Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

990 lines
34 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifndef MAPDOC_H
#define MAPDOC_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "MapClass.h"
#include "Selection.h"
#include "MapEntity.h"
#include "GameConfig.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "tier1/utlrbtree.h"
#include "tier1/utlstack.h"
class CToolManager;
class CMapDoc;
class CGameConfig;
class CHistory;
class CMapGroup;
class CMapView;
class CMapView3D;
class CMapView2D;
class IBSPLighting;
class CRender;
class CManifest;
struct FindEntity_t;
struct FindGroup_t;
struct AddNonSelectedInfo_t;
enum SelectionHandleMode_t;
enum ToolID_t;
// hints what recently changed
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_OBJECTS = 0x001, // a world object has changed (pos, size etc)
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_ANIMATION = 0x002, // an object animation has been changed
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_COLOR = 0x004, // an object color has been changed
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_SELECTION = 0x008, // the current selection has changed
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_TOOL = 0x010, // the current tool has been changed
// what views should be updated
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_ONLY_2D = 0x020, // update only 2D views for some reason
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_ONLY_3D = 0x040, // update only 3D views for some reason
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_ONLY_LOGICAL = 0x080, // update only Logical views for some reason
MAPVIEW_OPTIONS_CHANGED = 0x100, // view options has been changed
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_VISGROUP_STATE = 0x200, // a visgroup was hidden or shown.
MAPVIEW_UPDATE_VISGROUP_ALL = 0x400, // a visgroup was created or deleted.
MAPVIEW_RENDER_NOW = 0x800, // bypass the main frame loop and render now
// Flags for view2dinfo.wflags
VI_ZOOM = 0x01,
VI_CENTER = 0x02
// Display modes for instances
enum ShowInstance_t
INSTANCES_HIDE = 0, // instance contents are not displayed
INSTANCES_SHOW_TINTED, // instance contents are displayed with a yellowish tint
INSTANCES_SHOW_NORMAL // instance contents are displayed normally
enum VMFLoadFlags_t
VMF_LOAD_ACTIVATE = 0x01, // loading map should be activated
VMF_LOAD_IS_SUBMAP = 0x02, // loading map is part of an instance / manifest
typedef struct
WORD wFlags;
float fZoom;
Vector ptCenter;
struct ExportDXFInfo_s
int nObject;
bool bVisOnly;
CMapWorld *pWorld;
FILE *fp;
// The doc holds a list of objects with dependents that changed since the last render. The list
// must be processed before rendering so that interobject dependencies are resolved.
struct NotifyListEntry_t
CSmartPtr< CSafeObject< CMapClass > > pObject;
Notify_Dependent_t eNotifyType;
// To pass as hint to UpdateAllViews.
class UpdateBox : public CObject
UpdateBox(void) { Objects = NULL; }
CMapObjectList *Objects;
BoundBox Box;
// this holds all of the data needed to visualize the level's portal file
struct portalfile_t
CString fileName;
int totalVerts;
CUtlVector<Vector> verts;
CUtlVector<int> vertCount;
struct UpdateVisibilityData_t
CMapDoc *pDoc;
bool bRadiusCullingEnabled;
Vector vecRadiusCullCenter;
float flRadiusCullDistSq;
// this is a structure to manage clipboards
class IHammerClipboard
virtual ~IHammerClipboard() {}
static IHammerClipboard *CreateInstance();
virtual void Destroy() = 0;
class CMapDoc : public CDocument
friend class CManifest;
// attribs:
bool m_bSnapToGrid;
bool m_bShowGrid;
bool m_bShowLogicalGrid;
// pointfile stuff:
PFPNext = 1,
PFPPrev = -1
int m_iCurPFPoint;
CUtlVector<Vector> m_PFPoints;
CString m_strLastPointFile;
portalfile_t *m_pPortalFile;
static inline CMapDoc *GetActiveMapDoc(void);
static void SetActiveMapDoc(CMapDoc *pDoc);
static void ActivateMapDoc( CMapDoc *pDoc );
static inline CManifest *GetManifest(void);
static inline int GetInLevelLoad( );
static CMapDoc *m_pMapDoc;
static CManifest *m_pManifest;
static int m_nInLevelLoad;
virtual ~CMapDoc();
virtual void Initialize( void );
virtual bool IsManifest( void ) { return false; }
IBSPLighting *GetBSPLighting() { return m_pBSPLighting; }
CToolManager *GetTools() { return m_pToolManager; } // return tools working on this document
CSelection *GetSelection() { return m_pSelection; } // return current selection
void BeginShellSession(void);
void EndShellSession(void);
bool IsShellSessionActive(void);
inline int GetDocVersion(void);
inline void DecrementDocVersion(void);
// Interface to the map document. Functions for object creation, deletion, etc.
