Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

489 lines
16 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "item_ad_panel.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#include "item_model_panel.h"
#include "econ_store.h"
#include "econ_ui.h"
#include "store/store_panel.h"
#include "tf_controls.h"
#include "econ_item_description.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose:
CBaseAdPanel::CBaseAdPanel( Panel *parent, const char *panelName )
: BaseClass( parent, panelName )
// Purpose:
void CBaseAdPanel::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
m_flPresentTime = inResourceData->GetFloat( "present_time", 10.f );
bool CBaseAdPanel::CheckForRequiredSteamComponents( const char* pszSteamRequried, const char* pszOverlayRequired )
// Make sure we've got the appropriate connections to Steam
if ( !steamapicontext || !steamapicontext->SteamUtils() )
OpenStoreStatusDialog( NULL, pszSteamRequried, true, false );
return false;
if ( !steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->IsOverlayEnabled() )
OpenStoreStatusDialog( NULL, pszOverlayRequired, true, false );
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
CItemAdPanel::CItemAdPanel( Panel *parent, const char *panelName, item_definition_index_t itemDefIndex )
: BaseClass( parent, panelName )
, m_ItemDefIndex( itemDefIndex )
, m_bShowMarketButton( true )
SetDialogVariable( "price", "..." );
// Purpose:
void CItemAdPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( GetItemDef()->GetAdResFile() );
// Purpose:
void CItemAdPanel::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
m_bShowMarketButton = inResourceData->GetBool( "show_market", true ); // Default to showing market
if ( !m_bShowMarketButton )
// Tick every second as we try to get our price from the store
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 1000 );
const CTFItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemDef();
CItemModelPanel* pItemImage = FindControl< CItemModelPanel >( "ItemIcon" );
if ( pItemImage )
CEconItemView adItem;
adItem.Init( pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex(), AE_UNIQUE, 1, 1 );
pItemImage->InvalidateLayout( true, true );
pItemImage->SetItem( &adItem );
KeyValuesAD modelpanelKV( "modelpanel_kv" );
KeyValues *itemKV = new KeyValues( "itemmodelpanel" );
itemKV->SetBool( "inventory_image_type", true );
itemKV->SetBool( "use_item_rendertarget", false );
itemKV->SetBool( "allow_rot", false );
modelpanelKV->AddSubKey( itemKV );
pItemImage->ApplySettings( modelpanelKV );
// Purpose:
void CItemAdPanel::PerformLayout()
const CTFItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemDef();
// Get the ad text for the item. If it's not there, juse use the description text.
SetDialogVariable( "item_name", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pItemDef->GetItemBaseName() ) );
const char* pszAdtext = pItemDef->GetAdTextToken() ? pItemDef->GetAdTextToken() : pItemDef->GetItemDesc();
CExScrollingEditablePanel* pScrollableItemText = FindControl< CExScrollingEditablePanel >( "ScrollableItemText", true );
if ( pszAdtext && pScrollableItemText )
pScrollableItemText->SetDialogVariable( "item_ad_text", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszAdtext ) );
Label* pAdLabel = pScrollableItemText->FindControl< Label >( "ItemAdText", true );
if ( pAdLabel )
int nWide, nTall;
pAdLabel->GetContentSize( nWide, nTall );
pAdLabel->SetTall( nTall );
pScrollableItemText->InvalidateLayout( true );
CExButton* pBuyButton = FindControl< CExButton >( "BuyButton", true );
CExButton* pMarketButton = FindControl< CExButton >( "MarketButton", true );
if ( pBuyButton && pMarketButton )
pBuyButton->SetVisible( !m_bShowMarketButton );
pMarketButton->SetVisible( m_bShowMarketButton );
// Purpose:
void CItemAdPanel::OnTick()
const CTFItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemDef();
