/* MMIOTest.c * * Test the MMIO library. */ #include "mmiot32.h" // (Win32) /* constants */ #define MMIOM_ANSWER (MMIOM_USER + 1) // get answer to the universe /* globals */ char gszAppName[] = "MMIOTest"; // for title bar etc. HANDLE ghInst; // program instance handle /* prototypes */ void PASCAL AppPaint(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc); BOOL FAR PASCAL AppAbout(HWND hDlg, UINT uMessage, DWORD dwParam, LONG lParam); BOOL PASCAL AppInit(HANDLE hInst, HANDLE hPrev); LONG FAR PASCAL AppWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMessage, DWORD dwParam, LONG lParam); int WINAPI WinMain(HANDLE hInst, HANDLE hPrev, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int iCmdShow); void NEAR PASCAL Test1(HWND hwnd); void NEAR PASCAL TestHelloWorld(HMMIO hmmio, LONG lBufSize); MMIOPROC RCDIOProc; void NEAR PASCAL Test2(HWND hwnd); void NEAR PASCAL Test2Helper(BOOL fMemFile); void NEAR PASCAL FillBufferedFile(HMMIO hmmio, LONG lLongs); void NEAR PASCAL Test3(HWND hwnd); void NEAR PASCAL TestRIFF(HMMIO hmmio, BOOL fReadable); LPSTR NEAR PASCAL lstrrchr(LPSTR szSrc, char ch); #ifdef OMIT void NEAR PASCAL lmemset(void far *pDst, BYTE bSrc, long cDst); #endif //OMIT /* AppPaint(hwnd, hdc) * * This function is called whenever the application windows needs to be * redrawn. */ void PASCAL AppPaint( HWND hwnd, // window painting into HDC hdc) // display context to paint to { } /* AppAbout(hDlg, uMessage, dwParam, lParam) * * This function handles messages belonging to the "About" dialog box. * The only message that it looks for is WM_COMMAND, indicating the use * has pressed the "OK" button. When this happens, it takes down * the dialog box. */ BOOL FAR PASCAL // TRUE iff message has been processed AppAbout( HWND hDlg, // window handle of "about" dialog box UINT uMessage, // message number DWORD dwParam, // message-dependent parameter LONG lParam) // message-dependent parameter { switch (uMessage) { case WM_COMMAND: if (dwParam == IDOK) EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break; case WM_INITDIALOG: return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* AppInit(hInst, hPrev) * * This is called when the application is first loaded into memory. * It performs all initialization that doesn't need to be done once * per instance. */ BOOL PASCAL // returns TRUE iff successful AppInit( HANDLE hInst, // instance handle of current instance HANDLE hPrev) // instance handle of previous instance { WNDCLASS wndclass; #if DBG #if BOGUS //Laurie wpfGetDebugLevel(gszAppName); #endif #endif if (!hPrev) { /* Register a class for the main application window */ wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInst, "AppIcon"); wndclass.lpszMenuName = "AppMenu"; wndclass.lpszClassName = gszAppName; /* wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) COLOR_WINDOW + 1; */ wndclass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); wndclass.hInstance = hInst; // (Win32) wndclass.style = CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT | CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)AppWndProc; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; if (!RegisterClass(&wndclass)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* WinMain(hInst, hPrev, lpszCmdLine, cmdShow) * * The main procedure for the App. After initializing, it just goes * into a message-processing loop until it gets a WM_QUIT message * (meaning the app was closed). */ int WINAPI // returns exit code specified in WM_QUIT WinMain( HANDLE hInst, // instance handle of current instance HANDLE hPrev, // instance handle of previous instance LPSTR lpszCmdLine, // null-terminated command line int iCmdShow) // how window should be initially displayed { MSG