CMapEntity *CreateEntity(const char *pszClassName, float x, float y, float z);
bool DeleteEntity(const char *pszClassName, float x, float y, float z);
CMapEntity *FindEntity(const char *pszClassName, float x, float y, float z);
CMapEntity *FindEntityByName( const char *pszName, bool bVisiblesOnly );
bool FindEntitiesByKeyValue(CMapEntityList &Found, const char *szKey, const char *szValue, bool bVisiblesOnly);
bool FindEntitiesByName(CMapEntityList &Found, const char *szName, bool bVisiblesOnly);
bool FindEntitiesByClassName(CMapEntityList &Found, const char *szClassName, bool bVisiblesOnly);
bool FindEntitiesByNameOrClassName(CMapEntityList &Found, const char *pszName, bool bVisiblesOnly);
virtual void Update(void);
virtual void SetModifiedFlag(BOOL bModified = TRUE);
void SetAutosaveFlag(BOOL bAutosave = TRUE);
BOOL NeedsAutosave();
BOOL IsAutosave();
CString *AutosavedFrom();
void AddReference( void );
void RemoveReference( void );
int GetReferenceCount( void ) { return m_nExternalReferenceCount; }
// Used to track down a potential crash.
bool AnyNotificationsForObject(CMapClass *pObject);
void SetAnimationTime( float time );
float GetAnimationTime( void ) { return m_flAnimationTime; }
bool IsAnimating( void ) { return m_bIsAnimating; }
// other stuff
float m_flCurrentTime;
void UpdateCurrentTime( void );
float GetTime( void ) { return m_flCurrentTime; }
void GotoPFPoint(int iDirection);
// world cordon
bool IsCordoning(void);
bool SetCordoning( bool bState);
void GetCordon( Vector &mins, Vector &maxs);
void SetCordon( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs);
CMapWorld *CordonCreateWorld();
ChunkFileResult_t CordonSaveVMF(CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo);
Vector m_vCordonMins;
Vector m_vCordonMaxs;
bool m_bIsCordoning;
CMapView *GetActiveMapView();
CMapView3D *GetFirst3DView();
void Snap(Vector &pt, int nFlags = 0);
inline bool IsSnapEnabled(void);
// Face selection for face editing.
void SelectFace(CMapSolid *pSolid, int iFace, int cmd);
void UpdateForApplicator(BOOL bApplicator);
void UpdateAnimation( void );
void DeleteObject(CMapClass *pObject);
void DeleteObjectList(CMapObjectList &List);
void InternalEnableLightPreview( bool bCustomFilename );
// Object selection:
bool SelectObject(CMapClass *pobj, int cmd = scSelect);
void SelectObjectList(const CMapObjectList *pList, int cmd = (scSelect|scClear|scSaveChanges) );
void SelectRegion( BoundBox *pBox, bool bInsideOnly, bool ResetSelection = true );
void SelectLogicalRegion( const Vector2D &vecMins, const Vector2D &vecMaxs, bool bInsideOnly);
// View centering.
