/* ** Copyright 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** Author: Eric Veach, July 1994. */ #include #include #ifdef NT #include "prq-heap.h" #else #include "priorityq-heap.h" #endif #include "memalloc.h" #define INIT_SIZE 32 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #ifdef DEBUG #define LEQ(x,y) (*pq->leq)(x,y) #else /* Violates modularity, but a little faster */ #include "geom.h" #define LEQ(x,y) VertLeq((GLUvertex *)x, (GLUvertex *)y) #endif PriorityQ *pqNewPriorityQ( int (*leq)(PQkey key1, PQkey key2) ) { PriorityQ *pq = (PriorityQ *)memAlloc( sizeof( PriorityQ )); pq->size = 0; pq->max = INIT_SIZE; pq->nodes = (PQnode *)memAlloc( (INIT_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(pq->nodes[0]) ); pq->handles = (PQhandleElem *)memAlloc( (INIT_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(pq->handles[0]) ); pq->initialized = FALSE; pq->freeList = 0; pq->leq = leq; pq->nodes[1].handle = 1; /* so that Minimum() returns NULL */ pq->handles[1].key = NULL; return pq; } void pqDeletePriorityQ( PriorityQ *pq ) { memFree( pq->handles ); memFree( pq->nodes ); memFree( pq ); } static void FloatDown( PriorityQ *pq, long curr ) { PQnode *n = pq->nodes; PQhandleElem *h = pq->handles; PQhandle hCurr, hChild; long child; hCurr = n[curr].handle; for( ;; ) { child = curr << 1; if( child < pq->size && LEQ( h[n[child+1].handle].key, h[n[child].handle].key )) { ++child; } hChild = n[child].handle; if( child > pq->size || LEQ( h[hCurr].key, h[hChild].key )) { n[curr].handle = hCurr; h[hCurr].node = curr; break; } n[curr].handle = hChild; h[hChild].node = curr; curr = child; } } static void FloatUp( PriorityQ *pq, long curr ) { PQnode *n = pq->nodes; PQhandleElem *h = pq->handles; PQhandle hCurr, hParent; long parent; hCurr = n[curr].handle; for( ;; ) { parent = curr >> 1; hParent = n[parent].handle; if( parent == 0 || LEQ( h[hParent].key, h[hCurr].key )) { n[curr].handle = hCurr; h[hCurr].node = curr; break; } n[curr].handle = hParent; h[hParent].node = curr; curr = parent; } } void pqInit( PriorityQ *pq ) { long i; /* This method of building a heap is O(n), rather than O(n lg n). */ for( i = pq->size; i >= 1; --i ) { FloatDown( pq, i ); } pq->initialized = TRUE; } PQhandle pqInsert( PriorityQ *pq, PQkey keyNew ) { long curr; PQhandle free; curr = ++ pq->size; if( curr > pq->max ) { /* If the heap overflows, double its size. */ pq->max <<= 1; pq->nodes = (PQnode *)memRealloc( pq->nodes, (size_t) ((pq->max + 1) * sizeof( pq->nodes[0] ))); pq->handles = (PQhandleElem *)memRealloc( pq->handles, (size_t) ((pq->max + 1) * sizeof( pq->handles[0] ))); } if( pq->freeList == 0 ) { free = curr; } else { free = pq->freeList; pq->freeList = pq->handles[free].node; } pq->nodes[curr].handle = free; pq->handles[free].node = curr; pq->handles[free].key = keyNew; if( pq->initialized ) { FloatUp( pq, curr ); } return free; } PQkey pqExtractMin( PriorityQ *pq ) { PQnode *n = pq->nodes; PQhandleElem *h = pq->handles; PQhandle hMin = n[1].handle; PQkey min = h[hMin].key; if( pq->size > 0 ) { n[1].handle = n[pq->size].handle; h[n[1].handle].node = 1; h[hMin].key = NULL; h[hMin].node = pq->freeList; pq->freeList = hMin; if( -- pq->size > 0 ) { FloatDown( pq, 1 ); } } return min; } void pqDelete( PriorityQ *pq, PQhandle hCurr ) { PQnode *n = pq->nodes; PQhandleElem *h = pq->handles; long curr; assert( hCurr >= 1 && hCurr <= pq->max && h[hCurr].key != NULL ); curr = h[hCurr].node; n[curr].handle = n[pq->size].handle; h[n[curr].handle].node = curr; if( curr <= -- pq->size ) { if( curr <= 1 || LEQ( h[n[curr>>1].handle].key, h[n[curr].handle].key )) { FloatDown( pq, curr ); } else { FloatUp( pq, curr ); } } h[hCurr].key = NULL; h[hCurr].node = pq->freeList; pq->freeList = hCurr; }