//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1996. // // File: ftc.cxx // // Contents: Fast multi-threaded tree copy program. // // History: ?-?-94 IsaacHe Created // 11-Jun-96 BruceFo Fixed bugs, put this header here. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined( UNICODE ) #undef UNICODE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAXQUEUE 10000 #define ARRAYLEN(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) /* * These are the attributes we use to compare for file attribute identity */ const DWORD FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MASK = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; class CProtectedLong { CRITICAL_SECTION _cs; LONG _value; public: CProtectedLong() { InitializeCriticalSection( &_cs ); _value = 0; } LONG operator++(int) { EnterCriticalSection( &_cs ); LONG tmp = _value++; LeaveCriticalSection( &_cs ); return tmp; } LONG operator--( int ) { EnterCriticalSection( &_cs ); LONG tmp = _value--; LeaveCriticalSection( &_cs ); return tmp; } LONG operator+=( LONG incr ) { EnterCriticalSection( &_cs ); LONG tmp = (_value += incr ); LeaveCriticalSection( &_cs ); return tmp; } LONG operator=( LONG val ) { EnterCriticalSection( &_cs ); _value = val; LeaveCriticalSection( &_cs ); return val; } operator LONG() { return _value; } operator int() { return _value; } }; class CHandle { HANDLE _h; public: CHandle() : _h(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { } ~CHandle(); HANDLE operator=( HANDLE h ); BOOL operator==( HANDLE h ) { return (h == _h) ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL operator!=( HANDLE h ) { return (h != _h) ? TRUE : FALSE; } operator HANDLE() { return _h; } }; CHandle::~CHandle() { if( _h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && _h != NULL ) CloseHandle( _h ); } HANDLE CHandle::operator=( HANDLE h ) { if( _h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && _h != NULL ) CloseHandle( _h ); return _h = h; } DWORD dwElapsedTime; // time we've been copying data CProtectedLong ulTotalBytesCopied; // running total count of bytes CProtectedLong ulTotalBytesSkipped; // obvious? CProtectedLong ulTotalBytesScanned; CProtectedLong nFilesOnQueue; // number of files to copy or examine CProtectedLong nFcopy; // number of files copied CProtectedLong nSkipped; // number of files skipped over CProtectedLong nMappedCopy; // number of files copied using MapFile... CProtectedLong nCopyFile; // number of files copied using CopyFile()... CProtectedLong nInProgress; // number of copies currently in progress CProtectedLong MaxThreads; // Max number of threads for copying DWORD ExitCode = 0; // each thread's exit code BOOL bThreadStop = FALSE; // are we trying to exit? BOOL bWorkListComplete = FALSE; // have we scanned all the directories yet? BOOL tFlag = FALSE; // only copy if newer BOOL iFlag = FALSE; // skip seemingly identical files BOOL rFlag = FALSE; // replace read-only files BOOL vFlag = FALSE; // verbose BOOL AFlag = FALSE; // keep going even if there are errors BOOL FFlag = FALSE; // just produce file list. No copies BOOL oFlag = TRUE; // should we overwrite files already at dest? BOOL wFlag = FALSE; // should we wait for the source to show up? BOOL qFlag = FALSE; // quiet mode? BOOL yFlag = FALSE; // no recurse on target? BOOL zFlag = FALSE; // no recurse on source? BOOL pFlag = FALSE; // pattern? CHAR szPattern[100]; // pattern string, if pFlag is TRUE struct WorkList // copy file at 'src' to 'dest' { struct WorkList *next; char *src; // Pathname relative to the source WIN32_FIND_DATA srcfind; char *dest; } *WorkList = NULL; struct WorkList* WorkListTail = NULL; // always add files to copy to the *tail* // of the work list. This is to make // sure we always do work in order, instead // of starting on a directory but finishing // it much much much later, because we've // pushed all the work to the deep tail of // the list and never