/*********************************************************************** * Microsoft (R) 32-Bit Incremental Linker * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1996. All rights reserved. * * File: errmsg.h * * File Comments: * * Generated from link32er.txt Fri Feb 02 14:09:17 1996 * ***********************************************************************/ // ********************************************************************* // Microsoft (R) 32-Bit Incremental Linker // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1996. All rights reserved. // // File: link32er.txt // // File Comments: // // // ********************************************************************* // **IMPORTANT** -- Notify user ed (marcim) if you alter this file. // (Examples -- add/delete errors; add/remove comment marks that precede // errors; change an error number; alter a message; "overload" an error) // This file is no longer automatically processed by the linker makefile. // If you change it you should say "nmake errgen" in the linker\coff // directory and check in the resulting files. // // Numbering convention -- // LNKnnnn for all linker tools (LINK, LIB, DUMPBIN, EDITBIN) // LNK1nnn for fatal errors // LNK2nnn for nonfatal errors // LNK4nnn for warnings // LNKn5nn for Mac-specific errors/warnings // LNK6nnn for informational msgs used by ilink // LNK9nnn for messages // Strings for warning or error #define FATALSTR 0 #define ERRORSTR 1 #define WARNSTR 2 #define NOTESTR 3 #define MSGSTR 4 // Linker Errors #define INTERNAL_ERR 5 #define USAGE 6 #define WRONGDBI 7 #define OUTOFMEMORY 8 #define CVCORRUPT 9 #define CANTOPENFILE 10 #define CANTCLOSEFILE 11 #define CANTSEEKFILE 12 #define CANTREADFILE 13 #define CANTWRITEFILE 14 #define CANTREMOVEFILE 15 #define CANTRENAMEFILE 16 #define BADBASE 17 #define CONFLICTINGMACHINETYPE 18 #define UNKNOWNMACHINETYPE 19 // LNK1114:: #define NOMACHINESPECIFIED 20 #define KEYNOTFOUND 21 #define SWITCHSYNTAX 22 #define DEFSYNTAX 23 #define BADORDINAL 24 #define UNDEFINEDEXTERNALS 25 #define DUPLICATEORDINAL 26 #define BADDEFFILEKEYWORD 27 #define CONVERSIONERROR 28 // LNK1124:: // LNK1125:: // LNK1126:: #define BADLIBRARY 29 // LNK1128:: #define BADWEAKEXTERN 30 #define BASERELOCTIONMISCALC 31 #define NOLIBRARYFILE 32 #define BADSTUBFILE 33 // LNK1133:: // LNK1134:: // LNK1135:: #define BAD_FILE 34 #define BADSECTIONSWITCH 35 #define CORRUPTOBJECT 36 // LNK1139:: #define PDBLIMIT 37 #define DEFLIB_FAILED 38 // LNK1142:: #define BADCOFF_COMDATNOSYM 39 #define CANT_OPEN_REPRO 40 #define CIRCULAR_MERGE 41 #define MISSING_SWITCH_VALUE 42 #define BAD_NUMBER 43 #define COPY_TEMPFILE 44 #define DUP_OUT_FILE 45 // LNK1150:: // LNK1151:: #define FAILEDFUZZYMATCH 46 #define VXD_NEEDED 47 #define DUPLICATEIMPLIB 48 #define SPECIALSYMDEF 49 #define SBSSFOUND 50 #define VXDFIXUPOVERFLOW 51 #define SPAWNFAILED 52 #define NOOUTPUTFILE 53 #define LASTLIBOBJECT 54 #define BADEXPORTSPEC 55 #define NOAUXSYMFORCOMDAT 56 #define INVALIDCOMDATSEL 57 #define CONALIGNTOOLARGE 58 #define FIXUPERRORS 59 #define TEXTPADFAILED 60 #define BADCOFF_NOMACHINE 61 #define INVALID_FILEPERM 62 #define MULTIPLYDEFINEDSYMS 63 #define LINETOOLONG 64 #define DLLLOADERR 65 #define MULTOBJSINLIB 66 #define FCNNOTFOUNDERR 67 #define CANNOTREBASEIMAGE 68 #define REBASEFAILED 69 #define TLSLIMITHIT 70 #define TOCTOOLARGE 71 #define NOMODEND 72 #define BADCOFF_DUPCOMDAT 73 #define