msg; // message from queue HWND hwnd; // handle to app's window /* save instance handle for dialog boxes */ ghInst = hInst; /* call initialization procedure */ if (!AppInit(hInst, hPrev)) return FALSE; /* create the application's window */ hwnd = CreateWindow ( gszAppName, // window class gszAppName, // window caption WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, // window style CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, // initial position CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, // initial size NULL, // parent window handle NULL, // window menu handle hInst, // program instance handle NULL // create parameters ); ShowWindow(hwnd, iCmdShow); /* get messages from event queue and dispatch them */ while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return msg.wParam; /* Note: wParam is a DWORD in NT */ } /* AppWndProc(hwnd, uMessage, dwParam, lParam) * * The window proc for the app's main window. This processes all * of the parent window's messages. */ LONG FAR PASCAL // returns 0 iff processed message AppWndProc( HWND hwnd, // window's handle UINT uMessage, // message number DWORD dwParam, // message-dependent parameter LONG lParam) // message-dependent parameter { #ifdef WIN16 FARPROC fpfn; #endif PAINTSTRUCT ps; BOOL fAllTests = FALSE; switch (uMessage) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (dwParam) { case IDM_ABOUT: /* request to display "About" dialog box */ #ifdef WIN16 fpfn = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) AppAbout, ghInst); DialogBox(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ABOUTBOX), hwnd, fpfn); FreeProcInstance(fpfn); #else DialogBox(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ABOUTBOX), hwnd, (DLGPROC)AppAbout); #endif break; case IDM_EXIT: /* request to exit this program */ PostMessage(hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0L); break; case IDM_ALLTESTS: fAllTests = TRUE; /* fall through */ case IDM_TEST1: dprintf("\n--------------- Test1 ---------------\n"); Test1(hwnd); dprintf("Done Test1.\n"); if (!fAllTests) break; case IDM_TEST2: dprintf("\n--------------- Test2 ---------------\n"); Test2(hwnd); dprintf("Done Test2.\n"); if (!fAllTests) break; case IDM_TEST3: dprintf("\n--------------- Test3 ---------------\n"); Test3(hwnd); dprintf("Done Test3.\n"); if (!fAllTests) break; dprintf("Done All Tests.\n"); break; } return 0L; case WM_DESTROY: /* exit this program */ PostQuitMessage(0); break; case WM_PAINT: /* set up a paint structure, and call AppPaint() */ BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); AppPaint(hwnd, ps.hdc); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); return 0; } return (LONG)DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMessage, dwParam, lParam); } void NEAR PASCAL Test1(HWND hwnd) { HMMIO hmmio; char achMemFile[100]; MMIOINFO mmioinfo; HMMIO hmmioMF; // memory file handle long lBufSize; int fh; FARPROC farproc; // Added to make it compile. LKG dprintf("HelloWorld tests...\n"); /* open "hello.txt" unbuffered -- assume it contains * "hello world\r\n" (13 bytes) -- and run the TestHelloWorld test */ WinEval((hmmio = mmioOpen("hello.txt", NULL, 0)) != NULL); dprintf("TestHelloWorld() with no buffer\n"); TestHelloWorld(hmmio, 0); for (lBufSize = 1; lBufSize <= 15; lBufSize++) { /* re-run test for various buffer sizes */ WinEval(mmioSetBuffer(hmmio, NULL, lBufSize, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_SET) == 0L); dprintf("TestHelloWorld() with %ld-byte buffer\n", lBufSize); TestHelloWorld(hmmio, lBufSize); } /* copy file into a memory block, set up memory block * as a memory file, and re-run the test */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_SET) == 