'****************************************************************************** ' DP32.mst ' This test scripts validates the operation of the Dialing Properties ' TAPI component ' Ronald Rohr ' January 03, 1996 ' Status = Pre-Test Design Review, Pre-Code Review ' Version = 0.1 ' A description of the Test Cases Can be found in TCM, Server: lostpup, ' Database: TAPICASES, Tree: Dialing Properties. ' Logon with ID & Password = Tapicase (read only privlages) ' To run this test the command$ variable must be set to the path of the DP32.ini ' file otherwise the test will use default english strings. '****************************************************************************** '****************************************************************************** ' TEST CASE LIST (in order of execution) ' TC - 33 Start Phone Dialer Application ' TC - 35 Set Language Strings ' TC - 34 Invoke Dialing Properties Window ' TC - 46 Verify Language Strings ' TC - 41 Add Locations ' TC - 84 Modify a Location ' TC - 45 Verify Calling Cards ' TC - 37 Country Dialing Rules ' TC - 85 Remove a Location '$INCLUDE 'declares.inc' option base 0 Const TEST_SCRIPT_TITLE = "Dialing Properties Test" 'Test Script Name Const TEST_SCRIPT_VERSION = "4/15/96" 'Test Script Version Const TEST_APP = "Dialer.exe" 'File name of the Application Under Test Const TIMEOUT = 3 'Timeout value for MSTest APIs Global Test_Logfile as string 'Results Log File Name '$include 'Tapilog.inc' 'required for all common file I/O procedures '$include 'DP32.inc' 'Functions and Constants used by DP32.MST dim hPhoneDialer as long ' Handle to main Dialer window dim hProperties as long ' Handle to Dialing Properties dialog dim hParentTab as long ' Handle to Dialing Properties Tab Control dim hMyLocTab as long ' Handle to Dialing Properties My Location tab dim hTelDrvTab as long ' Handle to Dialing Properties Telephone Drivers tab dim hDPcmdOK as long ' Handle to Dialing Properties OK command button dim hDPcmdCancel as long ' Handle to Dialing Properties Cancel command button dim hDPcmdApply as long ' Handle to Dialing Properties Apply command button dim Prop_hCtrl(2) as long ' Array of handles to the Dialing Properties child controls dim Prop_CtrlID (2) as long ' Array My Location Tab child controls IDs dim ML_hCtrl (15) as long ' Array of handles to the My Location Tab child controls dim ML_CtrlID (15) as long ' Array My Location Tab child controls IDs dim TD_hCtrl (3) as long ' Array of handles to the Telephony Drivers Tab child controls dim TD_CtrlID (3) as long ' Array Telephony Drivers Tab child controls IDs dim rtn as long ' Generic long function return value dim ret as integer ' Generic integer function return value dim rtnstring as string ' Generic string function return value dim ErrorMessage as string ' Error Message string for On Error Procedure dim InitialLoc as Location ' Initial location Information dim Redmond as Location ' Location Information for location test dim Ireland as Location ' Ditto dim Chicago as Location ' Ditto '************************ End Variable Declarations ******************* '************************ Define Arrays ******************************* 'Dialing Properties child control IDs Prop_CtrlID(DP_OKcmd) = &h00000001& Prop_CtrlID(DP_CANCELcmd) = &h00000002& Prop_CtrlID(DP_APPLYcmd) = &h00003021& 'My Location Tab child control IDs