Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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// STATIC: "CONVERT_TO_SRGB" "0..1" [ps20b][= g_pHardwareConfig->NeedsShaderSRGBConversion()] [PC]
// STATIC: "CONVERT_TO_SRGB" "0..0" [= 0] [XBOX]
// STATIC: "REFLECT" "0..1"
// STATIC: "REFRACT" "0..1"
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0 )
#include "common_ps_fxc.h"
sampler RefractSampler : register( s0 );
sampler BaseTextureSampler : register( s1 );
sampler ReflectSampler : register( s2 );
sampler LightmapSampler : register( s3 );
sampler EnvMapMaskSampler : register( s6 );
sampler NormalSampler : register( s4 );
const HALF4 vRefractTint : register( c1 );
const float4 g_FresnelConstants : register( c3 );
const HALF4 vReflectTint : register( c4 );
const float4 g_ReflectRefractScale : register( c5 ); // xy - reflect scale, zw - refract scale
const float4 g_PixelFogParams : register( c8 );
static const bool g_bReflect = REFLECT ? true : false;
static const bool g_bRefract = REFRACT ? true : false;
struct PS_INPUT
float4 vBumpTexCoordXY_vTexCoordXY : TEXCOORD0;
half3 vTangentEyeVect : TEXCOORD1;
float4 vReflectXY_vRefractYX : TEXCOORD2;
float W : TEXCOORD3;
float4 vProjPos : TEXCOORD4;
float screenCoord : TEXCOORD5;
HALF4 lightmapTexCoord1And2 : TEXCOORD6;
HALF4 lightmapTexCoord3 : TEXCOORD7;
float4 fogFactorW : COLOR1;
float4 main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR
// Load normal and expand range
HALF4 vNormalSample = tex2D( NormalSampler, i.vBumpTexCoordXY_vTexCoordXY.xy );
HALF3 vNormal = normalize( vNormalSample * 2.0 - 1.0 );
// Perform division by W only once
float ooW = 1.0f / i.W;
float2 unwarpedRefractTexCoord = i.vReflectXY_vRefractYX.wz * ooW;
float4 reflectRefractScale = g_ReflectRefractScale;
// Compute coordinates for sampling Reflection
float2 vReflectTexCoord;
float2 vRefractTexCoord;
// vectorize the dependent UV calculations (reflect = .xy, refract = .wz)
#ifdef NV3X
float4 vDependentTexCoords = vNormal.xyxy * vNormalSample.a * reflectRefractScale;
float4 vN;
vN.xy = vNormal.xy;
vN.w = vNormal.x;
vN.z = vNormal.y;
float4 vDependentTexCoords = vN * vNormalSample.a * reflectRefractScale;
vDependentTexCoords += ( i.vReflectXY_vRefractYX * ooW );
vReflectTexCoord = vDependentTexCoords.xy;
vRefractTexCoord = vDependentTexCoords.wz;
// Sample reflection and refraction
HALF4 vReflectColor = tex2D( ReflectSampler, vReflectTexCoord );
HALF4 vRefractColor = tex2D( RefractSampler, vRefractTexCoord );
vReflectColor *= vReflectTint;
vRefractColor *= vRefractTint;
half3 vEyeVect;
vEyeVect = normalize( i.vTangentEyeVect );
// Fresnel term
HALF fNdotV = saturate( dot( vEyeVect, vNormal ) );
HALF fFresnelScalar = g_FresnelConstants.x * pow( 1.0 - fNdotV, g_FresnelConstants.y ) + g_FresnelConstants.z;
HALF4 fFresnel = HALF4( fFresnelScalar, fFresnelScalar, fFresnelScalar, fFresnelScalar );
float4 baseSample = tex2D( BaseTextureSampler, );
HALF2 bumpCoord1;
HALF2 bumpCoord2;
HALF2 bumpCoord3;
ComputeBumpedLightmapCoordinates( i.lightmapTexCoord1And2, i.lightmapTexCoord3.xy,
bumpCoord1, bumpCoord2, bumpCoord3 );
HALF4 lightmapSample1 = tex2D( LightmapSampler, bumpCoord1 );
HALF3 lightmapColor1 = lightmapSample1.rgb;
HALF3 lightmapColor2 = tex2D( LightmapSampler, bumpCoord2 );
HALF3 lightmapColor3 = tex2D( LightmapSampler, bumpCoord3 );
float3 dp;
dp.x = saturate( dot( vNormal, bumpBasis[0] ) );
dp.y = saturate( dot( vNormal, bumpBasis[1] ) );
dp.z = saturate( dot( vNormal, bumpBasis[2] ) );
dp *= dp;
float3 diffuseLighting = dp.x * lightmapColor1 +
dp.y * lightmapColor2 +
dp.z * lightmapColor3;
float sum = dot( dp, float3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
diffuseLighting *= LIGHT_MAP_SCALE / sum;
HALF3 diffuseComponent = baseSample.rgb * diffuseLighting;
float4 flMask;
flMask = tex2D( EnvMapMaskSampler, );
flMask = float4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
// NOTE: the BASETEXTURE path hasn't been tested (or really written for that matter, just copied from water)
// What I think should happen is that the alpha of base texture should be its 'translucency'
// which should indicate how much refraction to use.
// We should add an envmapmask to deal with how much reflection to use
// along with all the focus, etc. features
float4 result;
float flAlpha = 1.0f;
if( g_bReflect && g_bRefract )
result = lerp( vRefractColor, vReflectColor, fFresnel ) * flMask;
result += float4( diffuseComponent, 1.0f );
flAlpha = baseSample.a;
else if( g_bReflect )
result = float4( diffuseComponent, 1.0f ) + vReflectColor * flMask;
flAlpha = baseSample.a;
result = vReflectColor;
else if( g_bRefract )
result = float4( diffuseComponent, 1.0f ) + vRefractColor * flMask;
flAlpha = baseSample.a;
result = vRefractColor;
result = float4( diffuseComponent, 1.0f );
flAlpha = baseSample.a;
result = float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
float fogFactor = CalcRangeFog( i.vProjPos.z, g_PixelFogParams.x, g_PixelFogParams.z, g_PixelFogParams.w );
float fogFactor = 0;
return FinalOutput( float4( result.rgb, flAlpha ), fogFactor, PIXELFOGTYPE, TONEMAP_SCALE_NONE, (WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA != 0), i.vProjPos.z );