returned to it! CHandle hWorkAvailSem; // signalled whenever there's work on the list CHandle hMaxWorkQueueSem; // used to control lenght of work queue CRITICAL_SECTION csMsg; // used to serialize screen output CRITICAL_SECTION csWorkList; // used when manipulating the linked list CRITICAL_SECTION csSourceList; // used when manipulating the source list struct SourceList { char *name; // pathname of the source. Ends in '\' LONG count; // number of files currently being copied LONG ulTotalFiles; // total for the entire copy struct { unsigned valid : 1; // do we know that the source is valid? } flags; } SourceList[ 20 ]; int MaxSources = 0; char *DirectoryExcludeList[ 50 ]; int MaxDirectoryExcludes = 0; char OldConsoleTitle[ 100 ]; void errormsg( char const *pszfmt, ... ) { va_list ArgList; va_start( ArgList, pszfmt ); if( bThreadStop == FALSE && pszfmt != NULL ) { EnterCriticalSection( &csMsg ); vprintf( pszfmt, ArgList ); LeaveCriticalSection( &csMsg ); } va_end( ArgList ); } DWORD __stdcall StatusWorker( void *arg ) { char ostatbuf[ 100 ]; char nstatbuf[ 100 ]; while( bThreadStop == FALSE ) { sprintf(nstatbuf, "Remaining Files %d Bytes %d", (int)nFilesOnQueue, (int)ulTotalBytesScanned - (int)ulTotalBytesCopied - (int)ulTotalBytesSkipped ); if( strcmp( ostatbuf, nstatbuf ) ) { SetConsoleTitle( nstatbuf ); strcpy( ostatbuf, nstatbuf ); } Sleep( 1 * 1000 ); } SetConsoleTitle( OldConsoleTitle ); ExitThread( ExitCode ); arg = arg; return 0; } void msg( char const *pszfmt, ... ) { if( qFlag ) return; va_list ArgList; va_start( ArgList, pszfmt ); EnterCriticalSection( &csMsg ); vprintf( pszfmt, ArgList ); LeaveCriticalSection( &csMsg ); va_end( ArgList ); } void errorexit (char const *pszfmt, ... ) { if( bThreadStop == FALSE && pszfmt != NULL ) { va_list ArgList; va_start( ArgList, pszfmt ); EnterCriticalSection( &csMsg ); vprintf( pszfmt, ArgList ); LeaveCriticalSection( &csMsg ); va_end( ArgList ); } if( AFlag == FALSE ) { bThreadStop = TRUE; EnterCriticalSection( &csWorkList ); WorkList = NULL; WorkListTail = NULL; LeaveCriticalSection( &csWorkList ); if( hWorkAvailSem != NULL ) ReleaseSemaphore( hWorkAvailSem, (int)MaxThreads+1, NULL ); if( hMaxWorkQueueSem != NULL ) ReleaseSemaphore( hMaxWorkQueueSem, 1, NULL ); SetConsoleTitle( OldConsoleTitle ); ExitThread (ExitCode = 1); } } DWORD fcopy( char *src, WIN32_FIND_DATA *srcfind, char *dst, char *errorbuf ) { CHandle srcfh; CHandle dstfh; CHandle hsrc; DWORD nBytesWritten, totalbytes; char *result = NULL; char *psrc; BOOL ret = TRUE; char dostatus = 0; DWORD errcode; *errorbuf = '\0'; if( srcfind->nFileSizeHigh != 0 ) { if( CopyFile( src, dst, TRUE ) == FALSE ) { errcode = GetLastError(); sprintf( errorbuf, "CopyFile failed, error %d", errcode ); return errcode; } nCopyFile++; } else { srcfh = CreateFile( src, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); if( srcfh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { errcode = GetLastError(); sprintf( errorbuf, "Unable to open source file, error %d", errcode); return errcode; } dstfh = CreateFile( dst, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, srcfh); if( dstfh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { errcode = GetLastError(); sprintf( errorbuf, "Unable to create dest file, error %d", errcode); return errcode; } if( srcfind->nFileSizeLow != 0 ) { hsrc = CreateFileMapping( srcfh, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, srcfind->nFileSizeLow, NULL ); if( hsrc == NULL ) { dstfh = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DeleteFile( dst ); if( CopyFile( src, dst, TRUE ) == FALSE ) { errcode = GetLastError(); sprintf( errorbuf, "Unable to create file mapping, and CopyFile failed, error %d", errcode ); return errcode; } nCopyFile++; ulTotalBytesCopied += srcfind->nFileSizeLow; goto DoTime; } if( (psrc = (char *)MapViewOfFile( hsrc, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 )) == NULL){ dstfh = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DeleteFile( dst ); if( CopyFile( src, dst, TRUE ) == FALSE ) { errcode = GetLastError(); sprintf( errorbuf, "Unable to map source file, and CopyFile failed: error %d", errcode ); return errcode; } nCopyFile++; ulTotalBytesCopied += srcfind->nFileSizeLow; goto DoTime; } totalbytes = 0; while( !bThreadStop && totalbytes < srcfind->nFileSizeLow && ret == TRUE ) { ret = WriteFile( dstfh, psrc + totalbytes, min( 64*1024, srcfind->nFileSizeLow - totalbytes ), &nBytesWritten, NULL ); totalbytes += nBytesWritten; ulTotalBytesCopied += nBytesWritten; } errcode = GetLastError(); UnmapViewOfFile( psrc ); if( bThreadStop == TRUE ) { dstfh = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DeleteFile( dst ); *errorbuf = '\0'; return errcode; } if( ret == FALSE ) { dstfh = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DeleteFile( dst ); if( CopyFile( src, dst, TRUE ) == FALSE ) { errcode = GetLastError(); sprintf( errorbuf, "%s: CopyFile failed: error %d", dst, errcode); return GetLastError(); } nCopyFile++; ulTotalBytesCopied += srcfind->nFileSizeLow; goto DoTime; } nMappedCopy++; } } DoTime: if( dstfh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { dstfh = CreateFile( dst, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); } if( dstfh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { errcode = GetLastError(); DeleteFile( dst ); sprintf( errorbuf, "Unable to open destination file to set time, error %d", errcode ); return errcode; } if( !SetFileTime( dstfh, &srcfind->ftCreationTime, &srcfind->ftLastAccessTime, &srcfind->ftLastWriteTime )) { errcode = GetLastError(); sprintf( errorbuf, "Unable to set destination file times, error %d\n", errcode ); return errcode; } nFcopy++; return 0; } /* * Pick the source having the fewest outstanding operations at the moment. */ int SelectSource() { int index = -1; struct SourceList *psl; struct SourceList *opsl; static min; EnterCriticalSection( &csSourceList ); // // Find the first valid source // for( opsl = SourceList; opsl < &SourceList[ MaxSources ]; opsl++ ) if( opsl->flags.valid == TRUE ) break; // // Now locate the source having the fewest pending operations right now // for( psl = opsl+1; psl < &SourceList[ MaxSources ]; psl++ ) { if( psl->flags.valid == TRUE && psl->count < opsl->count ) opsl = psl; } if( opsl->flags.valid == TRUE ) { opsl->count++; index = opsl - SourceList; } LeaveCriticalSection( &csSourceList ); return index; } /* * We've completed the operation on source 'index' */ void SourceCopyComplete( int index, BOOL fFile ) { EnterCriticalSection( &csSourceList ); SourceList[ index ].count--; if (fFile) SourceList[ index ].ulTotalFiles++; LeaveCriticalSection( &csSourceList ); } void DisableSource( int index ) { if( index >= 0 && index < MaxSources ) { EnterCriticalSection( &csSourceList ); if( SourceList[ index ].flags.valid == TRUE ) { errormsg( "Disabling %s\n", SourceList[ index ].name ); SourceList[ index ].flags.valid = FALSE; } LeaveCriticalSection( &csSourceList ); } } BOOL FileTimesEqual( CONST FILETIME *pt1, CONST FILETIME *pt2 ) { SYSTEMTIME s1, s2; if( !FileTimeToSystemTime( pt1, &s1 ) || !FileTimeToSystemTime( pt2, &s2 ) ) return FALSE; return s1.wHour == s2.wHour && s1.wMinute == s2.wMinute && s1.wMonth == s2.wMonth && s1.wDay == s2.wDay && s1.wYear == s2.wYear; } void PrintFileTime( char *str, CONST FILETIME *ft ) { SYSTEMTIME st; if( FileTimeToSystemTime( ft, &st ) == FALSE ) { errormsg( "????\n" ); return; } msg( "%s %u:%u.%u.