ML_CtrlID(NEW_cmd) = &h00001389& ML_CtrlID(REMOVE_cmd) = &h0000138B& ML_CtrlID(CHANGE_cmd) = &h0000138C& ML_CtrlID(LOCATION_cbo) = &h00001388& ML_CtrlID(COUNTRY_cbo) = &h0000040F& ML_CtrlID(AREA_txt) = &h0000040E& ML_CtrlID(LOCAL_txt) = &h0000040C& ML_CtrlID(LONG_txt) = &h0000040D& ML_CtrlID(CARD_chk) = &h0000138D& ML_CtrlID(DIAL_AS_chk) = &h0000138A& ML_CtrlID(WAIT_chk) = &h0000138E& ML_CtrlID(WAITStr_cbo) = &h00001390& ML_CtrlID(TONE_opt) = &h000017A3& ML_CtrlID(PULSE_opt) = &h000017A2& ML_CtrlID(ADDRESS_lbl) = &h00002329& ML_CtrlID(NUMBER_lbl) = &h00002328& 'Telephony Drivers Tab child controls IDs TD_CtrlID(TD_ADDcmd) = &h00000422 TD_CtrlID(TD_REMOVEcmd) = &h00000423 TD_CtrlID(TD_SETUPcmd) = &h00000420 TD_CtrlID(TD_DRIVERlst) = &h00000421 '************************ End Define Arrays *************************** '************************ Start Test ********************************** on error goto ErrorHandler ' Bounds Checker can only be run from a system that has Visual Test installed ' otherwise a run time error will occur. ' The Bounds Checker binaries cannot be redistributed. ' NUMEGA should only be defined when running in a VT environment. '$ifdef NUMEGA on BoundsCheckerNotify (NULL) Call BoundsChkHandler '$endif 'NUMEGA '$ifdef DEBUG_TEST_SCRIPT 'viewport on 'viewport clear '$endif 'DEBUG_TEST_SCRIPT viewport off SetDefaultWaitTimeout (5) TotalScenarios = 0 Test_Logfile = TESTMODE$ CurrentLoggingLevel = DetailCase SetLogFileName rtn = StartLog (DELETE_LOGFILE, TEST_SCRIPT_TITLE) SetWndTimeout () ' ********* TC - 35 Get Language Strings from INI file or use defaults TotalScenarios = TotalScenarios + 1 GetLangStr ' ********* TC - 33 Start Phone Dialer application 'NOTE: Phone dialer will not be used to invoke dialing properties so Start_App ' is no longer needed. Dialing properties will be invoked from the ' Call_Dialing_Prop fuction using control.exe. ' hPhoneDialer = Start_App ' ********* TC - 34 Invoke Dialing Properties Window TotalScenarios = TotalScenarios + 1 InitialLoc.Location = "New Location" InitialLoc.AreaCode = "312" InitialLoc.Country = "United States of America" InitialLoc.LocalAccess = "7" InitialLoc.LongAccess = InitialLoc.LocalAccess InitialLoc.CardSet = UNCHECKED InitialLoc.WaitSet = UNCHECKED InitialLoc.ToneSet = FALSE InitialLoc.PulseSet = TRUE ' Delete preexisting locations and set default location = InitialLoc. SetLocationInfo (InitialLoc) ' Callup dialing properties and get main handles ' Handles to the Parent tab and the property pages are returned via ' the three function arguments hProperties = Call_Dialing_Prop (hParentTab, hMyLocTab, hTelDrvTab) 'GetDPCtrlh gets the handles to the dialing properties command buttons GetDPCtrlh (hProperties, Prop_hCtrl, Prop_CtrlID) ' ********* TC - 46 Verify Language Strings 'Check the existance of the Tab controls 'First convert tab control handle to a string that WTab functions like TotalScenarios = TotalScenarios + 1 Validate_Strings (hMyLocTab, ML_hCtrl) ' ********* NOT A TEST CASE ' Retrieve handles to child controls on all property pages ' for use with other test cases GetChildhandles (hTelDrvTab, TD_hCtrl, TD_CtrlID) GetChildhandles (hMyLocTab, ML_hCtrl, ML_CtrlID) 'Define locations for Test Cases 41, 84 and 85 Redmond.Location = "Redmond" Redmond.AreaCode = "206" Redmond.Country = "United States of America" Redmond.LocalAccess = "9" Redmond.LongAccess = "8" Redmond.CardSet = UNCHECKED Redmond.WaitSet = CHECKED Redmond.ToneSet = TRUE Redmond.PulseSet = FALSE Ireland.Location = "Cork" Ireland.AreaCode = "21" Ireland.Country = "Ireland" Ireland.LocalAccess = "8" Ireland.LongAccess = "9" Ireland.CardSet = CHECKED Ireland.WaitSet = UNCHECKED Ireland.ToneSet = FALSE Ireland.PulseSet = TRUE Chicago.Location = "Chicago" Chicago.AreaCode = "312" Chicago.Country = "United States of America" Chicago.LocalAccess = "5" Chicago.LongAccess = "6" Chicago.CardSet = CHECKED Chicago.WaitSet = UNCHECKED Chicago.ToneSet = TRUE Chicago.PulseSet = FALSE ' ********* TC - 41 Add Locations TotalScenarios = TotalScenarios + 1 ' add 2 new locations AddLocations (Prop_hCtrl, ML_hCtrl, InitialLoc, Redmond, Ireland) ' invoke Dialing properties and get Handles hProperties = Call_Dialing_Prop (hParentTab, hMyLocTab, hTelDrvTab) GetDPCtrlh (hProperties, Prop_hCtrl, Prop_CtrlID) GetChildhandles (hMyLocTab, ML_hCtrl, ML_CtrlID) ' verify that the current location (Cork, Ireland) became the default location VerifyCurrentLoc (ML_hCtrl, Ireland) ' ********* TC - 84 Modify a Location teststring.TC_Num = 84 TotalScenarios = TotalScenarios + 1 ModifyLocation (Prop_hCtrl, ML_hCtrl, Chicago) ' invoke Dialing properties and get Handles hProperties = Call_Dialing_Prop (hParentTab, hMyLocTab, hTelDrvTab) GetDPCtrlh (hProperties, Prop_hCtrl, Prop_CtrlID) GetChildhandles (hMyLocTab, ML_hCtrl, ML_CtrlID) ' verify that the current location (Chicago) became the default location ' then close Dialing Properties VerifyModifyLoc (ML_hCtrl, Chicago, Prop_hCtrl(DP_OKcmd)) ' ********* TC - 39 Verify Call Waiting teststring.TC_Num = 39 TotalScenarios = TotalScenarios + 1 VerifyCallWaiting (Prop_CtrlID, ML_CtrlID, Chicago) ' ********* TC - 45 Verify Calling Cards teststring.TC_Num = 45 TotalScenarios = TotalScenarios + 1 DefaultCallingCard (CallingCard, Prop_CtrlID, ML_CtrlID) VerifyCallingCard (Prop_CtrlID, ML_CtrlID) ' ********* TC - 37 Country Dialing Rules teststring.TC_Num = 37 TotalScenarios = TotalScenarios + 1 CountryDialRules(DialingRule, Prop_CtrlID, ML_CtrlID) ' The DialingRule array is defined in dialrule.inc ' ********* TC - 85 Remove Locations ''$ifdef NOTBERNIE teststring.TC_Num = 85 TotalScenarios = TotalScenarios + 1 ' invoke Dialing properties and get Handles hProperties = Call_Dialing_Prop (hParentTab, hMyLocTab, hTelDrvTab) GetDPCtrlh (hProperties, Prop_hCtrl, Prop_CtrlID) GetChildhandles (hMyLocTab, ML_hCtrl, ML_CtrlID) 'remove locations but Cancel out of dialing properties rtnstring = space$(20) rtnstring = RemoveLocation (Prop_hCtrl, ML_hCtrl, FALSE) ' invoke Dialing properties and get Handles hProperties = Call_Dialing_Prop (hParentTab, hMyLocTab, hTelDrvTab) GetDPCtrlh (hProperties, Prop_hCtrl, Prop_CtrlID) GetChildhandles (hMyLocTab, ML_hCtrl, ML_CtrlID) 'remove locations and OK out of dialing properties rtnstring = space$(20) rtnstring = RemoveLocation (Prop_hCtrl, ML_hCtrl, TRUE) ' invoke Dialing properties and get Handles hProperties = Call_Dialing_Prop (hParentTab, hMyLocTab, hTelDrvTab) GetDPCtrlh (hProperties, Prop_hCtrl, Prop_CtrlID) GetChildhandles (hMyLocTab, ML_hCtrl, ML_CtrlID) VerifyRemoveLoc (ML_hCtrl, rtnstring) ' ********* End of Test ''$IFDEF Run_Rest_Of_Test 'Close Dialing Properties window WButtonClick (_hwnd(Prop_hCtrl(DP_OKcmd)), TIMEOUT) ''$ENDIF 'Run_Rest_Of_Test ''$endif 'NOTBERNIE CloseCase (TEST_SCRIPT_TITLE) CloseLog Statusbox "The Dialing Properties Test is now Complete", _ 0,0,0,0, TRUE, TRUE Sleep 4 end '****************************** On Error Routine ****************************** ErrorHandler: ErrorMessage = "Unexpected error in the Dialing Properties Test: " + CRLF + CRLF + _ "Error: " + error$ + CRLF + _ "Error #:" + str$(Err) + CRLF + _ "Line #: " + str$(Erl) + CRLF + _ "File: " + Erf + CRLF + CRLF + _ "Attempt to continue?" '$IFDEF DEBUG_TEST_SCRIPT if Msgbox(ErrorMessage, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION or MB_YESNO) = IDYES then resume next else Stop endif '$ELSE logitem (CurrentLoggingLevel, ErrorMessage) Stop '$ENDIF 'DEBUG_TEST_SCRIPT '******************************************************************************