void CenterViewsOnSelection();
void CenterViewsOn(const Vector &vec);
void CenterLogicalViewsOnSelection();
void CenterLogicalViewsOn(const Vector2D &vecLogical);
void Center2DViewsOnSelection();
void Center2DViewsOn(const Vector &vec);
void Center3DViewsOnSelection();
void Center3DViewsOn(const Vector &vPos);
void Set3DViewsPosAng( const Vector &vPos, const Vector &vAng );
void GetSelectedCenter(Vector &vCenter);
void GetBestVisiblePoint(Vector &ptOrg);
void Cut( IHammerClipboard *pClipboard );
void Copy( IHammerClipboard *pClipboard = NULL );
void Paste(CMapObjectList &Objects, CMapWorld *pSourceWorld, CMapWorld *pDestWorld, Vector vecOffset, QAngle vecRotate, CMapClass *pParent, bool bMakeEntityNamesUnique, const char *pszEntityNamePrefix);
void PasteInstance(CMapObjectList &Objects, CMapWorld *pSourceWorld, CMapWorld *pDestWorld, Vector vecOffset, QAngle vecRotate, CMapClass *pParent, bool bMakeEntityNamesUnique, const char *pszEntityNamePrefix);
void Paste( IHammerClipboard *pClipboard, CMapWorld *pDestWorld, Vector vecOffset, QAngle vecRotate, CMapClass *pParent, bool bMakeEntityNamesUnique, const char *pszEntityNamePrefix );
void Delete( void );
// FIXME: refactor these!
void CloneObjects(const CMapObjectList &Objects);
void NudgeObjects(const Vector &Delta, bool bClone);
void GetNudgeVector(const Vector& vHorz, const Vector& vVert, int nChar, bool bSnap, Vector &vecNudge);
void GetBestPastePoint(Vector &vecPasteOrigin);
void UpdateStatusbar();
void UpdateStatusBarSnap();
void SetView2dInfo(VIEW2DINFO& vi);
void SetViewLogicalInfo(VIEW2DINFO& vi);
void SetActiveView(CMapView *pViewActivate);
void SetUndoActive(bool bActive);
void UpdateTitle(CView*);
void CountSolids();
void CountSolids2();
void ReplaceTextures(
LPCTSTR pszFind,
LPCTSTR pszReplace,
BOOL bEverything,
int iAction,
BOOL bHidden,
bool bRescaleTextureCoordinates);
void BatchReplaceTextures( FileHandle_t fp );
bool Is3DGridEnabled(void) { return(m_bShow3DGrid); }
ShowInstance_t GetShowInstance( void ) { return m_tShowInstance; }
void ReleaseVideoMemory( );
inline MAPFORMAT GetMapFormat(void);
inline CMapWorld *GetMapWorld(void);
inline CGameConfig *GetGame(void);
inline int GetGridSpacing(void) { return(max(m_nGridSpacing, 1)); }
inline CHistory *GetDocHistory(void);
inline int GetNextMapObjectID(void);
inline int GetNextNodeID(void);
inline void SetNextNodeID(int nID);
static int GetDocumentCount();
static CMapDoc *GetDocument(int index);
void SetMRU(CMapView2D *pView);
void RemoveMRU(CMapView2D *pView);
CUtlVector<CMapView2D*> MRU2DViews;
// if theres anything the document whats to show, do it in RenderDocument()
void RenderDocument(CRender *pRender);
void RenderAllViews(void);
BOOL SelectDocType(void);
BOOL SaveModified(void);
// Set edit prefab mode.
void EditPrefab3D(DWORD dwPrefabID);
// Call these when modifying the document contents.
virtual void AddObjectToWorld(CMapClass *pObject, CMapClass *pParent = NULL);
BOOL FindObject(CMapClass *pObject);
void RemoveObjectFromWorld(CMapClass *pMapClass, bool bNotifyChildren);
void RenderPreloadObject(CMapClass *pObject);
void UpdateObject(CMapClass *pMapClass);
void UpdateVisibilityAll(void);
void UpdateVisibility(CMapClass *pObject);
void NotifyDependents(CMapClass *pObject, Notify_Dependent_t eNotifyType);
// Radius culling
bool IsCulledBy3DCameraDistance( CMapClass *pObject, UpdateVisibilityData_t *pData );
// Morph tool.
