Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

212 lines
5.4 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "vgui_controls/subrectimage.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Officially the invalid texture ID is zero, but -1 is used in many
// places, and changing it carries some risk. Adding a named constant
// for this file avoids warnings and makes future changes easier.
const HTexture SUBRECT_INVALID_TEXTURE = (HTexture)-1;
// Constructor, destructor
CSubRectImage::CSubRectImage( const char *filename, bool hardwareFiltered, int subx, int suby, int subw, int subh )
SetSize( subw, subh );
sub[ 0 ] = subx;
sub[ 1 ] = suby;
sub[ 2 ] = subw;
sub[ 3 ] = subh;
_filtered = hardwareFiltered;
// HACKHACK - force VGUI materials to be in the vgui/ directory
// This needs to be revisited once GoldSRC is grandfathered off.
//!! need to make this work with goldsrc
int size = strlen(filename) + 1 + strlen("vgui/");
_filename = (char *)malloc( size );
Assert( _filename );
Q_snprintf( _filename, size, "vgui/%s", filename );
_uploaded = false;
_color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
_pos[0] = _pos[1] = 0;
_valid = true;
_wide = subw;
_tall = subh;
if ( vgui::surface() && _id != SUBRECT_INVALID_TEXTURE )
vgui::surface()->DestroyTextureID( _id );
if ( _filename )
free( _filename );
// Purpose: data accessor
void CSubRectImage::GetSize(int &wide, int &tall)
wide = _wide;
tall = _tall;
// Purpose: size of the bitmap
void CSubRectImage::GetContentSize(int &wide, int &tall)
wide = 0;
tall = 0;
if (!_valid)
surface()->DrawGetTextureSize(_id, wide, tall);
// Purpose: ignored
void CSubRectImage::SetSize(int x, int y)
_wide = x;
_tall = y;
// Purpose: data accessor
void CSubRectImage::SetPos(int x, int y)
_pos[0] = x;
_pos[1] = y;
// Purpose: data accessor
void CSubRectImage::SetColor(Color col)
_color = col;
// Purpose: returns the file name of the bitmap
const char *CSubRectImage::GetName()
return _filename;
// Purpose: Renders the loaded image, uploading it if necessary
// Assumes a valid image is always returned from uploading
void CSubRectImage::Paint()
if ( !_valid )
// if we don't have an _id then lets make one
_id = surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
// if we have not uploaded yet, lets go ahead and do so
if ( !_uploaded )
// set the texture current, set the color, and draw the biatch
surface()->DrawSetColor( _color[0], _color[1], _color[2], _color[3] );
surface()->DrawSetTexture( _id );
if ( _wide == 0 || _tall == 0 )
int cw, ch;
GetContentSize( cw, ch );
if ( cw == 0 || ch == 0 )
float s[ 2 ];
float t[ 2 ];
s[ 0 ] = (float)sub[ 0 ] / (float)cw;
s[ 1 ] = (float)(sub[ 0 ]+sub[ 2 ]) / (float)cw;
t[ 0 ] = (float)sub[ 1 ] / (float)ch;
t[ 1 ] = (float)(sub[ 1 ]+sub[ 3 ]) / (float)ch;
_pos[0] + _wide,
_pos[1] + _tall,
s[ 0 ],
t[ 0 ],
s[ 1 ],
t[ 1 ] );
// Purpose: ensures the bitmap has been uploaded
void CSubRectImage::ForceUpload()
if ( !_valid || _uploaded )
_id = surface()->CreateNewTextureID( false );
surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( _id, _filename, _filtered, false );
_uploaded = true;
_valid = surface()->IsTextureIDValid( _id );
// Purpose: data accessor
HTexture CSubRectImage::GetID()
return _id;
bool CSubRectImage::IsValid()
return _valid;