title "LPC Move Message Support" ;++ ; ; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation ; ; Module Name: ; ; lpcmove.asm ; ; Abstract: ; ; This module implements functions to support the efficient movement of ; LPC Message blocks ; ; Author: ; ; Steven R. Wood (stevewo) 30-Jun-1989 ; ; Environment: ; ; Kernel mode only. ; ; Revision History: ; ; 6-Mar-90 bryanwi ; Ported to the 386. ; ;-- .386p include callconv.inc ; calling convention macros page ,132 subttl "Update System Time" _TEXT$00 SEGMENT DWORD PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME DS:FLAT, ES:FLAT, SS:NOTHING, FS:NOTHING, GS:NOTHING ;++ ; ; VOID ; LpcpMoveMessage ( ; OUT PPORT_MESSAGE DstMsg ; IN PPORT_MESSAGE SrcMsg ; IN ULONG MsgType OPTIONAL, ; IN PCLIENT_ID ClientId OPTIONAL ; ) ; ; Routine Description: ; ; This function moves an LPC message block. ; ; Arguments: ; ; DstMsg (TOS) - Supplies pointer to where to move the message block to. ; ; SrcMsg (TOS+4) - Supplies a pointer to the message to move. ; ; MsgType (TOS+8) - If non-zero, then store in Type field of DstMsg ; ; ClientId (TOS+12) - If non-NULL, then points to a ClientId to copy to dst ; ; Return Value: ; ; None ; ;-- DstMsg equ [esp + 12] SrcMsg equ [esp + 16] SrcMsgData equ [esp + 20] MsgType equ [esp + 24] ClientId equ [esp + 28] cPublicProc _LpcpMoveMessage ,5 push esi ; Save non-volatile registers push edi mov edi,DstMsg ; (edi)->Destination cld mov esi,SrcMsg ; (esi)->Source lodsd ; (eax)=length stosd lea ecx,3[eax] and ecx,0FFFCH ; (ecx)=length rounded up to 4 shr ecx,2 ; (ecx)=length in dwords lodsd ; (eax)=DataInfoOffset U Type mov edx,MsgType ; (edx)=MsgType or edx,edx jz lmm10 ; No MsgType, go do straight copy mov ax,dx ; (eax low 16)=MsgType lmm10: stosd mov edx,ClientId ; (edx)=ClientId or edx,edx jz lmm20 ; No Clientid to set, go do copy mov eax,[edx] ; Get new ClientId stosd ; and store in DstMsg->ClientId mov eax,[edx+4] stosd add esi,8 ; and skip over SrcMsg->ClientId jmp short lmm30 lmm20: movsd ; Copy ClientId movsd ; ; At this point, all of the control structures are copied, all we ; need to copy is the data. ; lmm30: movsd ; Copy MessageId movsd ; Copy ClientViewSize mov esi,SrcMsgData ; Copy data directly from user buffer rep movsd ; Copy the data portion of message pop edi pop esi ; Restore non-volatile registers stdRET _LpcpMoveMessage stdENDP _LpcpMoveMessage _TEXT$00 ends end