0L); WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, achMemFile, 13L) == 13L); memset(&mmioinfo, 0, sizeof(mmioinfo)); mmioinfo.fccIOProc = FOURCC_MEM; mmioinfo.pchBuffer = achMemFile; mmioinfo.cchBuffer = 13L; WinEval((hmmioMF = mmioOpen(NULL, &mmioinfo, 0)) != NULL); dprintf("TestHelloWorld() with memory file\n"); TestHelloWorld(hmmioMF, 13L); /* close the open files */ WinEval(mmioClose(hmmio, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioClose(hmmioMF, 0) == 0); /* open file and pass file handle to mmioOpen() */ WinEval((fh = _lopen("hello.txt", READ)) >= 0); memset(&mmioinfo, 0, sizeof(mmioinfo)); mmioinfo.adwInfo[0] = fh; WinEval((hmmio = mmioOpen((LPSTR) NULL, &mmioinfo, MMIO_ALLOCBUF)) != NULL); dprintf("TestHelloWorld() with file handle passed to mmioOpen()\n"); TestHelloWorld(hmmio, 0); WinEval(mmioClose(hmmio, 0) == 0); /* "hello.txt" is stored as an RCDATA resource named "Hello" -- * use this to try out the custom I/O procedure stuff */ dprintf("register Win3 RCDATA custom I/O procedure\n"); #define FOURCC_RCD mmioFOURCC('R', 'C', 'D', ' ') WinEval( (farproc = (FARPROC) RCDIOProc) != NULL ); /* installing it twice should just mean it has to be removed twice */ WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, NULL, MMIO_FINDPROC) == NULL); WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, (LPMMIOPROC) farproc, MMIO_INSTALLPROC) == (LPMMIOPROC) farproc); WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, NULL, MMIO_FINDPROC) == (LPMMIOPROC) farproc); WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, (LPMMIOPROC) farproc, MMIO_INSTALLPROC) == (LPMMIOPROC) farproc); WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, NULL, MMIO_FINDPROC) == (LPMMIOPROC) farproc); /* run the test without an I/O buffer */ dprintf("TestHelloWorld() unbuffered, with custom I/O procedure\n"); WinEval((hmmio = mmioOpen("mmiotest.rcd+Hello", NULL, 0)) != NULL); // changed ! to + LKG TestHelloWorld(hmmio, 0); WinEval(mmioClose(hmmio, 0) == 0); /* run the test with a standard-size I/O buffer */ dprintf("TestHelloWorld() buffered, with custom I/O procedure\n"); WinEval((hmmio = mmioOpen("mmiotest.rcd+Hello", NULL, MMIO_ALLOCBUF)) != NULL); TestHelloWorld(hmmio, MMIO_DEFAULTBUFFER); WinEval(mmioClose(hmmio, 0) == 0); /* remove the custom I/O procedure (it was installed twice above) */ WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, NULL, MMIO_FINDPROC) == (LPMMIOPROC) farproc); WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, NULL, MMIO_REMOVEPROC) == (LPMMIOPROC) farproc); WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, NULL, MMIO_FINDPROC) == (LPMMIOPROC) farproc); WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, NULL, MMIO_REMOVEPROC) == (LPMMIOPROC) farproc); WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, NULL, MMIO_FINDPROC) == NULL); WinEval(mmioInstallIOProc(FOURCC_RCD, NULL, MMIO_REMOVEPROC) == NULL); /* make sure the I/O procedure got removed */ WinEval(mmioOpen("mmiotest.rcd+Hello", NULL, 0) == NULL); } void NEAR PASCAL TestHelloWorld(HMMIO hmmio, LONG lBufSize) { MMIOINFO mmioinfo; char ach[100]; long lOffset; static NPSTR szHello = "hello world\r\n"; // contents of file long lAnswer; strcpy(ach, "Recognisable garbage!"); /* send the I/O procedure a custom message */ lAnswer = mmioSendMessage(hmmio, MMIOM_ANSWER, 20L, 22L); dprintf("answer %ld, ", lAnswer); /* expect to be at offset 0 now */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 0L); if (lBufSize > 0) { /* access buffer directly starting at "hello" */ WinEval(mmioGetInfo(hmmio, &mmioinfo, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioAdvance(hmmio, &mmioinfo, MMIO_READ) == 0); WinEval(lstrncmp(mmioinfo.pchNext, szHello, min((int) lBufSize, 