%u %u/%u/%u\n", str, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wYear ); } DWORD __stdcall ThreadWorker( void *arg ) { struct WorkList *pdl = NULL; int id = (int)arg; HANDLE hdestfind; WIN32_FIND_DATA destfind; int index = 0; char errorbuf[ 100 ]; char pathbuf[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD errcode; MaxThreads++; while( 1 ) { if( pdl != NULL ) { free( pdl->src ); free( pdl->dest ); free( pdl ); pdl = NULL; } if( bThreadStop == TRUE ) break; // Poll for new stuff every 2 seconds. If the thread is set to stop, // then go away. DWORD dwWait; while( 1 ) { dwWait = WaitForSingleObject( hWorkAvailSem, 1000 ); if( dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { break; } if( dwWait == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { if( bThreadStop == TRUE ) break; } else { errormsg( "Thread %d: Semaphore wait failed\n", id ); break; } } if ( dwWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { break; } // pick an item off the head of the work list EnterCriticalSection( &csWorkList ); pdl = WorkList; if( pdl != NULL ) { WorkList = pdl->next; if (NULL == WorkList) { // just pulled off the tail entry WorkListTail = NULL; } } LeaveCriticalSection( &csWorkList ); ReleaseSemaphore( hMaxWorkQueueSem, 1, NULL ); if( pdl == NULL ) break; nFilesOnQueue--; if( pdl->srcfind.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { errormsg( "Logic Error: Directory on work list!\n" ); continue; } pdl->srcfind.dwFileAttributes &= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MASK; hdestfind = FindFirstFile( pdl->dest, &destfind ); if( hdestfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { FindClose( hdestfind ); destfind.dwFileAttributes &= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MASK; /* * Destination file exists. What should we do? */ if( oFlag == FALSE ) { /* * We should not overwrite the existing file at the dest */ if( vFlag ) msg( "%s [SKIP: exists]\n", pdl->dest ); ulTotalBytesSkipped += destfind.nFileSizeLow; nSkipped++; continue; } if( iFlag && vFlag ) { if( destfind.dwFileAttributes !=pdl->srcfind.dwFileAttributes) msg( "%s [ ATTRIBUTES differ ]\n", pdl->dest ); if(!FileTimesEqual( &destfind.ftLastWriteTime, &pdl->srcfind.ftLastWriteTime)) { EnterCriticalSection( &csMsg ); msg( "%s [ TIMES differ ]\n", pdl->dest ); PrintFileTime( "Dest: ", &destfind.ftLastWriteTime ); PrintFileTime( "Src: ", &pdl->srcfind.ftLastWriteTime ); LeaveCriticalSection( &csMsg ); } if( (destfind.nFileSizeHigh != pdl->srcfind.nFileSizeHigh) || (destfind.nFileSizeLow != pdl->srcfind.nFileSizeLow) ) msg( "%s [ SIZES differ ]\n", pdl->dest ); } if( iFlag && (destfind.dwFileAttributes == pdl->srcfind.dwFileAttributes) && FileTimesEqual( &destfind.ftLastWriteTime, &pdl->srcfind.ftLastWriteTime) && (destfind.nFileSizeHigh == pdl->srcfind.nFileSizeHigh) && (destfind.nFileSizeLow == pdl->srcfind.nFileSizeLow) ) { if( vFlag ) msg("%s [SKIP: same atts, time, size]\n",pdl->dest); ulTotalBytesSkipped += destfind.nFileSizeLow; nSkipped++; continue; } if( tFlag && CompareFileTime( &destfind.ftLastWriteTime, &pdl->srcfind.ftLastWriteTime) >= 0 ) { if( vFlag ) msg("%s [SKIP: same or newer time]\n", pdl->dest ); ulTotalBytesSkipped += destfind.nFileSizeLow; nSkipped++; continue; } if( destfind.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) if( rFlag == FALSE && bThreadStop == FALSE ) { if( vFlag ) msg( "%s [SKIP: readonly]\n", pdl->dest ); ulTotalBytesSkipped += destfind.nFileSizeLow; nSkipped++; continue; } /* * Delete the destination file */ if( destfind.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) { destfind.dwFileAttributes &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; SetFileAttributes( pdl->dest, destfind.dwFileAttributes ); } if( FFlag == FALSE ) (void)DeleteFile( pdl->dest ); } if( FFlag == FALSE ) { while( bThreadStop == FALSE && (index = SelectSource()) >= 0 ) { strcpy( pathbuf, SourceList[index].name ); strcat( pathbuf, pdl->src ); nInProgress++; errcode = fcopy( pathbuf,&pdl->srcfind,pdl->dest,errorbuf); nInProgress--; if( errcode == 0 ) { SourceCopyComplete( index, TRUE ); msg("%s -> %s [OK]\n", pathbuf, pdl->dest ); SetFileAttributes(pdl->dest,pdl->srcfind.dwFileAttributes); break; } if( errcode == ERROR_SWAPERROR ) { errormsg( "%s [ SWAP ERROR, will try again... ]\n",pathbuf); Sleep( 