Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

536 lines
15 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "sceneimage.h"
#include "choreoscene.h"
#include "iscenetokenprocessor.h"
#include "scenefilecache/SceneImageFile.h"
#include "lzma/lzma.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/UtlStringMap.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/UtlSortVector.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
class CSceneImage : public ISceneImage
virtual bool CreateSceneImageFile( CUtlBuffer &targetBuffer, char const *pchModPath, bool bLittleEndian, bool bQuiet, ISceneCompileStatus *Status );
static CSceneImage g_SceneImage;
ISceneImage *g_pSceneImage = &g_SceneImage;
struct SceneFile_t
msecs = 0;
CUtlString fileName;
CUtlBuffer compiledBuffer;
unsigned int msecs;
CUtlVector< short > soundList;
CUtlVector< SceneFile_t > g_SceneFiles;
// Helper for parsing scene data file
class CSceneTokenProcessor : public ISceneTokenProcessor
const char *CurrentToken( void )
return token;
bool GetToken( bool crossline )
return ::GetToken( crossline ) ? true : false;
bool TokenAvailable( void )
return ::TokenAvailable() ? true : false;
void Error( const char *fmt, ... )
char string[2048];
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
Q_vsnprintf( string, sizeof(string), fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
Warning( "%s", string );
Assert( 0 );
static CSceneTokenProcessor g_SceneTokenProcessor;
ISceneTokenProcessor *tokenprocessor = &g_SceneTokenProcessor;
// a simple case insensitive string pool
// the final pool contains all the unique strings seperated by a null
class CChoreoStringPool : public IChoreoStringPool
CChoreoStringPool() : m_StringMap( true )
m_nOffset = 0;
// Returns a valid id into the string table
virtual short FindOrAddString( const char *pString )
int stringId = m_StringMap.Find( pString );
if ( stringId != m_StringMap.InvalidIndex() )
// found in pool
return stringId;
int &nOffset = m_StringMap[pString];
nOffset = m_nOffset;
// advance by string and null
m_nOffset += strlen( pString ) + 1;
stringId = m_StringMap.Find( pString );
Assert( stringId >= 0 && stringId <= 32767 );
return stringId;
virtual bool GetString( short stringId, char *buff, int buffSize )
if ( stringId < 0 || stringId >= m_StringMap.GetNumStrings() )
V_strncpy( buff, "", buffSize );
return false;
V_strncpy( buff, m_StringMap.String( stringId ), buffSize );
return true;
int GetNumStrings()
return m_StringMap.GetNumStrings();
unsigned int GetPoolSize()
return m_nOffset;
// build the final pool
void GetTableAndPool( CUtlVector< unsigned int > &offsets, CUtlBuffer &buffer )
offsets.EnsureCapacity( m_StringMap.GetNumStrings() );
buffer.EnsureCapacity( m_nOffset );
unsigned int currentOffset = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_StringMap.GetNumStrings(); i++ )
offsets.AddToTail( currentOffset );
const char *pString = m_StringMap.String( i );
buffer.Put( pString, strlen( pString ) + 1 );
currentOffset += strlen( pString ) + 1;
Assert( currentOffset == m_nOffset );
// align string pool to end on dword boundary
while ( buffer.TellMaxPut() & 0x03 )
buffer.PutChar( '\0' );
void DumpPool()
for ( int i = 0; i < m_StringMap.GetNumStrings(); i++ )
const char *pString = m_StringMap.String( i );
Msg( "%s\n", pString );
void Reset()
m_nOffset = 0;
CUtlStringMap< int > m_StringMap;
unsigned int m_nOffset;
CChoreoStringPool g_ChoreoStringPool;
// Helper for crawling events to determine sounds
void FindSoundsInEvent( CChoreoEvent *pEvent, CUtlVector< short >& soundList )
if ( !pEvent || pEvent->GetType() != CChoreoEvent::SPEAK )
unsigned short stringId = g_ChoreoStringPool.FindOrAddString( pEvent->GetParameters() );
if ( soundList.Find( stringId ) == soundList.InvalidIndex() )
soundList.AddToTail( stringId );
if ( pEvent->GetCloseCaptionType() == CChoreoEvent::CC_MASTER )
char tok[ CChoreoEvent::MAX_CCTOKEN_STRING ];
if ( pEvent->GetPlaybackCloseCaptionToken( tok, sizeof( tok ) ) )
stringId = g_ChoreoStringPool.FindOrAddString( tok );
if ( soundList.Find( stringId ) == soundList.InvalidIndex() )
soundList.AddToTail( stringId );
// Create binary compiled version of VCD. Stores to a dictionary for later
// post processing
bool CreateTargetFile_VCD( const char *pSourceName, const char *pTargetName, bool bWriteToZip, bool bLittleEndian )
CUtlBuffer sourceBuf;
if ( !scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( pSourceName, sourceBuf ) )
return false;
CRC32_t crcSource;
CRC32_Init( &crcSource );
CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crcSource, sourceBuf.Base(), sourceBuf.TellMaxPut() );
CRC32_Final( &crcSource );
ParseFromMemory( (char *)sourceBuf.Base(), sourceBuf.TellMaxPut() );
CChoreoScene *pChoreoScene = ChoreoLoadScene( pSourceName, NULL, &g_SceneTokenProcessor, Msg );
