!IFDEF NTMAKEENV # # DO NOT EDIT THIS SECTION!!! Edit .\sources. if you want to add a new source # file to this component. This section merely indirects to the real make file # that is shared by all the components of WINDOWS NT # !INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def !ELSE #*** # #makefile # # This makefile builds link.exe, a COFF linker. The environment for this # makefile is setup by common.mak and make.bat. # #**************************************************************************** Default: all PCH_HDR = link.h PCH_SRC = alpha.cpp PCH_OBJ = $(ODIR)\alpha.obj !include ..\common.mak #*** # # Add double-byte support # #**************************************************************************** !if "$(DBC)" != "0" CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -D_MBCS !message --- Building MBCS version !else !message --- Building SBC version !endif #*** # # Add language support # #**************************************************************************** !if "$(LANG)" == "" LANG = US !endif #*** # # Validate language # #**************************************************************************** !if "$(LANG)" != "US" && "$(LANG)" != "JAPAN" !message Unsupported language, please build with LANG=US (default) !message or LANG=JAPAN. !error Please try again. !endif #*** # #objects # #**************************************************************************** OBJS = \ $(ODIR)\alpha.obj \ $(ODIR)\bufio.obj \ $(ODIR)\calltree.obj \ $(ODIR)\cmdline.obj \ $(ODIR)\coff.obj \ $(ODIR)\contrib.obj \ $(ODIR)\convert.obj \ $(ODIR)\cpp.obj \ $(ODIR)\cv.obj \ $(ODIR)\cvtomf.obj \ $(ODIR)\data.obj \ $(ODIR)\db.obj \ $(ODIR)\dbg.obj \ $(ODIR)\dbiapi.obj \ $(ODIR)\dbinsp.obj \ $(ODIR)\defaultl.obj \ $(ODIR)\deflib.obj \ $(ODIR)\dmple.obj \ $(ODIR)\dmpne.obj \ $(ODIR)\dmppef.obj \ $(ODIR)\dump.obj \ $(ODIR)\edit.obj \ $(ODIR)\errmsg.obj \ $(ODIR)\export.obj \ $(ODIR)\hash.obj \ $(ODIR)\i386.obj \ $(ODIR)\ifpo.obj \ $(ODIR)\image.obj \ $(ODIR)\incr.obj \ $(ODIR)\ipdata.obj \ $(ODIR)\irelocs.obj \ $(ODIR)\lib.obj \ $(ODIR)\linenum.obj \ $(ODIR)\link.obj \ $(ODIR)\lnkmain.obj \ $(ODIR)\lnkp1.obj \ $(ODIR)\lnkp2.obj \ $(ODIR)\log.obj \ $(ODIR)\m68k.obj \ $(ODIR)\mac.obj \ $(ODIR)\map.obj \ $(ODIR)\memory.obj \ $(ODIR)\mips.obj \ $(ODIR)\mppc.obj \ $(ODIR)\order.obj \ $(ODIR)\pdata.obj \ $(ODIR)\pe.obj \ $(ODIR)\ppc.obj \ $(ODIR)\shared.obj \ $(ODIR)\symbol.obj \ $(ODIR)\tce.obj \ $(ODIR)\textpad.obj \ $(ODIR)\vxd.obj \ $(ODIR)\link.res #*** # #target # #**************************************************************************** # For error file generation AWK=gawk !if "$(TIMEBOMB)"=="1" !if "$(LANG)" == "JAPAN" EXT_LIBS = timebomj.lib $(EXT_LIBS) !else EXT_LIBS = timebomb.lib $(EXT_LIBS) !endif !endif all: $(ODIR)\link.exe $(ODIR)\link.exe: makefile $(OBJS) \ ..\disasm\$(ODIR)\disasm.lib \ ..\disasm68\$(ODIR)\disasm68.lib $(LINKER) @<< -out:$@ $(LFLAGS) -subsystem:console $(OBJS) ..\disasm\$(ODIR)\disasm.lib ..\disasm68\$(ODIR)\disasm68.lib mspdb.lib $(EXT_LIBS) << !if "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)" != "PPC" bscmake /o $(@R).bsc $(ODIR)\*.sbr !endif #*** # # Generate the message files. # #**************************************************************************** errgen: $(AWK) -f mkhfile.awk link32er.txt > errmsg.h $(AWK) -f mkrfile.awk link32er.txt > errmsg.rc $(AWK) -f mkdfile.awk link32er.txt > errdat.h clean: -del $(ODIR)\*.bsc -del $(ODIR)\*.exe -del $(ODIR)\*.ilk -del $(ODIR)\*.lib -del $(ODIR)\*.map -del $(ODIR)\*.obj -del $(ODIR)\*.pch -del $(ODIR)\*.pdb -del $(ODIR)\*.res -del $(ODIR)\*.sbr !ENDIF