5 * 1000 * 60 ); continue; } if( bThreadStop == FALSE ) errormsg( "%s [FAILED: %s ]\n", pathbuf, errorbuf ); if( AFlag == TRUE ) break; DisableSource( index ); } } else { msg( "%s\n", pdl->dest ); } if( AFlag == FALSE && index < 0 ) errorexit( "%s [FAILED completely]\n", pdl->dest ); } if( pdl != NULL ) { free( pdl->src ); free( pdl->dest ); free( pdl ); } if( MaxThreads-- == 1 ) { if( ExitCode == 0 ) { dwElapsedTime = GetTickCount() - dwElapsedTime; dwElapsedTime /= 1000; BOOL oldqFlag = qFlag; qFlag = FALSE; msg( "%u files copied (%u memory mappped, %u CopyFile )\n", (int)nFcopy, (int)nMappedCopy, (int)nCopyFile ); msg( "%u files skipped\n", (int)nSkipped); msg( "%lu bytes in %u seconds: %lu bits/sec\n", (int)ulTotalBytesCopied, dwElapsedTime, dwElapsedTime ? (LONG)(((LONG)ulTotalBytesCopied*8L)/dwElapsedTime) : 0L ); qFlag = oldqFlag; EnterCriticalSection( &csSourceList ); for (int i = 0; i < MaxSources; i++) { if (TRUE == SourceList[i].flags.valid) { msg( "%s %5lu files\n", SourceList[i].name, SourceList[i].ulTotalFiles); } } LeaveCriticalSection( &csSourceList ); } SetConsoleTitle( OldConsoleTitle ); ExitProcess( ExitCode ); } ExitThread( ExitCode ); return 0; } void AddToWorkList( char *src, char *dest, WIN32_FIND_DATA *pfind ) { struct WorkList *pdl; if( WaitForSingleObject( hMaxWorkQueueSem, INFINITE ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { errormsg( "Semaphore wait failed, can't add to work list\n" ); return; } if( bThreadStop == TRUE ) return; if( (pdl = (struct WorkList *)malloc( sizeof( struct WorkList ) ) ) == NULL ){ errorexit( "Out of Memory!\n" ); return; } if( (pdl->dest = _strdup( dest )) == NULL ) { errorexit( "Out of memory!\n" ); free( pdl ); return; } if( (pdl->src = _strdup( src )) == NULL ) { errorexit( "Out of memory!\n" ); free( pdl->dest ); free( pdl ); return; } pdl->srcfind = *pfind; pdl->next = NULL; EnterCriticalSection( &csWorkList ); if (NULL == WorkList) { WorkListTail = WorkList = pdl; } else { WorkListTail->next = pdl; // point the tail to the new entry WorkListTail = pdl; // the new entry becomes the tail } LeaveCriticalSection( &csWorkList ); nFilesOnQueue++; ReleaseSemaphore( hWorkAvailSem, 1, NULL ); } void ScanDirectory( char *relpath, char *dest ); void ScanDirectoryHelp( char *relpath, // path relative to the source char *dest, // resulting destination directory BOOL fOnlyDirectories, // TRUE if we only want to look for dirs BOOL fOnlyFiles // TRUE if we only want to look for files ) { int index; int destlen = strlen( dest ); int rellen = strlen( relpath ); WIN32_FIND_DATA fbuf; HANDLE hfind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; char SourceName[ MAX_PATH ]; while( 1 ) { if( (index = SelectSource()) < 0 ) return; /* * FindFirst/Next is such low overhead on the server that we shouldn't * really count it as a load on the server... */ SourceCopyComplete( index, FALSE ); strcpy( SourceName, SourceList[ index ].name ); if( rellen ) { strcat( SourceName, relpath ); strcat( SourceName, "\\" ); } strcat( SourceName, fOnlyDirectories ? "*.*" : (pFlag ? szPattern : "*.*" ) ); hfind = FindFirstFile( SourceName, &fbuf ); if( hfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) break; if (pFlag && ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == GetLastError()) { // simply no files that match the pattern in the directory return; } errormsg( "Dir scan of %s failed, error %d [DISABLING]\n", SourceName, GetLastError() ); DisableSource( index ); } do { if( !strcmp( fbuf.cFileName, "." ) || !strcmp( fbuf.cFileName, ".." ) ) continue; sprintf( &dest[ destlen ], "%s%s", dest[destlen-1] == '\\' ? "" : "\\", fbuf.cFileName ); if((fbuf.