13)) == 0); if (lBufSize >= 2) { WinAssert((mmioinfo.pchEndWrite - mmioinfo.pchNext) >= 2); mmioinfo.pchNext += 2; } WinEval(mmioSetInfo(hmmio, &mmioinfo, 0) == 0); /* expect to be at offset 2 now */ if (lBufSize >= 2) WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 2L); /* access buffer directly starting at "world" */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 6L, SEEK_SET) == 6L); WinEval(mmioGetInfo(hmmio, &mmioinfo, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioAdvance(hmmio, &mmioinfo, MMIO_READ) == 0); WinEval(lstrncmp(mmioinfo.pchNext, szHello + 6, min((int) lBufSize, 13 - 6)) == 0); WinEval(mmioSetInfo(hmmio, &mmioinfo, 0) == 0); /* expect to still be at offset 6 */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 6L); } /* go to offset 2 */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 2L, SEEK_SET) == 2L); /* read "llo" */ strcpy(ach, "Recognisable garbage!"); WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, ach, 3) == 3); WinEval(lstrncmp(ach, "llo", 3) == 0); /* read " wor" */ WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, ach, 4) == 4); if (lstrncmp(ach, " wor", 4) != 0) { printf("ach = <%s>, expected < wor>", ach); } WinEval(lstrncmp(ach, " wor", 4) == 0); /* expect to be at offset 9 now */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 9L); /* read "ld\r\n" -- ask for 7 bytes, but only expect 4 */ WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, ach, 7) == 4); WinEval(lstrncmp(ach, "ld\r\n", 4) == 0); /* expect to be at end of file now */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 13L); /* test seeking and reading for each offset in the file */ dprintf("reading from offset"); for (lOffset = 0; lOffset <= 11; lOffset++) { dprintf(" %ld", lOffset); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, lOffset, SEEK_SET) == lOffset); WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, ach, 2) == 2); WinEval(lstrncmp(ach, "hello world\r\n" + lOffset, 2) == 0); } dprintf(".\n"); /* check more seeking */ OutputDebugString("SEEK_SET\n"); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_SET) == 0L); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 13L, SEEK_SET) == 13L); OutputDebugString("SEEK_CUR\n"); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 13L); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, -2L, SEEK_CUR) == 11L); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 11L); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, -11L, SEEK_CUR) == 0L); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 0L); OutputDebugString("SEEK_END\n"); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 11L, SEEK_END) == 2L); OutputDebugString("SEEK_CUR\n"); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 2L); /* measure the length of the file */ OutputDebugString("SEEK_END\n"); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_END) == 13L); } /* TestHelloWorld */ /* 'RCD' I/O Procedure * * I/O procedure that will open e.g. "foo.rcd+bar" but it's a con. * It will chech that what's between the . and + is rcd, it will * check that bar is in fact "hello" and that foo is "mmiotest" * It then has a spoof "file" containing "hello world\r\n" */ typedef struct _MMIORCDINFO // How RCD IOProc uses MMIO.adwInfo[] { int fh; // DOS file handle long lOffset; // offset of start of resource long lSize; // size of resource (bytes) } MMIORCDINFO; LONG FAR PASCAL RCDIOProc( LPSTR lpmmioStr, // I/O status block (cast to LPSTR) UINT uMsg, // message number LONG lParam1, LONG lParam2) // message-specific parameters { LPMMIOINFO pmmio = (LPMMIOINFO) lpmmioStr; MMIORCDINFO FAR *pInfo = (MMIORCDINFO FAR *) pmmio->adwInfo; LPSTR szFileName = (LPSTR) lParam1; HANDLE hModule; // handle to