bool bStoreIsReady = EconUI()->GetStorePanel() && EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetPriceSheet() && EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetCart() && steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() && pItemDef;
if ( bStoreIsReady )
// Get the price of the item
const ECurrency eCurrency = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetCurrency();
const econ_store_entry_t *pEntry = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetPriceSheet()->GetEntry( pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() );
if ( pEntry )
item_price_t unPrice = pEntry->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency );
// Set that price into the button
wchar_t wzLocalizedPrice[ kLocalizedPriceSizeInChararacters ];
MakeMoneyString( wzLocalizedPrice, ARRAYSIZE( wzLocalizedPrice ), unPrice, eCurrency );
SetDialogVariable( "price", wzLocalizedPrice );
// Don't need to tick anymore
vgui::ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
// Purpose:
const CTFItemDefinition* CItemAdPanel::GetItemDef() const
return (CTFItemDefinition*)ItemSystem()->GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( m_ItemDefIndex );
// Purpose:
void CItemAdPanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( FStrEq( "purchase", command ) )
if ( !CheckForRequiredSteamComponents( "#StoreUpdate_SteamRequired", "#MMenu_OverlayRequired" ) )
const CTFItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemDef();
if ( pItemDef )
if ( EconUI()->GetStorePanel() && EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetPriceSheet() && EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetCart() && steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() )
// Add a the item to the users cart and checkout
AddItemToCartHelper( NULL, pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex(), kCartItem_Purchase );
EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->InitiateCheckout( true );
else if ( FStrEq( "market", command ) )
if ( !CheckForRequiredSteamComponents( "#StoreUpdate_SteamRequired", "#MMenu_OverlayRequired" ) )
const CTFItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemDef();
if ( pItemDef && steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamFriends() )
const char *pszPrefix = "";
if ( GetUniverse() == k_EUniverseBeta )
pszPrefix = "beta.";
static char pszItemName[256];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find ( pItemDef->GetItemBaseName() ) , pszItemName, sizeof(pszItemName) );
char szURL[512];
V_snprintf( szURL, sizeof(szURL), "", pszPrefix, engine->GetAppID(), pszItemName );
steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage( szURL );
DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY( CCyclingAdContainerPanel );
// Purpose:
CCyclingAdContainerPanel::CCyclingAdContainerPanel( Panel *parent, const char *panelName )
: BaseClass( parent, panelName )
, m_pAdsContainer( NULL )
, m_pKVItems( NULL )
, m_nCurrentIndex( 0 )
, m_nXPos( 0 )
, m_nTargetIndex( 0 )
, m_nTransitionStartOffsetX( 0 )
, m_bTransitionRight( true )
, m_bSettingsApplied( false )
, m_bNeedsToCreatePanels( false )
m_pAdsContainer = new EditablePanel( this, "AdsContainer" );
m_pFadePanel = new EditablePanel( this, "FadeTransition" );
m_pNextButton = new CExButton( this, "NextButton", ">", this, "next" );
m_pPrevButton = new CExButton( this, "PrevButton", "<", this, "prev" );
// Purpose:
if ( m_pKVItems )
m_pKVItems = NULL;
// Purpose:
void CCyclingAdContainerPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/econ/CyclingAdContainer.res" );
m_bSettingsApplied = true;
// Purpose:
void CCyclingAdContainerPanel::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
KeyValues* pKVItems = inResourceData->FindKey( "items" );
if ( pKVItems )
SetItemKVs( pKVItems );
// Purpose:
void CCyclingAdContainerPanel::CreatePanels()
if ( ItemSystem()->GetItemSchema()->GetVersion() == 0 )
const char* pszItemName = pKVItem->GetString( "item" );
const CEconItemDefinition *pDef = ItemSystem()->GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pszItemName );
if ( pDef )
