/* ** Copyright 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** $Revision: 1.5 $ ** $Date: 1996/04/02 00:42:17 $ */ #ifdef NT #include #endif #include "gluint.h" #include #ifndef NT #include #else #include "winmem.h" #endif #include #include #include /* Make it not a power of two to avoid cache thrashing on the chip */ #define CACHE_SIZE 240 #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 struct GLUquadric { GLint normals; GLboolean textureCoords; GLint orientation; GLint drawStyle; #ifdef NT GLUquadricErrorProc errorCallback; #else void (*errorCallback)( GLint ); #endif }; GLUquadric * APIENTRY gluNewQuadric(void) { GLUquadric *newstate; newstate = (GLUquadric *) malloc(sizeof(GLUquadric)); if (newstate == NULL) { /* Can't report an error at this point... */ return NULL; } newstate->normals = GLU_SMOOTH; newstate->textureCoords = GL_FALSE; newstate->orientation = GLU_OUTSIDE; newstate->drawStyle = GLU_FILL; #ifdef NT newstate->errorCallback = (GLUquadricErrorProc)NULL; #endif return newstate; } void APIENTRY gluDeleteQuadric(GLUquadric *state) { free(state); } static void gluQuadricError(GLUquadric *qobj, GLenum which) { if (qobj->errorCallback) { qobj->errorCallback(which); } } void APIENTRY gluQuadricCallback(GLUquadric *qobj, GLenum which, void (CALLBACK *fn)()) { switch (which) { case GLU_ERROR: #ifdef NT qobj->errorCallback = (GLUquadricErrorProc) fn; #else qobj->errorCallback = (void (*)(GLint)) fn; #endif break; default: gluQuadricError(qobj, GLU_INVALID_ENUM); return; } } void APIENTRY gluQuadricNormals(GLUquadric *qobj, GLenum normals) { switch (normals) { case GLU_SMOOTH: case GLU_FLAT: case GLU_NONE: break; default: gluQuadricError(qobj, GLU_INVALID_ENUM); return; } qobj->normals = normals; } void APIENTRY gluQuadricTexture(GLUquadric *qobj, GLboolean textureCoords) { qobj->textureCoords = textureCoords; } void APIENTRY gluQuadricOrientation(GLUquadric *qobj, GLenum orientation) { switch(orientation) { case GLU_OUTSIDE: case GLU_INSIDE: break; default: gluQuadricError(qobj, GLU_INVALID_ENUM); return; } qobj->orientation = orientation; } void APIENTRY gluQuadricDrawStyle(GLUquadric *qobj, GLenum drawStyle) { switch(drawStyle) { case GLU_POINT: case GLU_LINE: case GLU_FILL: case GLU_SILHOUETTE: break; default: gluQuadricError(qobj, GLU_INVALID_ENUM); return; } qobj->drawStyle = drawStyle; } void APIENTRY gluCylinder(GLUquadric *qobj, GLdouble baseRadius, GLdouble topRadius, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks) { GLint i,j,max; GLfloat sinCache[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat sinCache2[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache2[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat sinCache3[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache3[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat angle; GLfloat x, y, zLow, zHigh; GLfloat sintemp, costemp; GLfloat length; GLfloat deltaRadius; GLfloat zNormal; GLfloat xyNormalRatio; GLfloat radiusLow, radiusHigh; int needCache2, needCache3; if (slices >= CACHE_SIZE) slices = CACHE_SIZE-1; if (slices < 2 || stacks < 1 || baseRadius < 0.0 || topRadius < 0.0 || height < 0.0) { gluQuadricError(qobj, GLU_INVALID_VALUE); return; } /* Compute length (needed for normal calculations) */ deltaRadius = baseRadius - topRadius; length = SQRT(deltaRadius*deltaRadius + height*height); #ifdef NT if (length == (GLfloat)0.0) { #else if (length == 0.0) { #endif gluQuadricError(qobj, GLU_INVALID_VALUE); return; } /* Cache is the vertex locations cache */ /* Cache2 is the various normals at the vertices themselves */ /* Cache3 is the various normals for the faces */ needCache2 = needCache3 = 0; if (qobj->normals == GLU_SMOOTH) { needCache2 = 1; } if (qobj->normals == GLU_FLAT) { if (qobj->drawStyle != GLU_POINT) { needCache3 = 1; } if (qobj->drawStyle == GLU_LINE) { needCache2 = 1; } } zNormal = deltaRadius / length; xyNormalRatio = height / length; for (i = 0; i < slices; i++) { angle = 2 * PI * i / slices; if (needCache2) { if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { sinCache2[i] = xyNormalRatio * SIN(angle); cosCache2[i] = xyNormalRatio * COS(angle); } else { sinCache2[i] = -xyNormalRatio * SIN(angle); cosCache2[i] = -xyNormalRatio * COS(angle); } } sinCache[i] = SIN(angle); cosCache[i] = COS(angle); } if (needCache3) { for (i = 0; i < slices; i++) { angle = 2 * PI * (i-0.5) / slices; if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { sinCache3[i] = xyNormalRatio * SIN(angle); cosCache3[i] = xyNormalRatio * COS(angle); } else { sinCache3[i] = -xyNormalRatio * SIN(angle); cosCache3[i] = -xyNormalRatio * COS(angle); } } } sinCache[slices] = sinCache[0]; cosCache[slices] = cosCache[0]; if (needCache2) { sinCache2[slices] = sinCache2[0]; cosCache2[slices] = cosCache2[0]; } if (needCache3) { sinCache3[slices] = sinCache3[0]; cosCache3[slices] = cosCache3[0]; } switch (qobj->drawStyle) { case GLU_FILL: /* Note: ** An argument could be made for using a TRIANGLE_FAN for the end ** of the cylinder of either radii is 0.0 (a cone). However, a ** TRIANGLE_FAN would not work in smooth shading mode (the common ** case) because the normal for the apex is different for every ** triangle (and TRIANGLE_FAN doesn't let me respecify that normal). ** Now, my choice is GL_TRIANGLES, or leave the GL_QUAD_STRIP and ** just let the GL trivially reject one of the two triangles of the ** QUAD. GL_QUAD_STRIP is probably faster, so I will leave this code ** alone. */ for (j = 0; j < stacks; j++) { zLow = j * height / stacks; zHigh = (j + 1) * height / stacks; radiusLow = baseRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / stacks); radiusHigh = baseRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) (j + 1) / stacks); glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: glNormal3f(sinCache3[i], cosCache3[i], zNormal); break; case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2[i], cosCache2[i], zNormal); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], zLow); if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, (float) (j+1) / stacks); } glVertex3f(radiusHigh * sinCache[i], radiusHigh * cosCache[i], zHigh); } else { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, (float) (j+1) / stacks); } glVertex3f(radiusHigh * sinCache[i], radiusHigh * cosCache[i], zHigh); if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], zLow); } } glEnd(); } break; case GLU_POINT: glBegin(GL_POINTS); for (i = 0; i < slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2[i], cosCache2[i], zNormal); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } sintemp = sinCache[i]; costemp = cosCache[i]; for (j = 0; j <= stacks; j++) { zLow = j * height / stacks; radiusLow = baseRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / stacks); if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sintemp, radiusLow * costemp, zLow); } } glEnd(); break; case GLU_LINE: for (j = 1; j < stacks; j++) { zLow = j * height / stacks; radiusLow = baseRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / stacks); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: glNormal3f(sinCache3[i], cosCache3[i], zNormal); break; case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2[i], cosCache2[i], zNormal); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], zLow); } glEnd(); } /* Intentionally fall through here... */ case GLU_SILHOUETTE: for (j = 0; j <= stacks; j += stacks) { zLow = j * height / stacks; radiusLow = baseRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / stacks); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: glNormal3f(sinCache3[i], cosCache3[i], zNormal); break; case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2[i], cosCache2[i], zNormal); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], zLow); } glEnd(); } for (i = 0; i < slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2[i], cosCache2[i], 0.0); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } sintemp = sinCache[i]; costemp = cosCache[i]; glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (j = 0; j <= stacks; j++) { zLow = j * height / stacks; radiusLow = baseRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / stacks); if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sintemp, radiusLow * costemp, zLow); } glEnd(); } break; default: break; } } void APIENTRY gluDisk(GLUquadric *qobj, GLdouble innerRadius, GLdouble outerRadius, GLint slices, GLint loops) { gluPartialDisk(qobj, innerRadius, outerRadius, slices, loops, 0.0, 360.0); } void APIENTRY gluPartialDisk(GLUquadric *qobj, GLdouble innerRadius, GLdouble outerRadius, GLint slices, GLint loops, GLdouble startAngle, GLdouble sweepAngle) { GLint i,j,max; GLfloat sinCache[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat angle; GLfloat x, y; GLfloat sintemp, costemp; GLfloat deltaRadius; GLfloat radiusLow, radiusHigh; GLfloat texLow, texHigh; GLfloat angleOffset; GLint slices2; GLint finish; if (slices >= CACHE_SIZE) slices = CACHE_SIZE-1; if (slices < 2 || loops < 1 || outerRadius <= 0.0 || innerRadius < 0.0 || innerRadius > outerRadius) { gluQuadricError(qobj, GLU_INVALID_VALUE); return; } if (sweepAngle < -360.0) sweepAngle = 360.0; if (sweepAngle > 360.0) sweepAngle = 360.0; if (sweepAngle < 0) { startAngle += sweepAngle; sweepAngle = -sweepAngle; } if (sweepAngle == 360.0) { slices2 = slices; } else { slices2 = slices + 1; } /* Compute length (needed for normal calculations) */ deltaRadius = outerRadius - innerRadius; /* Cache is the vertex locations cache */ angleOffset = startAngle / 180.0 * PI; for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { angle = angleOffset + ((PI * sweepAngle) / 180.0) * i / slices; sinCache[i] = SIN(angle); cosCache[i] = COS(angle); } if (sweepAngle == 360.0) { sinCache[slices] = sinCache[0]; cosCache[slices] = cosCache[0]; } switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: case GLU_SMOOTH: if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } else { glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); } break; default: case GLU_NONE: break; } switch (qobj->drawStyle) { case GLU_FILL: if (innerRadius == 0.0) { finish = loops - 1; /* Triangle strip for inner polygons */ glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(0.5, 0.5); } glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); radiusLow = outerRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) (loops-1) / loops); if (qobj->textureCoords) { texLow = radiusLow / outerRadius / 2; } if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { for (i = slices; i >= 0; i--) { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(texLow * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texLow * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], 0.0); } } else { for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(texLow * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texLow * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], 0.0); } } glEnd(); } else { finish = loops; } for (j = 0; j < finish; j++) { radiusLow = outerRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / loops); radiusHigh = outerRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) (j + 1) / loops); if (qobj->textureCoords) { texLow = radiusLow / outerRadius / 2; texHigh = radiusHigh / outerRadius / 2; } glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(texLow * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texLow * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], 0.0); if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(texHigh * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texHigh * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusHigh * sinCache[i], radiusHigh * cosCache[i], 0.0); } else { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(texHigh * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texHigh * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusHigh * sinCache[i], radiusHigh * cosCache[i], 0.0); if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(texLow * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texLow * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], 0.0); } } glEnd(); } break; case GLU_POINT: glBegin(GL_POINTS); for (i = 0; i < slices2; i++) { sintemp = sinCache[i]; costemp = cosCache[i]; for (j = 0; j <= loops; j++) { radiusLow = outerRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / loops); if (qobj->textureCoords) { texLow = radiusLow / outerRadius / 2; glTexCoord2f(texLow * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texLow * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sintemp, radiusLow * costemp, 0.0); } } glEnd(); break; case GLU_LINE: if (innerRadius == outerRadius) { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(sinCache[i] / 2 + 0.5, cosCache[i] / 2 + 0.5); } glVertex3f(innerRadius * sinCache[i], innerRadius * cosCache[i], 0.0); } glEnd(); break; } for (j = 0; j <= loops; j++) { radiusLow = outerRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / loops); if (qobj->textureCoords) { texLow = radiusLow / outerRadius / 2; } glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(texLow * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texLow * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], 0.0); } glEnd(); } for (i=0; i < slices2; i++) { sintemp = sinCache[i]; costemp = cosCache[i]; glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (j = 0; j <= loops; j++) { radiusLow = outerRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / loops); if (qobj->textureCoords) { texLow = radiusLow / outerRadius / 2; } if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(texLow * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texLow * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sintemp, radiusLow * costemp, 0.0); } glEnd(); } break; case GLU_SILHOUETTE: if (sweepAngle < 360.0) { for (i = 0; i <= slices; i+= slices) { sintemp = sinCache[i]; costemp = cosCache[i]; glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (j = 0; j <= loops; j++) { radiusLow = outerRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / loops); if (qobj->textureCoords) { texLow = radiusLow / outerRadius / 2; glTexCoord2f(texLow * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texLow * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sintemp, radiusLow * costemp, 0.0); } glEnd(); } } for (j = 0; j <= loops; j += loops) { radiusLow = outerRadius - deltaRadius * ((float) j / loops); if (qobj->textureCoords) { texLow = radiusLow / outerRadius / 2; } glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(texLow * sinCache[i] + 0.5, texLow * cosCache[i] + 0.5); } glVertex3f(radiusLow * sinCache[i], radiusLow * cosCache[i], 0.0); } glEnd(); if (innerRadius == outerRadius) break; } break; default: break; } } void APIENTRY gluSphere(GLUquadric *qobj, GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks) { GLint i,j,max; GLfloat sinCache1a[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache1a[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat sinCache2a[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache2a[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat sinCache3a[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache3a[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat sinCache1b[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache1b[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat sinCache2b[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache2b[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat sinCache3b[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat cosCache3b[CACHE_SIZE]; GLfloat angle; GLfloat x, y, zLow, zHigh; GLfloat sintemp1, sintemp2, sintemp3, sintemp4; GLfloat costemp1, costemp2, costemp3, costemp4; GLfloat zNormal; GLfloat xyNormalRatio; GLboolean needCache2, needCache3; GLint start, finish; if (slices >= CACHE_SIZE) slices = CACHE_SIZE-1; if (stacks >= CACHE_SIZE) stacks = CACHE_SIZE-1; if (slices < 2 || stacks < 1 || radius < 0.0) { gluQuadricError(qobj, GLU_INVALID_VALUE); return; } /* Cache is the vertex locations cache */ /* Cache2 is the various normals at the vertices themselves */ /* Cache3 is the various normals for the faces */ needCache2 = needCache3 = GL_FALSE; if (qobj->normals == GLU_SMOOTH) { needCache2 = GL_TRUE; } if (qobj->normals == GLU_FLAT) { if (qobj->drawStyle != GLU_POINT) { needCache3 = GL_TRUE; } if (qobj->drawStyle == GLU_LINE) { needCache2 = GL_TRUE; } } for (i = 0; i < slices; i++) { angle = 2 * PI * i / slices; sinCache1a[i] = SIN(angle); cosCache1a[i] = COS(angle); if (needCache2) { sinCache2a[i] = sinCache1a[i]; cosCache2a[i] = cosCache1a[i]; } } for (j = 0; j <= stacks; j++) { angle = PI * j / stacks; if (needCache2) { if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { sinCache2b[j] = SIN(angle); cosCache2b[j] = COS(angle); } else { sinCache2b[j] = -SIN(angle); cosCache2b[j] = -COS(angle); } } sinCache1b[j] = radius * SIN(angle); cosCache1b[j] = radius * COS(angle); } /* Make sure it comes to a point */ sinCache1b[0] = 0; sinCache1b[stacks] = 0; if (needCache3) { for (i = 0; i < slices; i++) { angle = 2 * PI * (i-0.5) / slices; sinCache3a[i] = SIN(angle); cosCache3a[i] = COS(angle); } for (j = 0; j <= stacks; j++) { angle = PI * (j - 0.5) / stacks; if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { sinCache3b[j] = SIN(angle); cosCache3b[j] = COS(angle); } else { sinCache3b[j] = -SIN(angle); cosCache3b[j] = -COS(angle); } } } sinCache1a[slices] = sinCache1a[0]; cosCache1a[slices] = cosCache1a[0]; if (needCache2) { sinCache2a[slices] = sinCache2a[0]; cosCache2a[slices] = cosCache2a[0]; } if (needCache3) { sinCache3a[slices] = sinCache3a[0]; cosCache3a[slices] = cosCache3a[0]; } switch (qobj->drawStyle) { case GLU_FILL: /* Do ends of sphere as TRIANGLE_FAN's (if not texturing) ** We don't do it when texturing because we need to respecify the ** texture coordinates of the apex for every adjacent vertex (because ** it isn't a constant for that point) */ if (!(qobj->textureCoords)) { start = 1; finish = stacks - 1; /* Low end first (j == 0 iteration) */ sintemp2 = sinCache1b[1]; zHigh = cosCache1b[1]; switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: sintemp3 = sinCache3b[1]; costemp3 = cosCache3b[1]; break; case GLU_SMOOTH: sintemp3 = sinCache2b[1]; costemp3 = cosCache2b[1]; glNormal3f(sinCache2a[0] * sinCache2b[0], cosCache2a[0] * sinCache2b[0], cosCache2b[0]); break; default: break; } glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, radius); if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { for (i = slices; i >= 0; i--) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2a[i] * sintemp3, cosCache2a[i] * sintemp3, costemp3); break; case GLU_FLAT: if (i != slices) { glNormal3f(sinCache3a[i+1] * sintemp3, cosCache3a[i+1] * sintemp3, costemp3); } break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } glVertex3f(sintemp2 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp2 * cosCache1a[i], zHigh); } } else { for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2a[i] * sintemp3, cosCache2a[i] * sintemp3, costemp3); break; case GLU_FLAT: glNormal3f(sinCache3a[i] * sintemp3, cosCache3a[i] * sintemp3, costemp3); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } glVertex3f(sintemp2 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp2 * cosCache1a[i], zHigh); } } glEnd(); /* High end next (j == stacks-1 iteration) */ sintemp2 = sinCache1b[stacks-1]; zHigh = cosCache1b[stacks-1]; switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: sintemp3 = sinCache3b[stacks]; costemp3 = cosCache3b[stacks]; break; case GLU_SMOOTH: sintemp3 = sinCache2b[stacks-1]; costemp3 = cosCache2b[stacks-1]; glNormal3f(sinCache2a[stacks] * sinCache2b[stacks], cosCache2a[stacks] * sinCache2b[stacks], cosCache2b[stacks]); break; default: break; } glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, -radius); if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2a[i] * sintemp3, cosCache2a[i] * sintemp3, costemp3); break; case GLU_FLAT: glNormal3f(sinCache3a[i] * sintemp3, cosCache3a[i] * sintemp3, costemp3); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } glVertex3f(sintemp2 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp2 * cosCache1a[i], zHigh); } } else { for (i = slices; i >= 0; i--) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2a[i] * sintemp3, cosCache2a[i] * sintemp3, costemp3); break; case GLU_FLAT: if (i != slices) { glNormal3f(sinCache3a[i+1] * sintemp3, cosCache3a[i+1] * sintemp3, costemp3); } break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } glVertex3f(sintemp2 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp2 * cosCache1a[i], zHigh); } } glEnd(); } else { start = 0; finish = stacks; } for (j = start; j < finish; j++) { zLow = cosCache1b[j]; zHigh = cosCache1b[j+1]; sintemp1 = sinCache1b[j]; sintemp2 = sinCache1b[j+1]; switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: sintemp4 = sinCache3b[j+1]; costemp4 = cosCache3b[j+1]; break; case GLU_SMOOTH: if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { sintemp3 = sinCache2b[j+1]; costemp3 = cosCache2b[j+1]; sintemp4 = sinCache2b[j]; costemp4 = cosCache2b[j]; } else { sintemp3 = sinCache2b[j]; costemp3 = cosCache2b[j]; sintemp4 = sinCache2b[j+1]; costemp4 = cosCache2b[j+1]; } break; default: break; } glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2a[i] * sintemp3, cosCache2a[i] * sintemp3, costemp3); break; case GLU_FLAT: case GLU_NONE: default: break; } if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, 1 - (float) (j+1) / stacks); } glVertex3f(sintemp2 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp2 * cosCache1a[i], zHigh); } else { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, 1 - (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(sintemp1 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp1 * cosCache1a[i], zLow); } switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2a[i] * sintemp4, cosCache2a[i] * sintemp4, costemp4); break; case GLU_FLAT: glNormal3f(sinCache3a[i] * sintemp4, cosCache3a[i] * sintemp4, costemp4); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } if (qobj->orientation == GLU_OUTSIDE) { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, 1 - (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(sintemp1 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp1 * cosCache1a[i], zLow); } else { if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, 1 - (float) (j+1) / stacks); } glVertex3f(sintemp2 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp2 * cosCache1a[i], zHigh); } } glEnd(); } break; case GLU_POINT: glBegin(GL_POINTS); for (j = 0; j <= stacks; j++) { sintemp1 = sinCache1b[j]; costemp1 = cosCache1b[j]; switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: case GLU_SMOOTH: sintemp2 = sinCache2b[j]; costemp2 = cosCache2b[j]; break; default: break; } for (i = 0; i < slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2a[i] * sintemp2, cosCache2a[i] * sintemp2, costemp2); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } zLow = j * radius / stacks; if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, 1 - (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(sintemp1 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp1 * cosCache1a[i], costemp1); } } glEnd(); break; case GLU_LINE: case GLU_SILHOUETTE: for (j = 1; j < stacks; j++) { sintemp1 = sinCache1b[j]; costemp1 = cosCache1b[j]; switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: case GLU_SMOOTH: sintemp2 = sinCache2b[j]; costemp2 = cosCache2b[j]; break; default: break; } glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: glNormal3f(sinCache3a[i] * sintemp2, cosCache3a[i] * sintemp2, costemp2); break; case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sinCache2a[i] * sintemp2, cosCache2a[i] * sintemp2, costemp2); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, 1 - (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(sintemp1 * sinCache1a[i], sintemp1 * cosCache1a[i], costemp1); } glEnd(); } for (i = 0; i < slices; i++) { sintemp1 = sinCache1a[i]; costemp1 = cosCache1a[i]; switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: case GLU_SMOOTH: sintemp2 = sinCache2a[i]; costemp2 = cosCache2a[i]; break; default: break; } glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (j = 0; j <= stacks; j++) { switch(qobj->normals) { case GLU_FLAT: glNormal3f(sintemp2 * sinCache3b[j], costemp2 * sinCache3b[j], cosCache3b[j]); break; case GLU_SMOOTH: glNormal3f(sintemp2 * sinCache2b[j], costemp2 * sinCache2b[j], cosCache2b[j]); break; case GLU_NONE: default: break; } if (qobj->textureCoords) { glTexCoord2f(1 - (float) i / slices, 1 - (float) j / stacks); } glVertex3f(sintemp1 * sinCache1b[j], costemp1 * sinCache1b[j], cosCache1b[j]); } glEnd(); } break; default: break; } }