Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Game rules for Half-Life 2.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "singleplay_gamerules.h"
#include "hl2_shareddefs.h"
#define CHalfLife2 C_HalfLife2
#define CHalfLife2Proxy C_HalfLife2Proxy
class CHalfLife2Proxy : public CGameRulesProxy
DECLARE_CLASS( CHalfLife2Proxy, CGameRulesProxy );
class CHalfLife2 : public CSingleplayRules
DECLARE_CLASS( CHalfLife2, CSingleplayRules );
// Damage Query Overrides.
virtual bool Damage_IsTimeBased( int iDmgType );
// TEMP:
virtual int Damage_GetTimeBased( void );
virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup0, int collisionGroup1 );
virtual bool ShouldUseRobustRadiusDamage(CBaseEntity *pEntity);
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
virtual bool ShouldAutoAim( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, edict_t *target );
virtual float GetAutoAimScale( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual float GetAmmoQuantityScale( int iAmmoIndex );
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity();
// Rules change for the mega physgun
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bMegaPhysgun );
DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS_NOBASE(); // This makes datatables able to access our private vars.
DECLARE_SERVERCLASS_NOBASE(); // This makes datatables able to access our private vars.
virtual ~CHalfLife2() {}
virtual void Think( void );
virtual bool ClientCommand( CBaseEntity *pEdict, const CCommand &args );
virtual void PlayerSpawn( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual void InitDefaultAIRelationships( void );
virtual const char* AIClassText(int classType);
virtual const char *GetGameDescription( void ) { return "Half-Life 2"; }
// Ammo
virtual void PlayerThink( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual float GetAmmoDamage( CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pVictim, int nAmmoType );
virtual bool ShouldBurningPropsEmitLight();
bool AllowDamage( CBaseEntity *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
bool NPC_ShouldDropGrenade( CBasePlayer *pRecipient );
bool NPC_ShouldDropHealth( CBasePlayer *pRecipient );
void NPC_DroppedHealth( void );
void NPC_DroppedGrenade( void );
bool MegaPhyscannonActive( void ) { return m_bMegaPhysgun; }
virtual bool IsAlyxInDarknessMode();
float m_flLastHealthDropTime;
float m_flLastGrenadeDropTime;
void AdjustPlayerDamageTaken( CTakeDamageInfo *pInfo );
float AdjustPlayerDamageInflicted( float damage );
int DefaultFOV( void ) { return 75; }
// Gets us at the Half-Life 2 game rules
inline CHalfLife2* HL2GameRules()
#if ( !defined( HL2_DLL ) && !defined( HL2_CLIENT_DLL ) ) || defined( HL2MP )
Assert( 0 ); // g_pGameRules is NOT an instance of CHalfLife2 and bad things happen
return static_cast<CHalfLife2*>(g_pGameRules);
#endif // HL2_GAMERULES_H