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 ) { // // Not a directory // if (fOnlyDirectories) { continue; } /* * Queue this file into the work queue! */ if( rellen ) { strcpy( SourceName, relpath ); strcat( SourceName, "\\" ); } else SourceName[0] = '\0'; strcat( SourceName, fbuf.cFileName ); ulTotalBytesScanned += fbuf.nFileSizeLow; AddToWorkList( SourceName, dest, &fbuf ); continue; } /* * We've found a directory. Descend into it and scan (if we're * not excluding it) */ if (fOnlyFiles) { continue; } if (zFlag) { // no recurse on source: ignore it! continue; } for( int i=0; i < MaxDirectoryExcludes; i++ ) if( !_stricmp( DirectoryExcludeList[i], fbuf.cFileName ) ) break; if( i != MaxDirectoryExcludes ) { if( vFlag ) msg( "Directory: %s [EXCLUDED]\n", dest ); nSkipped++; continue; } sprintf( &relpath[ rellen ], "%s%s", rellen ? "\\":"", fbuf.cFileName ); if (yFlag) { // no recurse on target: nuke end of dest (the new dir) dest[ destlen ] = '\0'; } ScanDirectory( relpath, dest ); relpath[ rellen ] = '\0'; } while( !bThreadStop && FindNextFile( hfind, &fbuf ) == TRUE ); dest[ destlen ] = '\0'; FindClose( hfind ); } void ScanDirectory( char *relpath, // path relative to the source char *dest // resulting destination directory ) { DWORD dwattrs; if( (dwattrs = GetFileAttributes( dest )) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { msg( "Creating Directory: %s\n", dest ); if( FFlag == FALSE && CreateDirectory( dest, NULL ) == FALSE ) { errorexit( "Can not create directory: %s\n", dest ); return; } } else if( !(dwattrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { errorexit( "Not a directory: %s\n", dest ); return; } if (pFlag) { // two passes: one looking for files, one looking for directories ScanDirectoryHelp(relpath, dest, FALSE, TRUE); ScanDirectoryHelp(relpath, dest, TRUE, FALSE); } else { ScanDirectoryHelp(relpath, dest, FALSE, FALSE); } } static void appendslash( char *p ) { if( p[ strlen(p) - 1 ] != '\\' ) strcat( p, "\\" ); } BOOL rootpath( char *src, char *dst ) { char* FilePart; char *p; if( src == NULL || *src == '\0' ) return FALSE; if( GetFullPathName( src, MAX_PATH, dst, &FilePart ) == 0 ) return FALSE; p = src + strlen(src) - 1; if( *p == '.' ) if( p > src ) { p--; if( *p != '.' && *p != ':' && (*p == '\\' || *p == '/') ) strcat( dst, "." ); } return TRUE; } static void Usage( char *s ) { errormsg( "Usage: %s [flags] [-p pattern] [src ...] dest\n", s ); errormsg( "Flags:\n" ); errormsg( "\t-c|f Get a checked (or free) public tree. Use before -# option\n" ); errormsg( "\t-[x86|mips|alpha|ppc] Get release for specific processor family\n" ); errormsg( "\t-w Wait until at least 1 'src' is present\n" ); errormsg( "\t-# Get NT public release #\n\n" ); errormsg( "\t-i Skip seemingly identical files (time, attrs, size agree)\n" ); errormsg( "\t-l Execute at lower priority\n" ); errormsg( "\t-o Do not overwrite any files that are already at dest\n" ); errormsg( "\t-p pattern Only files matching the pattern are copied\n" ); errormsg( "\t-q Quiet mode\n" ); errormsg( "\t-r Overwrite read-only files at dest\n" ); errormsg( "\t-t Copy only newer files to dest\n" ); errormsg( "\t-v Verbose\n" ); errormsg( "\t-y Don't recurse on target\n" ); errormsg( "\t-z Don't recurse on source\n" ); errormsg( "\t-A Keep going even if there are errors\n" ); errormsg( "\t-F Don't actually copy files or create directories\n" ); errormsg( "\t~dir Skip any directory named 'dir'\n" ); errormsg( "\nIf environment variable FTC_PARANOID is set, then the meaning of -o is\n" ); errormsg( "reversed: no -o means don't overwrite, -o means go ahead and overwrite.\n" ); errormsg( "\nExamples:\n" ); errormsg( " Get NT 1338 publics for mips: ftc -mips -1338 dest\n" ); errormsg( " Get NT 1338 publics, skip 'alpha' dirs: ftc ~alpha -1338 dest\n" ); errormsg( " Wait until release 1338 shares are up: ftc -w -1338 dest\n" ); errormsg( " Copy from two sources, no 'obj' dir: ftc ~obj \\\\foo\\dir \\\\bar\\dir dest\n" ); ExitProcess( 1 ); } BOOL __stdcall ControlHandlerRoutine( DWORD dwCtrlType ) { msg( "Interrupted!