Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#pragma once
#include "iclientvehicle.h"
#include "vehicle_viewblend_shared.h"
class C_PropVehicleDriveable : public C_BaseAnimating, public IClientVehicle
DECLARE_CLASS( C_PropVehicleDriveable, C_BaseAnimating );
// IVehicle overrides.
virtual C_BaseCombatCharacter* GetPassenger( int nRole );
virtual int GetPassengerRole( C_BaseCombatCharacter *pEnt );
virtual bool IsPassengerUsingStandardWeapons( int nRole = VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER ) { return false; }
virtual void GetVehicleViewPosition( int nRole, Vector *pOrigin, QAngle *pAngles, float *pFOV = NULL );
virtual void SetupMove( C_BasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *pHelper, CMoveData *move ) {}
virtual void ProcessMovement( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer, CMoveData *pMoveData ) {}
virtual void FinishMove( C_BasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, CMoveData *move ) {}
virtual void ItemPostFrame( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer ) {}
// IClientVehicle overrides.
virtual void GetVehicleFOV( float &flFOV ) { flFOV = m_flFOV; }
virtual void DrawHudElements();
virtual void UpdateViewAngles( C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer, CUserCmd *pCmd );
virtual void DampenEyePosition( Vector &vecVehicleEyePos, QAngle &vecVehicleEyeAngles );
virtual void GetVehicleClipPlanes( float &flZNear, float &flZFar ) const;
virtual int GetPrimaryAmmoType() const { return -1; }
virtual int GetPrimaryAmmoCount() const { return -1; }
virtual int GetPrimaryAmmoClip() const { return -1; }
virtual bool PrimaryAmmoUsesClips() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsPredicted() const { return false; }
virtual int GetJoystickResponseCurve() const;
// C_BaseEntity overrides.
virtual IClientVehicle* GetClientVehicle() { return this; }
virtual C_BaseEntity *GetVehicleEnt() { return this; }
virtual bool IsSelfAnimating() { return false; };
virtual void OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
// Should this object cast render-to-texture shadows?
virtual ShadowType_t ShadowCastType();
// Mark the shadow as dirty while the vehicle is being driven
virtual void ClientThink( void );
// C_PropVehicleDriveable
bool IsRunningEnterExitAnim( void ) { return m_bEnterAnimOn || m_bExitAnimOn; }
// NVNT added to check if the vehicle needs to aim
virtual bool HasGun(void){return m_bHasGun;}
virtual void OnEnteredVehicle( C_BaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger );
// NVNT added to notify haptics system of vehicle exit.
virtual void OnExitedVehicle( C_BaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger );
virtual void RestrictView( float *pYawBounds, float *pPitchBounds, float *pRollBounds, QAngle &vecViewAngles );
virtual void SetVehicleFOV( float flFOV ) { m_flFOV = flFOV; }
CHandle<C_BasePlayer> m_hPlayer;
int m_nSpeed;
int m_nRPM;
float m_flThrottle;
int m_nBoostTimeLeft;
int m_nHasBoost;
int m_nScannerDisabledWeapons;
int m_nScannerDisabledVehicle;
// timers/flags for flashing icons on hud
int m_iFlashTimer;
bool m_bLockedDim;
bool m_bLockedIcon;
int m_iScannerWepFlashTimer;
bool m_bScannerWepDim;
bool m_bScannerWepIcon;
int m_iScannerVehicleFlashTimer;
bool m_bScannerVehicleDim;
bool m_bScannerVehicleIcon;
float m_flSequenceChangeTime;
bool m_bEnterAnimOn;
bool m_bExitAnimOn;
float m_flFOV;
Vector m_vecGunCrosshair;
CInterpolatedVar<Vector> m_iv_vecGunCrosshair;
Vector m_vecEyeExitEndpoint;
bool m_bHasGun;
bool m_bUnableToFire;
// Used to smooth view entry
CHandle<C_BasePlayer> m_hPrevPlayer;
ViewSmoothingData_t m_ViewSmoothingData;
#endif // C_PROP_VEHICLE_H