module HANDLE hResInfo; // handle to resource information LONG lBytesLeft; // bytes left in res. after current pos. WORD wBytesAsk; // bytes asked to read WORD wBytes; // bytes actually read LONG lBytesTotal; // accum. bytes actually read LPSTR pchPlus; // pointer to '+' LPSTR pchDot; // pointer to '.rcd' LONG lNewOffset; static LPSTR lpData = "hello world\r\n"; // actual data switch (uMsg) { case MMIOM_OPEN: if (0 != stricmp(szFileName,"mmiotest.rcd+hello")) return MMIOERR_CANNOTOPEN; pInfo->lSize = strlen(lpData); pInfo->lOffset = 0; pmmio->lDiskOffset = 0L; return 0L; case MMIOM_CLOSE: return 0L; case MMIOM_READ: /* lParam2 = number of bytes to read */ /* lParam1 = address to deliver them to */ lBytesLeft = pInfo->lSize - pmmio->lDiskOffset; if (lParam2 > lBytesLeft) lParam2 = lBytesLeft; // memcpy((LPSTR)lParam1, lpData[pmmio->lDiskOffset], lParam2); but it trapped! { int i; for (i=0; ilDiskOffset++]; } } return lParam2; case MMIOM_WRITE: /* Windows resources are read-only */ return -1; case MMIOM_SEEK: /* calculate , the new offset (relative to the * beginning of the resource) */ switch ((int) lParam2) { case SEEK_SET: lNewOffset = lParam1; break; case SEEK_CUR: lNewOffset = pmmio->lDiskOffset + lParam1; break; case SEEK_END: lNewOffset = pInfo->lSize - lParam1; break; } if (lNewOffset<0) { dprintf("Seek to before start of rcd"); return -1; } if (lNewOffset>pInfo->lSize) { dprintf("Seek to after end of rcd"); return -1; } pmmio->lDiskOffset = lNewOffset; return lNewOffset; case MMIOM_ANSWER: /* this I/O procedure knows the answer to the universe */ return lParam1 + lParam2; } return 0L; } void NEAR PASCAL Test2( HWND hwnd) { dprintf("Test2 using a DOS file...\n"); Test2Helper(FALSE); dprintf("Test2 using a memory file...\n"); Test2Helper(TRUE); } void NEAR PASCAL Test2Helper( BOOL fMemFile) { HMMIO hmmio; HPSTR pchCallerData = NULL; long lBytesToRead; long lOffset; long lBufSize; long lMemFileBufSize; BOOL fBuffered; MMIOINFO mmioinfo; dprintf("creating 540000-byte file\n"); if (fMemFile) { /* create a memory file */ memset(&mmioinfo, 0, sizeof(mmioinfo)); mmioinfo.fccIOProc = FOURCC_MEM; mmioinfo.pchBuffer = NULL; mmioinfo.cchBuffer = 12344L; // initial size mmioinfo.adwInfo[0] = 76543L; // grow by this much WinEval((hmmio = mmioOpen(NULL, &mmioinfo, MMIO_CREATE | MMIO_READWRITE)) != NULL); } else { /* open "test2.tmp" for reading and writing */ WinEval((hmmio = mmioOpen("test2.tmp", NULL, MMIO_CREATE | MMIO_READWRITE | MMIO_ALLOCBUF)) != NULL); } /* create a file that's big enough so we do the following reads: * 40000, 60000, 80000, 100000, 120000, 140000 (sum 540000) */ FillBufferedFile(hmmio, 540000L / 4L); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 540000L); dprintf("create huge a buffer that's not segment boundary aligned\n"); /* we'll read stuff into the buffer at offset 12345, to try out * reading into the buffer across segment offsets */ if ((pchCallerData = GAllocPtr(140000L + 12345L)) == NULL) { dprintf("test program problem: can't allocate caller buffer\n"); WinAssert(FALSE); } lMemFileBufSize = 540000L; for (fBuffered = fMemFile; fBuffered <= TRUE; fBuffered++) { /* seek back */ dprintf("seek back, do 40000-140000 byte %s reads," " and check file contents\n", (LPSTR) (fBuffered ? "buffered" : "unbuffered")); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_SET) == 0L); /* read the file in varying large and huge reads, and at the * same time verify that the file was written to correctly */ for (lOffset = 0L, lBytesToRead = 40000L, lBufSize = 100000L; lBytesToRead <= 140000L; lOffset += lBytesToRead, lBytesToRead += 20000L, lBufSize -= 10000L) { long lLongs; long huge * pl; long lOffsetCheck; MMIOINFO mmioinfo; if (fMemFile) { /* juggle the