Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

221 lines
5.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Ensure that we have the MIME::Entity package installed first
eval { require MIME::Entity };
if ($@) {
system('ppm', 'install', 'MIME::Entity');
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use MIME::Entity;
use File::Basename;
use Archive::Zip;
use FindBin;
use Win32;
use strict;
my @NOTIFICATION_LIST = qw([email protected] [email protected]);
my $LOGMAN_EXE = "$ENV{SystemRoot}\\System32\\logman.exe";
my $log = undef;
my $help = 0;
my $man = 0;
my $collection = "bad";
my $run_for = 15;
GetOptions("log=s" => \$log,
"bad" => sub { $collection = "bad" },
"ok" => sub { $collection = "ok" },
"runfor=i" => \$run_for,
"help|?" => \$help,
"man" => \$man) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
if ($log) {
else {
exit 0;
sub SendLog {
my $log = shift;
my $logname = basename($log, ".blg");
print "Compressing $log to $\n";
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
my $user = Win32::LoginName();
$user =~ s|^\\valve\\||i;
my $machine = uc Win32::NodeName();
print "Sending: $ from $user\@$machine\n";
my $message = MIME::Entity->build(Type => "multipart/mixed",
From => "$user\",
To => join(", ", @NOTIFICATION_LIST),
Subject => "WTF: $machine: $logname");
$message->attach(Path => "$",
Type => "binary/octet-stream",
Encoding => "base64");
$message->send("smtp", Server => "");
sub StartLogging {
my $collection = shift;
unless (CheckCollection($collection)) {
InstallCollection($collection) || die "Failed to install collection\n";
if (StartCollection($collection)) {
local $| = 1;
print "Collecting samples: ";
while($run_for > 0) {
print $run_for % 5 ? "." : $run_for;
print "Done\n";
if (StopCollection($collection)) {
my $log = FindLog($collection);
if ($log) {
sub CheckCollection {
my $collection = shift;
if (open(my $pipe, "$LOGMAN_EXE query WTF-$collection |")) {
while(my $line = <$pipe>) {
if ($line =~ /Collection "WTF-$collection" does not exist/) {
elsif ($line =~ /Name:\s+WTF-$collection/) {
return 1;
sub IsRunningCollection {
my $collection = shift;
if (open(my $pipe, "$LOGMAN_EXE query WTF-$collection |")) {
while(my $line = <$pipe>) {
if ($line =~ /^Status:\s+(\w+)/) {
my $status = $1;
print "STATUS: $status\n";
return 1 if ($status eq 'Running');
return 1 if ($status eq 'Pending');
return 0;
return 0;
sub InstallCollection {
my $collection = shift;
print "Create WTF-$collection collection\n";
system("$LOGMAN_EXE", "create", "counter", "WTF-$collection", "-si", 1, "-cf", "$FindBin::Bin\\wtf.txt");
return if ($?);
return 1;
sub StartCollection {
my $collection = shift;
print "Start WTF-$collection collection\n";
eval {
system("$LOGMAN_EXE", "start", "WTF-$collection");
die "Starting Collection: $!\n" if ($?);
return 1;
sub StopCollection {
my $collection = shift;
print "Stop WTF-$collection collection\n";
eval {
system("$LOGMAN_EXE", "stop", "WTF-$collection");
die "Stopping Collection: $!\n" if ($?);
while (IsRunningCollection($collection)) {
sleep 1;
return 1;
sub FindLog {
my $collection = shift;
if (opendir(my $dirh, "C:\\PerfLogs")) {
my @files = sort { (stat("c:\\PerfLogs\\$a"))[9] <=> (stat("c:\\PerfLogs\\$b"))[9] } grep {
} readdir($dirh);
my $log = $files[-1];
print "Located latest log: $log\n";
return "C:\\PerfLogs\\$log";
print "No log found\n";
if (IsRunningCollection($collection)) {
=head1 NAME - Grabs a small capture of the performance data for the local machine and sends the information to the VMPI maintainers
=head1 SYNOPSIS [-runfor <time>] [-help|-?] [-man] -log <log> | -bad | -good
-bad Captures the data to the "bad" log (default)
-good Captures the data to the "good" log
-log Specifies the log to send
-runfor Specified the amount of time to sample for
-help|-? Display command line usage
-man Display full documentation
B<> is for capturing information about your system when VMPI is
doing something "bad". The default behaviour is to capture 15 seconds
of data and send the performance log to the VMPI maintainers. You can
optionally run another capture to show a "good" situation for a
baseline to compare against.
=head1 BUGS
The logman program that is used by does not support the -rc
command properly, so I cannot register to automatically send
the log when the capture ends. Instead I must manually start/wait/stop.