void Morph_SelectObject(CMapSolid *pSolid, unsigned int uCmd);
void Morph_GetBounds(Vector &mins, Vector &maxs, bool bReset);
int Morph_GetObjectCount(void);
CSSolid *Morph_GetFirstObject(POSITION &pos);
CSSolid *Morph_GetNextObject(POSITION &pos);
inline bool IsDispSolidDrawMask( void ) { return m_bDispSolidDrawMask; }
inline void SetDispDrawWalkable( bool bValue ) { m_bDispDrawWalkable = bValue; }
inline bool IsDispDrawWalkable( void ) { return m_bDispDrawWalkable; }
inline bool IsDispDraw3D() { return m_bDispDraw3D; }
inline void SetDispDrawBuildable( bool bValue ) { m_bDispDrawBuildable = bValue; }
inline bool IsDispDrawBuildable( void ) { return m_bDispDrawBuildable; }
inline void SetDispDrawRemove( bool bValue ) { m_bDispDrawRemove = bValue; }
inline bool IsDispDrawRemove( void ) { return m_bDispDrawRemove; }
inline bool IsDispDrawRemovedVerts( void ) { return m_bDispDrawRemovedVerts; }
inline void SetDispDrawRemovedVerts( bool bValue ) { m_bDispDrawRemovedVerts = bValue; }
// List of VisGroups.
void ShowNewVisGroupsDialog(CMapObjectList &Objects, bool bUnselectObjects);
void VisGroups_CreateNamedVisGroup(CMapObjectList &Objects, const char *szName, bool bHide, bool bRemoveFromOtherVisGroups);
void VisGroups_AddObjectsToVisGroup(CMapObjectList &Objects, CVisGroup *pVisGroup, bool bHide, bool bRemoveFromOtherVisGroups);
CVisGroup *VisGroups_AddGroup(CVisGroup *pGroup);
bool VisGroups_ObjectCanBelongToVisGroup(CMapClass *pObject);
CVisGroup *VisGroups_AddGroup(LPCTSTR pszName, bool bAuto = false);
static BOOL VisGroups_CheckForGroupCallback(CMapClass *pObject, CVisGroup *pGroup);
int VisGroups_GetCount();
CVisGroup *VisGroups_GetVisGroup(int nIndex);
int VisGroups_GetRootCount();
CVisGroup *VisGroups_GetRootVisGroup(int nIndex);
CVisGroup *VisGroups_GroupForID(DWORD id);
CVisGroup *VisGroups_GroupForName( const char *pszName, bool bIsAuto );
void VisGroups_PurgeGroups();
void VisGroups_MoveUp(CVisGroup *pGroup);
void VisGroups_MoveDown(CVisGroup *pGroup);
void VisGroups_ShowVisGroup(CVisGroup *pGroup, bool bShow);
void VisGroups_UpdateAll();
void VisGroups_UpdateForObject(CMapClass *pObject);
void VisGroups_SetParent(CVisGroup *pVisGroup, CVisGroup *pNewParent);
bool VisGroups_CanMoveUp(CVisGroup *pGroup);
bool VisGroups_CanMoveDown(CVisGroup *pGroup);
void VisGroups_RemoveGroup(CVisGroup *pGroup);
void VisGroups_CombineGroups(CVisGroup *pFrom, CVisGroup *pTo);
bool VisGroups_LockUpdates( bool bLock );
void VisGroups_CheckMemberVisibility(CVisGroup *pGroup);
// Quick Hide
void QuickHide_HideObjects( void );
void QuickHide_HideUnselectedObjects( void );
void QuickHide_Unhide( void );
bool QuickHide_IsObjectHidden( CMapClass *pObject );
ChunkFileResult_t QuickHide_SaveVMF( CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo );
CUtlVector< CMapClass* > m_QuickHideGroup;
CUtlVector< CMapClass* > m_QuickHideGroupedParents;
// Default logical placement for new entities
void GetDefaultNewLogicalPosition( Vector2D &vecPosition );
void VisGroups_Validate();
void VisGroups_UpdateParents();
void VisGroups_UnlinkGroup(CVisGroup *pGroup);
void VisGroups_DoRemoveOrCombine(CVisGroup *pFrom, CVisGroup *pTo);
bool FindNotification(CMapClass *pObject, Notify_Dependent_t eNotifyType);
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
virtual void DeleteContents();
virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
virtual void OnCloseDocument(void);
virtual BOOL OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
BOOL Serialize(std::fstream &file, BOOL fIsStoring, BOOL bRMF);
// Save a VMF file. saveFlags is a combination of SAVEFLAGS_ defines.