if ( !pChoreoScene )
return false;
int iScene = g_SceneFiles.AddToTail();
g_SceneFiles[iScene].fileName.Set( pSourceName );
// Walk all events looking for SPEAK events
CChoreoEvent *pEvent;
for ( int i = 0; i < pChoreoScene->GetNumEvents(); ++i )
pEvent = pChoreoScene->GetEvent( i );
FindSoundsInEvent( pEvent, g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList );
// calc duration
g_SceneFiles[iScene].msecs = (unsigned int)( pChoreoScene->FindStopTime() * 1000.0f + 0.5f );
// compile to binary buffer
g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.SetBigEndian( !bLittleEndian );
pChoreoScene->SaveToBinaryBuffer( g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer, crcSource, &g_ChoreoStringPool );
unsigned int compressedSize;
unsigned char *pCompressedBuffer = LZMA_OpportunisticCompress( (unsigned char *)g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.Base(),
&compressedSize );
if ( pCompressedBuffer )
// replace the compiled buffer with the compressed version
g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.EnsureCapacity( compressedSize );
g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.Put( pCompressedBuffer, compressedSize );
free( pCompressedBuffer );
delete pChoreoScene;
return true;
class CSceneImageEntryLessFunc
bool Less( const SceneImageEntry_t &entryLHS, const SceneImageEntry_t &entryRHS, void *pCtx )
return entryLHS.crcFilename < entryRHS.crcFilename;
// A Scene image file contains all the compiled .XCD
bool CSceneImage::CreateSceneImageFile( CUtlBuffer &targetBuffer, char const *pchModPath, bool bLittleEndian, bool bQuiet, ISceneCompileStatus *pStatus )
CUtlVector<fileList_t> vcdFileList;
CUtlSymbolTable vcdSymbolTable( 0, 32, true );
Msg( "\n" );
// get all the VCD files according to the seacrh paths
char searchPaths[512];
g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, searchPaths, sizeof( searchPaths ) );
char *pPath = strtok( searchPaths, ";" );
while ( pPath )
int currentCount = vcdFileList.Count();
char szPath[MAX_PATH];
V_ComposeFileName( pPath, "scenes/*.vcd", szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
scriptlib->FindFiles( szPath, true, vcdFileList );
Msg( "Scenes: Searching '%s' - Found %d scenes.\n", szPath, vcdFileList.Count() - currentCount );
pPath = strtok( NULL, ";" );
if ( !vcdFileList.Count() )
Msg( "Scenes: No Scene Files found!\n" );
return false;
// iterate and convert all the VCD files
bool bGameIsTF = V_stristr( pchModPath, "\\tf" ) != NULL;
for ( int i=0; i<vcdFileList.Count(); i++ )
const char *pFilename = vcdFileList[i].fileName.String();
const char *pSceneName = V_stristr( pFilename, "scenes\\" );
if ( !pSceneName )
if ( !bLittleEndian && bGameIsTF && V_stristr( pSceneName, "high\\" ) )
// process files in order they would be found in search paths
// i.e. skipping later processed files that match an earlier conversion
UtlSymId_t symbol = vcdSymbolTable.Find( pSceneName );
if ( symbol == UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL )
vcdSymbolTable.AddString( pSceneName );
pStatus->UpdateStatus( pFilename, bQuiet, i, vcdFileList.Count() );
if ( !CreateTargetFile_VCD( pFilename, "", false, bLittleEndian ) )
Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Failed on '%s' conversion!\n", pFilename );
if ( !g_SceneFiles.Count() )
// nothing to do
return true;
Msg( "Scenes: Finalizing %d unique scenes.\n", g_SceneFiles.Count() );
// get the string pool
CUtlVector< unsigned int > stringOffsets;
CUtlBuffer stringPool;
g_ChoreoStringPool.GetTableAndPool( stringOffsets, stringPool );
if ( !bQuiet )
Msg( "Scenes: String Table: %llu bytes\n", (uint64)(stringOffsets.Count() * sizeof( int )) );
Msg( "Scenes: String Pool: %d bytes\n", stringPool.TellMaxPut() );
// first header, then lookup table, then string pool blob
int stringPoolStart = sizeof( SceneImageHeader_t ) + stringOffsets.Count() * sizeof( int );
// then directory
int sceneEntryStart = stringPoolStart + stringPool.TellMaxPut();
// then variable sized summaries
int sceneSummaryStart = sceneEntryStart + g_SceneFiles.Count() * sizeof( SceneImageEntry_t );
// then variable sized compiled binary scene data
int sceneDataStart = 0;
// construct header
SceneImageHeader_t imageHeader = { 0 };
imageHeader.nId = SCENE_IMAGE_ID;
imageHeader.nVersion = SCENE_IMAGE_VERSION;
imageHeader.nNumScenes = g_SceneFiles.Count();
imageHeader.nNumStrings = stringOffsets.Count();
imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset = sceneEntryStart;
if ( !bLittleEndian )
imageHeader.nId = BigLong( imageHeader.nId );
imageHeader.nVersion = BigLong( imageHeader.nVersion );
imageHeader.nNumScenes = BigLong( imageHeader.nNumScenes );
imageHeader.nNumStrings = BigLong( imageHeader.nNumStrings );
imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset = BigLong( imageHeader.nSceneEntryOffset );
targetBuffer.Put( &imageHeader, sizeof( imageHeader ) );
// header is immediately followed by string table and pool
for ( int i = 0; i < stringOffsets.Count(); i++ )
unsigned int offset = stringPoolStart + stringOffsets[i];
if ( !bLittleEndian )
offset = BigLong( offset );
targetBuffer.PutInt( offset );
Assert( stringPoolStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
targetBuffer.Put( stringPool.Base(), stringPool.TellMaxPut() );
// construct directory
CUtlSortVector< SceneImageEntry_t, CSceneImageEntryLessFunc > imageDirectory;
imageDirectory.EnsureCapacity( g_SceneFiles.Count() );
// build directory
// directory is linear sorted by filename checksum for later binary search
for ( int i = 0; i < g_SceneFiles.Count(); i++ )
SceneImageEntry_t imageEntry = { 0 };
// name needs to be normalized for determinstic later CRC name calc
// calc crc based on scenes\anydir\anyscene.vcd
char szCleanName[MAX_PATH];
V_strncpy( szCleanName, g_SceneFiles[i].fileName.String(), sizeof( szCleanName ) );
V_strlower( szCleanName );
V_FixSlashes( szCleanName );
char *pName = V_stristr( szCleanName, "scenes\\" );
if ( !pName )
// must have scenes\ in filename
Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Unexpected lack of scenes prefix on %s\n", g_SceneFiles[i].fileName.String() );
CRC32_t crcFilename = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( pName, strlen( pName ) );
imageEntry.crcFilename = crcFilename;
// temp store an index to its file, fixup later, necessary to access post sort
imageEntry.nDataOffset = i;
if ( imageDirectory.Find( imageEntry ) != imageDirectory.InvalidIndex() )
// filename checksums must be unique or runtime binary search would be bogus
Error( "CreateSceneImageFile: Unexpected filename checksum collision!\n" );
imageDirectory.Insert( imageEntry );
// determine sort order and start of data after dynamic summaries
CUtlVector< int > writeOrder;
writeOrder.EnsureCapacity( g_SceneFiles.Count() );
sceneDataStart = sceneSummaryStart;
for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
// reclaim offset, indicates write order of scene file
int iScene = imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset;
writeOrder.AddToTail( iScene );
// march past each variable sized summary to determine start of scene data
int numSounds = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
sceneDataStart += sizeof( SceneImageSummary_t ) + ( numSounds - 1 ) * sizeof( int );
// finalize and write directory
Assert( sceneEntryStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
int nSummaryOffset = sceneSummaryStart;
int nDataOffset = sceneDataStart;
for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
int iScene = writeOrder[i];
imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset = nDataOffset;
imageDirectory[i].nDataLength = g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut();
imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset = nSummaryOffset;
if ( !bLittleEndian )
imageDirectory[i].crcFilename = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].crcFilename );
imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nDataOffset );
imageDirectory[i].nDataLength = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nDataLength );
imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset = BigLong( imageDirectory[i].nSceneSummaryOffset );
targetBuffer.Put( &imageDirectory[i], sizeof( SceneImageEntry_t ) );
int numSounds = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
nSummaryOffset += sizeof( SceneImageSummary_t ) + (numSounds - 1) * sizeof( int );
nDataOffset += g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut();
// finalize and write summaries
Assert( sceneSummaryStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
int iScene = writeOrder[i];
int msecs = g_SceneFiles[iScene].msecs;
int soundCount = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count();
if ( !bLittleEndian )
msecs = BigLong( msecs );
soundCount = BigLong( soundCount );
targetBuffer.PutInt( msecs );
targetBuffer.PutInt( soundCount );
for ( int j = 0; j < g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList.Count(); j++ )
int soundId = g_SceneFiles[iScene].soundList[j];
if ( !bLittleEndian )
soundId = BigLong( soundId );
targetBuffer.PutInt( soundId );
// finalize and write data
Assert( sceneDataStart == targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
for ( int i = 0; i < imageDirectory.Count(); i++ )
int iScene = writeOrder[i];
targetBuffer.Put( g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.Base(), g_SceneFiles[iScene].compiledBuffer.TellMaxPut() );
if ( !bQuiet )
Msg( "Scenes: Final size: %.2f MB\n", targetBuffer.TellMaxPut() / (1024.0f * 1024.0f ) );
// cleanup
return true;