/*++ Copyright (c) 1990-1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: gdispool.h Abstract: This module contains private gdi spool definition to the Drvxxxx calls Author: 04-Jun-1996 Tue 10:50:56 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) [Environment:] spooler [Notes:] Revision History: Move most stuff to the winddiui.h in the public\oak\inc directory, this file only used by the gdi printer device drivers --*/ #ifndef _GDISPOOL_ #define _GDISPOOL_ #include #if DBG #ifdef DEF_DRV_DOCUMENT_EVENT_DBG_STR TCHAR *szDrvDocumentEventDbgStrings[] = { L"UNKNOWN ESCAPE", L"CREATEDCPRE", L"CREATEDCPOST", L"RESETDCPRE", L"RESETDCPOST", L"STARTDOC", L"STARTPAGE", L"ENDPAGE", L"ENDDOC", L"ABORTDOC", L"DELETEDC", L"ESCAPE", L"ENDDOCPOST", L"STARTDOCPOST" }; #endif #endif // #define(DEBUG) typedef int (WINAPI * PFNDOCUMENTEVENT)( HANDLE hPrinter, HDC hdc, int iEsc, ULONG cbIn, PULONG pbIn, ULONG cbOut, PULONG pbOut ); #endif // _GDISPOOL_