/*++ Module Name: delaytab.cxx Abstract: interface for DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE, which asynchronously calls functions after a specified delay. Author: Jeff Roberts (jroberts) 2-Nov-1994 Revision History: 2-Nov-1994 jroberts Created this module. --*/ #include #include "delaytab.hxx" #include "rpcuuid.hxx" #include "sdict.hxx" #include "binding.hxx" #include "handle.hxx" #include "rpcssp.h" #include "secclnt.hxx" #include "hndlsvr.hxx" inline unsigned long CurrentTimeInMsec( void ) { return GetTickCount(); } DWORD DelayedActionThread( LPVOID Parms ) /*++ Routine Description: This is a thread proc for the delayed call table. Arguments: Parms - address of table Return Value: (never returns) --*/ { DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE * pTable = (DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE *) Parms; pTable->ThreadProc(); return 0; } void DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE::ThreadProc() { /*++ Routine Description: This thread takes requests off the delayed-action list and processes them. After 15 seconds of inactivity, this thread terminates. Arguments: none Return Value: none --*/ BOOL EmptyList = FALSE; unsigned CurrentTime; unsigned WaitTime; DELAYED_ACTION_NODE Copy; DELAYED_ACTION_NODE * pNode; #ifdef NTENV // // Disabling the event priority boost has the benefit of allowing a thread // who posts a request to continue processing afterwards. This should // improve locality of reference, since this thread will not preempt // the poster. // if (FALSE == SetThreadPriorityBoost(GetCurrentThread(), TRUE)) { #ifdef DEBUGRPC DbgPrint("RPC DG: SetThreadPriorityBoost failed with %lu\n", GetLastError()); #endif } #endif do { DELAYED_ACTION_FN pFn; void * pData; Mutex.Request(); #ifdef DEBUGRPC { unsigned ObservedCount = 0; DELAYED_ACTION_NODE * Scan = ActiveList.Next; while (Scan != &ActiveList) { ++ObservedCount; Scan = Scan->Next; } if (ObservedCount != NodeCount) { PrintToDebugger("RPC DG: delay thread sees %lu nodes but there should be %lu\n", ObservedCount, NodeCount); RpcpBreakPoint(); } } #endif pNode = ActiveList.Next; if (pNode != &ActiveList) { ASSERT(pNode->TriggerTime != DELAYED_ACTION_NODE::DA_NodeFree); EmptyList = FALSE; CurrentTime = CurrentTimeInMsec(); if (CurrentTime < pNode->TriggerTime) { WaitTime = pNode->TriggerTime - CurrentTime; } else { WaitTime = 0; pFn = pNode->Fn; pData = pNode->Data; Cancel(pNode); } } else { if (!EmptyList) { WaitTime = 15000UL; EmptyList = TRUE; } else { ThreadActive = FALSE; Mutex.Clear(); break; } } ThreadWakeupTime = CurrentTime + WaitTime; Mutex.Clear(); if (WaitTime) { ThreadEvent.Wait(WaitTime); } else { (*pFn)(pData); } } while ( !fExitThread ); } DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE::DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE( RPC_STATUS * pStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: constructor for the delayed-action table. Initially no thread is created. Arguments: pStatus - if an error occurs, this will be filled in Return Value: none --*/ : Mutex(pStatus), ThreadEvent(pStatus, 0), ActiveList(0, 0), fExitThread(0), ThreadActive(FALSE) { fConstructorFinished = FALSE; if (*pStatus != RPC_S_OK) { return; } ActiveList.Next = &ActiveList; ActiveList.Prev = &ActiveList; #ifdef DEBUGRPC LastAdded = 0; LastRemoved = 0; NodeCount = 0; #endif fConstructorFinished = TRUE; } DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE::~DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE( ) /*++ Routine Description: Dsestructor for the delayed-action table. It tells the associated thread to terminate, and waits until that happens. Arguments: none Return Value: none --*/ { if (FALSE == fConstructorFinished) { return; } DELAYED_ACTION_NODE * pNode; fExitThread = 1; ThreadEvent.Raise(); while (ActiveList.Next != &ActiveList) { Sleep(500); } } RPC_STATUS DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE::Add( DELAYED_ACTION_NODE * pNode, unsigned Delay, BOOL ForceUpdate ) /*++ Routine Description: Adds a node to the table with the specified delay. The action taken if the node is already in the list depends upon : if FALSE, the old trigger time is kept; if TRUE, the new time is used and the node is moved in the list appropriately. Arguments: pNode - the node Delay - delay time in milliseconds ForceUpdate - only used when pNode is already in the list (see text above) Return Value: RPC_S_OK, or an error --*/ { CLAIM_MUTEX Lock(Mutex); if (pNode->IsActive()) { if (ForceUpdate) { Cancel(pNode); } else { return RPC_S_OK; } } // // Add the node to the active list. // DELAYED_ACTION_NODE * pScan; pScan = ActiveList.Next; pNode->TriggerTime = Delay + CurrentTimeInMsec(); unsigned TriggerTime = pNode->TriggerTime; // // BUGBUG if the trigger time is less than the current time, // search backwards from the end instead of forwards from the beginning. // while (pScan != &ActiveList && pScan->TriggerTime < TriggerTime) { ASSERT(pScan->IsActive()); ASSERT(pScan != pNode); pScan = pScan->Next; } pNode->Next = pScan; pNode->Prev = pScan->Prev; pNode->Next->Prev = pNode; pNode->Prev->Next = pNode; #ifdef DEBUGRPC ++NodeCount; LastAdded = pNode; #endif if (!ThreadActive) { fExitThread = FALSE; RPC_STATUS Status = GlobalRpcServer->CreateThread((THREAD_PROC) DelayedActionThread, this); if (Status) { return Status; } ThreadActive = TRUE; } else if (ActiveList.Next == pNode && TriggerTime < ThreadWakeupTime) { ThreadEvent.Raise(); } return RPC_S_OK; } BOOL DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE::SearchForNode( DELAYED_ACTION_NODE * pNode ) /*++ Routine Description: Finds the node in the table. Arguments: Return Value: TRUE if pNode is in the table FALSE if not --*/ { CLAIM_MUTEX Lock(Mutex); // // Search for node in active list. // DELAYED_ACTION_NODE * pScan; pScan = ActiveList.Next; while (pScan != &ActiveList && pScan != pNode) { pScan = pScan->Next; } if (pScan) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } void DELAYED_ACTION_TABLE::QueueLength( unsigned * pTotalCount, unsigned * pOverdueCount ) /*++ Routine Description: Determines the number of active entries and the number of entries that are late. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { CLAIM_MUTEX Lock(Mutex); DELAYED_ACTION_NODE * pScan = ActiveList.Next; unsigned Count = 0; unsigned CurrentTime = GetTickCount(); while (pScan != &ActiveList && CurrentTime > pScan->TriggerTime) { ++Count; ASSERT(pScan->Next != (DELAYED_ACTION_NODE *) 0xffeeddcc); pScan = pScan->Next; } *pOverdueCount = Count; while (pScan != &ActiveList) { ++Count; ASSERT(pScan->Next != (DELAYED_ACTION_NODE *) 0xffeeddcc); pScan = pScan->Next; } *pTotalCount = Count; }