DISKFULL 74 #define CANTOPENINPUTFILE 75 #define EXPORTLIMITHIT 76 #define BADCOFF_RELOCCOUNT 77 #define INVALIDSECNAME 78 #define INVALIDSECNAMEINDEF 79 #define BADCOFF_BADRELOC 80 // PDB Errors #define PDBREADERROR 81 #define PDBWRITEERROR 82 #define INVALIDSIGINPDB 83 #define INVALIDAGEINPDB 84 #define TRANSITIVETYPEREF 85 // LNK1205:: #define V1PDB 86 #define BADPDBFORMAT 87 #define REFDPDBNOTFOUND 88 #define MISMATCHINPDB 89 #define NOTENOUGHMEMFORILINK 90 #define PRECOMPREQUIRED 91 // ******* // ******* Do NOT add new error here. Assign numbers less than 1200 // ******* // MAC Errors #define MACNULLIMPORT 92 #define MACREBASE 93 #define MACBADSTARTUPSN 94 #define MACNEARTHUNKOVF 95 #define MACSMALLTHUNKOVF 96 #define MACBADPATCHVAL 97 #define MACTHUNKOUTOFRANGE 98 #define MACDATAOUTOFRANGE 99 #define MACTARGOUTOFRANGE 100 #define MACPCODETARGOUTOFRANGE 101 #define MACPCODESN 102 #define MACPROFOFF 103 #define MACPROFSN 104 #define MACNOENTRY 105 #define MACBADCODERELOC 106 #define MACBADDATARELOC 107 #define MACINTERSEGCS 108 #define MACDIFFSNDIFF 109 #define MACDIFF8OUTOFRANGE 110 #define MACDIFF16OUTOFRANGE 111 #define MACBADFILE 112 #define MACNOFUNCTIONSET 113 #define MACSTARTUPSN 114 #define MACCODE1 115 #define MACCODE0 116 #define BADMACDLLFLAG 117 #define MACBADSACDREF 118 #define MACDATAFUNC 119 #define MACDLLOBJECT 120 #define MACDLLID 121 #define MACMULTDEFFS 122 #define MACNATIVEOPTREF 123 #define MACDLLFUNCSETID 124 #define MACBADPCODEEP 125 #define MACBADSTARTUPSEG 126 #define MACCSNCODELIMIT 127 #define MACODDADDRFIXUP 128 #define MACBADCSECTBLFIXUP 129 #define MACBADDUPCONFIXUP 130 #define MACMULTSYMINCON 131 #define MACBADCTOABSC32FIXUP 132 #define MACDUPRSRCNUMS 133 #define MACBADA5REF 134 #define MACRSRCREN 135 // LNK1592:: // LNK1593:: #define MACDLLENTRYMAPPEDTOINIT 136 // ******* // ******* Do NOT add new error here. Assign numbers less than 1200 // ******* // Linker Non-fatal Errors #define UNDEFINED 137 #define UNKNOWNFIXUP 138 #define GPFIXUPNOTSDATA 139 #define GPFIXUPTOOFAR 140 #define MULTIPLYDEFINED 141 #define TOCFIXUPNOTTOC 142 #define TOCFIXUPTOOFAR 143 #define UNALIGNEDFIXUP 144 #define RELOCATABLETARGET 145 #define DUPLICATEGLUE 146 #define MISSINGPCTOBJ 147 #define FIXUPNONOP 148 #define TOOFAR 149 // Linker Warnings // LNK4000:: #define NOOBJECTFILES 150 #define FUZZYMATCHINFO 151 #define NOLINKERMEMBER 152 // LNK4004:: #define NOMODULESEXTRACTED 153 #define WARNMULTIPLYDEFINED 154 // LNK4007:: // LNK4008:: #define UNMATCHEDPAIR 155 #define INVALIDVERSIONSTAMP 156 #define UNKNOWNSUBSYSTEM 157 #define UNKNOWNRESPONSE 158 #define IMAGELARGERTHANKEY 159 #define MEMBERNOTFOUND 160 #define BADCOMMITSIZE 161 // LNK4016:: #define IGNOREKEYWORD 162 #define PDBOUTOFTIS 163 #define NOSTRINGTABLEEND 164 // LNK4020:: // LNK4021:: #define MULTIPLEFUZZYMATCH 165 #define BASEADJUSTED 166 // LNK4024:: #define NODEFLIBDIRECTIVE 167 // LNK4026:: #define CVPACKERROR 168 #define OBSOLETESWITCH 169 // LNK4029:: #define INVALIDFILEOFFSET 170 #define SUBSYSTEM_AMBIGUOUS 171 // LNK4032:: #define CONVERT_OMF 172 // LNK4034:: // LNK4035:: // LNK4036:: #define COMDATDOESNOTEXIST 173 #define DEFAULTUNITSPERLINE 174 #define SECTIONNOTFOUND 175 #define BADCOFF_STRINGTABLE 176 #define EDIT_NOOPT 177 #define DUPLICATE_OBJECT 178 #define BAD_ALIGN 179 #define WARN_UNKNOWN_SWITCH 180 #define WARN_REPRO_DIR 181 #define IGNORE_REPRO_DIR 182 #define