\n" ); bThreadStop = TRUE; ExitCode = 1; return TRUE; } int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *p; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; int i, argno; DWORD IDThread; char dest[ MAX_PATH ]; char relpath[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL cFlag = TRUE; // get a checked NT release? otherwise free BOOL lFlag = FALSE; // low priority? BOOL fParanoid = FALSE; // is FTC_PARANOID set in the environment? SYSTEM_INFO si; CHandle CThread; InitializeCriticalSection( &csMsg ); InitializeCriticalSection( &csWorkList ); InitializeCriticalSection( &csSourceList ); ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof( si )); GetConsoleTitle( OldConsoleTitle, sizeof( OldConsoleTitle ) ); TCHAR szParanoid[100]; DWORD len = GetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("FTC_PARANOID"), szParanoid, ARRAYLEN(szParanoid)); if (len > 0) { fParanoid = TRUE; } if (fParanoid) { oFlag = FALSE; } else { oFlag = TRUE; } for( argno = 1; argno < argc && (argv[argno][0] == '-' || argv[argno][0] == '/' || argv[argno][0] == '~') ; argno++ ) { if( argv[argno][0] == '~' ) { DirectoryExcludeList[ MaxDirectoryExcludes++ ] = &argv[argno][1]; } else for( int j=1; argv[argno][j]; j++ ) { switch( argv[argno][j] ) { case 'l': lFlag = TRUE; break; case 'q': qFlag = TRUE; break; case 'y': yFlag = TRUE; break; case 'z': zFlag = TRUE; break; case 'w': wFlag = TRUE; break; case 'o': if (fParanoid) { oFlag = TRUE; } else { oFlag = FALSE; } break; case 'F': FFlag = TRUE; break; case 'A': AFlag = TRUE; break; case 'f': cFlag = FALSE; break; case 'c': cFlag = TRUE; break; case 'p': if( j == 1 ) { if ( strcmp( &argv[argno][j], "ppc" ) == 0 ) { si.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_PPC; j += 2; } else if ( strcmp( &argv[argno][j], "p" ) == 0 ) { if (argno + 1 < argc) { pFlag = TRUE; strcpy( szPattern, argv[++argno] ); goto nextarg; // go to next argument } else Usage( argv[0] ); } else Usage( argv[0] ); } else Usage( argv[0] ); break; case 'v': vFlag = TRUE; break; case 'r': rFlag = TRUE; break; case 'i': iFlag = TRUE; break; case 't': tFlag = TRUE; break; case 'x': if( j == 1 && strcmp( &argv[argno][j], "x86" ) != 0 ) Usage( argv[0] ); si.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL; j += 2; break; case 'm': case 'j': if( j == 1 && strcmp( &argv[argno][1], "jazz" ) != 0 && strcmp(&argv[argno][1], "mips" ) != 0 ) Usage( argv[0] ); si.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_MIPS; j += 3; break; case 'a': if( j == 1 && strcmp( &argv[argno][j], "alpha" ) != 0 ) Usage( argv[0] ); si.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ALPHA; j += 4; break; default: if( isdigit( argv[argno][j] )) { int NTRelNo = atoi( &argv[argno][j] ); int MaxNTServers; j += strlen( &argv[argno][j] ) - 1; if( si.wProcessorArchitecture == 0 ) GetSystemInfo( &si ); switch( si.wProcessorArchitecture ) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL: p = "x86"; MaxNTServers = 5; break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_MIPS: p = "jazz"; MaxNTServers = 2; break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ALPHA: p = "alpha"; MaxNTServers = 2; break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_PPC: p = "ppc"; MaxNTServers = 2; break; default: errorexit( "Sorry, don't know server name for your processor type\n" ); ExitProcess(1); break; } msg( "Fetch %s public release %03u from %d \\\\nt%s servers...\n", cFlag ? "checked" : "free", NTRelNo, MaxNTServers, p ); for( int svr = 1; svr <= MaxNTServers ; svr++ ) { sprintf( dest, "\\\\nt%s%d\\%spub.%03u", p, svr, cFlag ? "chk" : "free", NTRelNo ); SourceList[ MaxSources ].name = (char *)malloc(strlen(dest)+2); if( SourceList[ MaxSources ].name == NULL ) { errorexit( "Out of memory!\n" ); ExitProcess(1); } strcpy( SourceList[ MaxSources++ ].name, dest ); } break; } case '?': Usage( argv[0] ); break; } } nextarg: ; } for( ; argno < argc-1; argno++ ) { if( rootpath( argv[argno], dest ) == FALSE ) { errorexit( "invalid source\n" ); ExitProcess(1); } for( p = dest; *p; p++ ) if( *p == '/' ) *p = '\\'; if( (SourceList[ MaxSources ].name = (char *)malloc( strlen( dest ) + 2 )) == NULL ) { errorexit( "Out of memory!