bool SaveVMF(const char *pszFileName, int saveFlags );
bool LoadVMF( const char *pszFileName, int LoadFlags = VMF_LOAD_ACTIVATE );
void Postload(const char *pszFileName);
inline bool IsLoading(void);
inline void SetInitialUpdate( void ) { m_bHasInitialUpdate = true; }
inline bool HasInitialUpdate( void ) { return m_bHasInitialUpdate; }
// manifest routines
void SetManifest( CManifest *pManifest );
void SetEditable( bool IsEditable ) { m_bIsEditable = IsEditable; }
bool IsEditable( void ) { return m_bIsEditable; }
bool IsSelectionEditable( void );
bool CreateNewManifest( void );
CMapWorld *GetCurrentWorld( void );
int GetClipboardCount( void );
void ManifestPaste( CMapWorld *pDestWorld, Vector vecOffset, QAngle vecRotate, CMapClass *pParent, bool bMakeEntityNamesUnique, const char *pszEntityNamePrefix );
virtual void UpdateInstanceMap( CMapDoc *pInstanceMapDoc );
void CollapseInstances( bool bOnlySelected );
void PopulateInstanceParms_r( CMapEntity *pEntity, const CMapObjectList *pChildren, CUtlVector< CString > &ParmList );
void PopulateInstanceParms( CMapEntity *pEntity );
void PopulateInstance( CMapEntity *pEntity );
void InstanceMoved( void );
void ShowWindow( bool bIsVisible );
bool IsVisible( void );
void BuildAllDetailObjects();
void ExpandObjectKeywords(CMapClass *pObject, CMapWorld *pWorld);
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
void UpdateAllCameras(const Vector *vecViewPos, const Vector *vecLookAt, const float *fZoom);
void UpdateAllViews(int nFlags, UpdateBox *ub = NULL );
void SetSmoothingGroupVisual( int iGroup ) { m_SmoothingGroupVisual = iGroup; }
int GetSmoothingGroupVisual( void ) { return m_SmoothingGroupVisual; }
void AddToAutoVisGroup( CMapClass *pObject );
void AddToAutoVisGroup( CMapClass *pObject, const char *pAutoVisGroup );
void AddChildGroupToAutoVisGroup( CMapClass *pObject, const char *pAutoVisGroup, const char *pParentName );
void RemoveFromAutoVisGroups( CMapClass *pObject );
void AddToFGDAutoVisGroups( CMapClass *pObject );
// Builds a list of all objects which are connected to outputs of pObj
void BuildCascadingSelectionList( CMapClass *pObj, CUtlRBTree< CMapClass*, unsigned short > &list, bool bRecursive );
void Public_SaveMap() { OnFileSave(); }
void AssignAllToAutoVisGroups();
CVisGroup *GetRootAutoVisGroup();
// Tools:
CToolManager *m_pToolManager;
int m_nGridSpacing;
bool m_bDispSolidDrawMask;
bool m_bDispDrawWalkable;
bool m_bDispDraw3D;
bool m_bDispDrawBuildable;
bool m_bDispDrawRemove;
bool m_bDispDrawRemovedVerts;
bool m_bHasInitialUpdate;
bool m_bLoading; // Set to true while we are being loaded from VMF.
static BOOL GetBrushNumberCallback(CMapClass *pObject, void *pFindInfo);
// Serialization.
ChunkFileResult_t SaveVersionInfoVMF(CChunkFile *pFile, bool bIsAutosave = false);
ChunkFileResult_t VisGroups_SaveVMF(CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo);
ChunkFileResult_t SaveViewSettingsVMF(CChunkFile *pFile, CSaveInfo *pSaveInfo);
static bool HandleLoadError(CChunkFile *pFile, const char *szChunkName, ChunkFileResult_t eError, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadCordonCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadCordonKeyCallback(const char *pszKey, const char *pszValue, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadEntityCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadHiddenCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadGroupKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, CMapGroup *pGroup);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadVersionInfoCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadVersionInfoKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadAutosaveCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadAutosaveKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadWorldCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadViewSettingsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, CMapDoc *pDoc);
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadViewSettingsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, CMapDoc *pDoc);
// Search functions.