EDIT_LIB_IGNORED 183 #define NOTCOFF 184 #define SELF_IMPORT 185 // LNK4050:: #define EXTRA_EXPORT_DELIM 186 #define DEF_IGNORED 187 // LNK4053:: // LNK4054:: #define UNKNOWN_SEG12_FIXUP 188 #define EXTRA_SWITCH_VALUE 189 #define BAD_LIBORDER 190 #define NO_CHECKSUM 191 #define MULTIPLE_RSRC 192 #define PARTIAL_DOS_HDR 193 #define NOSTUB_IGNORED 194 #define SWITCH_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_MACHINE 195 #define INVALID_SWITCH_SPEC 196 #define CONFLICTINGSUBSYSTEM 197 #define ORDERNOTCOMDAT 198 #define DLLHASSDATA 199 #define ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS 200 #define HOSTDEFAULT 201 #define UNABLETOCHECKSUM 202 #define OUTDRCTVDIFF 203 #define CANNOTILINKINFUTURE 204 #define TOOMANYSECTIONS 205 #define UNABLETOCREATEMAP 206 #define DLLLOADWARN 207 #define SWITCH_IGNORED 208 #define INVALID_DBFILE 209 #define EXPORTS_IGNORED 210 #define DIFSECATTRIB 211 #define INVALID_FILE_ATTRIB 212 // LNK4080:: NO_NB10:: /%s specification not CV; old debug format used #define LOWSPACE 213 #define FCNNOTFOUNDWARN 214 #define MODULENOTFOUND 215 #define IMAGETOOLARGE 216 #define TOOMANYEXESTR 217 #define INVALIDENTRY 218 #define CONSTANTOLD 219 #define IMAGEBUILT 220 #define STALEDLLREF 221 #define NOIFGLUE 222 #define PROMOTEMIPS 223 #define SHAREDRELOC 224 #define DRIVEDIRIGNORED 225 #define NODOSDUMP 226 #define NONEDUMP 227 #define INVALIDWIN95BASE 228 #define DUPLICATEORDER 229 #define CONFLICTINGLIB 230 #define WARNPDBNOTFOUND 231 #define NOTOCRELOAD 232 #define REEXPORT 233 // MAC Warnings #define MACDEFFLAGCLASH 234 #define MACINVALIDSECTION 235 #define MACIMPORTSYMBOLNOTFOUND 236 #define MACIMPORTCONTAINERNOTFOUND 237 #define MACVERSIONCONFLICT 238 #define MACSETVERSION 239 #define MACIGNOREVERSION 240 #define MACNODLLEXPORTS 241 #define MACIGNOREMAPPED 242 #define MACCOMMON 243 #define MACINCONSISTENTCSECTAB 244 #define MACBADTHUNKVAL 245 // LNK4554:: #define MACPOSDATAREF 246 #define MACNOEXPORTS 247 #define MACUSINGNATIVE 248 #define MACDLLA5RELC 249 // ******* // ******* Do NOT add new warnings here. Assign numbers less than 4550 // ******* // Informational messages #define LOWSPACERELINK 250 #define CORRUPTILK 251 #define LNKOPTIONSCHNG 252 #define FILECHANGED 253 #define EXPORTSCHANGED 254 #define PDBMISSING 255 #define TOOMANYCHANGES 256 #define OBJADDED 257 #define OBJREMOVED 258 #define LIBCHANGED 259 #define INTLIMITEXCEEDED 260 #define PRECOMPREQ 261 #define PADEXHAUSTED 262 #define SYMREFSETCHNG 263 #define BSSCHNG 264 #define ABSSYMCHNG 265 #define LIBREFSETCHNG 266 #define MULTDEFNFOUND 267 #define DIFFDIRECTIVES 268 #define INVALIDILKFORMAT 269 #define FULLBUILD 270 #define UNABLETOLOADILK 271 #define UNABLETOEXTENDMAP 272 #define RESFILECHANGE 273 #define DIFFCOMDATS 274 #define DBIFORMAT 275 // Linker messages to user #define BLDIMPLIB 276 #define SRCHLIBS 277 #define DONESRCHLIBS 278 #define GENEXPFILE 279 #define GENEXPFILECMD 280 #define ENDGENEXPFILE 281 #define STRTPASS1 282 #define ENDPASS1 283 #define LIBSRCH 284 #define FNDSYM 285 #define SYMREF 286 #define LOADOBJ 287 #define STRTPASS2 288 #define ENDPASS2 289 #define NODEFLIB 290 #define NODEFLIBLIB 291 #define DEFLIB 292 #define TCESYM 293 #define TCESYMNOMOD 294 #define TCEGRP 295 #define REPLOBJ 296 #define STARTORDER 297 #define ENDORDER 298 #define ORDERHEADER 299 #define EXCLUDELIB 300 // Special last message marker #define LAST_MSG 301