/*****************************************************************************\ * * WINSRV.H * * This file contains interface definitions for functions shared within the * winsrv.dll module on the server side. * * 12-10-93 SanfordS Created \*****************************************************************************/ // // USER and GDI use FASTCALL functions // #ifndef FASTCALL #if defined(_X86_) #define FASTCALL __fastcall #else #define FASTCALL #endif #endif // // Device Lock structure // typedef PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION PDEVICE_LOCK; HDEV hdevOpenDisplayDevice( PWSZ pwszDriver, // The device driver name. PDEVMODEW pdriv, // Driver data. HANDLE hScreen, // Handle to the base driver. BOOL bDefaultDisplay, // Is this the default display device. PDEVICE_LOCK *devLock); // Pointer to a variable for the semaphore pointer LBOOL APIENTRY bCloseDisplayDevice(HDEV hdev); BOOL APIENTRY bDisableDisplay(HDEV hdev); VOID APIENTRY vEnableDisplay(HDEV hdev); VOID APIENTRY GreLockDisplay(PDEVICE_LOCK devlock); VOID APIENTRY GreUnlockDisplay(PDEVICE_LOCK devlock); LBOOL APIENTRY GreLoadLayeredDisplayDriver(PWSZ pwszDriver); HDC APIENTRY hdcOpenDisplayDC(HDEV hdev,ULONG iType); ULONG APIENTRY GreGetResourceId(HDEV, ULONG, ULONG); BOOL APIENTRY bSetDevDragRect(HDEV, RECTL*, RECTL *); BOOL APIENTRY bSetDevDragWidth(HDEV, ULONG); BOOL APIENTRY bMoveDevDragRect(HDEV, RECTL*); typedef struct _CURSINFO /* ci */ { SHORT xHotspot; SHORT yHotspot; HBITMAP hbmMask; // AND/XOR bits HBITMAP hbmColor; FLONG flMode; } CURSINFO, *PCURSINFO; ULONG APIENTRY GreGetDriverModes(PWSZ pwszDriver, HANDLE hDriver, ULONG cjSize, DEVMODEW *pdm); ULONG APIENTRY GreSaveScreenBits(HDEV hdev, ULONG iMode, ULONG iIdent, RECTL *prcl); VOID APIENTRY GreSetPointer(HDEV hdev,PCURSINFO pci,ULONG fl); VOID APIENTRY GreMovePointer(HDEV hdev,int x,int y); /* * ----------------------- From usersrvl.lib module ------------------------ */ /* * FastProfile APIs */ typedef struct tagPROFINTINFO { UINT idSection; LPWSTR lpKeyName; DWORD nDefault; PUINT puResult; } PROFINTINFO, *PPROFINTINFO; int GetIntFromProfileID(int KeyID, int def); UINT UT_GetProfileStringW(LPCWSTR lpAppName, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, LPCWSTR lpDefault, LPWSTR lpReturnedString, DWORD nSize); UINT UT_GetProfileIntW(LPCWSTR lpAppName, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, DWORD nDefault); BOOL GetProfileIntsW(PPROFINTINFO ppii); #define PMAP_ROOT 0 #define PMAP_COLORS 1 #define PMAP_CURSORS 2 #define PMAP_WINDOWSM 3 #define PMAP_WINDOWSU 4 #define PMAP_DESKTOP 5 #define PMAP_ICONS 6 #define PMAP_FONTS 7 #define PMAP_BOOT 8 #define PMAP_TRUETYPE 9 #define PMAP_KBDLAYOUTACTIVE 10 #define PMAP_KBDLAYOUT 11 #define PMAP_SOUNDS 12 #define PMAP_INPUT 13 #define PMAP_COMPAT 14 #define PMAP_SUBSYSTEMS 15 #define PMAP_DSPDRIVER 16 #define PMAP_PRICONTROL 17 #define PMAP_FONTSUBS 18 #define PMAP_GREINIT 19 #define PMAP_BEEP 20 #define PMAP_MOUSE 21 #define PMAP_KEYBOARD 22 #define PMAP_FONTDPI 23 #define PMAP_HARDERRORCONTROL 24 #define PMAP_STICKYKEYS 25 #define PMAP_KEYBOARDRESPONSE 26 #define PMAP_MOUSEKEYS 27 #define PMAP_TOGGLEKEYS 28 #define PMAP_TIMEOUT 29 #define PMAP_SOUNDSENTRY 30 #define PMAP_SHOWSOUNDS 31 #define PMAP_KBDLAYOUTSUBST 32 #define PMAP_AEDEBUG 33 #define PMAP_NETWORK 34 #define PMAP_LSA 35 #define PMAP_CONTROL 36 #if (WINVER >= 0x0400) #define PMAP_METRICS 37 #define PMAP_KBDLAYOUTTOGGLE 38 #define PMAP_LAST 38 #else #define PMAP_LAST 36 #endif typedef struct tagFASTREGMAP { HANDLE hKeyCache; LPWSTR szSection; WORD wType; } FASTREGMAP, *PFASTREGMAP; BOOL OpenCacheKey(UINT idSection, ACCESS_MASK amRequest); BOOL FastOpenProfileUserMapping(void); BOOL FastCloseProfileUserMapping(void); DWORD FastGetProfileDwordW(UINT idSection, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, DWORD dwDefault); DWORD FastGetProfileStringW(UINT idSection, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, LPCWSTR lpDefault, LPWSTR lpReturnedString, DWORD nSize); UINT FastGetProfileIntW(UINT idSection, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, UINT nDefault); DWORD FastGetProfileDataSizeW(UINT idSection, LPCWSTR lpKeyName); BOOL FastWriteProfileStringW(UINT idSection, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, LPCWSTR lpString); int FastGetProfileIntFromID(UINT idSection, int KeyID, int def); DWORD FastGetProfileStringFromIDW(UINT idSection, UINT idKey, LPCWSTR lpDefault, LPWSTR lpReturnedString, DWORD cch); UINT UT_FastGetProfileStringW(UINT idSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPCWSTR pwszDefault, LPWSTR pwszReturn, DWORD cch); UINT UT_FastWriteProfileStringW(UINT idSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPCWSTR pwszString); UINT UT_FastGetProfileIntW(UINT idSection, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, DWORD nDefault); BOOL UT_FastGetProfileIntsW(PPROFINTINFO ppii); BOOL UT_FastUpdateWinIni(UINT idSection, UINT wKeyNameId, LPWSTR lpszValue);