Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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Option Strict Off
Option Explicit Off
Imports EnvDTE
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Module EnvironmentEvents
#Region "Automatically generated code, do not modify"
'Automatically generated code, do not modify
'Event Sources Begin
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents DTEEvents As EnvDTE.DTEEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents DocumentEvents As EnvDTE.DocumentEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents WindowEvents As EnvDTE.WindowEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents TaskListEvents As EnvDTE.TaskListEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents FindEvents As EnvDTE.FindEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents OutputWindowEvents As EnvDTE.OutputWindowEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents SelectionEvents As EnvDTE.SelectionEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents BuildEvents As EnvDTE.BuildEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents SolutionEvents As EnvDTE.SolutionEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents SolutionItemsEvents As EnvDTE.ProjectItemsEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents MiscFilesEvents As EnvDTE.ProjectItemsEvents
<System.ContextStaticAttribute()> Public WithEvents DebuggerEvents As EnvDTE.DebuggerEvents
'Event Sources End
'End of automatically generated code
#End Region
End Module