'TAPI BVT HEADER ' WARNING: This is a piece of junk. No warrantee implied. 'spaghetti, not authored by me, just scribbled by me, (ajohnh, some time in '95) '$INCLUDE 'd:\msdev\include\RECORDER.INC' '$include 'd:\msdev\include\winapi.inc' '$INCLUDE 'D:\MSDEV\INCLUDE\TBPOKE.H' '////////////////////////////////////////// '////// borrowed from my in-work TBPoke: 'logging global sOutLogName as string global sScriptName as string global sComment as string global hwndViewport as long global lCountSpace as long global lCountFunc as long global lCountTab as long global MAX_BLANK as long global sFuncString as string 'end reporting global sEndingMessage as string global sEndTitle as string 'checkbox function global sCheckbox as string global lState as long 'system metrics global ScreenX as long global ScreenY as long 'time value global MY_TIMEOUT as long global PACER as long global PARAMS as long global NOPARAMS as long global hwndTapiControl as hwndTAPI_CONTROL global ScenarioLog as LOGINITSTRUCT global sdwPrivileges as array of string global sPrivileges as string global sdwMediaModes as array of string global sMediaModes as string ' global hLineApp as array of string global hLine as array of string global hCall as array of string redim sdwPrivileges(1 to 3) as string redim sdwMediaModes(1 to 14) as string redim hLineApp(1 to 5) as string 'limit 5 for now redim hLine(1 to 5) as string redim hCall(1 to 5) as string 'redim hCall(5) as string global hLineAppIndex as pointer to string 'global hLineIndex as pointer to string 'VARPTR(hLineApp(0)) 'WATCH IT 'VARPTR(hLine(0)) 'counts global ldwPrivilegesBitFlag as long global ldwMediaModesBitFlag as long global ldwPrivilegesBitFlagChaos as long global ldwMediaModesBitFlagChaos as long global lLineApp as long global lLine as long global lCall as long global GenCount as long global lCountLineApp as long global GenCount2 as long 'coverage statistics 'not yet implemented global TapiStatistic as TAPI_STATISTIC global Tracelevel as long 'debug output 'duh hwndTapiControl.TapiHandle = WFndWnd("TAPI32 Browser", FW_DEFAULT) 'find TAPI32 BROWSER 'by ID, note VT will probably be using the decimal form throughout: hwndTapiControl.ParamsCheckbox =&h000003f9 hwndTapiControl.LineAppPlusButton =&h000003ee hwndTapiControl.LineAppMinusButton =&h000003ef hwndTapiControl.LinePlusButton =&h000003f0 hwndTapiControl.LineMinusButton =&h000003f1 hwndTapiControl.CallPlusButton =&h000003f2 hwndTapiControl.CallMinusButton =&h000003f3 hwndTapiControl.PhoneAppPlusButton =&h000003f4 hwndTapiControl.PhoneAppMinusButton =&h000003f5 hwndTapiControl.PhoneOpenPlusButton =&h000003f6 hwndTapiControl.PhoneOpenMinusButton =&h000003f7 hwndTapiControl.ClearEditButton =&h000003f8 hwndTapiControl.BlankButton0 =&h000003fa hwndTapiControl.BlankButton1 =&h000003fb hwndTapiControl.BlankButton2 =&h000003fc hwndTapiControl.BlankButton3 =&h000003fd hwndTapiControl.BlankButton4 =&h000003fe hwndTapiControl.BlankButton5 =&h000003ff hwndTapiControl.Listbox0 =&h000003e8 'middle box hwndTapiControl.Listbox1 =&h000003e9 'left box hwndTapiControl.Editbox =&h000003eb 'right box '// assign sOutLogName=curdir$+"\tapibvt.log" lCountSpace=0 lCountFunc=0 lCountTab=1 MAX_BLANK=20 'static MY_TIMEOUT=2 PACER = 1 PARAMS=1 NOPARAMS=0 'debug; 0=no debug; 3 low, 2 med, 1 high --I know it is backward Tracelevel=0 ScreenX=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) ScreenY=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN) ScenarioLog.LogOutputType = LogTypeFile ScenarioLog.MinDetailLevel = 3 ScenarioLog.ProductVersion = "4" ScenarioLog.MachineName = "Undefined" ScenarioLog.LogLocation = "tapibvt.log" ScenarioLog.Language = "US English" 'WATCH IT 'dwPrivileges string in the form of sdwPrivileges 'change these to pointers ASAP global NONE as long, MONITOR as long, OWNER as long sdwPrivileges(1)="NONE" NONE=1 sdwPrivileges(2)="MONITOR" MONITOR=2 sdwPrivileges(3)="OWNER" OWNER=3 'dwMediaModes string in the form of sdwMediaModes 'edit this, this is bulky & hacked: global UNKNOWN as long, INTERACTIVEVOICE as long, AUTOMATEDVOICE as long global DATAMODEM as long, G3FAX as long, TDD as long, G4FAX as long global DIGITALDATA as long, TELETEX as long, VIDEOTEX as long global TELEX as long, MIXED as long, ADSI as long, VOICEVIEW as long sdwMediaModes(1)="UNKNOWN" UNKNOWN=1 sdwMediaModes(2)="INTERACTIVEVOICE" INTERACTIVEVOICE=2 sdwMediaModes(3)="AUTOMATEDVOICE" AUTOMATEDVOICE=3 sdwMediaModes(4)="DATAMODEM" DATAMODEM=4 sdwMediaModes(5)="G3FAX" G3FAX=5 sdwMediaModes(6)="TDD" TDD=6 sdwMediaModes(7)="G4FAX" G4FAX=7 sdwMediaModes(8)="DIGITALDATA" DIGITALDATA=8 sdwMediaModes(9)="TELETEX" TELETEX=9 sdwMediaModes(10)="VIDEOTEX" VIDEOTEX=10 sdwMediaModes(11)="TELEX" TELEX=11 sdwMediaModes(12)="MIXED" MIXED=12 sdwMediaModes(13)="ADSI" ADSI=13 sdwMediaModes(14)="VOICEVIEW" VOICEVIEW=14 '///////////////////////////////// '/////// END HEADER ///////////// '/////////////////////////////////