AdData_t& adData = m_vecPossibleAds[ m_vecPossibleAds.AddToTail() ];
adData.m_pAdPanel = new CItemAdPanel( m_pAdsContainer, "ad", pDef->GetDefinitionIndex() );
adData.m_pAdPanel->InvalidateLayout( true, true ); // Default settings
adData.m_pAdPanel->ApplySettings( pKVItem );
AssertMsg( 0, "Invalid item def '%s'!", pszItemName );
m_bNeedsToCreatePanels = false;
// Purpose:
void CCyclingAdContainerPanel::PerformLayout()
PresentIndex( 0 );
// Purpose:
void CCyclingAdContainerPanel::OnThink()
if ( m_bNeedsToCreatePanels && m_bSettingsApplied )
PresentIndex( 0 );
// See if it's time to auto-cycle to the next ad
if ( m_ShowTimer.HasStarted() && m_ShowTimer.IsElapsed() && m_vecPossibleAds.Count() > 1 )
PresentIndex( m_nTargetIndex + 1 );
int nMouseX, nMouseY;
vgui::input()->GetCursorPos( nMouseX, nMouseY );
bool bControlsVisible = IsWithin( nMouseX, nMouseY ) && m_vecPossibleAds.Count() > 1;
m_pPrevButton->SetVisible( bControlsVisible );
m_pNextButton->SetVisible( bControlsVisible );
// Purpose:
void CCyclingAdContainerPanel::SetItemKVs( KeyValues* pKVItems )
if ( pKVItems )
if ( m_pKVItems )
m_pKVItems = NULL;
m_pKVItems = pKVItems->MakeCopy();
m_bNeedsToCreatePanels = true;
// Purpose:
void CCyclingAdContainerPanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( FStrEq( "next", command ) )
PresentIndex( m_nTargetIndex + 1 );
else if ( FStrEq( "prev", command ) )
PresentIndex( m_nTargetIndex - 1 );
// Purpose:
void CCyclingAdContainerPanel::PresentIndex( int nIndex )
if ( m_vecPossibleAds.IsEmpty() )
if ( m_nCurrentIndex == nIndex )
// Figure out which way we want to ransition
m_bTransitionRight = nIndex > m_nCurrentIndex;
// Wrap if needed
if ( nIndex >= m_vecPossibleAds.Count() )
nIndex = 0;
else if ( nIndex < 0 )
nIndex = m_vecPossibleAds.Count() - 1;
m_nTargetIndex = nIndex;
// If they click more times while transitioning out, just change the target. If we're
// into transitioning in to the next panel, then we need to start the whole thing over.
if ( !IsTransitioningOut() )
m_nTransitionStartOffsetX = m_nXPos;
float flTransitionTime = 1.f;
m_TransitionTimer.Start( flTransitionTime );
m_ShowTimer.Start( flTransitionTime + m_vecPossibleAds[ m_nCurrentIndex ].m_pAdPanel->GetPresentTime() );
// Purpose:
void CCyclingAdContainerPanel::UpdateAdPanelPositions()
// Figure out how far along a transition we are
float flPercent = Clamp( m_TransitionTimer.GetElapsedTime() / m_TransitionTimer.GetCountdownDuration(), 0.f, 1.f );
flPercent = Gain( flPercent, 0.8f );
// At a certain point, we're no longer transitioning out the old -- we're transitioning in the new
const float flTransitionCutOff = m_TransitionTimer.GetCountdownDuration() / 2.f;
bool bTransitionOut = flPercent < flTransitionCutOff;
int nStartX = 0;
int nTargetX = 0;
float flFadeAmount = 0.f;
if ( bTransitionOut )
nStartX = m_nTransitionStartOffsetX;
nTargetX = m_bTransitionRight ? -100 : 100;
flFadeAmount = RemapValClamped( flPercent, 0.f, flTransitionCutOff * 0.75f, 0.f, 255.f );
// Once we've passed the middle, show the target
m_nCurrentIndex = m_nTargetIndex;
nStartX = m_bTransitionRight ? 100 : -100;
nTargetX = 0;
flFadeAmount = RemapValClamped( flPercent, flTransitionCutOff * 1.25f, 1.f, 255.f, 0.f );
// Alpha fades up entirely near the middle to cover the swap
m_pFadePanel->SetAlpha( flFadeAmount );
m_nXPos = RemapVal( flPercent, 0.f, 1.f, nStartX, nTargetX );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecPossibleAds, i )
m_vecPossibleAds[i].m_pAdPanel->SetPos( m_nXPos, m_vecPossibleAds[i].m_pAdPanel->GetYPos() );
m_vecPossibleAds[i].m_pAdPanel->SetVisible( i == m_nCurrentIndex );
float CCyclingAdContainerPanel::GetTransitionProgress() const
float flPercent = Clamp( m_TransitionTimer.GetElapsedTime() / m_TransitionTimer.GetCountdownDuration(), 0.f, 1.f );
return Gain( flPercent, 0.8f );
bool CCyclingAdContainerPanel::IsTransitioningOut() const
const float flTransitionCutOff = m_TransitionTimer.GetCountdownDuration() / 2.f;
return GetTransitionProgress() < flTransitionCutOff;