\n" ); ExitProcess(1); } strcpy( SourceList[ MaxSources++ ].name, dest ); } if( MaxSources == 0 ) Usage( argv[0] ); for( i=0; i < MaxDirectoryExcludes; i++ ) msg( "Exclude Directory: %s\n", DirectoryExcludeList[i] ); while( 1 ) { char statusbuffer[ MAX_PATH ]; for( i=0; i < MaxSources; i++ ) { appendslash( SourceList[i].name ); if( vFlag == TRUE || wFlag == FALSE ) msg( "Validating %s....", SourceList[i].name ); sprintf( statusbuffer, "Validating %s", SourceList[i].name ); SetConsoleTitle( statusbuffer ); if( GetFileAttributes( SourceList[i].name ) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { if( vFlag == TRUE || wFlag == FALSE ) msg( "[DISABLING %s]\n", SourceList[i].name ); SourceList[i].flags.valid = FALSE; } else { SourceList[i].flags.valid = TRUE; if( vFlag == TRUE || wFlag == FALSE ) msg( "[OK]\n" ); } } for( i=0; i < MaxSources; i++ ) if( SourceList[i].flags.valid == TRUE ) break; if( i != MaxSources ) break; if( wFlag == TRUE ) { SetConsoleTitle( "Sleeping awhile..." ); Sleep( 3 * 1000 * 60 ); } else { SetConsoleTitle( OldConsoleTitle ); ExitProcess(1); } } SetConsoleTitle( "Sources Present" ); LONG cThreads = (MaxSources * 3) + 1; /* * hack for ftc -w -678 to exit when the release shares are available */ if( argno == argc && wFlag ) ExitProcess( 0 ); if ( argno != argc - 1 ) { Usage( argv[0] ); } else if (rootpath (argv[argno], dest) == FALSE ) { errorexit( "Invalid destination\n" ); ExitProcess(1); } for( p = dest; *p; p++ ) if( *p == '/' ) *p = '\\'; for( i=0; i < MaxSources; i++ ) if (!strcmp(SourceList[i].name, dest)) { errorexit("Source == dest == %s", SourceList[i].name ); ExitThread(1); } /* * Create the semaphores for the work lists */ sa.nLength = sizeof( sa ); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; if( (hWorkAvailSem = CreateSemaphore( &sa, 0, 100000, NULL)) == NULL ) { errorexit( "Unable to create semaphore (err %u)!\n", GetLastError() ); ExitProcess(1); } hMaxWorkQueueSem = CreateSemaphore( &sa, MAXQUEUE, MAXQUEUE, NULL ); if( hMaxWorkQueueSem == NULL ) { errorexit( "Unable to create queue length semaphore (err %u)!\n", GetLastError() ); ExitProcess( 1 ); } /* * Create the thread pool to do the copies */ for( i=0; i < cThreads - 1; i++ ) { CThread = CreateThread( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, 0, ThreadWorker, (LPVOID *)i, 0, &IDThread ); if( CThread == NULL || CThread == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) break; SetThreadPriority( CThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL ); CThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } /* * Create the 'update status' thread */ CThread = CreateThread( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, 0, StatusWorker,(LPVOID *)0,0,&IDThread ); if( CThread != NULL && CThread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // SetThreadPriority( CThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL ); CThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } SetConsoleCtrlHandler( ControlHandlerRoutine, TRUE ); /* * Produce the directory list */ relpath[0] = '\0'; dwElapsedTime = GetTickCount(); SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL ); ScanDirectory( relpath, dest ); if( lFlag ) SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS ); SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL ); // OK, now hWorkAvailSem has a count for every item to copy. But when they // finish copying, each thread waits on this semaphore again. At the end, // everyone will still be waiting! So, add the number of threads to the // count, so each thread notices, one by one, that everything's done. ReleaseSemaphore( hWorkAvailSem, (int)cThreads+1, NULL ); if( bThreadStop == FALSE ) ThreadWorker( 0 ); return ExitCode; }