static BOOL FindEntityCallback(CMapClass *pObject, FindEntity_t *pFindInfo);
static BOOL FindGroupCallback(CMapGroup *pGroup, FindGroup_t *pFindInfo);
void AssignToVisGroups(void);
void AssignToGroups(void);
void RemoveEmptyGroups(void);
void CountGUIDs(void);
void InitUpdateVisibilityData( UpdateVisibilityData_t &data );
bool ShouldObjectBeVisible( CMapClass *pObject, UpdateVisibilityData_t *pData );
static BOOL UpdateVisibilityCallback( CMapClass *pObject, UpdateVisibilityData_t *pData );
bool GetChildrenToHide(CMapClass *pObject, bool bSelected, CMapObjectList &List);
// Interobject dependency notification.
void ProcessNotifyList();
void DispatchNotifyDependents(CMapClass *pObject, Notify_Dependent_t eNotifyType);
CUtlVector<NotifyListEntry_t > m_NotifyList;
CMapWorld *m_pWorld; // The world that this document represents.
CMapObjectList m_UpdateList; // List of objects that have changed since the last call to Update.
CString m_strLastExportFileName; // The full path that we last exported this document to.
int m_nDocVersion; // A number that increments every time the doc is modified after being saved.
BOOL m_bNeedsAutosave; // True if the document has been changed and needs autosaved.
BOOL m_bIsAutosave;
CString m_strAutosavedFrom;
// Undo/Redo system.
CHistory *m_pUndo;
CHistory *m_pRedo;
CSelection *m_pSelection; // object selection list
int m_nNextMapObjectID; // The ID that will be assigned to the next CMapClass object in this document.
int m_nNextNodeID; // The ID that will be assigned to the next "info_node_xxx" object created in this document.
// Editing prefabs data.
DWORD m_dwPrefabID;
DWORD m_dwPrefabLibraryID;
BOOL m_bEditingPrefab;
bool m_bPrefab; // true if this document IS a prefab, false if not.
// Game configuration.
CGameConfig *m_pGame;
bool m_bShow3DGrid; // Whether to render a grid in the 3D views.
bool m_bHideItems; // Whether to render point entities in all views.
int m_nExternalReferenceCount; // Indicates how many external references ( instances ) are pointing to this map
ShowInstance_t m_tShowInstance; // Indicates how instance contents should be displayed
CManifest *m_pManifestOwner;
bool m_bIsEditable;
bool m_bCollapsingInstances;
// Animation.
float m_flAnimationTime; // Current time in the animation
bool m_bIsAnimating;
IBSPLighting *m_pBSPLighting;
// Visgroups.
CUtlVector<CVisGroup *> *m_VisGroups;
CUtlVector<CVisGroup *> *m_RootVisGroups;
bool m_bVisGroupUpdatesLocked;
int m_SmoothingGroupVisual;
int m_nLogicalPositionCount;
// Expands %i keyword in prefab targetnames to generate unique targetnames for this map.