memory file buffer around, but * don't truncate the data */ if (lMemFileBufSize == 540000L) lMemFileBufSize = 678901L; else lMemFileBufSize = 540000L; WinEval(mmioSetBuffer(hmmio, NULL, lMemFileBufSize, 0) == 0); } else if (fBuffered) { /* just to be nasty, let's play around with the * buffer size while all this is going on */ WinEval(mmioSetBuffer(hmmio, NULL, lBufSize, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioGetInfo(hmmio, &mmioinfo, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioAdvance(hmmio, &mmioinfo, MMIO_READ) == 0); WinEval(mmioSetInfo(hmmio, &mmioinfo, 0) == 0); } else { /* no buffer */ WinEval(mmioSetBuffer(hmmio, NULL, 0, 0) == 0); } /* read the next */ WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, pchCallerData + 12345L, lBytesToRead) == lBytesToRead); lLongs = lBytesToRead / 4L, pl = (long huge *) (pchCallerData + 12345L); lOffsetCheck = lOffset; while (lLongs-- > 0) { WinEval(*pl++ == lOffsetCheck); lOffsetCheck += 4; } } WinAssert(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 540000L); WinAssert(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_END) == 540000L); WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, pchCallerData + 12345L, 17L) == 0L); } if (pchCallerData != NULL) GFreePtr(pchCallerData); /* close "test2.tmp" */ WinEval(mmioClose(hmmio, 0) == 0); if (!fMemFile) { dprintf("delete the test file using MMIO_DELETE\n"); WinEval(mmioOpen("test2.tmp", NULL, MMIO_DELETE) == (HANDLE) TRUE); } } void NEAR PASCAL FillBufferedFile( HMMIO hmmio, LONG lLongs) { MMIOINFO mmioinfo; long lOffset = 0; /* fill buffered file with binary long integers, * where offset X (such that X % 4 == 0) contains long integer X */ /* begin direct access of the I/O buffer */ WinEval(mmioGetInfo(hmmio, &mmioinfo, 0) == 0); for( ; ; ) { long lAvail; // bytes available in buffer lAvail = mmioinfo.pchEndWrite - mmioinfo.pchNext; for( ; ; ) { if ((lAvail -= sizeof(lOffset)) < 0) break; if (lLongs-- <= 0) goto EXIT_FUNCTION; *((long *) mmioinfo.pchNext) = lOffset; mmioinfo.pchNext = (long)mmioinfo.pchNext + sizeof(long); // bypass compiler bug lOffset += sizeof(lOffset); } /* flush the I/O buffer */ mmioinfo.dwFlags |= MMIO_DIRTY; WinEval(mmioAdvance(hmmio, &mmioinfo, MMIO_WRITE) == 0); WinAssert((mmioinfo.pchNext + sizeof(lOffset)) <= mmioinfo.pchEndWrite); } EXIT_FUNCTION: /* end direct access of the I/O buffer */ mmioinfo.dwFlags |= MMIO_DIRTY; WinEval(mmioSetInfo(hmmio, &mmioinfo, 0) == 0); /* make sure we're where we think we should be */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == lOffset); } void NEAR PASCAL Test3( HWND hwnd) { HMMIO hmmio; DWORD dwFlags; MMIOINFO mmioinfo; for (dwFlags = 0; dwFlags <= MMIO_ALLOCBUF; dwFlags += MMIO_ALLOCBUF) { WinEval((hmmio = mmioOpen("test3.tmp", NULL, dwFlags | MMIO_CREATE | MMIO_WRITE)) != NULL); dprintf("TestRIFF(), %s, MMIO_WRITE: ", (LPSTR) (dwFlags == 0 ? "unbuffered" : "buffered")); TestRIFF(hmmio, FALSE); WinEval(mmioClose(hmmio, 0) == 0); WinEval((hmmio = mmioOpen("test3.tmp", NULL, dwFlags | MMIO_CREATE | MMIO_READWRITE)) != NULL); dprintf("TestRIFF(), %s, MMIO_READWRITE: ", (LPSTR) (dwFlags == 0 ? "unbuffered" : "buffered")); TestRIFF(hmmio, TRUE); WinEval(mmioClose(hmmio, 0) == 0); } /* create a memory file */ memset(&mmioinfo, 0, sizeof(mmioinfo)); mmioinfo.fccIOProc = FOURCC_MEM; mmioinfo.pchBuffer = NULL; mmioinfo.cchBuffer = 1L; // initial size mmioinfo.adwInfo[0] = 1L; // grow by this much WinEval((hmmio = mmioOpen(NULL, &mmioinfo, MMIO_CREATE | MMIO_READWRITE)) != NULL); dprintf("TestRIFF() with memory file: "); TestRIFF(hmmio, TRUE); WinEval(mmioClose(hmmio, 0) == 0); dprintf("delete the test file using MMIO_DELETE\n"); WinEval(mmioOpen("test3.tmp", NULL, MMIO_DELETE) == (HANDLE) TRUE); } /* Output