputdata_t &data );
void CreateAvoidanceZone( void );
bool m_bEntranceLocked;
bool m_bExitLocked;
bool m_bAddingCargo;
bool m_bBlink;
float m_flCargoStartTime; // Time when the cargo was first added to the vehicle (used for animating into hold)
float m_flNextAvoidBroadcastTime; // Next time we'll warn entity to move out of us
COutputEvent m_OnCompanionEnteredVehicle; // Passenger has completed entering the vehicle
COutputEvent m_OnCompanionExitedVehicle; // Passenger has completed exited the vehicle
COutputEvent m_OnHostileEnteredVehicle; // Passenger has completed entering the vehicle
COutputEvent m_OnHostileExitedVehicle; // Passenger has completed exited the vehicle
CHandle< CParticleSystem > m_hWheelDust[NUM_WHEEL_EFFECTS];
CHandle< CParticleSystem > m_hWheelWater[NUM_WHEEL_EFFECTS];
CHandle< CVehicleCargoTrigger > m_hCargoTrigger;
CHandle< CPhysicsProp > m_hCargoProp;
CHandle< CSprite > m_hHazardLights[NUM_HAZARD_LIGHTS];
float m_flNextWaterSound;
bool m_bRadarEnabled;
bool m_bRadarDetectsEnemies;
float m_flNextRadarUpdateTime;
EHANDLE m_hRadarScreen;
EHANDLE m_hLinkControllerFront;
EHANDLE m_hLinkControllerRear;
bool m_bBusterHopperVisible; // is the hopper assembly visible on the vehicle? please do not set this directly - use the accessor funct.
CNetworkVar( int, m_iNumRadarContacts );
CNetworkArray( Vector, m_vecRadarContactPos, RADAR_MAX_CONTACTS );
CNetworkArray( int, m_iRadarContactType, RADAR_MAX_CONTACTS );