bool ExpandTargetNameKeywords(char *szNewTargetName, const char *szOldTargetName, CMapWorld *pWorld);
bool DoExpandKeywords(CMapClass *pObject, CMapWorld *pWorld, char *szOldKeyword, char *szNewKeyword);
// Renames all named entities in pRoot
void RenameEntities( CMapClass *pRoot, CMapWorld *pWorld, bool bMakeUnique, const char *pszPrefix );
void CenterOriginsRecursive(CMapClass *pObject);
void SnapObjectsRecursive(CMapClass *pObject);
// Add all entities connected to all entities in the selection list recursively
void AddConnectedNodes( CMapClass *pClass, CUtlRBTree< CMapClass*, unsigned short >& list );
afx_msg void OnEditDelete();
afx_msg void OnMapSnaptogrid();
afx_msg void OnMapEntityGallery();
afx_msg void OnUpdateMapSnaptogrid(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditApplytexture();
afx_msg void OnToolsSubtractselection();
afx_msg void OnToolsCenterOrigins();
afx_msg void OnEnableLightPreview();
afx_msg void OnEnableLightPreviewCustomFilename();
afx_msg void OnDisableLightPreview();
afx_msg void OnToggleLightPreview();
afx_msg void OnUpdateLightPreview();
afx_msg void OnAbortLightCalculation();
afx_msg void OnEditCopy();
afx_msg void OnEditPaste();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditSelection(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditPaste(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditCut();
afx_msg void OnEditReplace();
afx_msg void OnToolsGroup();
afx_msg void OnToolsUngroup();
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewGrid(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewLogicalGrid(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditSelectall();
afx_msg void OnFileSaveAs();
afx_msg void OnFileSave();
afx_msg void OnMapGridlower();
afx_msg void OnMapGridhigher();
afx_msg void OnEditToworld();
afx_msg void OnEditToWorld();
afx_msg void OnFileExport();
afx_msg void OnFileExportAgain();
afx_msg void OnEditMapproperties();
afx_msg void OnFileConvertWAD();
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileConvertWAD(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnFileRunmap();
afx_msg void OnToolsHideitems();
afx_msg void OnViewHideUnconnectedEntities();
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewHideUnconnectedEntities(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsSubtractselection(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsHideitems(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditDelete(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditFunction(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditCut(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditMapproperties(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnMapInformation();
// View menu
afx_msg void OnViewGrid();
afx_msg void OnViewLogicalGrid();
afx_msg void OnViewCenterOnSelection();
afx_msg void OnViewCenter3DViewsOnSelection();
afx_msg BOOL OnViewHideObjects(UINT nID);
afx_msg void OnQuickHide_HideObjects();
afx_msg void OnQuickHide_HideUnselectedObjects();
afx_msg void OnQuickHide_Unhide();
afx_msg void OnQuickHide_UpdateUnHide(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnQuickHide_CreateVisGroupFromHidden();
afx_msg void OnQuickHide_UpdateCreateVisGroupFromHidden(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnViewShowconnections();
afx_msg void OnViewGotoBrush(void);
afx_msg void OnViewGotoCoords(void);
afx_msg void OnViewShowHelpers();
afx_msg void OnViewShowModelsIn2D();
afx_msg void OnViewPreviewModelFade();
afx_msg void OnCollisionWireframe();
afx_msg void OnShowDetailObjects();
afx_msg void OnShowNoDrawBrushes();
afx_msg void OnRadiusCulling();
afx_msg void OnUpdateRadiusCulling(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToolsHollow();
afx_msg void OnEditPastespecial();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditPastespecial(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditSelnext();
afx_msg void OnEditSelprev();
afx_msg void OnEditSelnextCascading();
afx_msg void OnEditSelprevCascading();
afx_msg void OnLogicalMoveBlock();
afx_msg void OnLogicalSelectAllCascading();
afx_msg void OnLogicalSelectAllConnected();
afx_msg void OnLogicalobjectLayoutgeometric();
afx_msg void OnLogicalobjectLayoutdefault();
afx_msg void OnLogicalobjectLayoutlogical();
afx_msg void OnMapCheck();
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewShowconnections(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSave(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToolsCreateprefab();
afx_msg void OnInsertprefabOriginal();
afx_msg void OnEditReplacetex();
afx_msg void OnToolsSnapselectedtogrid();
afx_msg void OnToolsSnapSelectedToGridIndividually();
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsSplitface(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToolsSplitface();
afx_msg void OnToolsTransform();
afx_msg void OnToolsToggletexlock();
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsToggletexlock(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToolsToggletexlockScale();
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsToggletexlockScale(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToolsTextureAlignment(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsTextureAlignment(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToggleCordon();
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggleCordon(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateShowNoDrawBrushes(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditCordon();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditCordon(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewHideUnselectedObjects(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToggleGroupignore();