from TestRIFF(): * * 00000000 RIFF (0001E32A) 'foo ' * 0000000C abc1 (00000001) * 00000016 abc2 (00000002) * 00000020 abc3 (00000003) * 0000002C abc4 (00000004) * 00000038 abc5 (00000005) * 00000046 abc6 (00000006) * 00000054 abc7 (00000007) * 00000064 LIST (0000007E) 'data' * 00000070 num1 (00000001) * 0000007A num2 (00000002) * 00000084 num3 (00000003) * 00000090 num4 (00000004) * 0000009C num5 (00000005) * 000000AA num6 (00000006) * 000000B8 num7 (00000007) * 000000C8 num8 (00000008) * 000000D8 num9 (00000009) * 000000EA xyz (0001E240) * 0001E332 */ void NEAR PASCAL TestRIFF( HMMIO hmmio, BOOL fReadable) { MMCKINFO ckRIFF; MMCKINFO ckLIST; MMCKINFO ck; HPSTR pchBuf, pchStart; int huge * pi; int i; #define FOURCC_FOO mmioFOURCC('f', 'o', 'o', ' ') #define FOURCC_ABC mmioFOURCC('a', 'b', 'c', ' ') #define FOURCC_DATA mmioFOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a') #define FOURCC_NUM mmioFOURCC('n', 'u', 'm', ' ') #define FOURCC_XYZ mmioFOURCC('x', 'y', 'z', ' ') dprintf("write file"); /* create 'RIFF' chunk, formtype ' */ ckRIFF.cksize = 0L; ckRIFF.fccType = FOURCC_FOO; WinEval(mmioCreateChunk(hmmio, &ckRIFF, MMIO_CREATERIFF) == 0); /* create chunks 'abc1' ... 'abc7' -- the data for the i-th chunk * is the first i uppercase letters of the alphabet */ for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { MMCKINFO ck; ck.ckid = FOURCC_ABC; ((NPSTR) (&ck.ckid))[3] = (CHAR)'0' + (CHAR)i; ck.cksize = 8 + i; WinEval(mmioCreateChunk(hmmio, &ck, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioWrite(hmmio, "ABCDEFG", (LONG) i) == (LONG) i); WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ck, 0) == 0); } /* create a LIST chunk with list type 'data' */ ckLIST.cksize = 0L; ckLIST.fccType = FOURCC_DATA; WinEval(mmioCreateChunk(hmmio, &ckLIST, MMIO_CREATELIST) == 0); /* create chunks 'num1' ... 'num9' -- the data for the i-th chunk * is the first i positive numbers */ for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { ck.ckid = FOURCC_NUM; ((NPSTR) (&ck.ckid))[3] = (CHAR)'0' + (CHAR)i; ck.cksize = 77; // make medAscend() work for a living WinEval(mmioCreateChunk(hmmio, &ck, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioWrite(hmmio, "123456789", (LONG) i) == (LONG) i); WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ck, 0) == 0); } /* ascend from the LIST chunk */ WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ckLIST, 0) == 0); /* write 'xyz' chunk to contain 123456 bytes that are filled with * short integers 0 to 123456/2 - 1; make the buffer misaligned * by 32768 bytes */ if ((pchBuf = GAllocPtr(123456L + 32768L)) == NULL) { dprintf("test program problem: out of memory\n"); WinAssert(FALSE); } pchStart = pchBuf + 32768L; for (pi = (int huge *) pchStart, i = 0; i < (int) (123456L / sizeof(int)); // (Win32) pi++, i++) *pi = i; ck.ckid = FOURCC_XYZ; WinEval(mmioCreateChunk(hmmio, &ck, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioWrite(hmmio, pchStart, 123456L) == 123456L); WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ck, 0) == 0); /* ascend from the RIFF chunk */ WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ckRIFF, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 0x0001E332L); /* destroy data in , , etc. to ensure a * valid test */ #ifdef OMIT lmemset(pchStart, 12, 123456L); #else memset(pchStart, 12, 123456L); #endif //OMIT memset(&ckRIFF, 34, sizeof(ckRIFF)); memset(&ckLIST, 56, sizeof(ckLIST)); memset(&ck, 78, sizeof(ck)); if (fReadable) { dprintf(", read file"); /* seek back */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_SET) == 0L); /* descend into RIFF chunk */ WinEval(mmioDescend(hmmio, &ckRIFF, NULL, 0) == 0); WinAssert(ckRIFF.ckid == FOURCC_RIFF); WinAssert(ckRIFF.cksize == 0x0001E32AL); WinAssert(ckRIFF.fccType == FOURCC_FOO); WinAssert(ckRIFF.dwDataOffset == 0x00000000L + 8L); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 0x0000000CL); /* find all the 'abc' chunks */ for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { MMCKINFO ck; char ach[10]; /* seek back to start of RIFF chunk data */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 12L, SEEK_SET) == 12L); ck.ckid = FOURCC_ABC; ((NPSTR) (&ck.ckid))[3] = (CHAR)'0' + (CHAR)i; WinEval(mmioDescend(hmmio, &ck, &ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) == 0); WinAssert(ck.cksize == (UINT)i); WinAssert(ck.fccType == 0); WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, ach, (LONG) i) == (LONG) i); WinEval(lstrncmp(ach, "ABCDEFG", i) == 0); if (i != 7) WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ck, 0) == 0); } /* we're down two levels -- ascend to end of RIFF chunk */ WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ckRIFF, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 0x0001E332L); /* seek back to start of RIFF chunk data */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 12L, SEEK_SET) == 12L); /* make sure we cannot find 'num1' chunk */ ck.ckid = mmioFOURCC('n', 'u', 'm', '1'); WinEval(mmioDescend(hmmio, &ck, &ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) == MMIOERR_CHUNKNOTFOUND); /* seek back to start of RIFF chunk data */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 12L, SEEK_SET) == 12L); /* make sure we can find 'data' list */ ckLIST.fccType = FOURCC_DATA; WinEval(mmioDescend(hmmio, &ckLIST, &ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDLIST) == 0); WinAssert(ckLIST.ckid == FOURCC_LIST); WinAssert(ckLIST.fccType == FOURCC_DATA); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 0x00000064L + 12L); /* descend into each of the 'num' chunks */ for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { FOURCC fcc; MMCKINFO ck; char ach[10]; fcc = FOURCC_ABC; ((NPSTR) (&fcc))[3] = (CHAR)'0' + (CHAR)i; WinEval(mmioDescend(hmmio, &ck, &ckLIST, 0) == 0); WinAssert(ck.cksize == (UINT)i); WinAssert(ck.fccType == 0); WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, ach, (LONG) i) == (LONG) i); WinEval(lstrncmp(ach, "123456789", i) == 0); WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ck, 0) == 0); } /* make sure we cannot go any further */ WinEval(mmioDescend(hmmio, &ck, &ckLIST, 0) == MMIOERR_CHUNKNOTFOUND); /* seek back to start of RIFF chunk data */ WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 12L, SEEK_SET) == 12L); /* seek to the 'xyz' chunk */ ck.ckid = FOURCC_XYZ; WinEval(mmioDescend(hmmio, &ck, &ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) == 0); WinAssert(ck.ckid == FOURCC_XYZ); WinAssert(ck.fccType == 0); WinEval(mmioRead(hmmio, pchStart, 123456L) == 123456L); WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ck, 0) == 0); /* ascend from the RIFF chunk */ WinEval(mmioAscend(hmmio, &ckRIFF, 0) == 0); WinEval(mmioSeek(hmmio, 0L, SEEK_CUR) == 0x0001E332L); /* check the contents of the 'xyz' chunk */ for (pi = (int huge *) pchStart, i = 0; i < (int) (123456L / sizeof(int)); // (Win32) pi++, i++) { WinAssert(*pi == i); } } GFreePtr(pchBuf); dprintf(", done.\n"); } /* sz = lstrrchr(szSrc, ch) * * Find the last occurence (NULL if not found) of


. */ LPSTR NEAR PASCAL lstrrchr( LPSTR szSrc, char ch) { LPSTR szLast = NULL; do { if (*szSrc == ch) szLast = szSrc; } while (*szSrc++ != 0); return szLast; } #ifdef OMIT /* lmemset(pDst, bSrc, cDst) * * Set all bytes in memory block to a byte value . */ void NEAR PASCAL lmemset( void far *pDst, BYTE bSrc, long cDst) { while (cDst-- > 0) *((BYTE huge *) pDst)++ = bSrc; } #endif //OMIT