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggleGroupignore(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnVscaleToggle();
afx_msg void OnMapEntityreport();
afx_msg void OnToggleSelectbyhandle();
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggleSelectbyhandle(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToggleInfiniteselect();
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggleInfiniteselect(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnFileExporttodxf();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditApplytexture(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnMapLoadpointfile();
afx_msg void OnMapUnloadpointfile();
afx_msg void OnMapLoadportalfile();
afx_msg void OnMapUnloadportalfile();
afx_msg void OnUpdate3dViewUI(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg BOOL OnChange3dViewType(UINT nID);
afx_msg void OnEditToEntity();
afx_msg BOOL OnUndoRedo(UINT nID);
afx_msg void OnUpdateUndoRedo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnChangeVertexscale();
afx_msg void OnUpdateGroupEditFunction(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileExport(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditClearselection();
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggle3DGrid(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnMapShowSelectedBrushNumber();
afx_msg void OnEditFindEntities(void);
afx_msg void OnToolsHideEntityNames(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsHideEntityNames(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToggleDispSolidMask( void );
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggleSolidMask(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToggleDispDrawWalkable( void );
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggleDispDrawWalkable(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToggleDispDraw3D( void );
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggleDispDraw3D(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToggleDispDrawBuildable( void );
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggleDispDrawBuildable(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToggleDispDrawRemovedVerts( void );
afx_msg void OnUpdateToggleDispDrawRemovedVerts(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewShowHelpers(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewShowModelsIn2D(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewPreviewModelFade(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateCollisionWireframe(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateShowDetailObjects(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnMapDiff();
afx_msg void OnToolsInstancesHide(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsInstancesHide(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToolsInstancesShowTinted(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsInstancesShowTinted(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToolsInstancesShowNormal(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateToolsInstancesShowNormal(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnInstancesHideAll( void );
afx_msg void OnInstancesShowAll( void );
afx_msg void OnToggle3DGrid();
afx_msg void OnInstancingCreatemanifest();
afx_msg void OnUpdateInstancingCreatemanifest(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnInstancingCheckinAll();
afx_msg void OnUpdateInstancingCheckinAll( CCmdUI *pCmdUI );
afx_msg void OnInstancingCheckOutManifest();
afx_msg void OnUpdateInstancingCheckOutManifest( CCmdUI *pCmdUI );
afx_msg void OnInstancingAddManifest();
afx_msg void OnUpdateInstancingAddManifest( CCmdUI *pCmdUI );
afx_msg void OnInstancesCollapseAll();
afx_msg void OnInstancesCollapseSelection();
// Purpose:
// Output : inline void
void CMapDoc::DecrementDocVersion(void)
if (m_nDocVersion > 0)
// Purpose: Returns true if we are loading, false if not.
bool CMapDoc::IsLoading(void)
// Purpose: Returns the document that is currently active.
CMapDoc *CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc(void)
// Purpose: Returns the manifest associated with the active document.
CManifest *CMapDoc::GetManifest(void)
return m_pManifest;
// Purpose: Returns the current level loading depth. 0 = not loading level
int CMapDoc::GetInLevelLoad( )
return m_nInLevelLoad;
// Purpose: Returns the current version of the document that is being worked on.
int CMapDoc::GetDocVersion(void)
// Purpose: Returns a pointer to the game configuration for this document.
CGameConfig *CMapDoc::GetGame(void)
// Purpose: Returns a pointer to the Undo system for this document.
CHistory *CMapDoc::GetDocHistory(void)
// Purpose: Returns the map format of the game configuration for this document.
MAPFORMAT CMapDoc::GetMapFormat(void)
if (m_pGame != NULL)
// Purpose: Returns a pointer to the world that this document edits.
CMapWorld *CMapDoc::GetMapWorld(void)
// Purpose: All map objects in a given document are assigned a unique ID.
int CMapDoc::GetNextMapObjectID(void)
// Purpose: Returns the next unique ID for an AI node. Called when an AI node
// is created so that each one can have a unique ID.
// We can't use the unique object ID (above) for this because of
// problems with in-engine editing of nodes and node connections.
int CMapDoc::GetNextNodeID(void)
// Purpose: Sets the next unique ID for a AI node creation. Called when an AI node
// is created from the shell so that node IDs continue from there.
void CMapDoc::SetNextNodeID(int nID)
m_nNextNodeID = nID;
// Purpose: Returns whether or not grid snap is enabled. Called by the tools and
// views to determine snap behavior.
bool CMapDoc::IsSnapEnabled(void)
return m_bSnapToGrid;
#endif // MAPDOC_H